

The Research on Policy and Contents of Taipei’s Urban Design Review

【作者】 洪廸光

【导师】 陈秉钊;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划理论与方法, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 台北市城市设计审议制度早期的主要功能是弥补建筑管理法令的缺乏弹性与不足,但近年来则逐步演变成引领公私部门戮力提升城市开发品质的一种制度。在商业挂帅的今天,开发建商极有可能为了私利而破坏整体环境景,唯有透过审议制度的严格控管,才有可能让破坏环境生态的事减至最低。本研究从台北市城市设计的价值观出发,着眼于台北市城市设计审议制度与审议内容的探讨,希望了解此一机制在引领城市建设发展的同时,是否也能发挥监控环境品质的功能,让城市发展与提升城市品质齐头并进。本研究针对笔者参与台北市城市设计审议委员会6年时间,审议600件以上城市设计项目,审议的对象可能是住宅、办公大楼、百货商场、学校、医院、公园、古迹…等不同类别;而每个类别因属性不同,功能性迥异,审议的重点亦有所不同,本研究汇整分析后,分门别类整理出其审议内容的重点。另外再从600件城市设计项目中,分析归纳出其审议内容包含:1.视觉景观美学2.文化历史保存3.环境品质改善4.以人为本5.节约能源及绿建筑6.公共安全7.公共交通8.公共艺术9形塑城市独特风貌等,九大价值观,并依其特色加以阐述说明。本研究除了选取笔者参与审议之较具代表性之城市设计审议项目,论证九大价值观之外;也将九大价值观在笔者个人执业的建筑师事务所执行的设计业务上进行实务操作,藉以探讨城市设计审议制度及审议内容的理论与开发实务之间的差异性。他山之石可以攻错,两岸城市设计经验其实可以互相交流、截长补短,本研究汇整台湾城市设计发展的负面案例作为借镜,希望国内发展避免重蹈覆辙。本研究主要成果包括:一、检讨台北市城市设计审议制度的优缺点及拟定未来改进方向。二、从600件项目中分门别类整理出不同的审议内容重点以供参考。三、整理分析研究台湾城市设计发展的负面案例。四、研究分析归纳出九大价值观,并举出实例及笔者实际操作之项目加以论述。

【Abstract】 Urban Design is an integral conception and arrangement for the formation of cities and spatial environment, as well as the whole process which penetrates the urban planning. Thru the communication and coordination during the process, the deliberation of urban design expects that the development projects while focusing on the business profit could consider the enhancement of the whole environmental quality of open space, public activities and urban landscape.In the early phase, Taipei’s Urban Design Review mainly operated to compensate for the absence of flexibility and insufficiency in the regulations of building management. In recent period, it turns to lead the encouragement of cooperative urban development between government and private sectors. Today, business profit is the top priority for developers. They are very likely to devastate the whole environmental landscape due to their self-interest. The Urban Design Review is the only way to diminish the damage of environmental ecology to the minimum extent thru the strict supervision.Launching from the viewpoint of the values for Taipei’s urban development, this research focuses on the exploration of Taipei’s Urban Design Review and its contents. It is assessed whether the mechanism can elaborate the function on supervising the environmental quality and assure that the urban development advances side by side with the promotion of urban living quality.Due to the objects of the Urban Design Review contain residences, office buildings, business complex, schools, hospitals, parks, historical spots, etc.,…, each category has its distinctive usage and functions. Therefore, the emphasis on the Urban Design Review for each category has differences because of case attribute. This research sorts out the main issues concerned in each category. Moreover, this research breakdowns the spotlight of the Urban Design Review into nine value constructs, which are: 1. aesthetics of visual landscape, 2.presevation of culture and history, 3.improvement in environmental quality, 4.humanity as base, 5. energy conservation and green architecture, 6.public safety, 7.public transportation, 8. public arts, 9.unique formation of urban. The feature for each construct is described in details.The results of this research include:1. the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the deliberation and the future directions for improvement;2. the proposition for the key points of the Urban Design Review in each category based on case attribute from 600 examples as the reference for the future review of urban design3. the analysis of bad examples of urban design in Taipei.4. the development of nine value constructs for the contents in the Urban Design Review as well as the discussion with examples.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】608

