

Xinhai Revolution and Urban Public Space

【作者】 瞿骏

【导师】 许纪霖;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文书写的是1911—1913年间上海这座繁华城市与辛亥革命互动碰撞的历史。而核心问题意识为:上海的各类公共空间如何形塑了这场革命?而革命又怎样影响了上海城市公共空间的发展轨迹?本文将从一个政治社会史的路径出发,证明从上海各类公共空间中生产出来的真假新闻、小道消息、仪式过程、纪念场所、生意买卖等都参与形塑了这场革命的进程、形态和想象,而在此过程中报馆报人、城市精英、生者、逝者、消费大众等城市公共空间的主角、配角也被革命深刻地影响。同时上海也是辛亥革命席卷全国时一片混乱中各地逃官、难民的汇集之处,车站、码头、旅馆、街道等城市公共空间都见证着这些逃官难民在辛亥革命中的经历。而他们与上海市民一起遭遇了光复前后上海复杂的乱局。总之,上海这座城市的公共空间是辛亥革命历史记忆和神话的重要发源地,也是人们经历重大政治变迁的集中缩影,更是清末民初城市公共空间转型的代表模式之一。本文主要围绕清末民国上海的开放私园、街头、店铺、茶馆、戏园、车站、码头、会馆等城市公共空间而展开,在辛亥革命与上海城市公共空间如何互动碰撞的主线贯穿下,研究范围将包括舆论中的“革命”、形塑革命中的舆论变迁、新革命英雄谱系、革命烈士的生成、追悼会的现实情境、伟人将帅在生意中的呈现、上海商家与革命、消费大众与革命、上海在武昌起事后的城市乱象,革命后上海城市的控制;民变、兵变的产生;革命经费的筹措等方面的内容。这个研究的时间跨度从1911年10月武昌起事开始到1913年二次革命结束,这一时期,一方面,革命脱胎于1901年后中国城市所发生的深刻变化,城市公共空间的强大力量为辛亥革命建构、填充了一个庞大的“革命记忆资源库”,同时城市公共空间对革命神圣性和合法性的消解又是不能忽视的。另一方面,辛亥革命为中国城市的急剧转型添加了全新的变量,由此形成了对中国城市公共空间各个方面的强大冲击。通过这一研究,笔者希望能开辟一个新的窗口来理解上海——这个变化中的城市的政治、社会与文化。

【Abstract】 The thesis is about the history of Shanghai, the most prosperous cosmopolitan city in China, in the period of 1911-1913 when the Xin’hai Revolution swept the country. The core problematique on the one hand is: how Shanghai’s different public space contributed to the Xinhai Revolution? On the other hand is how the Revolution affected the development of Shanghai public space?The thesis will be conducted by the study approach of political social history in order to prove that the true or pseudo events, rumors, procedure of ceremonies, places for memorializing and the business all contributed to the process and the image of Xinhai Revolution. Meanwhile, the Xinhai Revolution also strongly affected the protagonists and stooges, who perhaps were journalists, city elites, living or dead persons, and consumers, in Shanghai public space.The escaped officials and the refugees gathered together in Shanghai because of the disorder caused by the Xinhai Revolution that time. The stations, docks, hotels, streets all witnessed the experience of these suffering people who encountered with the complex situation before and after the Revolution with Shanghai’s citizen.In brief, Shanghai’s public space is the important cradle of Xinhai Revolution as a myth and historical memory. It is not only the microcosm of how people dealt with great political change, but also the representative mode of transformation of urban public space in late Qing and early Republican period.The thesis will focus on the open private parks, street corners, stores, tea-houses, theaters, stations, docks and guildhalls in Shanghai public space. Under the main study line of how Xinhai Revolution interacted with Shanghai public space, the study will also includes some parts hereinafter: the change of public opinion in the process of Xinhai Revolution, the pedigree of new heroes in the Revolution, the creation of revolutionary martyr, the real scene of funerals, the creation of great men and leaders in the process of business, the businessmen and the Revolution, the consumers and the Revolution, the mess situation in Shanghai after the Wuchang Uprising, the city control in Shanghai after the Revolution, the birth of mutiny and the civil commotion, the collection of Revolution funds, etc.The time span of this study is from Wuchang Uprising which happened in the October 1911 to the ends of Second Revolutionary Civil War in 1913. In that period, on the one hand, the Revolution was produced by the profound changes of cites in China after the year 1901. The great power of urban public space constructed a huge "database of memory for Revolution". Meanwhile, it is improper to ignore that the urban public space did dispel the divinity and legitimacy of the Revolution.On the other hand, Xinhai Revolution also added brand-new power into the sharp transformation of Chinese cities thus made a great impact on every aspects of urban public space. According to the study, we may open up a new way to know Shanghai more deeply------from the city’s politics, society and culture in this great change.

【关键词】 辛亥革命城市公共空间上海
【Key words】 Xinhai RevolutionUrban public spaceShanghai
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1437

