

On Cultivation of Professional Qualitie of Police in Our Country

【作者】 袁广林

【导师】 眭依凡;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 警察是保护公民权利、安定社会秩序的重要力量。面对新时期我国执政理念的深刻变化,警察职能也发生了相应的转变,即由暴力专政工具向公平正义执法者的转变,由限制者、控制者向服务者、保护者的转变。因而,对警察职业素质提出新的要求。这些素质的要素及其内涵是什么?如何进行培养?本文除第一章导言外共分4部分,围绕上述问题展开研究。关于我国警察职业素质培养的研究,首要的问题是要建立研究的理论基础。第一部分(第二章)首先在对警察本质属性分析的基础上,将我国警察职业角色定位于执法者和服务者,并指出警察提供的服务更多的是从社会安全出发,以法律的强制性权力为后盾,将“法”作为警察职业活动的“准绳”,修正传统将警察视为“专政工具”、“刀把子”的定位,为本研究确立前提。其次是以专业化理论为分析视角,将知识、技能和伦理归结为支撑一种职业的内在力量,从而把警察职业素质界分为职业知识、职业技能和职业伦理,并从这三个维度构筑分析框架,分析警察职业素质内涵,将警察职业素质培养建立在警察职业内在规律的要求之上。警察职业素质是一个历史的概念,一定的警察职业素质是与时代发展对警察的要求相适应的,警察职业素质的规定性来源于人们对新时期警察作用的认识。第二部分(第三章)从构建和谐社会、保护人权、打击高科技犯罪三个方面,提出时代发展对警察职业素质的新要求——执法为民的思想、法律至上的理念、公平正义的人格、尊重和保障人权的人文关怀、科技证据的意识以及打击高科技犯罪的科学素养,等等,为警察职业素质培养确立目标。第三部分(分四、五两章)按照知识、技能、伦理的分析框架,首先,通过对发达国家和我国台湾警察职业素质培养经验的比较分析,我们可以看出,建立专业化的警察队伍是世界各发达国家警界的共同目标,并认识到建立专业化的警察队伍需要发展高等警察教育,并发展出适合其职业特点的教育训练模式,在知识传授上,学历教育以厚基础、宽口径为目标,实行通识教育基础上的专业教育,岗前培训以技能为目标,针对岗位需要,传授技术性知识;在技能培养上,学历教育以基础能力培养为目标,岗前培训面向实战,开展实务训练;在伦理道德养育上,以健全人格为基础,以法治为核心,培养具有人文关怀、尊重人权的法治警察。其次,通过对我国警察职业素质培养历史的梳理,总结出以下规律性的认识:一是社会对警察内在素养的要求决定警察应具有的知识及其价值位阶:二是形成了“知识传授与技能培养同步,以知识为取向”的培养模式,面对专业化的趋势,朝着“以深厚知识为基础,以技能为取向”的模式演进将是必然趋势;三是初步形成了符合警察职业特点的伦理道德规范,职业伦理道德培养方法也逐步多样化、科学化。第三,通过对我国警察职业素质培养的问卷调查、专家访谈、资料分析以及与发达国家和我国台湾警察职业素质培养的比较,揭示了我国警察职业素质培养在知识传授方面存在着基础课程工具性过强,重警察科学知识轻法律知识,重事实知识轻价值知识;在技能训练上存在着培养目标与教学方法脱节,重理论知识灌输轻技能培养,缺乏注重技能训练的教育理念与机制;在伦理道德教育方面存在着将政治教育等同于执法伦理教育,伦理教育方法失当,没有形成公平正义的校园文化等问题。本研究的终极目标是希望对当下我国警察职业素质培养改革提供一些有益的建议。第四部分(第六章)是在上述分析、研究的基础上,应用高等教育相关理论,提出我国警察职业素质培养改革的路向。首先是确立我国警察职业素质培养价值观,在知识观上,以通识教育为基础,实现人格与学养的平衡;在技能观上,以适应实战为目标,提高实践技能;在伦理观上,以法治教育为核心,培育公平正义人格。其次是构建了在这种价值观关照下“三位一体’’的培养模式——通识教育+专业教育+岗位技能训练。通识教育、专业教育在大学4年本科阶段完成,大学后通过国家公务员考试者,进入警官培训学院或者中心,经过1年的职业培训,成为正式警察,也即4+1模式。这种警察培养模式将理论知识教育与职业技能培训在空间上分离、在时间上衔接,不仅有利于提高警察的文化素养,增强职业发展潜力,也有利于提高警察职业技能,适应实战的需要,符合警察职业的要求,是警察教育规律的体现。

【Abstract】 The police are an important force of protecting the rights of citizens and maintaining social order.With the profound changes in ruling ideas in our country,the functions of the police have also changed correspondingly,that is,from violent instruments of dictatorship to law enforcement officers of fairness and justice,from restrictors, controllers to attendants and protectors.Therefore,it puts forwards new demands for the police professional quality. What are the elements and connotations of these qualities? How should we cultivate them? The dissertation will discuss the above questions step by step.To do research on the cultivation of professional quality of the police in our country, the principle problem is to establish theoretical basis. Part one (Chapter two) firstly positions the roles of the police vocation as law enforcement officers and attendants, and points out that their service is mainly from the point of view of social security, and they consider the mandatory power of law as the backup and "law" as the "criterion" of police vocational activities to correct the traditional role position that the police are regarded as "instruments of dictatorship", and establish the premise for the research. Secondly, it uses professionalized theory as the analytical perspective, considers knowledge, skills and ethics as inherent power supporting a vocation, and divides the police professional quality into professional knowledge, professional skills and professional ethics, and constructs analytical framework from the three dimensions to analyze the connotation of police professional quality, and makes the cultivation of police professional quality on the basis of the demands of inherent regulations of the police vacation.Police professional quality is a historical concept. It keeps abreast of the demands of the times, and its provisions come from people’s understanding of the role of the police in the new era. Part two (Chapter three), from the three aspects of constructing harmonious society, respecting and protecting human rights, and harnessing high-tech crimes, puts forward the new demands of the times for police quality---the idea of enforcing law for the people, the concept of law being above everything else, the personality of fairness and justice, humanistic care of respecting and protecting human rights, consciousness of evidence of science and technology, and scientific attainments of harnessing high-tech crimes, etc. setting up a goal for the cultivation of police professional quality.Part three (Chapter four and five), according to the framework of knowledge, skills and ethics, firstly, by comparative analysis of the experiences of the cultivation of police professional quality in developed countries and Taiwan region, we can see that establishing professional police force is the common goal of all the developed countries, and realize that establishing professional police force needs to develop higher education of the police and grow into educational training models conforming to their professional characteristics. In the aspect of passing on knowledge, academic education aims to lay a solid foundation and gain a wide range of knowledge, implement professional education on the basis of general education, and pre-job training aims at skills, and in accordance with the demands of the position, passes on technological knowledge; in the aspect of the cultivation of skills, academic education aims to cultivate basic abilities and pre-job training develop practical training; in the aspect of the cultivation of ethics, on the basis of sound personality and keeping the rule by law as the core task, cultivate the police of the rule by law to have humanistic care and respect human rights. Next, by organizing the history of the cultivation of police professional quality in China, we summarize the following regularities: first, social demands for police inherent attainments determines the importance of knowledge and its value that the police should have; second, a model is formed that "knowledge passing on synchronizes with skills cultivation " and it tends to be "profound knowledge-based and skill-oriented" with the tendency of professionalization; third, the norms of ethics and morality that agree with police professional characteristics is initially formed, and the methods of cultivation of professional ethics and morality also gradually become diversified and scientific. Thirdly, the questionnaires, interviews with experts, analysis of data of the cultivation of professional quality of the police in China, and comparison with the cultivation of the police professional quality in developed countries and Taiwan region, reveal that there exist the following problems in the cultivation of police professional quality: in the aspect of passing on knowledge, the basic curriculum is too much instrumentalized, police scientific knowledge instead of knowledge of law and knowledge of facts instead of knowledge of value are paid much more attention to; in skills training, the goals of cultivation are out of line with the goals of teaching methods and the instilling of theoretical knowledge instead of skills cultivation is paid great attention to, and lack of the educational concept of giving prominence to skills training and mechanism; in ethics and morality, political education is considered to be the equivalent of the education of ethics of the execution of law and there are no proper ways to teach ethics, and the campus culture of fairness and justice cannot be formed.The ultimate goal of the research is to offer some helpful suggestions to the current reform of the cultivation of police professional quality. Part four (Chapter six), on the basis of the above analysis and research, applies the corresponding theory of higher education and puts forward what the direction of the police professional quality will be. Firstly, re-shaping the concept of value. In the concept of knowledge, we should base on general knowledge to realize the balance of knowledge and ability and personality; in the concept of skills, we should aim to adapt to practice and enhance practical skills; in the concept of ethics, we should regard the education of law as the core, and cultivate the personality of fairness and justice. Secondly, constructing the cultivation model of"Trinity" in such concept of value-----general education+specializededucation+training of professional skills. General education and specialized education are finished within the 4-year undergraduate period, and after graduation, those who can pass the civil service examination will enter training colleges or centers for police officers and become regular policemen after one-year professional training, that is,4+1 model. This model separates academic education from vocational training in space, and connects them in time. It not only helps to improve cultural attainment of the police, but also helps to improve the police professional skills to adapt to practical needs and is in accordance with the demands of police vocation, which is the embodiment of the regulations of police education.

  • 【分类号】D631.1
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】3843

