
海南黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus sp.cf.nasutus hainanus)保护生物学现状及保护对策

Hainan Black Crested Gibbon (Nomascus sp.cf. Nasutus Hainanus) Conservation Biology Status and Conservation Strategy

【作者】 吴巍

【导师】 王小明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 海南黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus sp.cf.nasutus hainanus)属于灵长目长臂猿科冠长臂猿属,仅分布于我国的海南岛,是我国的一级保护动物,IUCN的极危种和全球最濒危的25种灵长类之一。曾经广布于海南岛上的海南黑冠长臂猿由于栖息地的丧失和人为捕猎,分布范围大幅度缩小,种群数量急剧下降,其分布范围从当时澄迈、屯昌一线以南的12个县退缩到霸王岭国家级自然保护区一个点,种群数量也由20世纪50年代的2000多只(刘振河等,1984)骤降至目前的不足20只,已然处于灭绝的边缘。为了能够更好地保护这个濒危的物种,以期能够帮助它摆脱濒临灭绝的处境,在华东师范大学和法国巴黎动物协会的资助下于2001年11月到2006年1月间在霸王岭国家级自然保护区内进行了长期的野外研究,其主要目的是认识这物种在霸王岭国家级自然保护区内的空间分布格局,搞清是哪些因素对其分布的影响,回答为什么这个种群长期稳定在二十余只的水平上?是什么机制在发生作用等科学问题。在2001年到2006年这5年间主要是对保护区内分布的三群长臂猿中的2群即A群(目前7个个体)和C群(目前4个个体)进行了长期的跟踪和监测,观察了海南黑冠长臂猿的鸣叫行为的特征,种群分布和数量变化、社群结构和大小的情况;同时也对保护区基本情况、保护区周边社区的状况、保护区内栖息地的结构、片断化程度、栖息地干扰因素和海南猿目前的致危因素进行了初步的调查。得到如下结论:1.目前保护区内海南黑冠长臂猿的种群状况为3群和至少2个独居雄性个体,种群数量大于等于19只;其中A群7只,1成年雄性,2成年雌性,2青年个体/亚成体,2婴猿;B群6只,1成年雄性,2成年雌性,1青年个体/亚成体,2婴猿;C群4只,1成年雄性,1成年雌性,1青年个体/亚成体,1婴猿。猿群主要的活动区域是斧头岭、崩岗、崩顶一线山峰西南坡直到南汊河的原始林边缘,石峰一线的西北坡,东三嵴区域直到东二大沟的东侧向南则直到公路边缘。2.调查期间所观察到的海南黑冠长臂猿的群体大小平均值为5.33只,SD1.22,变化范围4-7只(n=9)。每群成年雄性1只,成年雌性1—2只和2—4只后代个体,在有2个成年雌性的A群和B群中,都发现了年龄差距在2岁以内的婴猿,根据海南猿每2-3年左右一产的习性,可以推断群体中的2个成年雌性都参加了繁殖,是真正意义上的一夫多妻配偶制。3.海南黑冠长臂猿的日鸣叫发生频次的平均值为52.41%(min21%-max92%,SD 16.01%,n=24);旱季日鸣叫发生频次的平均值为53.88%(min28%-max92%,SD 16.90%,n=14),雨季日鸣叫发生频次的平均值为50.35%(min21%-max71%,SD 15.31%,n=10)。日鸣叫发生的频次不受雨季旱季的影响;一年中鸣叫发生频次最高的月份为8月达到了71.43%,最低的3月份则只有31.28%。4.几乎所有鸣叫都发生在11:30以前(占全部鸣叫的98.05%),并且大多数发生在6:30-9:30之间(占全部鸣叫的68.09%),6:30-7:30之间是最多的占到了28.79%。鸣叫开始的平均时间为7:56(min5:58-max13:50,SD 1:27,n=212);旱季鸣叫的开始时间的平均值为8:22(min6.23-max13:50,SD1:25,n=111);雨季鸣叫开始时间的平均值是7:28(min5:58-max13:45,SD 1:20,n=101),旱季鸣叫开始时间与雨季鸣叫开始时间存在着极显著的差异。鸣叫开始时间和日出时间显著相关5.鸣叫持续的平均时间为13.91分钟(min6.00-max30.00,SD 5.07,n=193);旱季鸣叫持续时间的平均值为14.19分钟(min6.00-max30.00,SD 5.44,n=113);雨季鸣叫持续时间的平均值是13.51分钟(min6.00-max29.00,SD 4.51,n=80)。旱季鸣叫持续时间和雨季鸣叫持续时间两者间不存在显著的差异6.每次鸣叫激动鸣叫的次数平均值为4.59次(min2-max9,SD 1.84,n=22);第一次激动鸣叫和鸣叫开始之间间隔时间的平均值为4.18分钟(min1-max8,SD2.32,n=22);每次激动鸣叫间隔时间的平均值为2.70分钟(min1.5-max5,SD 0.96,n=22);最后次激动鸣叫与鸣叫结束间的间隔时间的平均值为2.64分钟(min0-max10.SD 2.70,n=22)。7.海南黑冠长臂猿栖息地的植被垂直分带明显,分为海拔375米到800米的残次林、松树林、其他单一树种的人工种植林、荒草坡、芒果或其他水果类的种植林区域;海拔800米到1100米热带山地雨林和沟谷雨林区域;海拔1100米到1300米的山地常绿阔叶林区域;1300米到1565米的山顶矮林区域。长臂猿利用的栖息地面积总共约600公顷,其中A、C群活动区域面积约380公顷,B群活动区域面积约220公顷。现有长臂猿分布的栖息地片断化程度不高,但公路和架空电线造成的分隔仍然可能具有重要的影响。现存栖息地被严重孤立,造成栖息地面积极其有限且恢复和扩大不易,这可能限制了长臂猿种群数量的发展。现存栖息地的有限面积、霸王岭林业局在保护区周边的经济活动和周边社区的薪材收集、盗伐和偷猎现象是现存栖息地三个干扰因素。8.霸王岭保护区面临着人员和资金的严重缺乏,管理不力的问题,保护区内的偷猎和盗伐现象时有发生。保护区周边社区主要为少数民族聚居区域,社区的经济发展滞后,人均收入水平低下,社区人群对于自然资源的依赖性很大。目前情况下的海南黑冠长臂猿致危因素包括:1)有限的栖息地面积;2)周边社区的贫困导致的偷猎和盗伐现象;3)林业局在保护区周边的经济活动;4)保护区人员和资金的匮乏;5)过低的种群数量。建议消除公路这条隔绝了黑岭区域和斧头岭区域的障碍,从而为长臂猿可能的种群数量恢复提供亟需的潜在栖息地。尽快地消除保护区内其他人为建筑对长臂猿的间接不利影响,尤其是停止小水电的建设,同时逐步废弃已建好的水电站。停止在保护区周边的经济活动,采取彻底的封山育林措施,逐步淘汰保护区内已有的松树林和其它经济作物林,为长臂猿栖息地的恢复提供空间上的便利。进一步加强对周边社区所拥有的枪支管制力度,逐步过渡到完全禁止枪支的拥有,这样就能够有效地消灭对于长臂猿最直接的威胁因素之一。最后加大向国内外公众宣传保护海南长臂猿的重要意义,为海南长臂猿的保护争取尽可能多的资源。

【Abstract】 Hainan Black-crested Gibbon (Nomascus sp.cf. nasutus hainanus) belongs to Mammalia, Primates, Hylobatidae, Nomascus. It only distributes in Hainan Island, P.R.China. It is now Class I of key Species of wildlife protected in China, and listed by IUCN as critically endangered and one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates. It was once widely distributed over Hainan island. Because of the habitat losses and human hunting, it’s distribution and population declined dramatically. Before the 1960s Hainan Gibbon was widely distributed across 12 counties in Hainan, with an estimated population of over two thousand individuals while By the early 1990s it was believed Bawangling National Natural Reserve was the only place with a viable population of no more than 20 individuals. The gibbon has been on the very edge of extinction.In order to save this critically endangered primates from extinction, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China together with Paris Zoological Society, France supported a five year field research in Bawangling National Natural Reserve from November, 2001 to January, 2006. The targets of this field work include the population distribution inside the reserve and the reasons which causes this distribution, why the population remains stable at about 20 individuals.During the 5 year field work, a long-term monitoring on Group A (7individuals) and Group C (4 individuals) were made. Research works about the song characteristics, population distribution and population dynamic, social group organization and its scale were made. Also investigations about the reserve management, local community, habitat structure, fragmentation, disturbance and the current threats to gibbon population were also made. The conclusions of the research work are listed as below:1. Now, there are at least 3 social groups and 2 solitary male inside the reserve, total population is more than 19 individuals. The compositions of the 3 social groups are: Group A 7 individuals, 1 adult male, 2 adult female, 2 juvenile and 2 infant; Group B 6 individuals, 1 adult male, 2 adult female, 1 juvenile and 2 infant; Group C 4 individuals, 1 adult male, 1 adult female, 1 juvenile and 1 infant. The main gibbon activity area is the south-west slope of Futouling ridge, Benggang ridge and Bengding ridge till the border of the primitive forest at Nanchahe,, the north-west slope of Shifeng ridge, area around Dongsanji ridge till Dong’erdagou valley and the road.2. The mean scale of the social group is 5.33 individuals, SD1.22, min4-max7 (n=9). Each group consist of, 1 adult male, 1-2 adult female and 2-4 offsprings.Inside Group A and Group B, there are two infants born in the same year. So it is for sure that both the adult female attend reproduction.3. The mean occurrence frequency of Hainan Black-crested gibbon’s duet song is52.41% (min21%-max92%, SD 16.01%, n=24); during dry season is 53.88% (min28%-max92%, SD 16.90%, n=14), while during rain season is 50.35% (min21%-max71%, SD 15.31%, n-10). The difference between dry season and rainseason is not significant. The highest frequency occurs in August 71.43%, the lowestis during March 31.28%.4. Almost all the duet songs start before 11: 30 (98.05%), and the major part of the songs start between 6: 30 and 9: 30(68.09%), 6: 30-7: 30 has the highest percentage (28.79%). The mean time of the song starting is 7: 56 (min5: 58-max13: 50, SD 1: 27, n=212); during dry season it is 8: 22 (min6: 23-max13: 50, SD1: 25, n=lll); during rain season it is 7: 28 (min5: 58-max13: 45, SD1: 20, n=101), The difference between dry season and rain season is significant The song starting time is correlated with the sun rise.5. The mean lasting time of duet song is 13.91min (min6.00-max30.00, SD 5.07, n=193); during dry season is 14.19min(min6.00-max30.00, SD 5.44, n=113); during rain season it is 13.51min (min6.00-max29.00, SD 4.51, n=80). The difference between dry season and rain season is not significant.6.The mean times of great call during duet song is 4.59(min2-max9, SD 1.84, n=22).The mean time between the first great call and the beginning of the song is 4.18min (min1-max8, SD 2.32, n=22) .The mean time between each great call is 2.70min (min1.5-max5, SD 0.96, n=22) . The mean time between the last great call and theend of the song is 2.64min (min0-max10, SD2.70, n=22).7. The vertical distribution of vegetations of Hainan Black-crested gibbon is clear. Between 375meter and 800 meter, there a secondary forest, pine plantation, fruit tree plantation and grass land. Between 800 meter and 1100 meter, there are valley and mountain rain forest. Between 1100 meter to 1300 meter, there is mountain ever-green broad-leaf forest. Above 1300m, there are mountain dwarf foest The total area used by gibbon is about 600 ha, including 380 ha used by Group A and Group C, 220 ha used by group B.The fragmentation of the habitat caused by a road and electric line is not serious. But the road cut off the gibbon to reach the area of Heiling ridge where once gibbon distributed. The habitat is completely surrounded by road, pine plantation, fruit tree plantation and grass land. Thus cause the restoration of primary forest in new area become very difficult. The limitation of habitat area may already obstruct the population increasing.The limited primary forest area, economical plantation and construction, fire wood collecting, poaching and illegal logging pose disturbance to the current gibbon habitat.8. The reserve management is suffering from shortage of manpower and insufficient fund allocation. Poaching and illegal logging can not be fully sopped. The poverty of the local minority community cause serious dependence of natural resources.The limitation of usable habita, poaching and illegal logging, economical plantation and construction, Limitations in Reserve Management and Funding Allocation and the too small population pose direct threat to the survive of Hainan gibbon.It is suggested that the road which isolates Heiling ridge from the current gibbon habitat should be wasted as quickly as possible, in order to provide the population an immediately usable potential habitat. Forbid the construction of any new power dams around the reserve, and waste the power dams already constructed. Stop economical plantations around the reserve; gradually eliminate pine plantation and other plantations inside the reserve so to provide the space for primary forest recovery. Further strengthen the control of gun in the local minority community, gradually forbid the gun usage of local people so that this direct threat to the gibbon can be completely eliminated. Implement a publicity campaign to raise awareness of the Hainan Gibbon conservation and efforts being made to conserve it.


