

Altered-Rock Characteristics and Its Engineering Respondences Studying

【作者】 杨根兰

【导师】 黄润秋;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 坝肩抗力体作为拱坝直接的承载地质体,是否稳定直接制约着水电工程的安全运营,其中的软弱结构面通常构成抗力体长期稳定的关键。小湾水电站是目前国内在建的第二高拱坝,巨大的工程荷载将在抗力体内形成强大的附加应力。而抗力体内所发育的蚀变岩,部分具有孔洞发育、结构疏松等特性。显然,蚀变岩的分布及性状如何,特别是其赋存环境发生变化后,其工程特性如何,将影响坝基的变形及稳定性,甚至影响大坝的安全。因此,“蚀变岩物理力学特性及其工程响应”是小湾水电站能否安全运营的关键性工程地质问题。针对此问题,本文进行了系统性的研究,取得的主要成果如下:(1)对处于关键部位的特殊岩类-蚀变岩,秉承“地质过程机制分析-量化评价”的学术思想,从现场第一手基础资料入手,分析了其产出状态、发育特征、空间分带性,借助岩矿试验确定了蚀变岩成因类型、岩矿特征:采用常规岩体力学试验分析了蚀变岩强度、变形特性。在此基础上,对含蚀变岩的工程岩体在施工开挖及蓄水条件下的整体稳定性进行了数值模拟研究,分析了蚀变岩在不同阶段的力学响应,最终进行了坝肩抗力体长期稳定性分析评价。本文研究成果丰富了重大水电工程中特殊岩类研究及其工程响应分析方法,研究成果直接服务于工程实践,与现场监测资料配套分析,可作为大坝长期稳定性评价依据。(2)查明了蚀变岩的成因及岩体结构特征,认为小湾水电站蚀变岩属热液蚀变成因,断裂构造是热液上升的通道,蚀变岩的规模仅仅局限于断裂破碎带及其两侧;蚀变岩本身岩体结构较为均一化,但其周围岩体由于热液上升时的冲击、挤压作用,岩体结构较破碎。据蚀变、风化特征可将蚀变岩划分成五类:Ⅰ类强蚀变、强风化,Ⅱ类强蚀变、中风化,Ⅲ类强蚀变、微风化,Ⅳ类中蚀变、微风化,Ⅴ类弱蚀变、微风化。据岩矿特征可将蚀变岩分为六大类:A不等粒钠长石岩、B不等粒石英钠长石岩、C粘土化不等粒钠长石岩、D碳酸盐化不等粒钠长石岩、E蚀变黑云花岗片麻岩、F细粒钠长石岩。其中A类据孔隙度(n)的大小可划分出四亚类:A1多孔洞状(n>20%)、A2孔洞状(20%>n>10%)、A3少孔状(10%>n>5%)、A4块状(n<5%)不等粒钠长石岩;D类以与A类相同的界限孔隙度值同样可划分出四亚类:D1多孔洞状、D2孔洞状、D3少孔状、D4块状碳酸盐化不等粒钠长石岩,故蚀变岩据其岩矿特征共可分为六大类十二亚类。(3)全面认识了蚀变岩的工程地质特性。蚀变岩为低吸水率的弱膨胀性岩石,其强度、变形特性分别受蚀变程度、风化程度及岩石性质共同影响,表现为:随蚀变程度的增强,抗压强度、抗剪强度及模量值降低,峰值应变量及泊松比则增加;蚀变程度相同时,蚀变岩强度值与模量值受风化程度的控制,风化程度越高,强度、模量值越低;蚀变、风化程度均相同的蚀变岩,其强度、模量值受蚀变岩性质的影响。蚀变作用以降低岩石的粘聚力为主;水对蚀变岩的作用也是以降低粘聚力为主,随蚀变程度的增加,水的弱化作用增强。(4)首次提出将孔隙度作为蚀变岩软硬程度分级新标准。以已有软硬岩划分标准为基础,结合蚀变岩孔洞发育的特点,通过分析计算,提出小湾水电站蚀变岩软硬程度孔隙度划分标准为:孔隙度(n)大于30%时为极软岩,n介于18%~30%时为软岩,n介于12%~18%时为较软岩,n小于12%时为硬岩。同时,补充了割线模量作为软硬岩划分标准的分级范围,提出割线模量小于0.5GPa时为极软岩、介于0.5~2GPa时为软岩、介于2~5GPa时为较软岩、大于5 GPa时为硬岩。(5)采用多标准对蚀变岩软硬程度进行了划分,新老标准划分结果基本一致,证明孔隙度、饱和单轴抗压强度及割线模量共同作为蚀变岩软硬程度划分标准的有效性。蚀变岩的软硬程度综合分级结果为:Ⅳ、Ⅴ类蚀变岩均为硬岩,Ⅲ类蚀变岩中A3为较软岩、D3及B为硬岩,Ⅱ类蚀变岩为较软岩,Ⅰ类蚀变岩中C、F为极软岩,A1、D1为软岩。(6)对蚀变岩破坏类型有了充分的认识:蚀变程度越低(强度越大),其脆-延转换压力越大,反之则其脆-延转换压力越小。反映岩石脆、延性破坏类型的参数延性度变化较为复杂,在孔隙度较低(小于16%)时,延性度随孔隙度增加有增大趋势,但在试验所给围压范围内都不会大于3%,即属于脆性破坏;只有孔隙度大于16%,围压大于4MPa时延性度才有大于3%的可能,即进入脆—延转换状态。(7)采用分段拟合的方法很好的拟合了蚀变岩的蠕变试验曲线,建立了蚀变岩分段流变模型并求取了相应的流变参数,为数值计算参数取值提供了依据。用两种典型方法求取了蚀变岩的长期强度,结果表明:蚀变岩的长期强度随孔隙度增加而降低。(8)采用三维数值模拟技术全面系统的分析了坝肩开挖对蚀变体应力、形变及塑性区的响应,结果表明开挖施工扰动引起蚀变体应力、形变场改变量小,不会导致蚀变岩体力学性质的改变。(9)首次对大型水电工程蓄水后工况进行了考虑时间效应的整体三维稳定性数值模拟研究,对含蚀变岩体(带)的抗力体稳定性进行模拟评价,得出6个月后抗力体内应力、形变响应基本完成的结论。表明小湾水电站大坝及抗力体的整体稳定性不会因蚀变体的存在受到影响,但局部稳定性较差的部位,需进行工程处理,主要分布在右岸蚀变体E1、E9下游侧与F5断层所围的三角形地带剪切破坏区,左岸蚀变体E8南端出露于地表高高程部位。(10)对蚀变体处理(实际为置换,模型中提高计算参数)效果进行了模拟分析,结果表明:处理后抗力体部位主应力表现为σ1、σ3均增加,σ3拉应力范围减小、量值降低;总位移随参数提高倍数的增加而减小,最大总位移位置移向拱端面下游侧,左、右两岸总位移差减小;抗力体及蚀变体内塑性区面积大幅度降低。这些现象都说明蚀变体经工程处理后,抗力体整体、局部稳定性均得到增强。

【Abstract】 Dam abutment is the directly loading geology body of arch dam, so its stability is important to insure the safety of water and electricity engineering, and the soft structural plane of it is the key factor to insure long time stability of the dam abutment. Among these arch dams under construction, Xiao Wan hydropower Station arch dam is the second highest in our country. There will form tremendous additional stress in the stressed body behind the dam because of the huge engineering load. Furthermore, some altered-rocks in this part have the characteristics of porosity and incompactness. Obviously, the distribution and characteristics of the altered-rocks, especially after the environment changed, will affect dam abutment deformation and stability, even the whole dam safety. Therefore, the physical-mechanical characteristics and engineering respondences of altered-rocks is the key geology problem to insure the power station safe operation. In this paper, the author has systematically studied this question, and acquired the main achievements as follows:(1) The academic thought that geological process mechanism analysis and quantitative evaluation has been used to study the altered-rocks of key part in the dam abutment. On the basis of the in situ foundation data, the morphogenesis, developed characteristics, and the distribution have been analyzed. According to the rock and mineral test results, the cause of formation types and mineral characteristic of the altered-rocks have been confirmed. By means of conventional rock mass mechanical test, the altered-rock strength, and deformation character have been acquired. Using the above data, the integral stability of the dam containing altered-rocks during excavation and reservoir impounding has been studied with numerical simulation, and the altered-rocks mechanical respondences in different phases have been studied. At last, the long time stability of stressed body behind the dam has been evaluated. The research results established the especial rock mass and its engineering respondences studying methods in important water and electricity engineering, and the research results can be directly used in the practice engineering. Combined with the in situ monitoring data, it can be used as the evaluation rules for the dam long time stability.(2) According to its cause of formation and structure characteristics, the altered-rocks of Xiao Wan Hydropower Station belongs to hydrothermal alteration, and the rupture conformation becomes the ascending channels of the heat liquid . The distribution of altered-rocks just is located in the rupture zone and its adjacent zone. The structure of these altered-rocks is relatively homogeneous, but the structure of its periphery rock mass is relatively fracture because the ascending heat liquid compacts and presses. According to its alteration and weathering degree, the altered-rocks can be divided five types, that is, type I , which is strong alteration and strong weathering; type II, strong alteration and medium weathering; type III, strong alteration and feeble weathering; type IV, medium alteration and feeble weathering; type V, feeble alteration and feeble weathering. According to the characteristics of rock and mineral, the altered-rocks can be divided six types, that is, un-isogranular albite rock (A), un-isogranular quartz albite rock (B), clay un-isogranular albite rock (C), carbonate un-isogranular albite rock (D), altered biotite granite gneiss rock (E), fine-grained albite rock(F). According to the porosity, the type of A can be divided into the porosity more than 20% (A1), porosity between 10% and 20% (A2), porosity between 5% and 10% (A3), and porosity less than 5% (A4). Similarly, the type of D can also be divided four sub-types: D1, D2, D3 and D4. Therefore, the altered-rock can be divided six types and twelve sub-types according to its rock and mineral characteristics.(3) The engineering characteristics of altered-rocks have been completed cognized. The hydro-physical characteristics test illustrated that the altered-rocks was low water absorption and feeble expandability rock. And the results have been acquired that the strength and deformation characteristics of altered-rocks are affected by the alteration degree, weathering degree and rock quality. The exhibition is that along with the alteration degree increase, the compressive strength, shearing strength and module values are decreased, but the peak value strain and Poisson’s ratio is increased. When the alteration degree is same, the strength and module value are controlled by the weathering degree, the stronger weathering degree, the lower strength and module value. When the alteration and weathering degree is same, the strength and module value are affected by altered-rocks quality. The alteration mainly reduces the rock cohesive strength, and the water has the same function. Along with the alteration increase, the weathering affect of water is increased. (4) The porosity is firstly presented as a new criterion to classify the altered-rocks soft and hard degree. On the basis of soft and hard rock classification criterion and the altered-rocks pore growth character, after evaluation and calculation, the soft and hard degree porosity classification criterion of Xiao Wan Hydropower Station has been presented as: porosity more than 30%, the altered-rock is deep soft rock; porosity between 18% and 30%, soft rock; porosity between 12% and 18%, sub-soft rock; porosity less than 12%, hard rock. On the same time, the secant modulus has also been supplied as the soft and hard degree classification criterion. The results have been presented as that when secant modulus≤0.5GPa, the altered-rock is deep soft rock; secant modulus between 0.5 and 2GPa, soft rock; secant modulus between 2 and 5GPa, sub-soft rock; secant modulus more than 5GPa, hard rock.(5) The several criterions have been used to classify the altered-rock soft and hard degree. The new and old criterion classification results are approximately same, which proved that the porosity, saturation uniaxial compressive strength and secant modulus together can be took as the altered-rock soft and hard degree classification criterion. The synthetical classification result of altered-rocks soft and hard degree is that IV、V type altered-rock is hard rock; among III type altered-rock, A3 is sub-soft rock, D3 is hard rock; II type altered-rock is sub-soft rock; and among I type altered-rock, C、F is deep soft rock, A1、D1 is soft rock.(6) The destroyed types of altered-rock have been well cognized: the lower alteration (higher strength), the higher brittle and ductile transition stress, contrarily, the lower brittle and ductile transition stress. The rock brittle and ductile failure classification parameter is complex. When the porosity is lower (less than 16%), there will be the trend that the ductile failure degree increases along with the increasing porosity. But it can not be more than 3% under the indoor test confining press scope, that is, it belongs to brittle destroy. Only when the porosity is more than 16% and confining pressure is more than 4MPa, can the ductile failure degree be more than 3%, which is the transition state of brittle and ductile.(7) The subsection fitting creep test curve method has been used to get rheologic parameter, which is the foundation of numerical calculation parameter selection. The long-time strength was acquired by two representative methods. The test result shows that the long-time strength of altered-rock decrease along with the porosity increase.(8) The stress-strain and plastic zone respondences of altered-rocks during the dam abutment excavation and dam body construction process has been completely and systemically analyzed by 3D numerical simulation technique. The result illustrated that the change value of altered-rock body stress and strain field was low under excavation and construction process, and the altered-rocks body mechanical property could not been changed.(9) The time effect has been firstly took into account in huge water and electricity engineering stability 3D numerical simulation. The stability of stressed body containing altered-rock behind the dam has been simulated and evaluated. The result have been acquired that the stress and strain respondences have been stopped after six month, and the dam body and stressed body behind the dam integral stability can not be influenced. But part of unstable rock mass must be treated with engineering method. The triangle zone of altered-rock body E1, E9 lower river part along with F5 fault might appear partly shear failure phenomenon in right bank.The high elevation south of altered-rock body E8 which exposed on surface might appear breakage phenomenon in left bank.(10) After the altered-rock zone has been disposed (actually, the calculation parameters have been improved), the calculation result shows that the main stress in stressed body behind the dam has the characteristics as follows: with theσ1 andσ3 increase, the scope of tension stress decrease and its value reduce; The total displacement decrease along with the parameters improve. The position of max total displacement has been changed to the downstream side of the arc dam, and the total displacement D-value of left and right bank decreases; The plastic zone area of the stressed body behind the dam and altered-rock zone have been greatly decrease. These phenomena shows that the whole and local stability of the stressed body behind the dam are all improved after the altered-rocks zone been engineering disposed.

  • 【分类号】P642
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】645

