

Dynamic of Landscape Pattern of Wetlands in Min River Esturay, Fuzhou, Fujian, China

【作者】 周亮进

【导师】 宋永昌; 由文辉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文应用景观生态学的理论、方法和遥感、GIS技术,对闽江河口湿地生态系统结构、景观格局、动态及其驱动力进行研究,探讨了近20年来闽江河口湿地景观格局演变的机理,并提出了基于景观生态规划和生态修复的闽江河口湿地景观的可持续利用生态调控策略。研究结果可助于揭示自然过程和人类活动对闽江河口湿地景观演变的影响机理,为闽江河口湿地景观保护、受损湿地生态系统的恢复和景观生态规划提供新的视角和理论依据。论文主要研究结果如下:1、系统分析了闽江河口湿地生态系统结构特征通过调查和资料分析,从植物群落、底栖动物、鱼类和鸟类等方面研究湿地生态系统组成结构。闽江河口湿地植物以芦苇、咸草为主,其种类最多,生物量最大,分布最广,是闽江河口湿地生物群落中重要的初级生产者;鸟类区系以古北界鸟类为主要特征,鳝鱼滩、浦下洲、六十份洲鸟类多样性指数较高,而长岸洲、蝙蝠洲的鸟类多样性指数较低。无脊椎动物呈近岸低盐、河口半咸淡水、淡水三种生态类型。闽江河口湿地中鳝鱼滩湿地面积最大,维管束植物种类和鸟类数量最多。2、建立了闽江河口湿地景观分类系统综合考虑湿地的地貌、水文、基质及地表植被覆盖类型等要素,将湿地景观按三级分类体系进行分类,划分出3级12种景观类型,其中第3级景观类型中,有沙质湿地、泥质沼泽湿地、灌丛湿地、淡水水域、芦苇潮滩湿地、高盐碱潮滩湿地、咸水水域、河口沙洲湿地等8种自然湿地景观。利用GIS系统建立空间数据库和绘制三个不同时期景观类型图。3、系统研究了闽江河口湿地景观格局、动态及其驱动力从景观斑块特征看,自然湿地斑块数量和面积最大,水域湿地斑块数量最少,平均斑块面积最大,咸、淡水域湿地景观是研究区景观的基质和廊道。自然湿地的斑块分维数相对较大,斑块形状较复杂,水田、养殖池塘等人工湿地的分维数较小,边界比较规则,自我相似性较好。河流湿地斑块形状指数比滨海湿地大,说明河流湿地受人为干扰影响较大,斑块破碎化程度高。自然湿地景观的多样性指数、均匀度指数比人工湿地、非湿地大。城市区的斑块特征与滨海区存在差异性,城市区的斑块数、斑块面积以及平均斑块面积均比滨海区大,斑块的破碎化相对比滨海区大,景观破碎化程度也比滨海高,相应的多样性指数小,均匀度小,优势度大。研究区景观斑块数量增加、平均斑块面积减少的趋势比较明显。从1986年到2003年研究区景观斑块数增加了40.70%,平均斑块面积减少了28.99%,斑块密度增加了40.87%,在近20年间自然湿地的斑块数增加了20.57%,面积减少了9.29%,说明自然湿地逐渐破碎化及面积萎缩。与此同时,非湿地景观面积增加89.09%,斑块数增加71.67%。研究区斑块形状指数和分维数增大,斑块形状趋于复杂。随着人类干扰活动的增强,研究区湿地景观多样性指数在近20年内略微有所增大,均匀度增加,优势度下降,破碎化程度增大。从研究区各景观类型之间转化情况看,1996年以后,河流湿地向人工湿地和非湿地景观转变的速度加快,如灌丛湿地变为城镇用地的转化率为10.03%,沙质湿地向城镇用地的转化率为8.12%,说明1996年以后的城镇建设规模逐渐向河流湿地发展;非湿地景观中城镇建设用地主要由灌丛湿地、泥质湿地、水田、沙质湿地等转变而来,所占的比例约为46%,比1986年到1996年的比例大。景观格局驱动力分析结果表明,人口增长和快速城市化是闽江河口湿地景观破碎、稳定性差的根本原因。大规模的无序采沙,使河床严重变形,影响河流形态的稳定,采砂、吹砂造地活动对沙质湿地造成直接的影响,闽江河口地区沙质湿地的形状和面积发生变化。防洪堤、围垦、围海工程最直接的影响是减少湿地的面积,使湿地的泥沙、水动力条件发生变化,是湿地的面积、植被、鸟类的栖息、繁衍以及生物多样性产生变化的主要影响因子。4、提出了基于景观生态规划和生态修复的闽江河口湿地景观可持续利用生态调控策略建立了一套闽江河口湿地生态综合评价指标体系,并从影响因素、表现因素和胁迫因素等3个方面对闽江河口湿地的生态脆弱性进行了综合分析,为闽江河口湿地的景观生态规划提供了规划基础。构建了闽江河口湿地综合景观生态规划方案,规划了自然保护区、景观生态功能区、湿地生态公园等三种湿地景观空间结构,并提出了针对性的湿地保护和生态建设控引措施。针对研究区内一些重要湿地的生态功能削弱和退化状况,提出了包括植被恢复、水禽栖息地保护和退养还江在内的湿地生态恢复工程方案。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the theories and methods of landscape ecology, along with remotesensing and GIS technology, were applied to research the ecosystem structure, landscapepattern, dynamic and driving force of Wetlands of Min River Estuary, located in Fuzhoucity, the capital city of Fujian province. The evolution of the Wetlands in Min River Estuaryhas been discussed since 1986s. The sustainable control strategies of wetlands landscapeof Min River Estuary were put forward based on landscape ecological planning andrestoration. The results help reveal mechanism of the natural processes and humanactivities on the evolution of wetlands landscape, and provide new perspectives andtheoretical basis for protecting the wetland landscape, restoration of damaged wetlandecosystem and landscape ecological planning.The main findings are listed as follows:1. Systematical analysis of the wetlands ecosystem structure in Min River EstuaryThrough surveys and data analysis, the study of the structural composition of wetlandecosystem ranges from the communities, zoo benthos, to fish and birds. Min River Estuarywetland vegetation was mainly composed of Phragmites australis and Cyperus malaccensis,the important primary producers of Min River Estuary biomes, which were also most widelydistributed with the most types and biomasses. Birds of Palaearctic region in Min RiverEstuary can represent characteristics of birds there. While Shanyu Beach, Puxia Chau,Sixty Chau presented higher bio-diversity index in birds, Chang’an Chau, Bianfu Chau’sindex were lower. The inshore low-salt water, estuarial half-salt freshwater, freshwaterwere three main ecological types of invertebrates. Shanyu Beach covers the largest areaof wetlands of Min River Estuary, with the largest species of vascular plant and largestnumber of birds.2. Establishment of landscapes classification system of Min River EstuaryTaking wetland topography, hydrology, matrix and surface vegetation cover types etc.into consideration, wetland landscape was divided into 12 kinds of landscape typesaccording to the three-tier classification system, of which the third tier included eight kindsof wetlands, namely, sandy wetlands, mud swamp wetland, shrub wetlands, freshwaterwaters, tidal fiat reed wetlands, high salinity tidal fiat wetlands, salt waters, and estuariessandbank wetlands. GIS was utilized to set up spatial database and map landscape typefigures during three different periods.3. The landscape pattern, dynamic and driving force of Min River EstuaryNatural wetlands had the largest number and area patch, while water area had theleast number, but the greatest average patch area. The study of water area in wetlandsmainly concentrated on the matrix and corridor of the landscape. The patch fractaldimension of natural wetlands were relatively larger, with more complex shapes, and that of paddy fields, aquaculture ponds and other wetland were relectively smaller, with formalborder and better self-similarity. Shape Index of river wetlands was bigger than that ofcoastal wetlands, for wetlands in the river by a greater impact on human disturbance, ahigh degree of fragmentation pacth. The natural wetland landscape diversity index,evenness index was more than those of the artificial wetlands and non-artificial wetlands.The fragmentation of patch was serious in urban area than in coastal area, whereas thenumber, size and the average patch area of urban area was larger than those of coastalarea. The fragmentation of urban landscape was much more serious than that of coastalarea, with lower diversity index, and evenness, but higher advantage degree.The number of pacthes increased and average size of pacthes decreased in the study,and the trend of those changes are more obvious. The number of patches has beenincreased by 40.70% and average size of patches has been decreased by 9.29%, anddensity of patches has been increased 40.8% in the study area from 1986 to 2003. Thenumber of patches in natural wetlands has been increased by 20.57% and the area ofpatches has been decreased by 9.29% in the past nearly 20 years, which demonstratesthe fragmentation and shrinking of natural wetlands. The area of non-wetland hasincreased by 89.09% while the patches of non-wetland have increased by 71.67%. Therewas a slight increase in diversity index of the entire studied area. The diversity index ofwetland landscape has increased, reflecting differences in the proportion of area coveredby different kinds of landscapes were diminishing. Moreover, landscape structure tends tobecome more complex. Non-wetland landscape diversity declined because land use ofmain towns gradually expanded. The difference between area covered by town and byother non-wetland landscape was increasing year by year. The transition among differenttypes of landscapes was also studied in the area. Since 1996, the transition from riverwetland to artificial and non-artificial wetland has accelerated. In non-wetland landscape,the urban construction sites were mainly used to be shrub wetland, muddy wetlands, ricepaddies, sandy wetlands, etc., which accounted for about 46%, larger than the proportionbetween 1986 to 1996.The driving force analysis of wetland landscape pattern showed that the increase inpopulation and rapid urbanization were the root causes of landscape fragmentation, poorstability of the Min River Estuary wetland. Disorder of massive sand mining resulted in aserious deformation of the river bed, affecting the stability of river morphology. Theactivities of sand mining and blowing had direct impact on the Min River Estuary, changingthe shape and size of wetland. The engineering projects such as flood control banks andreclamation from sea directly reduced the area of wetlands, changed the sediment,hydrodynamic and main factors related to the size of wetlands, vegetation, bird habitats,proliferation and biodiversity.4. Sustainable ecological control strategies based on landscape ecological planningand restoration of wetland landscape of Min River EstuaryA set of ecological comprehensive evaluation system was established of Min RiverEstuary wetlands. A comprehensive analysis in light of ecological vulnerability wasconducted through three aspects, namely, the affecting factor, the performance factor and restrain factors, providing basis for ecological landscape planning in Min River Estuary.A comprehensive scheme of ecological landscape planning of Min River Estuary hasbeen constructed, with three wetland spatial districts, including nature reserves, ecologicalfunctional areas, ecological wetlands park. The corresponded control and conductmeasures were proposed in terms of protection of wetland and ecological construction.To solve the degradation of ecological functions of wetlands in some importantwetland, a series of ecological restoration programs were proposed, including therestoration of vegetation, waterfowl habitat protection and the restoration from river topaddy fields.

  • 【分类号】Q149
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1942

