

An Empirical Study of Customer Win-Back Strategy, Customer Loyal Behaviours, and Marketing Performance

【作者】 唐小飞

【导师】 周庭锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,激烈的市场竞争使企业在管理成本不断增加的同时,客户流失率却在逐年上升,企业经营陷入了极大的困境。要想在激烈的市场中取得竞争优势,企业就得必须寻找新的利润增长点和开辟新的出路。与流失客户重新恢复和建立已经破裂的业务关系提供了实现这种目标的途径。因此,流失客户的赢回管理工作成为客户关系管理的一个重要组成部分开始受到理论界和实业界的关注。过去,营销界一直把关系投资和价格促销策略作为获得新顾客、提高现有顾客满意度和培养忠诚顾客的主要营销工具。然而,关系投资和价格促销作为流失顾客的赢回策略,对于失而复得的顾客而言,哪种策略能令顾客更满意,更忠诚,愿意购买更多,能使厂商绩效更好,却是营销界一直以来没有得到解决的疑问。为了更好地理解关系投资和价格促销在市场中的重要作用,揭示他们对企业经营绩效产生影响的内在本质,更好地指导企业实践,作者将关系投资和价格促销作为赢回策略引入研究,一方面较为完整地刻画出了从赢回策略实施到流失的客户被赢回,最后转变为D&B忠诚模式下不同行为角色的一般思路;另一方面描述了基于不同价格敏感水平的顾客,在厂商策略作用下的顾客满意度和购买份额变化情况。并通过情感关系纽带和经济理性关系纽带两条主线将研究巧妙地整合起来,借助这两条主线既可以得到本研究预期的结论,又可以揭示消费者行为演变的内在机理。研究结论表明:关系投资这种非经济性质的赢回策略,容易激发流失顾客的内在消费动机,致使在顾客决策过程中情感因素占主导地位,从而导致买卖双方构建的关系纽带具有持续时间长,稳定性高的特点;相反,价格促销这种经济性质的赢回策略,容易导致顾客对价格敏感,在顾客决策过程中理性因素上升到主导地位,从而致使买卖双方构建的关系纽带具有持续时间短,稳定性较差的特点。研究结论不仅揭示并解答了厂商为什么会陷入两难困境的深层次根源,而且也消除了学术界部分研究人员和少数实业者对关系营销在中国市场中所起重要作用的质疑。研究不仅对中外管理者在中国市场成功开拓业务有一定的借鉴价值和指导意义,而且也有重要的理论价值。

【Abstract】 In the last decade firms are experiencing even greater difficulties than before in corporate management. Not only severe market competition induces high operation costs, but also a clear sign that it is more likely today to lose the once loyal customers. To obtain competitive advantage in this hostile modern market, firms have to find new profitable business models as well as new operation methods. To echo this view, the development of customer win-back strategy seems to provide a possible new thinking to tackle this obstacle. As a result, studies of strategies to win-back customers have started been an eye-catcher by both practitioners and academia recently.However, given the extensive studies of relationship investment and price promotion being the key tools to maintaining customer loyalty, we know very little about how these tools can be used as strategies to win-back a former customer. To understand better the mechanism underneath this enquiry, the current study introduces relationship investment and price promotion as the precedent strategies to win back customers and so to examine their effects upon marketing performance. Dick and Basu (1994)’s framework is used to define customers’ loyal behaviors under different win-back strategy settings. To one hand, this design allows us to portrait the process of how a customer can be win-backed based on his/her different level of price sensitivity. On the other, it also provides opportunities to compare the impacts of affective bonds and economical rationalism upon customer satisfaction and share of wallet after win-back.By using a dyadic design,. the indicators of four-year marketing performance of 121 hotels are collected and 1500 questionnaires were distributed to the customers of these hotels covering three provinces in China. The valid sample size is 1074. The results show that, non-economical win-back strategies such as relationship investment are better able to encourage customers’ internal motivation of consumption, and thus contribute to an affective long-term and stable bond with the service provider. On the contrary, economical win-back strategies such as price promotion are much easier to enhance customers’ price sensitivity and, thus induce a more unstable, short-term, relationship between each other. To sum, this study provides a clear answer to the dilemma of firms facing the problem of wining back their former customers. Meanwhile, it also draws insight to our understanding of how western theories can be applied in Chinese market.


