

Research on Some Key Techniques for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprise in ERP Implementation

【作者】 黄喜

【导师】 唐任仲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文结合国家863项目(No.2003AA414045)——“面向中小型制造企业信息化的集成系统开发与应用”和浙江省制造业信息化工程重大科技攻关项目(2003C11010)——“敏捷生产管理系统研究及其在电子制造业中的应用”,对我国中小制造企业ERP实施中存在的问题和研究现状进行深入分析的基础上,开展了中小制造企业ERP实施过程中几个关键技术即中小制造企业ERP实施过程模型、ERP实施能力的评价与软件系统选型、实施过程冲突与解决、实施效果的评价与过程控制等方面的研究,为我国中小制造企业ERP实施提供理论上和方法上的指导。全文共分六章:第一章,回顾了ERP在我国制造业特别是中小制造企业的发展与应用概况,分析了中小制造企业ERP实施成功率不高的原因。在总结中小制造企业ERP实施过程定义、实施过程建模、分级实施与软件选型、实施进度冲突、实施效果评价与实施过程控制等几方面研究现状的基础上,提出了需要进一步深入研究的理论和方法。最后给出了本文的研究目标、意义、内容。第二章,分析了中小制造企业的业务流程特点及其对ERP的需求,深入探讨了中小制造企业ERP实施的内涵、定义、特征等基本概念,研究比较了现有企业界与学术界的ERP实施过程管理模型的优点与不足,建立了一个基于用户为主导的中小制造企业ERP实施过程模型,并阐述了该实施模型各实施阶段的主要工作,在此基础上给出了中小制造企业ERP实施关键技术。第三章,建立了中小制造企业ERP分步实施模型,给出了中小制造企业ERP实施能力评测方法,并建立了分步实施模型中的阶段和实施能力等级之间的对应关系,以用于确定企业信息化的内容和找出快速提高实施能力的途径;提出了一种中小制造企业ERP软件选型方法,基于灰色系统理论建立了ERP系统选型评价模型,结合平衡记分卡和标杆原理确立了选型指标体系,利用层次分析法和模糊分析法进行定量求解。第四章,分析了中小制造企业ERP实施过程中的各种冲突因素并建立了实施冲突过程模型。根据图论知识将ERP实施过程模型转换为ERP实施时间约束网络,在此基础上,提出了一种最快实施进度的ERP实施时间冲突解决技术;分析了中小制造企业ERP实施过程中由于资源相对紧缺引起的多任务冲突,根据中小企业的实际需要和柔性关键链理论,提出了基于用户利益最大化的ERP实施冲突解决技术。第五章,阐述了信息质量评价在ERP实施效果评价中的重要地位,分析了中小制造企业ERP实施过程的信息内容和信息质量的内涵与特征,提出了信息质量评价体系,研究了一种信息不对称条件下的中小制造企业ERP实施过程信息质量评价方法;为提高ERP实施的信息质量,建立了ERP实施过程质量控制程序和评价指标体系,并提出了基于业务过程分析的信息质量改进框架;在此基础上,介绍了中小制造企业ERP环境下的统计过程控制质量控制技术以提高ERP系统工序控制模块输出的信息质量。第六章给出了本论文的研究成果和进一步研究的展望。

【Abstract】 With the support from the item of State 863 High-Tech R&D Program of China (No.2003AA414045) and the major research project of Zhejiang manufacturing enterprise informationization engineering (2003C11010), based on the analysis and overview of related literature and research status quo in SMME-ERP implementation, this thesis is mainly concerned with several key enabling technology in ASC including SMME-ERP implement process model,implementation ability evaluation and software selection, implementation conflict and solution, implementation perforance evualuation. The thesis aims to provide theoretical and methodological guidance for SMME ERP implementation and to improve the efficiency and the rate of success. Six chapters are included in this dissertation.In chapter 1, Firstly, the history of development of ERP system in Chinese manufacturing enterprise and the state of arts of small and mediun manufacturing enterprises ERP system implementation was reviewed. Then, the focus will be on the analysis of the causes for the low rate of success in SMME-ERP implementation.Thirdly, the research of implementation capacity evaluation, selection of ERP, implementation process conflict and solution, implementation performance evaluation,implementation process control etc were summarized. On the base of these, this dissertation propose the research objective and main content.In chapter 2, on the basis of an analysis of the definition, connation and characteristics of SMME and ERP implement process management, the essence of the process management of SMME ERP implementation, that is, to make the contents and the process rationalized and to enhance the rate of success, are pointed out. Then, the process model of SMME ERP implementation is established. The process model is enterprise oriented to the total process of SMME ERP implementation. The implementation steps and guidelines in the process model are presented as two major phases including SMME informatization planning and SMME ERP implementation. These principal works and key techques in every phase .are also introduced in the model.In chapter 3, Firstly, A dendriform evaluation model is presented based on the analysis of the characteristics and principles of ERP application evaluation system. The model consists of five components, each of which has some sub-objects.It can make multi-level assement for ERP application with fuzzy mathematics. Secondly, the evaluation indexes are stated in detail in the the model, and some key issues are discussed, such as the process of the indexes values, the determination of the index weight and the calculation method. Thirdly, a software selection approach is developed for ERP of small and mediun-sized manufacturing enterprise. Based on grey relational theory, a evaluation process model for ERP selection is constructed and ERP selection evaluation architecture was designed by using Balanced Score card. According to benchmarking theory, referred series is given and based on the analytical hierarchy process technique; all the relative weights are calculated to select the best ERP software.In chapter 4, These conflict factors in ERP implementation of small mediun -sized eterprise were analysed and an ERP implementation process conflict model is construced.. After the ERP implementation networks was construced, combining these proposed temporal constraint networks rules with the method of graph theory were applied to converte it into temporal constraint networks. Then, those implemention conflicts and .the shortest time are solved by the consistency algorithm for temporal constraint networks. Then, these multi-duty conflict by the constrained resource is analyzed and based on the characters of small and mediun-sized manufacturing enterprise, a technique improved from facilitate critical method is proposed to solve the conflict and can maximize SMME.In chapter 5, Information quality is an part of information system success model and is impottant to evaluate ERP implementation performance .After information content, information quality connation, information characteristics and the problems of information quality existing in Chinese manufacturing enterprises are analyzed in SMME-ERP, a business process-based methodology is developed to form for information quality assessment and benchmarking and.a techque based on the rational of information difference is proposed to evaluate its information quality. In order to improve information quality, the quality control program of ERP implementation and its evaluation index system are given.Finally, under the small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprise erp congdition, a method based on statistical process control.was introduced to improve product quality caused by process control.In chapter 6, systematical summary is given, and future work is put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】F270.7;F406
  • 【被引频次】49
  • 【下载频次】5817
  • 攻读期成果

