

Study on the Spatial Structure of Forest Resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Western Hubei

【作者】 袁传武

【导师】 吴保国;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 森林资源是地球生态系统发生发展的产物,也是地球生态系统的重要组成部分,更是人类赖以生存的物质基础,有效而持续地利用森林资源已成为整个人类生态环境得以维持和改善的关键。掌握和了解森林资源的空间结构的发展状况,才能更好的进行森林资源经营管理,达到森林资源的可持续发展。本文以可持续发展战略为指导,从现代森林资源及其环境的空间管理的需要出发,结合地理学中研究的空间结构理论和森林资源本身的时空发展规律及人类活动的影响,在前人对森林资源空间结构研究的基础上,对鄂西三峡库区森林资源空间结构的现状、时空变化、发展趋势、驱动因子进行了分析,对区域森林资源空间结构进行了评价、预测,并构建了技术支持信息系统。从鄂西三峡库区森林资源可持续经营管理的需要出发,在对库区森林资源空间结构特征、发生发展规律、森林资源空间结构形成机理、空间结构分析技术和方法的理论及应用现状剖析基础上,指出库区森林资源空间结构是在自然、经济和社会环境等因素的相互作用下形成并发展的观点,说明库区森林资源空间结构与森林资源可持续发展密切相关。从系统论的角度探讨鄂西三峡库区森林资源的运行机制,结合调查在研究库区森林资源结构中,应用地理信息系统技术进行空间数据搜集、整理和分析,建立库区森林资源时空变化预测模型;通过建立森林植被覆盖指数变化模型、森林资源重心迁移模型,详细研究了鄂西三峡库区森林资源时空变化规律,并阐述不同因子对鄂西三峡库区森林资源的影响方式和强度,揭示鄂西三峡库区森林资源空间变化驱动机制。在对鄂西三峡库区森林资源空间结构的状况、影响因子、空间运动状况综合分析的基础上,提出空间结构综合评价指标体系,确立了多种指标权重计算方法,并对传统层次分析方法进行了改进,在通用指标属性值提取规则的基础上进行基础指标量化、建立了综合评价模型,同时还建立了库区森林资源可持续发展的优化模型。本文对库区森林资源个体、群体、群落和生态经济环境开展了研究,针对库区森林资源生态经济的地域特点,建立了鄂西三峡库区森林资源生态经济体系分区,对分区进行了评价。为指导库区森林资源经营管理、保护和合理利用,实现库区森林可持续经营提供了理论依据和科学途径。通过对库区森林资源空间结构的分析过程和方法研究,完成了系统的需求分析、系统功能的分析与设计、系统数据库设计、系统空间统计设计等,使森林资源管理与决策建立在空间数据与属性结合的基础上,通过空间数据与属性数据的结合,进行空间分析,挖掘隐藏在数据背后的信息,为区域森林资源管理与决策提供有力的技术支持。

【Abstract】 Forest resources is a product of the development of the Earth’s ecosystem, it is also an important component of the Earth’s ecosystem and the material basis of human life, which effective and sustainable use the forest resources has become the key for the entire human ecological environment to maintain and improve. In control of and understanding the development status of the forest resources spatial structure could be better management of forest resources and to achieve sustainable development.In this paper, with the sustainable development strategy as a guide, from the needs of the space development of the modern forest resources and environmental management, with the geography study of the forest resources spatial structure theory and their own space-time development rule and the impact of human activities, on the basis of the predecessors study of the forest resources spatial structure, analyzed the forest resources spatial structure status, temporal and spatial changes, trends, driving factors of the Three Gorges reservoir area in western Hubei, evaluated and forecasted the regional forest resources spatial structure, and build a technical support information systems.At the beginning of the needs of the forest resources sustainable management, based on the analysis of the characteristics of forest resources spatial structure, and development rule, the formation mechanism of the forest resources spatial structure, spatial analysis technology and methods of the space structural theory and application actuality, put forward the point of view which the forest resources spatial structure of the reservoir area were formed in the natural, economic and social environment, and other factors under the interaction and development, point out that the forest resources spatial structure of the reservoir area and forest resources sustainable development is closely related to.From the point of view of the systemic theory to discuss the development mechanism of forest resources of the reservoir area, Combining research in the investigation of forest resources in the reservoir area, the application of GIS technology for spatial data collection, collation and analysis, to establish temporal and spatial changes forecast model; Through the establishment of forest vegetation cover index change models, the center of gravity transference models, traversed the temporal and spatial changes rules of the forest resources in Three Gorges reservoir area, and expatiated the impact ways and strength of the different factors of the forest resources, reveals the spatial variation drive mechanism of forest resources in Three Gorges reservoir area.Based on the integration analysis of the status, impact factor, spatial movement status of the forest resources in Three Gorges reservoir area, the forest resources spatial hierarchical structure appraisal target system mainly by stability criteria was proposed. By establishing many kinds of target weight computational method, the traditional analytic hierarchy method was improved. Based on the extraction rule of general target attribute value, the quality synthetically evaluation model were established.In this paper, launched a study on forest resources individual, groups, communities and ecological economic environment forest resources in the Three Gorges reservoir area in western Hubei, has studied the forest resources spatial structure, function and changes, to guide the forest resources management, protection and rational utilization, realized the forest resources Sustainable Management in the Three Gorges reservoir area in western Hubei to provide a theoretical basis and scientific way.Through the system requirements analysis, system functions analysis and design, database design, system spatial statistics design, the forest resource management and decision-making are based on integration of spatial data and attributes data, and through the combination of attribute data and spatial data, further spatial analysis, Mining hidden behind the information in the data, for the regional forest resource management and decision-making to provide strong technical support.


