

A Research on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Sichuan Forest Ecotourism

【作者】 李维余

【导师】 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 生态旅游被公认为旅游业可持续发展的重要途径之一,它解决了旅游业发展过程中的环境保护和资源配置问题,有助于真正实现旅游业健康、持续发展。目前,生态旅游的研究主要集中在定义、内涵、分类等理论方面,还缺乏对生态旅游可持续发展的实证研究。本文以生态旅游的重要类型之一——森林生态旅游为研究对象,结合自然保护区和森林公园开发生态旅游的实践,综合运用多学科理论,对四川森林生态旅游的可持续发展战略进行系统的研究。因此,本文的选题具有重大的理论意义和潜在的社会应用价值。主体(旅游者)和客体(旅游资源)是森林生态旅游系统中不可分割的两个方面。本文率先在国内外就森林生态旅游的资源、产品、游客和市场的可持续发展战略进行了较为系统、全面的研究,提出了实现四川森林生态旅游可持续发展的战略选择与具体措施,并构建了可持续发展的评价指标体系。在森林生态旅游资源与产品可持续发展研究中,本文从地理属性和自然属性两个角度对森林生态旅游资源进行了分类,并基此探讨了四川森林生态旅游资源的类型,对森林生态旅游产品的分类则主要参考旅游产品的分类原则。论文首先分析了四川森林生态旅游景区(点、项目)产品,森林生态旅游线路产品和森林生态旅游目的地产品(森林公园、自然保护区等)的开发现状,然后对四川森林生态旅游进行了较全面的SWOT分析,最后提出了分区经营和精品示范的资源开发战略以及多样化发展和突出大熊猫产品优势的产品开发战略。分区经营旨在提供层次分明、结构完整的森林生态旅游产品体系,促进不同区域之间的协调发展,实现“无障碍旅游”目标,满足国内外游客不同层次和类型的需求。本文将四川省划分为川西平原区、盆中丘陵区、盆周山区、川西南山区和川西高山高原区等五个森林生态旅游区,并分别进行分析。精品示范是为了打造一批生态旅游精品,以创立四川省独特的森林生态旅游品牌,塑造四川省森林生态旅游产品的整体形象和良好信誉。研究认为,四川省应该优先选择通达性较好的10个国家级(省级)自然保护区和10个国家级(省级)森林公园,着力培育森林生态旅游示范区(点),以此推动四川森林生态旅游上档升级,向精品旅游发展。多样化产品主要包括:国际狩猎;野生动物种群寻踪、天府鸟类生态游:花卉、观赏植物、红叶、林海雪原及原始森林生态游;生态建设与环境科普生态游;森林避暑度假与休闲疗养生态游。大熊猫产品战略主要体现在旅游线路的设计上,本文针对四川大熊猫生态旅游者和大众旅游者分别提出了10条生态旅游线路和10条大众旅游线路。在森林生态旅游游客与市场可持续发展研究中,通过大量的统计调查和数据分析,本文提取并描述了来川旅游的国内和国外森林生态旅游者的人口统计学特征和消费特征,并分析了森林生态旅游者的形成条件。这里,人口统计学特征主要是年龄、性别、职业等,消费特征主要包括旅游消费、客源地等特征,森林生态旅游者形成的条件包括时间、经济、安全、环境差异等外部条件和个人心理因素等内部条件。在市场分析部分,基于对四川森林生态旅游市场现状的剖析,本文在市场定位时将四川森林生态旅游市场划分为国内客源市场和入境客源市场,再针对每个市场具体划分其一级核心市场、二级重点市场和三级机会市场,并根据不同市场的具体情况制定不同的营销策略和宣传措施。研究发现,四川森林生态旅游市场当前存在的主要问题是总体消费水平偏低、旅游消费需求的个性化趋势和旅游产品供给单一的矛盾突出、旅游者的生态意识有待提高。因此,在综合分析四川森林生态旅游市场发展前景的同时,本文提出了四川森林生态旅游市场的可持续发展战略和具体措施,认为在市场拓展时要特别注重把潜在旅游者变成现实旅游者、把短期旅游者变成长期旅游者、把大众旅游者变成生态旅游者、把一般的生态旅游者培育成严格的生态旅游者这一思想,真正实现旅游者的可持续发展。同时,为了衡量森林生态旅游是否可持续发展及可持续发展的程度,本文还提出了森林生态旅游可持续发展的评价指标体系。结合国内外关于森林生态旅游可持续发展评价的两类研究——理论评价和认证评价研究,采用专家意见法和模糊综合评价法确定指标框架及其权重。指标体系包括环境、资源、经济和社会4个子系统,11个评价因素、29个评价因子。采用综合评分法,根据预设的评判标准判断森林生态旅游可持续发展的程度,有助于森林生态旅游可持续发展的分段实施和重点突破,并同时兼具有理论与应用意义。最后,本文选取融省级自然保护区和国家级森林公园为一体的四川天全县二郎山喇叭河景区为典型案例,进行深度分析。采用实地调查法、问卷调查法和统计分析等方法进行案例研究,验证了本文关于四川森林生态旅游资源、产品、游客、市场可持续发展的战略和举措,也证明了本文关于四川森林生态旅游可持续发展的评价指标体系的有效性。

【Abstract】 Ecotourism is publicly recognized as one of the most important ways for the sustainable development of tourism industry, as it can well deal with environmental protection and resource allocation in the course of developing tourism and achieve a healthy, continuous growth in the long run. Literature review finds that relative researches so far mainly focus on the definitions, connotations, and classifications of ecotourism and are short of empirical studies of its sustainable development. Thus it is of a great theoretical significance as well as of a promising social practicability for this dissertation to appeal to various theories and make a systematic study on the sustainable development strategy of Sichuan forestry ecotourism, taking forestry ecotourism, one of the main categories of ecotourism, as the subject and considering the practices of ecotourism development in natural reserves and forest parks.Subjects/tourists and objects/resources are two indispensable elements of an ecotourist system. This dissertation pioneers a multi-perspective, systematic study on the sustainable development strategies of forestry ecotourism resources, products, travelers, and markets at home and abroad, puts forward strategies and specific measures for Sichuan to develop its forestry ecotourism sustainably, and constructs an evaluation indices system to measure the degree of development sustainability.For the sustainable development of forestry ecotourism resources and products, forestry ecotourism resources (FERs) are classified according to their geographical features and natural features and forestry ecotourism products (FEPs) are categorized following the principles of common tourism products. Based on the elaboration of the development status quo of Sichuan forestry ecotourism scenic area/spot/item products, routine products, and destination products like forest parks and natural reserves, etc., a SWOT analysis is made on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the development of ecotourism in Sichuan. Area-specific operational strategies and elaborate works demonstrating strategy are suggested for resource development. And diversified product strategies and grand panda routines are proposed for product development.Area division is for the sake of harmonious development between different districts and for the objective of "zero obstacle tourism" by means of supplying tourists with a range of forestry ecotourism products which are characteristic of clear hierarchies and complete structures so as to meet various demands of customers from home and abroad in the end. Under these principles, five forestry ecotourism areas are classified in Sichuan: plains in the west, hills in the middle of the Basin, mountain areas surrounding the Basin, mountain areas in the southwest, and alps and plateaus in the west. And analyses are made on each accordingly.The objective of elaborate works demonstration is to construct a series of elaborate ecotourism works, build a unique brand of Sichuan forestry ecotourism, and establish an overall figure and good reputation of Sichuan forestry ecotourism products. Ten state-/province-level natural reserves and ten state-/province-level forest parks of a good accessibility are suggested for Sichuan to demonstrate its construction of forestry ecotourism areas or spots in this research.Diversified product strategies include the following: international safari; ecotourism to animal communities and natural birds; ecotourism to plants like flowers and azaleas, etc., virgin forests, and snowfields; ecotourism to ecological construction, environmental protection, and science education; summer vacation, leisure, and recuperation in forests. The strategy of grand panda products is mainly represented by the designing and programming of travel routines. And ten routines are proposed for Sichuan ecotourists and mass tourists, respectively, in the research.For the sustainable development of tourists and markets, demographic features and consumption characteristics of Sichuan forestry ecotourists from home and abroad are extracted and described on the basis of lots of literature review, field investigation, and data analysis. Here, the demographical features mainly include age, gender, and occupation, etc., and the consumption characteristics refer to components of expenditures and tourist sources. Also, the exterior factors like time, income, safety, and environmental difference and the interior factor of individual personality are listed and discussed as the conditions for the formation of ecotourists.As far as market analysis is concerned, the status quo of Sichuan forestry ecotourism market is discussed first. Then, in market positioning, Sichuan forestry ecotourism market is divided into home market and entry market, and first-level core market, second-level key market, and third-level opportunity market are segmented for both home market and entry market. It argues that specific marketing mix and promotion measures must be taken for different markets. It is also found that the main problems in Sichuan forestry ecotourism market lie in the relatively lower consumption level, the sharp conflict between customers’ personalized demands and the sole supply of tourism products, and the need to improve tourists’ ecological consciousness. While the prospect of Sichuan forestry ecotourism industry is analyzed, the research puts forward strategies and concrete measures for the development of Sichuan forestry ecotourism, as well, and suggests that we should convert potential tourists, short-term tourists, mass tourists, and soft tourists into real tourists, long-term tourists, ecotourists, hard ecotourists, respectively, in order to realize the sustainable development of tourists.Meanwhile, in order to measure whether and to what a degree forestry ecotourism can develop sustainably, an evaluation indices system is offered in the study. The indices system is formed by experts and indices weights are determined by fuzzy judgment method, with reference to theoretical evaluation and certification evaluation researches at present at both home and abroad. Our indices system is composed of 4 sub-systems (i.e., environment, resources, economy, and society), 11 indices, and 29 factors. The degree of forestry ecotourism sustainability can be calculated as per preset criteria by using fuzzy judgment method, which helps the periodical implementation and crucial breakthrough of the sustainable development of forestry ecotourism, not only enriching relative researches but also offering guidelines to practitioners.In the end, a case study is made on Tianquan Erlang Mountain Labahe scenic area, a good destination for forestry ecotourism as well as a state-level natural reserve and forest park. Our discussion is based on field work, questionnaire, and statistic analysis. It finds that the strategies and specific measures for the sustainable development of forestry ecotourism resources, products, travelers, and markets proposed in this research are feasible and the evaluation indices system is also effective.


