

The Institution Arrangements of Old Building Reuse in America and Their Use for Reference to Shanghai

【作者】 王信

【导师】 伍江;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 旧建筑再利用问题所涉及的不仅仅是建筑设计,或者是规划的层面。制度安排问题,才是影响旧建筑再利用未来在上海发展的根本问题。一个好的制度安排,才能使建筑师在旧建筑再利用上实现更好的价值。论文运用经济学的基础理论,借鉴了制度经济学和集体选择经济学的分析方法,对美国旧建筑再利用的基本情况按照制度安排的思路进行了比较全面的梳理和分析,并在此基础上提出了对上海旧建筑再利用制度安排的借鉴。第一章,市场经济环境中的旧建筑再利用。分析了推动旧建筑再利用的市场动力与社会价值,论述了旧建筑再利用项目所涉及的经济效率、资源保护和社会平等问题,指出一个有效率的市场需要在产权制度、交易费用、完全竞争等机制上实现良好的运作。在旧建筑再利用项目因为外部性而出现市场失灵的问题上,论文分析了美国鼓励社会力量参与解决旧建筑再利用市场失灵问题的相关制度安排。第二章,制定公共政策促进旧建筑再利用。为应对市场失灵,旧建筑再利用项目需要政府干预。公共部门可以通过制订一系列的宏观政策来引导市场,营造出有利于旧建筑再利用的市场环境。论文对美国历史保护制度、城市精明增长政策、旧建筑更新设计和施工规范等不同层面的公共制度、政策和具体规范的介绍和梳理,分析了美田政府是如何利用公共政策来促进旧建筑再利用这一市场的。第三章,政府参与具体的旧建筑再利用项目。论文解释了政府作为“运动员”直接参与旧建筑再利用项目的原因和方法.介绍了美国政府参与旧建筑再利用的“政府公开征集开发计划”——“RFP”程序和“政府参与旧建筑再利用个案的实施”,并用美国政府参与再利用项目的实例论述了政府在再利用项目中的作用。第四章,上海与美国大城市旧建筑再利用现实条件上的差异。由于历史上的原因,上海旧建筑的产权关系复杂,许多建筑的产权仍然是公有的。城市中心尚未出现空心化,旧建筑中仍然有大量的居民。土地批租和大规模拆迁制度使得旧建筑的产权难以得到保护。上海的控规尚未法定化,旧建筑的发展权还不确定。上海当前的经济发展水平和产业结构特点对旧建筑再利用的支持力还不够。这些差异使得上海只能依照城市发展的情况,循序渐进的理解和借鉴美国的制度安排。第五章,对上海旧建筑再利用制度安排的借鉴。根据上海旧建筑再利用的现实条件,提出“逐步理清产权关系,并保护产权”、“首先在历史风貌保护区中借鉴再利用区划或叠加区划,明确再利用资格和规划要求”、“借鉴等效原则和危害分级原则制定旧建筑再利用设计与施工规范”、“充分发挥旧建筑再利用中的社会力量”是提高市场效率的有效途径。同时,政府有关部门需要制订明确、清晰的旧建筑再利用激励制度,以刺激市场更好地发挥作用,减少市场失灵。还可以借鉴美国的RFP即程序、评选标准和评选与签约方式,通过政府干预项目前期目标的制定和开发计划的评选,推进上海非居住旧建筑的再利用。

【Abstract】 The issue of old building Re-use goes beyond architecture design and urban planning. The institution of old building re-use is the ultimate factor which would influence their future development in Shanghai. A good institution would let architects realize better value in the old building re-use projects.By using the basic theory of economics and the analysis method of institutional economics, this study has made a complete research on the institution of old building re-use in the United States. Base on the research and the investigation in Shanghai, this study also gives some recommendations which Shanghai could leam and use as reference from the institution of old building re-use in the United States.The chapter one analysis the market and social value factor in the old building re-use projects, pointing out what is about the question of market efficiency and what is about the social equity. Discuss the main factors to keep the market efficient in building re-use and how the public organization playing a important role in this field to avoid the failure of the market.The chapter two analysis the incentive policies for the old building re-use projects in U.S.Historic preservation policy, the Smart Growth policy, which including the urban infill policy, Brownfield remediation program and special zoning, and Smart Code are all offer incentives for old building re-use. The incentives would increase the feasibility of the building re-use projectsThe chapter three analysis the direct interfere by the government in the old building re-use projects in U.S. Explain the reasons and the risks when government act as a player. Introduce the process of the "Request for Proposal, RFP". Finally are the case studies of the old building re-use projects which the governments interfere directly.The chapter four analysis the differences of the existing condition between Shanghai and American cities. The property rights of the old buildings in Shanghai are very complicated; many of them are still belong to the government. There are still a lot of citizens living in the city. The property rights of the old buildings are not been protected enough due to the land rental and residents remove policy. The city planning has not yet been a local ordinance, and the development right of the property is unclear. According to the standard and the structure of Shanghai economy in the meaning time, there can not be enough budget to stimulate old building reuse. So Shanghai must understand and learn form American’s institution step by step and adjust to the city existing condition.The chapter five analysis what Shanghai could leam from the institution of the U.S. in the old building re-use. The study points out that the property rights, tradition zoning, building codes and the lack of the public organization are the main barrier of the market oriented building re-use projects and how Shanghai can leam from the corresponding factors in the U.S. This study also point out that Shanghai can use RFP process to stimulate the non-residential old building reuse.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2246
  • 攻读期成果

