

Regional Advantage and Self-Strengthening

【作者】 王列辉

【导师】 吴松弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 近代开埠之后,中国沿海的港口体系发生很大变化,相邻港口之间的空间关系也随之改变,上海港和宁波港就是其中非常典型的港口。宋元明清时期,宁波港是长三角港口体系中最重要的港口,清中叶之后上海港开始崛起。近代两港几乎同时开埠通商,但上海港发展迅速,宁波港则逐渐成为上海港的支线港。那么两港的空间关系是如何演变的,演变的原因是什么,这是本文希望解决的两大问题。文章首先从三个层面对两港的空间关系进行考察。其一,从历史的长时段看,长三角的首位港口从三角洲的两翼(唐代的扬州、宋元明清的宁波)向中心(上海)转移,在近代形成“一体(上海港)两翼(宁波港、镇江港)”的格局。其二,从两港的发展态势看,开埠之前的宁波港是朝贡贸易体系中的一个重要港口,西欧商人也积极寻求在宁波通商,港口的发展态势是外向化的,上海港主要以国内贸易为主,其发展态势是内向化的。开埠之后,随着贸易网络的变化,上海港成为国际性的大港,宁波港的进出口大多通过上海港中转,其发展态势趋于内向化。其三,从港口分工看,上海港成为远东地区的枢纽港之一,而宁波港成为上海港的支线港。接着,文章从自然条件、陆向海向腹地、临港集聚和港口制度四个方面进行原因分析。与前人或者强调区位优势或者重视历史、经济、制度等不同,文章尝试运用“区位优势-自我增强”的思路来分析两港空间关系演变的原因。由于拥有区位优势,上海港的发展起点就比较高,逐渐形成临港集聚。之后虽遇到种种困难,特别是进港航道水深不足对上海港的发展是致命的,但是临港集聚一经形成,就会产生集聚效应,进而形成自我增强机制,航道的疏浚、铁路的兴建、租界和港口管理制度的创新等都是自我增强的生动体现。这时,最初的区位条件和集聚效应相比,已不再那么重要了,在上海集聚了太多人的利益,这种聚集优势最终使上海港在自我增强中不断发展,只有战争使它的发展步伐稍稍减缓。近代宁波港和上海港同时开埠,港口的历史积淀也比上海港深厚,但是由于缺少区位优势,大量资源向上海港集中,港口的自我增强能力不足,导致港口发展不快,最终成为上海港的支线港。

【Abstract】 Shanghai Port and Ningbo Port are the two most important ports in the port system of the Yangtze Delta .In Song ,Yuan ,Ming and Qing dynasites ,Ningbo Port played a core role in the port system of the Yangtze Delta ,while Shanghai Port grew up to dominate in mid-Qing dynasty .The two ports ware opened to world almost at the same time in the early modern China ,and Shanghai Port developed rapidly while Ningbo Port gradually became its feeder port .Then what did the space relations turn into between the ports ,and what is the reason for this evolution?These are the two issues the thesis hopes to solve.First of all, the thesis carries on an investigation of the space relations between the two ports in three aspects. First, from the long segment of history, the primate port of the Yangtze Delta transferred from the wings(Yangzhou in Tang dynasty and Ningbo in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties) to the centre(Shanghai), so the "one main port(Shanghai Port) with two feeder ports(Ningbo Port and Zhenjiang Port)" pattern was formed in the modern China. Second, from the development of the two ports, the European traders were in the active pursuit of trade with Ningbo Port, which played an important role in the system of tributary trade before 1840, so its development was extroverted. At that time the domestic trade was mainly done in Shanghai Port, so its development was introverted. After 1840, Shanghai Port grew into an international port along with the variety of trade network. The import and export of Ningbo Port were transferred through Shanghai Port, so Ningbo Port changed to be introverted. Third, from a division of ports’ function, Shanghai Port developed into one of the vital point ports in the Far East, while Ningbo Port became the feeder port of Shanghai Port.After that, the thesis carries on the reason analysis in four aspects: natural condition, the hinterland-foreland, port-centered cluster and institution. Different from the past research, which might emphasize on the regional advantage or the difference of history, economy and institution, the thesis tries to analyze the reasons for the evolution of the two ports’ space relations by "regional advantage and self-strengthening". Due to regional advantage, Shanghai Port had a higher starting point, which gradually formed the pattern of "port-centered cluster". Although meeting various difficulties, especially the slit of channel, which was fatal to the developments of Shanghai Port. As soon as "port-centered cluster" formed, it would produce gathering effect, then came to build up a mechanism of self-strengthening. The dredges of channel, the build of railway and the innovation of foreign concessions and port management institution were the vivid examples of self-strengthening. At this time, the regional condition had been no longer so important compared with this cluster effect. So many benefits of business and industry had been gathered in Shanghai, and this kind of advantage made Shanghai Port developed continuously with the effect of "self-strengthening", only slightly slowed down by the war.Ningbo Port opened at the same time with Shanghai Port in the modern age, also having a longer history. But due to the shortage of regional advantage, a great deal of resources were concentrated to Shanghai Port, and a lack of self-strengthening ability led to the slow growth of Ningbo Port, which finally turned to be the feeder port of Shanghai Port.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1329

