

On the Dynamic Foundation of Rural Human Capital

【作者】 岳佐华

【导师】 李录堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 农业是国民经济的基础,农村经济是国民经济的重要组成部分。目前农村经济的发展严重滞后于城市经济的发展,这不仅直接影响我国现代化建设的进程,而且影响我国和谐社会的建立。2007年“中央一号文件”提出要用“培育新型农民发展农业”,从经济学角度看,这实质上是涉及到了农村人力资本问题。人力资本是生产要素的重要组成部分,生产要素是经济发展的物质基础和动力依赖。本文以人力资本的历史演进规律及其与经济发展的关系作为分析基础,以农村人力资本与农村经济发展的互动机理、农村人力资本动力机制、农村人力资本团队和农村经济发展的政策基础为研究内容,利用规范研究和实证研究等研究方法,构建了本文的基本架构。本文所研究的农村人力资本的动力基础,是指与提高农村人力资本动力有关的理论、机制、形式和政策基础等。其理论基础是管理学的激励理论,经济学的“理性人”假设。基此,本文确定了这样的研究思路:在对研究背景、国内外相关理论和研究实践分析的基础上,首先对人力资本与经济发展的关系进行研究(包括人力资本在不同的经济阶段的演进轨迹以及生产要素之间的关系等),形成了现代背景下人力资本是农村经济发展主导要素的基本观点。依此为理论铺垫,系统研究了农村人力资本与农村经济发展的互动机理、农村人力资本动力机制的构建和农村人力资本团队及其形成基础。在最后部分,提出了发展我国农村经济政策的思想和制度基础。按照逻辑思维结构,本文共分7章。第1章导论本章主要分析了我国农村经济所处的国内国际背景,阐明本研究的目的和意义。其研究重点是:从古典经济学、发展经济学对农村经济发展的研究进行综述,对国内外乡村建设的理论和实践进行分析与评价,同时对国内外农村经济研究动态进行梳理,提出了本研究的切入点。基此,形成本研究的思路架构和创新点。第2章以生产要素理论为基础,从纵横两个纬度探讨了人力资本演进规律和人力资本与其他生产要素的关系。首先对几个主要经济阶段主导生产要素轮换更替现象进行分析,总结了人力资本在不同经济阶段中变迁的性质和规律,得出了生产要素在不同经济发展阶段的变迁,从本质上说是人力资本结构变迁的结论。其次对人力资本与其他生产要素的关系进行了研究。研究认为生产要素在性质上存在层级性,且具有两种不同的属性,在对经济发展的作用过程中存在着主动与从动的关系,人力资本在生产要素集合中处于核心地位。这为发展现代农村经济为什么必须以提高农村人力资本,培育新型农民为核心提供了理论渊源。第3章探讨了人力资本与农村经济发展的互动机理。首先追索了西方经济发展动力理论的不同观点和我国农村经济发展动力的研究结论,并对我国农村经济现阶段的基本特征进行了系统地研究,重点分析了人力资本与农村经济发展的互动机理。提出了以人力资本为核心的生产要素集合是目前我国农村经济发展根本动力的观点。目前人力资本对农村经济发展动力性的功能弱化,在一定程度上是因为农村尚未形成激励农村人力资本积累的机制与政策。第4章着力研究农村人力资本动力机制的构建。本章首先利用一个实地调查案例,分析农民对农村经济和农村社会的认识和心理需求,以此为基础,对我国农村人力资本供需失衡原因进行了深入的剖析,认为社会发展与资源分配的非均衡以及农村文化特点是导致农村人力资本动力缺失的主要因素。其次,将“生态位”理论引入农村人力资本研究,农村社会与经济环境是农村人力资本最适宜的“生态位”。基此本章提出了农村人力资本“双循环”动力机制。“外循环”机制应着重构建制度保证机制,法规支持机制,刚性投入机制,平台构建机制以及规范认证机制等,“内循环”机制则应构建农村人力资本主体的欲望激励机制,动机引导机制和行为定向机制。本章的最后部分对“双循环”机制的运行进行了阐述。第5章研究了农村人力资本团队问题。依据人力资本团队理论,首先对农村人力资本的类型及特点进行了剖析,认为:目前我国农村人力资本存在着生产型团队、技术型团队、营销型团队、季节性团队和综合型团队等五种类型。按照人力资本团队理论尚属于初始阶段,具有层次低,松散性,游弋性,临时性等特点。其次,研究了农村人力资本团队的形成基础,认为农村人力资本团队形成的主要基础是集约化的农村土地制度和公司制的农业经营组织模式。第6章研究了发展农村经济的政策基础。研究认为发展农村经济的政策基础必须以培育新型农民为核心,优化生产要素组合,激励新型农民积蓄能量(人力资本),并使之得到最大的释放。本章从四个方面进行了具体地研究与分析,即:培育新型农民是发展农村经济的战略考量,均衡发展是培育新型农民的重要思想基础,利益表达机制是新型农民建设新农村的精神动力,农村基础设施是新型农民施展才智的基本平台。第7章为研究结论。通过对生产要素在不同经济阶段变迁轨迹和我国农村经济的研究与分析,得出如下结论:不同的经济发展阶段存在着不同的主导生产要素,随着社会文明的进步和经济的发展,作为生产要素之一的人力资本在农村经济发展中将成为主导动力。我国农村经济已进入一个新的发展阶段,现代经济要素的快速渗入使我国农村经济发展具有了某些现代经济的特征,具备了农村人力资本的积累和团队化形成的社会、组织和环境条件。人力资本在农村的积淀与提升能够提高其他生产要素的效能,但是,我国尚未形成农村人力资本积累的机制、土地和经营组织、团队和相关政策,这是造成我国农村经济发展中人力资本“供给不足,需求乏力”状况的主要原因。所以必须构建融农村人力资本环境、农村人力资本主体心理动因为一体的“双循环”动力机制,形成农村人力资本的内外因素协调一致的动力机制体系。新型农民是农村人力资本的载体,发展农村经济的政策基础必须以培育新型农民为核心。发展,从根本上说是人的发展,这既是农村经济发展的出发点,也是农村经济发展的归宿。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy and the rural economy is an important part of the national economy. However, the current situation that rural economy develops much more slowly than the urban economy not only has an adverse impact on the modernization progress, but also on the establishment of a harmonious society in our country. The“No.1 CPC Document 2007" calls for "development of modern agriculture by the new-type farmers", which, in terms of economics, virtually refers to the issue of rural human capital.New-type farmers are educated farmers and carriers of the rural human capital. All of these questions such as the role of rural human capital playing in rural economy, the relationship between rural human capitals and rural economic development, mechanisms to be built to arouse farmers’initiatives, theories and ideological foundation needed to make policies for developing the rural economy need seriously researching either in theory or in practice in rural economic development. Therefore, on the basis of framework to analyze the evolutionary traces of essential production factors in different stage of economic development, the paper, in terms of theory and application does a research into the relevant issues of rural economyHuman capital is the important part of the production factors, and production factor is the material foundation and motive dependence of the economic development. The basic structure of this paper, taking the relation of the production factor and the economic development as analytical foundation, interactive mechanismof rual human capital and rural economy, rural human capital supply and demand mechanism, rural human capital team as its contents, using the method of norm and practice, was set up.The way of thinking is that based on the researching background, analysing theory and practice at abroad and home, the relation of production facter and economy development was researched. Otherwise, under the background of modern economy, the dominant production facter of economy development was probed into. With this theory as basic, the interactiv prnciple between human capital and rural economy, the dunamic mechanism of rural human capital were studied. In final, the foundation of policy and idea of developing rural economic was probed.According to the logic thinking structure, this paper is divided into 7 totally. Chapter 1 analyzes the domestic and international background encountered by rural economy of our country and expounds the purpose and significance of the research. The paper also gives a general description on the study of rural economical development with a view of classic economics and developing economics, makes an analysis and appraisal on the theory and practice of domestic and overseas village construction, and in the mean while, studies developing trend of rural the economy at home and abroad on which to form the way of thinking and originality of this research.Chapter 2 based on the theory of production essential factors, the change rules and characteristic of human capital in the different economic stages and the relationship between human capital and others were studied from dimension of vertical and horizontal. The changes in turn and replacement phenomenon of leading factors in the main economic developing stages was analyzed and the change rules and characteristic of human capital in the different economic stages was summaried.The conclusion was achieved that the change of production factors is the structure change of human capital from the view of nature firstly, and then the relationship between human capital and others has been studied that production factors have nature of layer, human capital was in core during the course of rural economic development.All of these can provide the origin of why must increase human capital, breed new-type farmer as core during rural economic development.Chapter 3 reviews different views on the theory of developing motive power in western economics, systematically study the basic characteristic of current rural economy in our country, and analyzes the interactive mechanism of the human capital and rural economic development. This paper points out that the collective factors in the core of human capital are the primary motive power sto develop the rural economy at present. The mechanism design should be made at the maximum of human capital efficiency.Chapter 4 puts emphasis on the dynamic mechanism construction of rural human capital. This chapter makes an analysis in depth on the unbalance of supply and demand first, and concludes that the unbalance of social development and distribution of resources and rural cultural characteristics are the main reasons, thus "ecology niche" theories are introduced into rural human capital research. Research shows that rural society and economic environment are the most suitable "ecology niche" to rural human capital. To make full use of the human capital efficiency, this chapter puts forward "dual circulation" mechanism which was divided into "outside circulation" and "inside circulation" mechanism. The former focus on setting up the mechanism of systematic assurance, legal support, rigid devotion, demand-stimulated and norms authentication etc, and the latter concentrations on desire encouragement of the rural human capital, motive guide behavior orientation.The research considers this is systematic basis to make the supply and demand balance of rural human capital. The final part of this passage expounds the operation of the“dual circulation”mechanism.Chapter 5 studied the questions of rual human capital team.By the theory of human capital team,the types and characteristic of rural human capital were took apart. There are five types about rural human capital that they are production type team, technique type team, marketing type team, seasonal team and integrating team. According to theory of human capital, rural human capital team is lower, incompact, uncertain and temporary at present. This paper considers that the formatting foundation of the rural human capital team is the plow-land’s institution and the organizational type of rural economy development.Chapter 6 studies policy basis of developing rural economy, and points out the basis should be in the core of cultivating new-type farmers; perfects the combination of the essential factors, stimulates the farmers to accumulate energy and release it as much as they could. The four aspects from witch this chapter studies and analyzes are as follows: cultivation of new-type farmers is the strategy to develop rural economy, the even development is the important thought basis of cultivating new-type farmers, setting up the mechanisms of benefit expression is spiritual motive for them to construct new villages and the rural facilities are the basic platform to display their wisdom and abilities.Chapter 7 is the conclusion of this paper. Through the study and analysis on the changes of the essential factors in different economical stages and rural economy of our country, the conclusion has been made that different leading factor exist in different economical stages, the human capital, as one of the essential factors, will play more and more important role in economical development and becomes the core factors in current stage. With the improvement of social civilization and economical development, the rural economy has developed into a new stage, which is characterized with modern economy by the quick entrance of modern economic essential factors, and the human capital has become the core factor in the modern rural economic development. The accumulation and increase of human capital can improve the efficiency of other production factors to speed up development of rural economy, narrow down the gap between the city and county. But the mechanism to stimulate the accumulation of rural human capital is wanted, which is the main cause the current situation of“shortage of supply and lack of demand”in rural human capital. Therefore, rural economic development requires the mechanism construction of rural human capital, the“dual circulation”mechanism to stimulate rural human capital harmony inside and outside factors can improve the environment of rural human capital.The new-type farmers are carries of the rural human capital, the policy basis of developing rural economy must be in the core of cultivating new-type farmers, which are the starting point and destination of developing rural economy.

【关键词】 农村人力资本动力基础研究
【Key words】 countrysidehuman capitaldynamic foundationresearch

