

Study on the Formation and Exploration of Subtle Reservoir in Fault Basin of Continental Facies

【作者】 金凤鸣

【导师】 彭大钧;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 论文以石油地质学、层序地层学、沉积学、成藏动力学等理论为指导,以油田拥有的功能强大的计算机工作站及GeoFram、LandMark地学平台软件、Jason储层反演软件、Stratmagic波形分类软件、GeoProbe三维可视化软件等为工具和技术手段,以渤海湾盆地的富油凹陷饶阳凹陷为例,以地质、地震、测井、分析化验等多种资料为基础,系统总结了陆相断陷盆地隐蔽油气藏的形成条件和主要类型,从构造、沉积、储层、成岩、油气源等方面,阐述了隐蔽圈闭(油气藏)的形成机制、发育模式以及隐蔽油气藏与构造油气藏形成与分布的共生性和互补性特征。首次系统研究了饶阳凹陷有利的隐蔽油气减形成条件和类型,其中砂岩上倾尖灭、砂岩侧向尖灭、砂岩透镜体岩性油气藏,砂岩地层超覆、砂岩地层剥蚀不整合油气藏,顺倾向山坡、逆倾向山腹潜山内幕油气藏,生物灰岩(碳酸盐岩)油气藏,油页岩裂缝型油气藏和岩性致密带封闭油气藏是其主要的隐蔽油气藏类型。首次提出了饶阳凹陷的潜山古地貌、断崖负地貌、湖岸线变迁带、沉积坡折带、三角洲前缘朵叶状砂体发育区是隐蔽圈闭(油气藏)形成的主要控制发育区。认为饶阳凹陷的油气源条件对隐蔽油气藏的形成控制比构造油藏更加明显,有效烃源岩分布区、富油洼槽、主力生烃层系、自生自储等条件的匹配最有利于隐蔽油气藏的形成。创新性提出了构造油藏与隐蔽油藏的形成与分布具有“共生互补”特征。“共生性”表现为构造油藏发育的区带、层位隐蔽油气藏也同样发育;“互补性”表现为构造油藏主要富集在正向构造区、正向构造带的高部位、构造作用强烈区、沉积能量较强的砂岩发育区—超发育区、凹陷低势区等,隐蔽油藏主要形成于负向构造区、正向构造带的翼部斜坡区、构造作用相对较弱区、沉积能量衰弱的砂岩相对不发育区、凹陷高势区等。针对陆相断陷盆地隐蔽油气藏的形成机制复杂,发现、落实、评价难度大,钻探风险高的特点,通过对不同类型典型隐蔽油气藏的勘探实例解剖,总结了陆相断陷盆地开展隐蔽油气藏勘探的研究思路、勘探程序、技术方法以及经验和启示。

【Abstract】 By the guide of the theories such as petroleum geology, sequencestratigraphy, sedimentology, pool-forming dynamics; with the tackles and technologiessoftwares of the power function computer workstation, GeoFram、LandMarkgeoscience、Jason reservoir inversion、Stratmagic waveform sort、Geoprobe3D visual, based on the geology, seism, logging well, analyzed and tested data in the Raoyang oilenrichment sag in Bohai Gulf, sum up the forming condition and main type of subtlereservoir in the continental rift-subsidence basin. The forming mechanism anddevelopment mode of subtle reservoir, as well as the paragenesis and complementarityfeatures of forming and distribution between subtle and structural reservoirs arediscussed in respect of structure, sediment, reservoir, diagenesis, and hydrocarbonresources etc.For the first time, researched forming conditions and types of favored subtle poolsin system in the Raorang sag. As the hydrocarbon reservoirs about the sandstone updippinch out、sandstone side dip pinch out、sandstone lens lithology, sandstone stratumoverlap, sandstone stratum denudation, along trend sidehill, inverse trend hillsideburied hill dope, biology limestone(carbonate rock), oil shale split types, blocked out bythe lithology compact band, are the main types of the subtle reservoirs. Put forward thatthe buried hill palaeotopography, bluff negative landform, lake coastline whirligig belts, depositional slope-break zone, lobate sandstone areas in the deltaic front are the maincontrolling and developing areas forming the subtle pools. And thought the oil and gassource condition was more important controlling factor for forming subtle pool than tectonic pool. The conditions matching is the furthest the forming of the subtle poolssuch as the distributing area of efficiency source rock, richness oil depression, themajor source rocks, self-generating and self-preserving. Put forward inaugurated thatthe distribution and formation took out paragenesis and complementarity betweentectonic pool and subtle one. Paragenesis represents the both things lays in the samesection and area; complementarity behave opposition. Subtle reservoir in thecontinental rift-subsidence basin, have very complicated forming mechanism, and isdifficult to discover, prove and evaluate, and also has high exploration drilling risk.This paper summarizes the train of thoughts, exploration procedure, technical method, experiences and enlightenment during the exploration of subtle reservoir in fault basinof continental facies, based on the analysis of exploration case of typical subtlereservoir with various types.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】982

