

The Research on the Creative Cluster Development Surrounding University with City Renew

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 诸大建;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市管理与建设工程管理, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的来临,具有高附加值、知识密集、资源节约与环境友好等特性的创意产业,被不少国家作为支柱产业发展。同时,由于创意产业关系着民族的文化与精神依托,很多国家还从生存与安全战略的层面思考它的发展。创意产业发展的一个显著特征是在城市中心区集聚,特别是在富集着人才与知识的大学周边容易生成创意产业集群,从而形成“大学——创意产业集群——城区”互动发展的机制与格局。大学为创意产业集群的生成与发展提供人才与知识等关键要素;创意产业集群创造城市的活力、推动城市的更新;城区为大学与集群提供着具有便利性、包容性的基础条件。本文重点探讨了城市更新背景下大学周边区域创意产业集群发展的问题,以期探索出“大学——创意产业集群——城区”互动发展的规律,指导大学周边创意产业集群在城市更新的背景下获得良好发展,为我们国家的城市在推动创意产业发展提供借鉴。本文在文献综述的基础上,以同济大学周边设计创意产业集群为案例,探讨了其形成发展及其与周边区域城市更新的互动过程,从中提升出相关理论,并针对存在的问题从大学与政府两个角度为其进一步发展提出建议。本文中比较突出的贡献有以下三点:1、系统地揭示了一个我国大学周边原生创意产业集群形成中各因素的作用及其中“大学——政府——产业”的互动机制。特别是对关于区域创新模式的“三螺旋理论”进行了拓展与突破。2、通过创意产业集群与城市更新的互动过程以及集群中企业对大学空间依赖性的研究,揭示一个大学周边创意产业集群的空间结构规律,指出了其对大学周边城市更新的指导意义。3、从培植与发展大学周边创意产业集群的角度提出了一个城市创意产业集群“生成与养成”理论及其应用框架。通过本文的研究,我们得出了在城市更新背景下大学周边区域创意产业集群发展中大学、政府、城市更新三个方面都应实现转变的结论。这三个转变包括:大学应该从以知识生产与人才培养的目标,转向知识生产、人才培养与社会服务兼顾的目标。通过学科发展规划、科研目标、人才培养目标与模式以及与政府、社区、产业互动模式的转变,实现这一战略转变。政府应该从追求短期的GDP,转向培植区域的创造力。通过尊重产业集群发展的主体性,同时与产业、大学、社区密切合作,形成发展共识,积极为产业集群的发展提供关键要素,从外部担当“助推器”与“清道夫”角度来培植与帮助创意产业集群的发展。城市更新应该从通过大规模、激进、服务于大企业的追求政绩模式,转向以保护与促进区域创造活力为目标的模式。通过保留区域中具有孵化功能的低成本空间、城市更新中坚持“梯度规划、逐步实现”、促进“大学校区——产业集聚区——城区”在空间上的开放与融合、为集群建设更多的便利设施及展示空间、在城市更新中充分照顾各利益相关方的需求等措施,实现这一转变。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of knowledge economy era, creative industries with high value-added, knowledge-intensive, resource-saving and environment-friendly characteristics, have been chosen by many countries as pillar industries for economic development. Meanwhile, as their relations with the nation’s culture and spirit, many countries pay attention to the development of creative industries on the existence and security strategy level.A notable feature of the development of creative industries is the fact that it always gather in urban centers, particularly in the neighboring areas of universities which are rich of talent and knowledge, the mechanism and pattern of interactive development between " University-creative industries clusters-City " is therefore established. Universities provide key elements such as talent and knowledge; the development of clusters contributes to the city’s vitality and the urban renewal; City is providing convenient and inclusive basic condition for universities and clusters. Therefore, this paper focuses on the development of clusters of creative industries surrounding universities in the backdrop of urban renewal. Our purposes are to find out the law of interactive development between " University-creative industries clusters-City ", to guide the development of clusters of creative industries sourrounding universities in the backdrop of urban renewal, to provide reference for our country to promote the development of creative industries in the city.Based on some literature review, this paper adopts clusters of creative designing industries surrounding Tongji University as cases, and has discussed about the interactive processes between their development and urban renewal. We still have given proposals for its further development from two angles: university and government. Following are the three most important contributions:1. Systematically reveals the role of various factors in the formation of clusters of original creative industries sourrounding universities, and the interaction mechanism between "Universities-- government-industry". Particularly, we succeeded in the development and breakthrough of a regional innovation model named as "triple helix theory".2. through the interactive process between the clusters and urban renewal, and also through enterprises’ space-dependence on universities, we have found out the law of spatial structures for clusters of creative industries surrounding universities and its significance to urban renewal.3. we have proposed a "generation and develop" theory for clusters of creative industries and its application framework.Ultimately, we reached a conclusion that all of the three: universities, government, urban renewal should change. Exactly speaking:For the universities, their focus should be changed from knowledge producing and talent training to the combination of knowledge producing,, talent training and social serving. This goal can be reached through changes of the development of subject planning, research, training and the interaction between government, community, and industry.For the government, it’s goal should be changed from pursuiting of short-term GDP to the cultivation of regional creativity. It should respect the subjectivity of the development of industrial clusters, develop consensus with industries and universities through close cooperation, and provide key positive factors for the development of industrial clusters. In one word, it should serve as "Booster" and "Scavenger".For urban renewal, cities should transfer from the massive, radical mode and overpursuiting of large enterprises to the protection and promotion of regional vitality. Measures can include: keep the low-cost space wich is capable of incubate, insist on the principle of "gradient planning and gradually realizing", promote the spacial opening and integration of "University Campus—Clusters—Cities", build more facilities and display space for clusters, fully taking into account the needs of all interested parties , and so on.

【关键词】 创意产业集群大学城市更新
【Key words】 Creative industryClusterUniversityUrban renewal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

