

【作者】 李明海

【导师】 洪远朋;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治经济学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 随着房地产市场的不断发展,房地产业对拉动经济增长和提高人民生活水平发挥了重要作用。在房地产市场取得了巨大成绩的同时,还存在一些不和谐的因素,某些地区房地产价格增长过快,引发了业界、政府部门、学术界以及广大老百姓的强烈关注。本文从利益角度出发,探讨我国房地产市场不同利益主体间的利益关系,在此基础上提出平衡协调房地产市场利益关系的相关对策建议,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。本文运用利益理论和方法梳理了当前我国房地产市场的利益关系,论文共分七章,其主要观点如下:一、从历史的角度出发,分析我国房地产业利益关系发展变化的轨迹,以及不同阶段利益关系的特点;二、从现实的角度出发,分析了我国房地产业利益关系的总体特征,以及形成这一利益关系格局的制度原因;三、分别针对房地产一级市场与二级市场,具体分析了不同利益主体之间的利益博弈,为协调各方利益关系寻找着力点;四、发达国家与地区协调房地产利益关系的主要经验有:以市场机制发挥基础性的调节作用,以规范和健全的制度约束为基础,以强有力的政府调节为补充,以解决民生问题为目标;五、在协调房地产市场的利益关系对策方面,我们认为首先要健全土地制度,包括明晰土地产权制度、创新土地供给制度、重构土地利益分配制度、完善土地利益补偿制度等,其次要强化宏观调控平衡各方利益关系;再次通过创新房地产利益链条,形成住房二元梯度消费体系,在和谐与共享的利益基础之上推动我国房地产市场的平稳发展。论文的主要创新之处有四个方面:1、本文从利益这一新的角度,运用利益理论和方法研究了我国房地产市场的运行特点和规律,这是一个新的尝试。2、本文提出以利益制衡为主题来协调房地产利益关系,这是一个新的设想。3、本文重新设计了土地收益分配制度,这是一个大胆的想法。4、本文提出的房地产业利益链条创新模式,是对未来我国房地产业发展的展望。

【Abstract】 With the developing of the real estate market in China, the real estate plays an important role in proving living standard. The price of Chinese real estate keeps growing up and which has been the hot topics of al the people. It offers a cogent argument and it put forward that the researchers should point out the basic matters and shows us some other views. This paper discusses the interests relationships between important interests principal parts in Chinese real estate market through the view of the interests.After making clear the interests relationships in the real estate market, we spread 5 main parts of the whole study using both the empirical and academic approach. Our main viewpoints are as follows. First, from the historic viewpoint, we analyze the trace of the development of the real estate industry and the characteristic of interests relationships in different moments. Second, from the practical viewpoints, we analyze the disequilibrium profit of the related parties. We think it is some what otherness, and some parts’ profits are high but some parts’ are low. Third, we analyze the interests gaming among the important interests principal parts in allusion to the first and second real estate market. So we can find the "catching point" to harmonize the interests relationships. Forth, we study the experience of the developed countries, bring the market mechanism into basic play, standardize the mechanism request, put the policy justice as the complementarity in order to solve the basic problem of the people living. Fifth, in the aspect of harmonizing the interests relationship, we think that first of all we should build land system including making clear the land ownner right system, land providing system, land interests distributing system and land interests compensating system. And also we should strengthen the macro controlling system to balance the interests of different parts in the market.The main innovation of our paper lies in four aspects. First, we study the real estate problems in the China’s real estate market through the interests viewpoints. This is a new method and a new try. Second, we abstract the internal mechanism of the interests orientation of the real estate market and changes of interests relationship in the new time. Third, we provide a new land profit allocation system, this is a new and adventurous try. Forth, we propose a new pattern of industry interests chain, which is a expectation of our real estate industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1327

