

The Study of Doors and Windows of Traditional Houses in Suzhou Area

【作者】 顾蓓蓓

【导师】 郑时龄; 卢永毅;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 苏州地区历史悠久,以吴越文化为基础发展至明代,该地区成为全国经济重心的格局愈加不可动摇;随着经济的进步,文人大贾齐聚于此,文风日盛,形成了极具地域特色的吴文化,同时集中出现了为数不少的江南名镇,并以此为核心形成了自成体系的经济、文化格局,江南明清民居建筑门窗艺术特色就是在此基础上逐渐发展成长起来的。环苏州分布着西山、东山、周庄、同里、用直、木渎、西塘、乌镇、南浔等历史名镇,精美的清代民居几乎遍及各镇。香山派工匠的精湛技艺、聚集于该地区士大夫的审美情趣、以及吴文化的深层底蕴都在民居门窗中留下了痕迹,同时折射出清代苏州地区的文化风貌和社会状况。因其社会内涵和艺术价值具有相对的独立性和典型性,笔者尝试对苏州地区清代民居门窗艺术作深入探讨。本文以田野调查及文献收集为立足点,横向展现了本地域民居门窗的种类、构件的艺术特色、雕刻题材的内容以及典型的辟邪文化;纵向研究民居门窗艺术产生、发展、转变的自然背景和社会背景。全文共分六个章节:“序”和“导论”阐述了本论文选择门窗作为研究对象的原因,并对研究的时间范围、地域范围及研究对象进行界定;同时对中国建筑门窗发展历史做一概括梳理,结合考古资料总结每一历史时期建筑门窗的基本特征。第一章结合大量图片和历史照片,总结了使用于传统民居中的不同门窗类型;通过对历史文献以及明清版画的研究,再现明清苏州地区传统民居格扇形制的演变过程。第二章利用力学原理分析门窗主要构件的受力状况;结合测绘实例,总结不同榫卯形式的适用范围以及格扇的安装方式;介绍香山帮漆作工艺。第三章以门窗装饰图像为研究对象,从棂格图案和雕刻图案两个方面入手,阐述装饰图案的类型;进而阐述作者对门窗装饰图像的几点认识。第四章介绍了作者在苏州地区传统民居门与窗研究工作中得到的成果:门与窗设置的一般规律;门窗与自然环境、所有者与使用者之间作用与反作用的关系。第五章是对苏州地区传统民居民间造门风俗的研究。堪舆、鲁班尺、装饰图案的使用、镇物厌胜以及门楣辟邪物大多与习俗、巫术等民间无形文化息息相关,发展渊源多出自于古老的神话传说,文章通过调查和分析,从中探索本地普通民众的信仰和民俗文化。苏州地区民居的门窗艺术以地理环境为依托,以历史文化作底蕴,各个艺术门类的繁荣和建造工艺的快速发展,促成了它的兴盛,最终在苏州地区形成独树一帜的明清历史村镇、历史建筑群。传统民居的门窗艺术是传统民居建筑的重要组成部分,是我们研究地域文化的一扇窗口,其中丰富的人文内涵和深厚的文化积淀使得它有永远值得发掘和探询的价值。

【Abstract】 The Suzhou area, with its long history and development based on the Wu Yue Civilization, consolidated its status as the country’ s economic center in the Ming Dynasty. With the advancement of economy, literators and rich merchants all gathered in this area, and the automosphere of literature prevailed. Thus formed the Wu culture that was notably peculiar to the region. And simultaneously, a large number of Jiangnan-famous-towns started to come into existance, centering on which, its own economic and cultural pattern was built complete, and based on that gradually developed and prospered the artistic characteristics of the residential doors-and-windows of the Ming Qing Dynasty in Jiangnan.Revolving about the Suzhou area stand the West Mountain, the East Mountain, and some famous historical towns such as Zhouzhuang, Tongli, Guzhi, Mudu, Xi tang, Wuzhen, Nanxun, etc. There are traces in the residential doors-and-windows of the ingenious skills of the Xiangshan craftsmen, the esthetic sentiments of the scholar-bureaucrats assembling in the area, and the profound background of the Wu culture. And the cultural state and social condition of the Qing Dynasty in the area are also reflected. Due to the independence and typicality of its social connotation and artistic value, the author tries to give a thorough discussion on the art of the residential doors-and-windows of Qing Dynasty in the Suzhou area.With field investigation and literature collection as the basic stand, this paper horizontally exhibits the assortments of the residential doors-and-windows in the area, the artistic characteristics of the components, the content of the enchasing subjects, and the typical apotropaic culture. It also longitudinally studies the natural and social background of the appearance, the development andthe transformation of the residential doors-and-windows.The whole passage can be devided into seven chapters:The Preface and Introduction expatiate the reasons for choosing the doors-and-windows as the object of study in this paper and limit the research boundaries concerning time, space and object of the study. They also give a regulated summary of the development history of the Chinese architectural doors-and-windows, and, combining the archaeological data, genelize the basic characteristics of the doors-and-windows in every historical period. Chapter 1 combining a large mumber of pictures and historical photos, demonstrates the assortments of the doors-and-windows and their components, and through the studying of historical literature and prints of Ming-Qing Dynasty, makes the evolvement of the doors-and-windows redivivus.Chapter 2 using the mechanics to analyse the main frameworks’ carrying capacity. Combining the mapping examples, summarizes the using-field of different kinds of joints. And introduces the lacquer technics of XiangShan faction .Capter 3, with the decoration patterns as the object of study, beginning with the lattice patterns and the enchasing patterns, expatiates the styles of the decoration patterns respectively and expatiates the viewpoints about the decoration patterns of the author.Chapter 4 narrates the production of the author in investigating the doors-and-windows in SuZhou area, such as the principle of designing the doors-and-windows, the relationship among the doors-and-windows, entironment andpeople.Chapter 5 is the study on the local door-building customs for traditional residences. The Kanyu measurement, the Luban ruler, the application of the decoration patterns, and the lintel talismans were all most closely linked to the intangible folk cultures such as the customs and the sorcery, most of which came from the old myth or legend. This paper explores the local people’ s belief and folk-custom culture through investigation and analysis.Based on its geographic environment and historical and cultural background, the art of residential doors-and-windows in Suzhou area was prospered with the flourishing of all art categories and the rapid development of the constructional craftsmenship, and eventually formed in the Suzhou area the unique historical villages and towns of the Ming Qing Dynasty and a complex of historical architectures. The art of the traditional residential doors-and-windows is a vital component of the traditional residential houses. It is also a window through which we can study the regional culture, of which the enriching human connotation and the profound cultural accumulation are always worth the efforts of exploring and probing.Afterdissertation part records the interviews of the author and the designers who involved in the work of traditional architecture and also records the actuality of the three kinds of antique workshops .Take the traditional doors-and-windows’ design and manufacture as an example, this part derivates the problems in the process of historical town’ protecting and renewaling and giving the problem-solving direction.

【关键词】 苏州地区传统民居
【Key words】 the Suzhou areatraditional residential housedoors-and-windows
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-092
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2520
  • 攻读期成果

