

Research on Sustainable Growth Mechanism of Industrial Cluster

【作者】 牟绍波

【导师】 王成璋;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在经济和市场竞争全球化的背景下,为什么有的产业集群经久不衰?为什么有的产业集群昙花一现?为什么有的产业集群在全球竞争中具有持续的竞争优势?为什么有的产业集群在高速成长期却突然走向了衰落?所有这一切都向我们提出了一个值得深思和探讨的问题,即在全球竞争的背景下,产业集群如何不断地创新、成长以及如何构建并保持持续的竞争优势,从而实现集群持续成长。目前,产业集群持续成长问题不仅是国内外集群实践中亟待研究解决的问题,而且日益成为区域经济可持续发展的基础。基于上述考虑,本文以产业集群为研究对象,在前人研究成果的基础上,综合运用经济学、管理学、复杂性科学以及生态学中的理论与方法,对产业集群持续成长的机制进行系统研究。本文共分6章,第1章主要阐述本论文的研究背景、研究问题和研究意义,综述相关的国内外文献,并提出本论文的研究逻辑思路、研究方法和主要内容;第2章在对产业集群本质再认识和集群持续成长内涵分析的基础上,从自组织理论和动态核心能力理论视角,构建了动态环境下集群持续成长机制的概念模型;第3章主要探讨了集群持续成长的自组织本质、自组织成长机理和自组织演化成长模式;第4章在分析集群竞争优势刚性的基础上,提出集群动态核心能力的概念,分析了集群动态核心能力的构成要素及其对集群持续成长的作用机制,探讨了集群动态核心能力的演进与产业集群持续成长的关联机理,并进一步探讨基于集群动态核心能力集群持续竞争优势的获取问题,最后是关于集群动态核心能力的培育与更新的探讨;第5章在论述政府对集群支持的理论依据的基础上,分别探讨了政府对集群自组织演进和对集群动态核心能力的培育和提升的作用机制;第6章实例研究,论文选取了美国硅谷高科技产业集群和浙江柳市低压电器产业集群进行实例分析,研究了自组织、动态核心能力和政府支持三大机制在集群持续成长过程中的作用。论文主要创新点有:从自组织理论和动态核心能力理论视角,构建了动态环境下产业集群持续成长机制的概念模型,并认为集群自组织是集群动态核心能力构建和演进的基础,是集群实现持续成长的前提;集群动态核心能力是集群实现自组织功能的保障,是集群实现持续成长的根本动力和核心保障机制,两者相互联系、相互作用,共同构成了产业集群持续成长的关键机制。探讨了产业集群持续成长的自组织演化机理,并认为集群的开放性与非平衡是集群持续成长的前提;涨落是集群持续成长的诱因;分叉与环境选择是集群持续成长的路径;竞争与协同是集群持续成长的动力。尝试性地提出并探讨了产业集群动态核心能力的内涵;构建了产业集群动态核心能力演进模型,探讨了集群动态核心能力的演进与集群持续成长的关联机理,并认为应该加强集群每一周期性核心能力的更新与重构,确保集群核心能力与环境动态匹配,从而实现集群代际推进,最终促进集群持续成长;构建了基于动态核心能力的集群持续竞争优势的获取模型,认为通过对集群文化、社会资本、知识吸收能力、创新能力与市场能力的有效整合而形成的集群动态核心能力是集群获取持续竞争优势的源泉。

【Abstract】 Under the circumstance of economic and market competitive globalization ,why have some industrial clusters grown for long time? Why have some industrial clusters grown for only short time? Why some industrial clusters keep sustainable competitive advantage under the circumstance of competitive globalization? Why some industrial clusters break up abruptly? One issue worth of studying and discussing is put forward,namely, under the circumstance of competitive globalization how industrial clusters innovate ,grow and form sustainable competitive advantage,consequently.The issue of sustainable growth of industrial clustes is not only a problem thrashed out urgently,but also become to the basis of reional economic sustainable development increasely. Based on the analysis above , industial clusters is to an object of study in my paper and base on the fruit of afore study ,the mechanism of industrial cluster sustainable growth is discussed systemly by applying economics, management, ecology and complex science.The dissertation is divides into six chapters. The first chapter clarifies the research background and the research significance, and explains the dissertation’s logical system, the research technique, the theory review and the literature summary. The second chapter discuss correlative concept and theory frame.Mechanism model of sustainable growth is constructed under dynamic environment base on self-organization theory and dynamic core capacity theory through analyzing the essence of cluster and meaning of cluster sustainable growth. The third chapter aims to discuss the self-organization essence, self-organization growth mechanism, the pattern of self-organization evolving growth.The fourth chapter aims to discuss particularly the correlative mechanism between clusters dynamic core capacity and clusters sustainable growth, and the obtaining of cluster sustainable competitive advantage basede on dynamic core capacity and the fostering and newing of cluster dynamic core capacity based on discussing the rigid competitive advantage. The fifth chapter aims to explain the effecting mechanism of government influencing cluster self-organization-evolvement and the fostering and upgrading of cluster dynamic capacity based on the theory gist of government surpports .The sixth chapter aims to analyse the High-tech industrial clusters of Silicon Valley in American and Low piezoelectricity cluster of Liu shi in zhengjiang province and explains to how self-organization , dynamic core capacity and government surpports effect industrial clusters sustainable gowth.The dissertation’s main innovation lies in the following :mechanism model of cluster sustainable growth is constructed under dynamic environment based on self-organization theory and dynamic core capacity theory . The model consider that self-organization of cluster is the basis of construction and evolvement of cluster dynamic core capacity and the precondition of cluster sustainable growth; cluster dynamic core capacity is the ensurement of the realization of cluster self-organization and the ultimate power of cluster sustainable growth. Cluster self-organization and cluster dynamic core capacity constitute the key mechanism of cluster sustainable growth together through reciprocity and correlation. The self-organization evolving mechanism of cluster sustainable growth are analysed and discussed , and the article think that the opening and unbalance is the precondition , fluctuating is the inducement , furcation and environment selection is the path , competition and cooperation is the power about cluster sustainable growth.The dynamic core capacity of cluster is attemptly put forward and discussed; evolving model of cluster dynamic core capacity is constructed and the correlative mechanism between envolement of clusters dynamic core capacity and clusters sustainable growth is discussed , moreover the paper think that it should reinforce the updating and reconstruction of cluster per periodicity core capacity which insure dynamic matching between cluster dynamic core capacity and environment, accordingly realize the push of cluster era border and cluster sustainable growth. The obtaining model of cluster sustainable competition advantage is constructed based on dynamic core capacity, which think that the cluster dynamic core capacity based on the available conformity of cluster culture, society capital, knowledge absorbency, innovating capacity and market capacity is the headspring of obtainment ofcluster sustainable competition advantage.


