

A Research on Dynamic Process of Commitment Transformation in Cross-Sector E-Government Project Implementation

【作者】 崔丽丽

【导师】 黄丽华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国政府自20世纪80年代开始引入信息技术应用,特别是近几年,电子政务建设蓬勃开展,仅2005年在电子政务建设的投入就达到了478.6亿元人民币。但是关于电子政务项目建设的效果不佳的报道时常见诸报端。本文在对相关文献进行综述后发现,电子政务在其概念与发展阶段研究方面已经进行了充分的研究,在采纳和实施研究方面也以政府门户网站为基础进行了不少有益的尝试。相对来说,针对电子政务项目,尤其是复杂的跨部门电子政务项目采纳和实施过程中为什么项目执行不力或未达到预期目标的分析很少。本文针对跨部门电子政务项目,试图从项目建设实施过程中目标演化的视角,通过对多种理论的探讨,来深入分析跨部门电子政务项目实施的过程和影响因素。电子政务项目的引入或建设实施过程本质上是政府工作中引入信息技术的过程。本文在文献综述的基础上,基于组织变革管理的钻石模型,阐述了电子政务项目执行中必然会导致各种问题产生;从技术执行(technology enactment)框架分析了电子政务项目中目标变化的过程;基于组织制度理论,深入讨论了电子政务项目建设实施过程中的强制性压力、规范性压力和模仿性压力的影响。基于上述分析,本文提出了跨部门电子政务项目实施的过程模型,选择两个上海市跨部门的电子政务项目作为案例,详细讨论并分析了这些项目的执行过程及其变化情况,以及制度、组织因素的影响。通过解释性案例研究发现,电子政务项目的实施过程是目标变化的过程,其间问题不断发生、发展、解决,最终导致了项目目标在变革幅度上的变化。随着时间的推进,跨部门电子政务项目目标的变化呈现C形的演进轨迹。研究还发现,项目组织因素在实施过程中有重要的作用,制度因素在项目实施过程中是决定性的,既是不可逾越的障碍又是推动因素。具体而言,政府目前公共服务的理念是项目目标的提升力,而现行的政府职能、财政使用和绩效评价相关的政策法规、强势部门以及部门直接到影响都是项目目标缩减的主要作用力。项目实施过程中建立的组织间网络协调关系可对政府组织结构起补充作用,高层决策在目标变化的转折起着关键作用,推动者和专家在建立与调节共同的理念方面也发挥着较为重要的作用。本文的最后,对如何更好地推进跨部门电子政务项目提出了一些管理对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Since the introduction of IT application in Chinese government in 1980s, E-government has been developing rapidly, especially in recent years. According to CCID report, the annual input in Chinese E-government construction in 2005 reached 47.86 billion RMB. Contrarily, the negative or ambiguous return in government performance improvement is often reported on newspaper.Based on broad literature review, this paper found that, research about the definition of e-government" and its development stage is fully developed. Papers focus on government portal adoption and implementation is also fruitful. While analysis about why e-government project, complex cross-sector e-government project in particular, failed or partly failed is comparatively rare. Through the view of process and change management, this paper intends to discuss the phenomenon of de-escalation of commitment (which tends to be target decline outwardly) and its possible causes in cross-sector e-government project.The implementation of e-government actually is the process of IT application in government affairs. According to Leavitt’s diamond model, when implementing e-government, there must have different problems arise. As Fountain’s technology enactment framework depicted, in public sector organizations, IT will be enacted according to particular structure, institution or social network factors. Thus, the outcome of e-government implementation will be diverse. Based on agency theory, approach-avoidance theory and research about escalation/de-escalation of commitment, the paper analyzed the reasons of different conflicts between actors involved in e-government project implementation. Then, we raised the research framework of e-government project target decline. And 2 cases with Shanghai background is chosen to discuss within the framework. The paper carefully analyzed the process of cross-sector e-government project implementation and interactive factors as well.Through empirical study, we found that e-government implementation is certainly the process of target transformation. The whole process of e-government implementation can be regarded as a sequence of problem between IT and task, strucgture and people through time, which finally caused the result of fail or partly fail. Further, organizational factors in project are important to success implementation, and the institutional factors are crucial as insurmountable obstacle or incentive. In detail, service-oriented government vision would have positive effects on project implementation, while factors like current government structure function and policy would have negative effects on project promotion. Factors like social network, expert and champion would mediate institutional pressure. Finally, managerial implications and suggestions are given according to those findings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期

