

The Origin and Development of Western Modern Collective Housing

【作者】 周磊

【导师】 罗小未; 卢永毅;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “集合住宅”是一个出现时间并不很长的名词,它是基于一种在新的视角下对住宅建筑进行细化分类的产物。一般而言,它指由两个或两个以上具有相似性质的、供多个家庭使用的单元组成的住宅单体;与之相对应的类型是只含一个居住单元,只能供一个家庭使用的独立式住宅。而“现代集合住宅”则是随着工业革命应运而生的新的集合住宅,它与历史上曾经零散出现的一宅多户集合住宅又有不同。由于现代集合住宅已成为构成现代城市的主体之一,对它进行深入研究具有重要的建筑和社会意义。本篇论文主要着眼于对现代集合住宅的产生和发展的历史过程及规律进行研究和探讨。从工业革命到当代,现代集合住宅在其两百余年的发展过程中,从类型到形态都一直在发生变化,按照时代背景和本身发展特点的不同,大致可被分为“产生、传播、进化、选择”四个阶段。有多种因素,如人口的增长、城市化的进程、技术的进步、城市规划思想的发展、建筑思潮、生活模式的改变等等在推动着这些变化的产生,并在不同阶段表现出不同的影响力。确定其中主导性的因素并探讨它们是如何对现代集合住宅的发展产生影响,成为研究的重点,对于把握现代集合的未来有着重要的意义。本篇论文在结构上由三部分组成,采取了提出问题——系统论述——总结论点的结构。第一部分为绪论,为论文的第一章。在这一章中,首先对集合住宅的概念进行了明确的界定,然后对研究的意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法和指导思想、研究范围进行阐述,为论证的展开做好准备。第二部分为论述部分,是论文的主体,包括了第二至四章。第二章论述现代集合住宅于工业革命期间在英国的产生过程和主要的类型,并对导致其产生的因素进行了分析。第三章论述现代集合住宅在欧美的传播和发展过程,介绍这一时期的有代表性的集合住宅类型和建筑师的成就,以及乌托邦思想和恩格斯《论住宅问题》的内容和意义。第四章论述现代集合住宅在现代主义时期的进化过程,分别对社会背景、主要建筑师、建筑组织、住宅展和欧美各国的情况进行了介绍和分析。第五章论述现代集合住宅在现代主义之后时期的选择,介绍了社会的变化、主要的发展动向和1987年IBA住宅展。在每一章中都对影响集合住宅发展的因素进行了分析与归纳。第三部分为结论。对现代集合住宅各阶段的发展特点和影响因素予以归纳,并总结强调了论点。

【Abstract】 Collective Housing is a terminology with short history, resulted from a detailed classification of housing with a new angle. General speaking, it is composed of two or more housing units with similar trait for multi-family habitation, while independent house with single housing unit is differed from it for because of one family usage. Modern Collective Housing refers to the new one which appears along with Industry Revolution, and it is also different from the former one with multi-family within one unit built respectively in the past history. Since Modern Collective Housing becomes one of the main parts of modern city, the research on it is of both social and architectural academic importance. This dissertation mainly focuses on analysis and study of the process and rules of Modern Collective Housing when it takes shape and evolves.Since Industry Revolution, Modem Collective Housing has experienced both typology and form changes for more than two hundred years. According to its time background and developing character, its evolution can be divided into four stages such as origin, spreading, evolution and selection. There are many forces which result in the changes mentioned above such as increased population, urbanization process, improved technology, developed planning idea, architectural trend and the change of living pattern, and their influence differ at different stages. The focus of this research is to find out the key forces among them and discuss the way they affect the development of Modern Collective Housing, and this is important for the future of Modern Collective Housing.This dissertation is written under a frame structure composed of three parts: hypothesis, systematic articulation and conclusion.The first part, also the 1st chapter, offers an introduction of the dissertation. First, it clearly defines the concept of Modern Collective Housing. Then it points out the importance of this study, reviews the related research achievement and methodology, and delineates the research principle and work scope. The viewpoints to be raised and the theory to be developed is well prepares in this way.The second part is the main body of theoretical explanation, includs chapters from the 2nd to the fourth. Chapter Two discusses the process of its origin and main types of Modern Collective Housing in UK during Industry Revolution. And the affecting elements which contribute to its origin are analyzed. Chapter Three discusses how the Modern Collective Housing spread and developed in both America and Europe, and introduces the representative achievement of architects and its types during this period. The Utopian idea, the content and importance of the book "issues about housing" by Angels are discussed. Chapter Four introduces the development of Modern Collective Housing in modern time. By the means of introducing social background, key architects, architectural organizations, housing exhibition as well as the situation in different countries of the Modern Collective Housing in both America and Europe. Chapter Five examines several main trends of Modern Collective Housing after the period of Modern Architecture, introduces the social changes, main developing trend and IBA housing exhibition in 1987. The forces that affect the development of Modern Collective Housing are analyzed and generalized in each chapter.The third part, as the conclusion, generalizes the developing character and the affecting forcers of Modern Collective Housing at different stages. The concluding points are stressed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU241;TU-0
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2563

