

Study on the Planning of Ground Acess System for Mega-Airports

【作者】 秦灿灿

【导师】 潘海啸; 刘武君;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界经济一体化的不断发展,民用航空业在国际经济舞台上扮演着越来越重要的角色,民用航空运输需求的猛增极大地刺激了机场业的发展。当今,规模大型化和功能多元化成为世界上一些大都市区域主要机场的发展主流。在这一发展背景下,服务于大都市区域的大型机场的功能发生了哪些转变,如何处理大型机场与区域和城市之间的关系,以及如何为旅客提供便捷的集疏运服务链,成为值得探讨的问题。全球在经济发展过程中形成了由一个或多个经济中心城市以及经济关联城市形成的大都市区域。经济中心城市的机场发展则具备了更为突出的特征,包括巨量客流需求、区域性的辐射范围、承担更多的城市功能等。基于此,本文详细剖析了具备这种特征的大型机场的功能,探讨了在功能拓展背景下产生的新问题,分析了客运需求特征的转变和对传统规划的冲击。最后将问题聚焦在大型机场集疏运体系的分析上。论文分两个层次深入研究了集疏运系统:第一层次是集疏运模式和基本网络;第二层次是机场集疏运枢纽。针对第一层次,论文结合相关案例,采用对比分析的方法对欧洲、美国及亚太地区大型机场集疏运发展模式、特征以及成因进行了评析和总结,分层次提出了大型机场公共交通集疏运系统的几种基本网络型式,包括与城市中心衔接层、与市域及辐射区域的衔接层以及与机场周边开发区域的衔接层。并针对大型机场的需求特征和外部条件,提出了适应于我国现阶段特征的大型机场集疏运系统的发展模式。针对第二层次,论文采用系统分析、定性和定量相结合的方法,探讨了“机场客运交通枢纽”作为一种特殊的枢纽所具备的特征和功能,提出了客运交通枢纽在机场的多种布局型式及相应的适用条件,并提出了大型机场客运交通枢纽的规划指导思想和相关对策集,为具体枢纽的规划提供依据。最后,论文结合浦东机场的现实条件,对浦东机场集疏运模式网络以及一体化交通中心的规划进行了案例研究,分析了集疏运发展和交通中心的规划对策和思路;以实例验证了相关理念和方法在浦东机场规划实践中的应用。

【Abstract】 With economic globalization, civil aviation industry is playing more important role in world economy. At present, large-scale and multi-function has become a main trend of the main airports in metropolitan areas. Under this background, it is necessary to do some research about the functions of these "mega-airports" , and how to deal with the relationship between mega-airports and metropolis/regions, as well as how to provide more convenient service chains for passengers by providing ground access service.In the process of economic development, some metropolitan areas have emerged usually with one or more central cities and the catchments cities. Thus, the airports in central cities have some obvious characteristics, such as high patronage, strong regional radiation ability, and more urban functions, etc. Based on these new development trends and changes, the paper makes a detailed analysis on mega-airport functions, discusses the consequent new problems and impacts on the traditional planning. Then, the paper focuses on the analysis of the ground-access network of mega-airports, and makes a deep study from two aspects: the first is the ground-access mode choice and basic network, the second is the airport Ground Transportation Center (GTC).Firstly, according to some relevant case studies, this paper analyses and summarizes the development modes, characteristics and reasons of the mega-airport ground-access networks in Europe, US and Asia by using the method of comparative analysis, and proposes some basic network modes of the ground accesses, including the network connecting the city centers, radiating to the regional area and linking to the catchments areas. Then the paper proposes the development mode of the mega-airport ground-access network suitable to our country.Secondly, the paper discusses the features and functions of GTC as a specific terminal, and lists several layout mode options of GTC and applicable conditions. Furthermore, the paper brings up guidelines and related countermeasures as well as supporting basis for the planning of the specific GTC.Finally, considering the conditions of Pudong Airport, the paper has made some empirical researches on the ground-access network and Ground Transportation Center of Pudong Airport, and analyses the planning concept and development strategy of the ground access and the GTC to verify relevant concepts and methods applied in the planning of Pudong Airport.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU248.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1475

