

Study on New Economic Era’s Flexible Production Mode

【作者】 张留建

【导师】 邓明然;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 企业是社会的基本经济单元,是市场竞争主体。满足市场需求、降低运行成本、提高经济效益和提升企业在竞争中的优势,进而使企业获得盈利性持续发展,是企业千百年来的追求。这种追求的实质就是不断提升资源配置的效率。如何改善我们的资源配置方式,以实现在现代条件下以较低的成本,最大限度地满足市场需求,同时使企业的经济效益和竞争力得到提升的目的,就成为本文的研究方向。本文第一章尝试性地提出了新经济时代的柔性生产方式(NFPM)这一论题。论文运用实证方法对历史上的各种生产方式的优劣进行了比较研究,归纳了传统柔性理论所说的柔性的本质,即柔性是处理不确定性的能力,有效地适应环境变化的能力。在剖析了柔性研究的不足和缺陷后,本文认为既要最大限度地满足客户的需求,预测并及时适应市场的多样性和不均衡性,最大限度地抓住市场机遇,并且能够要有效地克服低产期的风险,又要最大限度地降低成本,实现企业和客户价值的共同提升,是现代管理对生产方式提出的尖锐课题。鉴于时代特征和企业特性,对生产方式的研究,必须以市场为导向,坚持在企业生产制造的全过程,以价值工程为杠杆,视整个社会资源为自身开放的资源背景,配以现代科学技术手段的运用,使整个生产方式与生产流程形成一个有机高效的运行体系。第二章介绍了NFPM的理论基础,主要的有系统论、投入产出理论、生产组织理论和外包理论等。第三章运用演绎法提出了NFPM模型,阐述了NFPM模型的作用机理,提出了NFPM的理念、原则、柔性测评指标。并将NFPM与大批量生产方式、大规模定制生产方式的特性进行了比较分析。第四章研究了NFPM与市场营销的相互作用。在市场信息管理方面,提出了“三个第一时间,三个同步”理论,这是本文的创新之一。在市场价格管理方面,结合本人实践经验首次提出了市场定价、成本校核、压力回传、系统协调、加强基础、动态调整以及取舍有序,确保目标的组合产品定价原则。第五章较详细地论述了NFPM与生产过程的适配和作用机理,是本文的重点。在投资管理研究方面,分析了投资管理系统的不确定性与影响因素,在投资方向、投资项目、投资纲领以及投资建设周期方面提出了对策和建议。在装备管理研究方面,提出了要制定完善科学的运行保障制度,并组织实施到位。在人力资源管理研究方面,认为企业核心竞争力是建立在科学的制度和积极向上的文化底蕴之上的高素质的干部和员工队伍;获得核心竞争力的根本途径在于企业员工的学习、培训、企业的科学制度和良好的企业文化;以骨干力量为主体的合理的人力资源结构,有效的员工进退通道,有竞争力的激励机制,必要的因需培训,以及适时高效的组织调配,是实施现代柔性生产方式的根本保障。在技术研发方面,提出了战略性研发和跟随性研发的概念,设计了企业产品的研发流程。在质量管理方面,提出要切实做好第三方质量体系认证,要以用户需求作为质检的重要标准之一,要加强员工、尤其质检员的一专多能培训,加强质量文化建设。在物质资源管理方面,要构建企业资源计划系统,做好供应商的选择,选择合理库存,开创与供应商双方价值共同提升、合作双赢的途径。在制造管理方面,实现组织结构扁平化,按基于需求市场的计划组织生产,通过外委协作、外包和贴牌许可生产等与外部的交流方式提高企业生产的柔性和效能,建立质量、成本和交货期不断改善的机制,高度重视安全、环保与安全文明生产,不断加强和完善班组建设,改善企业“微循环”;关于企业在“饥饿”状态下的管理,要关注源头、防患于未然,细分“饥饿”状态产生的原因,积极、沉着应对“饥饿”危机。第六章NFPM的保障体系也是本文的重要内容。在信息保障研究方面,提出了满足市场需求、适应柔性制造的全方位信息系统构想。在资金保障研究方面,阐述了资金的筹措、使用和风险防范等方面的运作。其间界定了现金流的概念,分析了现金流的管理价值,提出了科学合理的现金流管理模式;为了控制经营现金流出,提出了资金支付模式的创新设计;为了建立高效、科学的资金管理模式,要进行财务经营理念的创新,着眼于资金良性循环与周转,追求柔性的资金流向,建立以电子化为特征的财务管理系统,要在传统的业务经营之上建立以财务经营为中心的财务经营层。在文化保障研究方面,基于企业文化的三层次理论,论证了文化对柔性生产方式的保障作用。第七章将理论与实践相结合,剖析了东风汽车悬架弹簧有限公司的生产经营现状,举证了NFPM的初步实践案例。第八章对全文进行了总结,提出了本文的创新点和研究方向。

【Abstract】 Enterprises, which are the basic economic elements, are the competitive subjects in the market. How to fulfill the market’s demands, reduce the production cost, raise the economic benefit,promote competitive superiority of enterprises and make the enterprises obtain profitable and sustaintable development was the pursuit from enterprises in the past several thousands years. The essence of the pursuit lay in the continuous promotion of the disposition efficiency of kinds of resources. The first chapter attempts to put forward the new proposition-the flexible production mode in new economic era(NFPM) in order to optimize the mode of resource disposition, meet the market’s demands within the limits of objective conditions at the cost of lower expenditure under the modern conditions and promote the economic benefit and competitive ability simultaneously. The paper makes the comparative study of different production mode by the empirical method, concludes the essence of flexibility-the flexibility is the capability to deal with the uncertainties, or effectively adapt to the environmental changes. Based on the study on the insufficiency and flaw, the paper holds that on the one hand the enterprises should satisfy the needs of customers fully.forecast and adapt to diversification as well as disequilibrium fully in the market,take hold of the market opportunities and effectively put up with risks at low production stage;On the other hand enterprise should reduce costs to the minimum limit,add the promotion of enterprises and customers’ value together, which is regarded as an important discussion provided by the modern management. In consideration of era characteristics and enterprises features, the market demand -oriented study on production mode should use value engineering as a lever in the whole process of production and manufacture in enterprises, take fully advantage of the whole social resources to serve for enterprises themselves, use the modern technological methods so as to form the comprehensive system combined with the production mode and the production circuit.The second chapter introduces various fundamental theories including system approach, input-output theory, production organization and outsourcing theory.The third chapter puts forward a completely new model for NFPM by the deductive method. It summarizes the ideas, principles and the flexible evaluation quotas for NFPM. The flexible evaluation quotas on NFPM are given. It makes the comparative study on characteristics between NFPM, mass production and mass customization.The fourth chapter probes into the mutual effect between NFPM and the marketing. As far as the market information management is concerned, the theory called "Three First-Time, Three Synchronizations" is given firstly. It is an important and new idea of the dissertation. As far as the market price management is concerned, on the basis of author’s working experiences, the paper firstly puts forward a series of principles to fix a price which includes market pricing, cost check, pressure response, systematical coordination, the further consolidation of the foundation, dynamic adjustments as well as scientific choice.The fifth chapter discusses principles as well as the harmonious relationship between NFPM and the production process. As far as investment management is concerned, the dissertation analyzes the uncertainty and influential factors related to the investment management system. In the field of investment direction, investment projects, investment guidelines and the cycle of investment construction, the dissertation proposes the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures. As far as the equipment management is concerned, the paper formulates and perfects operation security institution. In the human resources (H.R.) management, the dissertation thinks that the core competition of enterprises should stem from the scientific institutions and managers and employees with the high quality based on the enterprise culture. The basic measures to obtain the core competition lie in employees’ learning, training, rational institutions as well as the active enterprise culture. The fundamental and successful factors in the modern flexible production mode are decided by the rational H.R. structure with the core employees as the main part, the proper entry and exit of employees, competitive incentives, necessary training as well as the effective distribution of the enterprise resources. In technology development, the author suggests the concepts of strategic development and following development, and devises the developing process of products. In quality management, the author suggests that quality authentication by the third party should be adopted, that the customers’ needs should be regarded as the important standards for quality check, that employees, especially the quality-check ones should be trained, that a culture to emphasize quality should be created. In material resource management, the author proposes that an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system should be established, that the enterprise should choose the suppliers and plan the stock carefully, that channels to add values both for the enterprise and the suppliers should be explored so as to achieving win-win. In manufacturing management, flat organizational structure should be adopted. The enterprise should plan production according to the market demand, raising the producing flexibility and efficiency by means of outside cooperation, outsourcing, and OEM and strategic alliance. The enterprise should set up a mechanism to improve the quality, reduce the cost, and shorten the delivery continuously, attach great importance to safety and environmental protection in production and form perfect working team. As far as the management in hungry state is concerned, the enterprise should pay attention to the source and take preventive measures. By examining the causes, it can deal with the hungry crisis positively and composedly.The sixth chapter is about the guarantee of NFPM, which is also the important part of the dissertation. In information guarantee, the author puts forward the idea of all round information system, which aims to meet the demands of the market and be adapted to flexible production. In fund guarantee, the paper elaborates the operation of how to raise money, use money and be on guard risks. The author defines the concept of cash flow, analyses its managerial value and suggests scientific mode to manage cash flow. In order to control the flow of administrating cash, the author originally devises the mode of fund payment. In order to create an efficient and scientific fund management mode, innovation should be made in the financial administration, the main focus of which is the virtuous circulation of fund and flexible fund flow. Electronic financial administration system should be set up. In cultural guarantee, the three-level theory based on enterprise culture tests the role of culture for flexible production mode.The seventh chapter combines theory with practice, examining the status quo of production and operation of Donfeng Motor Suspension Spring CO., LTD. The case study tests NFPM tentatively.Based on NFPM model, the eightth chapter points out new ideas and the future direction for research.

  • 【分类号】F273;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】970
  • 攻读期成果

