

New Generation Call Center and Its Application

【作者】 慕红云

【导师】 戴未央;

【作者基本信息】 铁道部科学研究院 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本论文对新一代呼叫中心进行了系统性理论研究,并在实践需求中完善了“大规模跨国实时呼叫中心关键技术”的研究,推出了呼叫中心运营新模式,它包含了两项商业创意模式、两项专有支撑技术。第一项商业创意模式是利用发达国家和发展中国家之间人员成本的悬殊差别,以发达国家的座席代表用语音(母语)对应客户,由第三方国家座席代表同步的进行呼叫中心后处理业务的方式,既充分发挥、利用了第三方国家座席人员的语言优势,又规避了其会话上的劣势。在利用互联网等网络进行实时对应的同时,实现了语音通信业务本地与远程座席的互联互通功能,实现了异地电脑终端录入数据拟本地化输入模式,从而建立起一个最适应服务的整体分工体制和计算机应用系统的组合。在这项商业创意模式中双方的座席操作员可通过网络和电脑终端分担处理语音通信业务和信息处理业务,座席可根据自己的特性、能力,更有效、正确、迅速地确立业务对应和录入方法,在提高生产力、提高精度、削减成本、改善顾客满意度的同时,使实时业务对应成为可能,消除了异地间录入替代使用业务的限制,可以期待异地及当地的飞跃性的雇用需求增加。第二项商业创意模式是利用计算机系统语音自动应答IVR(InteractiveVoice Response)系统,代替原来的打电话者从录音播放的问题中选择并按下所需服务号码层层深入的方法,而以任何开放性方式对应,即打电话者可以自由讲话,其语音通过网络将电脑界面数据和语音数据实时转发给异地,当地的录入操作员利用电脑终端听取对应。这时,可以利用处理方具有极高听力的特征实现有人对答方式,语音识别率可以达到99%以上,回答顾客时,又可以利用语音合成(Text To Speech)等语音转换系统答复,这样避免直接和打电话者接触,回避语言发音习惯不同等现实问题。针对上述业务实现,本论文提出了相应支撑技术,分别为语音合成技术、MyCapture多路语音听取技术、MyData网络信息加密技术。第一项有关语音合成技术是在现有语音合成技术(将事先预备好的内容进行合成)的基础上,在内容、作业量不定,但是要求整个过程的延迟在顾客可以容忍的范围内,实现实时语音合成。第二项MyCapture多路语音听取技术解决了互联网上同时听取多路(几百至上万路规模)语音的延迟和自动分配功能,从而实现了通过互联网进行实时处理跨国业务成为可能,削减了庞大的国际专线或长途电话成本。第三项MyData网络信息加密技术采用国际首例的加密方式实现了互联网上数据和语音的高度、有效的加密功能,减轻了由于数据加密给互联网带宽增加负担和造成堵塞本身业务数据量传输的本末倒置的现象,并且即使万一数据从网络上泄漏也可以保证偷窃者无法打开或窥测到内部信息,从根本上保护了企业客户的信息安全和利益。本论文深入探索和研究了呼叫中心的系统平台及涉及的软交换技术,并对网络协议、网络信息安全进行了较详细的阐述。在研究并实践了呼叫中心运营管理模式和品质管理机制以及互联网技术、计算机技术和通信技术在呼叫中心运营系统中的应用的基础上,特别在支持大规模的跨国实时通信技术方面取得重大突破,并已成功应用。异地实时呼叫中心模式和其座席排队模式的数学解析、TTS语音合成技术的成功改造、MyCapture多路语音听取技术和MyData安全保密技术的研究及应用,是本人在学习期间的主要学术贡献。

【Abstract】 This paper is on the research of new generation call center and completed the study of "the real time and global call center of large scale" based on the practice. I studied and explained in my paper the new operation model for call center. And the research is improved and perfected in practice. The new operation model is supported and realized by two models of commercial origin ideas, one patent technique and two special techniques and it has technical patent value.The first model of commercial origin ideas is that booth representatives from advanced countries are corresponding to customers with their voice (mother tongue) and booth representatives from the third countries are responsible for the synchronous processing service in call center, in order to make use of the great difference of personnel cost between the advanced countries and developing countries, so that the language advantage of booth representatives from third country are played fully and inferior position for conversation is avoided.The interchange function of voice communication service between local and remote booths is realized and the model that PC input data at different area as local input has been realized when the internet is connected at real time, then a combination that system of division of labor which is suited to service and computer application system has been set up.Booth operators at both sides can process voice communication service and information service separately through the network and PC in this invention. Booths can define service correspondence and input method more efficiency, correctly and quickly according to characteristics itself. Meanwhile, not only production abilities can be raised, personnel cost can be reduced and satisfaction to customers can be improved, but also it makes the real time service corresponding possible. The limit of substituting data input service at different areas has been eliminated, it is to be expected that demand of hiring shall be increased rapidly at local and at other areas.The second commercial model is that IVR(Interactive Voice Response) system in computer is substituted as original caller to choose and push the number that needs service from questions sensed automatically and the method may be used to correspond with any open questions, caller can talk freely and his voice can transfer computer interface and voice data to a suitable area through network and local input operators can use PC to hear such correspondence. At same time, the processing party with characteristic of high hearing abilities can be used to reply customers with 99% of the voice distinguishing rate and also voice transferring system, such as: "text to speech" can be used to reply customers, in such way, direct contacting with caller will be avoided and different pronouncing habits can also be avoided.For the realization of the works mentioned above, the relevant supporting technology are put forward as the following:The first TTS(Text to Speech) technology that supports service model mentioned above is used to reform IVR in the tedious process with customers. TTS enables the system to be designed along with customer’s demand and convenience, so that the system may supply good service to customers in time and raise customer’s satisfactory effect.The second multi-channel voice monitoring technology has solved the voice delay of hearing multi-channel voice (several hundred channels scale) on internet simultaneously and automatic distribution function, it enables real time processing service at different area to be possible through internet, and also large amount of cost of international special line or long-distance call can be reduced.Thirdly, the new cryptical function of data voice is realized and management method is strengthened by the network information safety soft wear package (encryption technique). It can not be deciphered, even information is revealed. The goal of real network information safety is realized. The customers’ interests and information safety are protected basicly.This paper deeply probed and studied the management model and quality control system of the call center and the application of internet technique, computer science and communication technique in call center. The paper also expounded how to collect multi-technique to reach the expected operation results successfully, and the test was carried out based on implement scheme put forward in theory design, feasibility of service model and supporting technique has been proved in practice. The successful transform for TTS( Text to Speech) technology, the research and apply on MyCapture multi-channel voice monitoring technology, MyData internet cryptical technology, are my primary academic contributions during my study.

  • 【分类号】TN99
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】908

