


【作者】 赵良宇

【导师】 刘平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 传统的徐州城市是军事重镇和地区政治中心,军事因素和政治因素对徐州城市发展和社会变迁起着主导作用。随着经济社会的深刻变动,徐州逐渐由传统军事中心和区域政治中心城市向近代工商业城市转变,其经济功能在缓慢增强。近代的徐州城市政治、军事色彩极为浓厚,长期保存着大量的传统因素。交通的变革,是徐州城市近代转变的重要推动力。区域经济社会的长期落后、城市经济发展的滞后、灾荒战乱不断、教育的变革以及交通工具的嬗变都是影响徐州城市缓慢发展的重要因素。本文从地理环境和历史传统的变动、经济结构的变迁、社会文化的嬗变等方面考察近代徐州城市发展与社会变迁,以探索徐州城市从传统到近代的缓慢转变的根源所在。本文内容共分为三个部分。第一部分从历史条件与环境的变动来考察近代徐州城市发展演变的基础和前提。第一章从自然环境和历史传统的变动方面来考察近代徐州发展的基础和条件。传统徐州深厚的历史积淀和文化传统为徐州城市的近代社会变迁奠定了良好的基础。山环水绕的地形地貌奠定了徐州城市军事战略地位的重要性,传统经济发展的状况既为近代徐州城市的发展提供了最初的物质基础,又影响着其发展的速度和规模。第二章着力探讨了徐州近代交通的变革。交通条件的变革是近代徐州城市发展与社会变迁一种重要的推动力。交通变革本身是徐州近代社会变迁的较为突出的表现。而更为重要的是,近代交通条件的变化,带来了徐州近代生存环境的深刻变动,从而引发了徐州城市社会的急剧变动。而近代化的交通体系的形成则得益于津浦铁路和陇海铁路的修筑与通车。近代徐州公路的建设相比较苏南地区较晚,而且发展较为落后。尽管如此,它在一定程度上加强了徐州与徐属各地的联系,同时也大大改善了徐州同江苏其他地区以及与周边邻省地区如山东、河南、安徽之间交通环境。值得注意的是,直到1920年代中期,徐州新式交通枢纽地位才真正形成。因此,交通条件的改善对徐州城市发展的影响具有明显的滞后性。文章的第二部分是从城市经济角度来考察徐州近代城市社会发展与变迁。城市工商业经济发展的需要是近代徐州社会变迁的内在动力。近代徐州城市的发展已不再仅仅以政治和军事需要与否为首要前提,工商业的发展需要与城市发展的关系日益密切。第三章阐述了近代工业的发展演变,着重分析了近代徐州工业发展的特点以及影响近代徐州城市工业发展的因素。徐州城市的经济工业的转型体现着传统经济结构的胎记。近代徐州工业起步较早,但发展缓慢。无论是手工业,还是近代工业主要是以农产品加工业为主,工业结构明显不合理,数量和规模都是很有限。产品主要是销往所在区域,原料大量是来自于徐州所在的区域。区域经济的落后,社会发展的滞后,不能从资源和市场上为徐州的发展提供强有力的支撑。区域经济社会发展的落后决定着徐州工业的发展是极其缓慢的。工业化的缺失,导致徐州城市发展基础薄弱。第四章深入探究了近代徐州传统商业向近代商业的转变及其特点。近代徐州逐渐朝商业化城市方向转变。这种转变的主要表现在城市商业结构的变动,商业组织的革新,商人地位的提高等。近代徐州商业活动日益频繁,百货公司等新式商业不断兴起,商业范围逐渐扩大,经营形式逐渐走向近代化。而商业组织的革新则是城市社会变动的突出表现,主要就是新式商业组织即商会的成立,并在城市经济、政治、社会生活中发挥着十分重要的作用。第五章探讨了近代徐州城市金融业的发展演变及其特点。近代传统金融业,如钱庄、典当等行业长期存在,并在1930年代以前在徐州金融业中占据优势地位,发挥着调节社会经济和民众生活的重要作用。而新式银行业发展在徐州是缓慢的,直到1930年代逐渐占据主导地位。政府对金融业的控制力在不断加强。近代徐州工业不发达,使徐州金融业无法找到较强的工业资本作为坚定的基础,而只能较多地与城市商业资本结合起来,因而具有较强的投机性和冒险性。1933年的徐州金融风潮的出现就是明显的例证。文章的第三部分是从城市社会文化与社会生活方面来探讨近代徐州城市社会变迁及其原因。本文并没有罗列城市社会文化和社会生活的诸多方面,而是选择了较好体现近代徐州城市社会文化和城市社会生活变迁的若干主题,如城市教育、城市物质文化(交通工具)、城市社会灾乱及社会救助。这些方面既是近代徐州城市社会变迁的主要表现,同时也是影响近代徐州城市社会变迁的重要因素。第六章从灾害、城市社会救助角度来说明近代徐州城市社会变迁缺乏良好的社会环境和条件。灾害、战乱对近代徐州城市的发展产生了重要的影响。近代灾害、战乱连绵不断,使徐州城市发展受到严重影响。水涝和兵灾对徐州影响最为严重。灾害频繁,持续时间长,危害大。在灾乱救助中,徐州城市的社会救助功能发生了重要的转变。传统救助体系瓦解后,近代社会救助体系逐渐建立起来。慈善组织呈现出多样化,参与社会救助的成员更为广泛。地方政府对城市社会救助管理能力不断增强,但政府的作用还是受到资金和官员腐败等因素的影响。民间社会力量在社会救助中得以充当着重要的角色,显示其在城市社会公共事务管理中的影响力。徐州近代社会救助事业的发达,其实反映了徐州城市社会存在深刻的社会矛盾和社会危机。这从一个侧面反映了近代徐州城市发展缺乏良好的社会环境。第七章讨论了近代徐州城市教育的变革与发展。城市教育在近代徐州的发展具有自身的发展特色。中小学教育发展较快,师范教育的发展较为突出,大学教育相当微弱,而社会教育的发展,则是近代徐州教育的一大亮点,也是社会进步的表现。地区经济发展落后,教育经费的困乏使得近代徐州教育发展滞后,以至于不能为徐州近代工商业的发展提供有力的智力支持。教育因素是徐州与发达城市之间存在发展差异的重要因素。第八章以交通工具的演变为中心来考察近代徐州城市物质文化嬗变的轨迹及特点,并探讨了交通工具的演变与徐州城市的社会变迁的互动关系。近代徐州城里出现过轿子、小车、人力车等交通工具,并且成为主要的城市交通工具,而西洋马车没有出现,其他先进的新式交通工具如汽车等在徐州古城没有得到迅速发展,始终没有成为徐州市内交通的主力,与上海、天津、北京等大城市明显存在着差异。交通工具的落后在一定程度上制约了近代徐州城市发展。近代徐州城市社会的演变是一种多向度的复杂过程,体现为新与旧、传统与现代之间的复杂的互动过程。这种互动过程,推动着近代徐州城市社会的不断发展。

【Abstract】 The object of this essay is the city of Xuzhou in modern history. To supply or prove this study, this essay draws on some relevant information from newspapers and magazines, local records, data of culture and history which is published recently. Meanwhile, the essay references some interrelated theories and methods of some other humanities and social sciences, it also surveys the urban development and the social changes in modern Xuzhou, so it can show the history of the urban development and changes in Xuzhou more clearly, and we can have a clear cognition of the traits and the laws that the modern city how to develop and change.The study is divided into three parts, made up of eight chapters in all. Part One deals with the historical conditions and the changes of environment, investigating the basis and the premise of the urban development in modern Xuzhou.Chapter One investigates the conditions of the. development in Xuzhou, which is on the views of the natural environment and historical conditions of humanities. The changes of environment and the historical conditions of humanities limit the modern changes in Xuzhou. The area which is embraced by hills and rivers makes itself to be the important military-strategic position. Xuzhou has been the capital of the Zhuhou’s kingdom for 800 years in history. Although it experienced the wars and floods later, it can be reserved and continued, so we can’t say that it doesn’t have the major connections with the superior economic conditions, the convenient transportation and the important socio-political status.Chapter Two discusses the transformation of modern traffic in Xuzhou. The transformation of traffic conditions is the main catalyst or impetus of urban development and social changes, and itself is also the outstanding performance in social changes in modern Xuzhou. But most importantly, the changes of modern traffic conditions bring the changes of living environment in modern history in Xuzhou, thus it effects and triggers drastic changes of urban community in Xuzhou. the decline of water transport made negative impacts on the urban development in modern history. The formation of modern traffic system benefits from the construction of the Jinpu and Longhai railways. In modern history, although the construction of the roads in Xuzhou is behind the south Jiangsu province, it has laid an important foundation of the roads development after 1949 with the efforts of the government. The roads have enhanced the relationship between the central city and its county, it also improved the traffic environment of Xuzhou, the other city in Jiangsu and the neighbor province such as Shandong, Henan, Anhui and so on, so it developed the modern commerce and industry in Xuzhou to a certain extent.Part Two is about the development and changes of urban community on the views of urban economy in modern Xuzhou.Chapter Three elaborates the changes of modern industry, analyses the traits of modern industry and the influencing factors of modern urban industry’s development in Xuzhou. The transformation of economic industry embodies the traditional economic structure. The changes of modern industry are the process of coexistence and fusion between the traditional and modern factors. The coal mine was mined and operated in 1882, then there was a unprecedented factor in urban economy, which was called the modern industry. It marks the beginning and development of the modernization of industry in Xuzhou. But the modern industry developed slowly and the proportion of it in urban economy was very small. The modernization of the city lacked the industrial base, it limited the attractions and the radiations of urban economy. This is the common features of many small and medium cities in modern history.Chapter Four deeply studies the changes of urban business in modern Xuzhou. The size of the city, its advantageous geographical location and traffic condition and adequate resources made Xuzhou become the commercial city from the year 1911. In modern history, the commercial activities increased frequently, new business arose continuously, the scope of business enlarged gradually. However, the outstanding performance of urban social changes was the innovation of business organizations, that is to say, the new business organizations which were called Chamber of Commerce undertook the new tasks.Chapter Five discusses the evolution and feature of urban financial industry in modern Xuzhou. The development of modern financial industry included the existence of traditional financial industry (such as qianzhuang and pawnage) for a long time, which had held the dominant position in the financial industry and the important roles of adjusting the social economy and the residents’ livings in Xuzhou before 1930s. But the development of new banking was slow, it took the dominant position gradually until 1930. it fully showed that the government’s control over the financial industry was strengthened continuously. The essay also investigates the influencing factors of the financial industry’s development in modern Xuzhou.Part Three is about the changes of modern urban social culture and life in Xuzhou.Chapter Six deals with the disasters in modern history of the city and their features, analyzing the reasons of them. The disasters had an important impact on the city space, community management, social relief and so on. Facing the disaster, the function of social relief had a major conversion. The local government and the power of civil community changed in the position and role of the social relief reversely, it reflected the profound changes of the urban community from the view of other side.Chapter Seven discussed the transformation of the modern education in Xuzhou. The development of urban education had its own characteristics in modern history, and it included some contents and features of the other city’s modern education too. It reflected the tortuous road of the modern education in China. The urban education in modern history had experienced the changing course from tradition to modernity, the changes had not only the common traits of the other city’s education, but also its own features.Chapter Eight focus on the transformation of the traffic tools, analyzing the trajectory and trait of urban material culture, discussing the interaction between the transformation of the traffic tools and urban social changes in modern Xuzhou. It reflects the traits of urban social changes in Xuzhou on the other side. Traffic tools are the major contents of the changes of urban material culture. In the procession from the tradition to the modernity in Xuzhou, the urban traffic tools inherited the traditional traffic tools and adapted the inherent law of the new products in new times. The changes of it reflect the trajectory and trait of social transformation in Xuzhou.The social transformation of modern Xuzhou is a kind of a multi-dimensional complex procession. It embodies the interaction between the news and the olds, the tradition and the modernity. The interaction promoted the continuous development of the urban community. This essay does a comprehensive analysis on environment, business and industry, society and culture and so on in this city, in order to show the transformation and its reasons of this ancient city in the modern history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期

