

Mycoflora of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

【作者】 沈瑞清

【导师】 商鸿生;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 省域植物病原真菌区系研究在我国尚待系统开展,本文以宁夏回族自治区为模式进行了探讨。宁夏回族自治区位于中国西北部的黄河中上游,总面积为5.18万平方公里,在生物地理区上跨华北区、黄河草原区、蒙新区、东北草原亚区和西部荒漠亚区,生态环境极为复杂,分布着荒漠、草原、森林、农田等多种代表性植被类型,有微管植物1839种,隶属128科609属。复杂的生境和丰富而独特的植物资源为植物病原真菌的生存提供了特殊的环境。4年来我们对宁夏植物病原真菌进行了系统的实地考察、标本采集和鉴定。结果从18个县(市、区)和3个自然保护区365种植物上共采集标本4452份,整理贮存的腊叶标本1706份。对这些标本的研究,取得了如下的结果。1.鉴定出植物病原真菌98属391种(含变种),其中子囊菌门34属94种,担子菌门14属86种,壶菌门1属1种,接合菌门1属1种,无性态真菌38属163种,卵菌门10属46种。2.发现新种7个,即沙冬青链格孢、沙棘链格孢、宁夏生链格孢、四合木链格孢、沙枣假尾孢、白刺假尾孢和甘蒙怪柳假尾孢。3.发现中国新寄主植物16种,即铁杆蒿、贺兰韭、旱榆、白缘蒲公英、白刺、沙冬青、醉马草、芨芨草、宁夏党参、蒙古鸦葱、贺兰山南芥、小白藜、茴香、宁新蒿、沙芦草、细弱隐子草。4.发现葡萄座腔菌属等宁夏新记录属44个,猪毛菜内丝白粉菌等宁夏新记录种195个。5.对前人已发表的宁夏真菌属种进行了复核、订正和统计,共整理出159属470种真菌,结合本次鉴定结果,迄今宁夏已知真菌203属665种。6.将宁夏植物病原真菌区系划分为贺兰山区、黄河灌溉区、盐同香山荒漠区、固原黄土高原区和六盘山区等5个分布区。7.贺兰山区,地理上包括贺兰山自然保护区辖区,以林木病原真菌为主,优势种为短柄锈菌、梨胶锈菌、珊瑚胶锈菌、松柳栅锈菌、三指叉丝单囊壳、污黑腐皮壳、叉丝单囊壳属和菊科白粉菌等,少有病害大流行。8.黄河灌溉区,地理上位于宁夏北部,北起惠农县、南到中卫市,西起贺兰山东部、东到原州区北部,包括宁夏各引黄和扬黄灌溉区。优势种有条形柄锈菌、禾柄锈菌、寄生霜霉、瓜类单丝壳、芸苔链格孢、灰葡萄孢、立枯丝核菌、粉霜霉、终极腐霉和瓜果腐霉等。本区真菌种类多,数量多,以卵菌门分布最为集中,引起成灾性病害的真菌种类多。9.盐同香山荒漠区,包括盐池县大部,同心县、海原县北部、灵武市东部和中卫市香山地区,即宁夏中部干旱带。优势种有蒿白粉菌、豆科内丝白粉菌、锦鸡尔叉丝壳、岩黄芪束丝壳、反卷钩丝壳、蒿柄锈菌、獐茅柄锈菌、蔬食蛇床柄锈菌、甘草柄锈菌和隐匿柄锈菌等。真菌分布特征是数量少,种类单一,适应荒漠生态的真菌多,且几乎没有灾害性病原真菌。10.固原黄土高原区,包括海原县、同心县部分县域、固原市大部(除泾源县、隆德县以外)辖区。优势种是条形柄锈菌、致病疫霉、终极腐霉、禾柄锈菌、茄链格孢、戴维斯尾孢、冰草条黒粉菌、核果假尾孢、禾黑痣菌和双叉旋花白粉菌等。其分布特征是:种类多,优势种明显,特有种类多,灾害性植物病原菌种类虽少,但流行频度高。11.六盘山区,包括六盘山及六盘山主脉两侧的隆德县、泾源县和西吉、原州、海原等县区的部分地区。优势种(含变种)为隐匿柄锈菌、短柄草柄锈菌林地早熟禾变种、条形黒粉菌、禾柄锈菌、松杨栅锈菌、禾本科布氏白粉菌、松针散斑壳、核桃日规壳、致病疫霉和粉状叉丝壳等。本区真菌种类少但数量多,植物叶面生真菌较多,特有种类较多,成灾性植物病原真菌少。12.对侵染豆科植物的链格孢菌进行了ITS序列分析,结果表明寄生于豆科植物上的链格孢属真菌大孢子种与小孢子种的同源性有一定的差异,但小孢子种之间同源性没有差异。本研究基本摸清了宁夏植物病原真菌区系及其分布规律,可为我国其它省区同类研究提供借鉴,并为宁夏真菌多样性的成因和生态学研究奠定了基础,真菌鉴定结果尚为《宁夏真菌病害志》的编写,为有害生物检疫和主要病害防治策略制定提供重要依据。

【Abstract】 Mycoflora of plant pathogenic fungi in provincial regions has not been conducted systematicaly in China, and the present dissertation was a try for this problem as the model with Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was located in Upper Yellow River of northwest China with an area of 51,800 km2,and extended North China zone, Yellow River grassland zone, Inner Mongolia-xinjiang zone, Northeast grassland sub-zone and Northwest dessert-grassland sub-zone. Here ecological environment was complicated, and vegetations of desert-grassland, grassland, forest and farmland were distributed. There were 1,832 species of vascular plant belonging to 128 families and 609 genera. Plant pathogenic fungi live suitably in such volatile environments and on complex hosts. Mycoflora of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has been determined basically by systematical spotting-investigation, collecting and identifying for 6,158 samples in recent 4 years, and main results were as follows.1. Ninety-eight genera and 391 species were found, among of them,34 genera and 94 species belonging to Ascomycota,14 genera and 86 species belonging to Basidiomycota,1 genera and 1 species belonging to Chytridiomycota, 1 genera and 1 species belonging to Zygomycota, 38 genera and 163 species belonging to Anamorphic fungi, and 10 genera and 46 species belonging to Oomycota.2. Seven new species were found, which were Alternaria ammopiptanthi, Alternaria hippophii, Alternaria ningxiaensis, Alternaria tetraena, Pseudocercospora elaeagnae, Pseudocercospora nitrariae and Pseudocercospora tamarixae.3. Sixteen newly recorded hosts of plant pathogenic fungi for China were Artemisia sacrorum, Allium eduardii Stearn, Ulmus glaucescens Franch., Taraxacum platypecidum, Nitraria sibirica, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, Achnatherum inebrians, Achnatherum splendens, Adenophora ningxianica, Scorzonera mongolica, Arabis alashanica, Chenopodium iljinii, Foeniculum vulgare, Artemisia pontica, Agropyron mongolicum and Cleistogenes gracilis.4. Forty-four newly recorded genera and 195 newly recorded species of plant pathogenic fungi for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were found.5. Four hundred and seventy published species were revised based on literature survey and spotting-check, considering our finding species in this time, until now total 203 genera and 665 species of fungi have been found in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.6. Mycoflora of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were divided into 5 distribution zones, which were Hanlanshan mountain zone, Yinchuan Yellow River irrigated zone, Yan-tong dessert-grassland zone, Guyuan loess plateau zone and Liupanshan mountain zone.7. Hanlanshan mountain zone included in geography areas of Hanlanshan nature reserves. In this zone most plant pathogenic fungi mainly acted on trees as hosts and the diseases caused were hardly epidemic. Following were dominant species:Puccinia pygmae, Gymnosporangium haraonum, Gymnosporangium clavariaeforme, Melampsora larici-epitea, Podosphaera tridactyla, Valsa sordida, Erysiphe cichoracearum.8. Ningxia Yellow River irrigated zone included in geography total Yellow River irrigated areas of Ningxia. Here dominant species were Puccinia striiformis, Puccinia graminis, Peronospora parasitica, Sphaerotheca cucurbita ,Alternaria brassicae, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, Peronospora farinose, Pythium ultimum, Pythium aphanidermatum and Alternaria tenuissima. There were much more numbers and kinds of plant pathogenic fungi here, which were the main characteristics of this zone. Otherwise, distribution of Oomycota was concentrated and Epidemic diseases were more in this zone.9. Yan-tong dessert-grassland zone included in geography most parts of Yanchi, Tongxin, Haiyuan, lingwu county and less part of Zhongwei county, called Ningxia centre arid dealt. Dominant species were Erysiphe artemisiae , Leveillula leguminosarum ,Microsphaera caraganae,Trichocladia hedysari ,Uncinula kenjiana, Phyllachora sp,Puccinia adjuncta ,Puccinia aeluropodis, Puccinia artemisiae-keikeanae ,Puccinia atrofusca ,Puccinia glycyrrhizae ,Puccinia recondita ,Uromyces glycyrrhizae,Uromyces laburni,Urocystis agropyri. The characteristics of this zone was that there were fewer numbers and kinds of the fungi, and many fungi were suitable to live in dessert-grassland ecological areas. There were not epidemic diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi in this zone.10. Guyuan loess plateau zone included in geography most parts of Guyuan, some parts of Tongxin and Haiyuan counties. Dominant species were Puccinia striiformis ,Phytophthora infestans, Pythium ultimum, Puccinia graminis, Alternaria solani,Cercospora davisii,Urocystis agropyri, Pseudocercospora circumscissa, Phyllachora gramini, Erysiphe convolvuli var. dichotoma. The characteristics of this zone was that there were much more kinds, more obvious dominant species and fewer epidemic diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi.11. Liupanshan mountain zone in geography areas of Liupanshan nature reserves. Dominant species were Puccinia recondite, Puccinia brachypodii var. poae-nemoralis, Ustilago striiformis, Puccinia graminis, Melampsora larici-populina, Blumeria graminis,Lophodermium pinastri,Gnomona leptostyle, Phytophthora infestans, Microsphaera alphitoides. In this zone the kinds of plant pathogenic fungi were few, but the numbers of total plant pathogenic fungi and special fungi were much many, and there were not epidemic diseases in this zone.12.The sequence of ITS for 8 species of Alternaria from legume plants infected by these fungi in Ningxia and 3 species from other plants in northwest A&F University campus inYanglin of Shaanxi province were analyzed.The results showed that the sequences were some differences between large-spored species and small-spored species of Alternaria, but no differences in small-spored species.Mycoflora of plant pathogenic fungi and its distribution in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region have been basically determined by this research, which will provide strong references for other provinces to do similar projects and lay the foundation for studying diversity and ecology of fungi. The results from plant pathogenic fungi identified will be a steadily basis for writing Ningxia Fungi Flora and setting up controlling strategies and quarantine for pests and diseases in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.


