

Research on the Key Technology and Experience of Shallow Tunneling Method Crossing under the Existing Subway Tunnel

【作者】 张晓丽

【导师】 王梦恕; 张顶立;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 岩土工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文在广泛研究中外文献基础上,借鉴以往成功的工程经验,加以提炼、总结,对隧道下穿既有地铁建(构)筑物这类工程问题所涉及的核心技术问题、采取的主要技术措施和管理方法等系统化。并结合北京地铁五号线下穿既有2号线区间隧道的工程实例,着重将隧道下穿既有地铁线这类工程问题,从决策、设计和浅埋暗挖法施工的角度,对既有结构物的动态响应规律、新旧结构物的合理间距、既有地铁变位的过程控制和工后的恢复等方面进行深入的研究。(1)通过以上研究,取得了一系列有益于理论和实践的研究成果。在总结分析前人的基础上,针对穿越既有线工程的主要问题—相互作用和控制目标—工程安全,分析要达到该目标在工程各个阶段需要进行的工作,提炼成5大技术要点,组合成一套完整的穿越既有线的关键技术体系;并针对各个技术要点,分别进行研究;(2)通过分析新建隧道开挖产生地层变形—既有结构—轨道三者的相互作用关系,总结既有结构和轨道的变形规律,以及二者之间可能发生的破坏类型,并对各个方面进行评价,形成穿越工程中既有地铁构筑物的破坏模式。穿越工程中可以依据确定的施工方法给出施工过程中既有结构的控制标准;也可以根据既有结构的控制标准,调整新建隧道的施工方案,最终通过对新建结构施工控制,达到控制既有结构的目的。施工过程中及时进行反馈,对整个工程实行全过程控制,以确保工程安全:(3)分别应用轨道振动力学模型、车辆—轨道耦合动力学模型,考虑既有列车振动对于新建地铁的影响、新建隧道开挖对既有列车安全性和限速的影响以及新、旧地铁结构的间距大小对于二者相互作用的影响,给出了新建地铁与既有地铁构筑物的合理间距确定方法及过程,对于类似穿越工程的设计决策有重大意义;(4)应用能量理论,分析了各个施工步序产生变位的规律,分配制定了崇文门地铁5号线穿越既有线施工的分步沉降控制指标体系;通过分析新建隧道穿越既有隧道的特点,结合既有列车的轨道正常运行要求,确定既有地铁结构的监控量测方案。及时分析、反馈,确保既有结构的安全;(5)揭示并提出了既有地铁注浆抬升机理,进行了对施工过程中既有地铁抬升注浆的实施和参数研究,为以后类似工程提供参考;(6)通过在地铁5号线崇文门车站中对穿越既有线关键技术体系进行成功应用,验证了本论文的研究思想和成果。

【Abstract】 This thesis is based on extensive research on scientific and technical literature both in China and abroad. According to former engineering experience and my effort, technical measures and management methods for tunnel passing from the bottom of the existing subway was set up to form the core technique for such problem. Combined with the project of subway line 5 passing from the bottom of existing subway line 2 in Beijing, this kind of new line passing through bottom the existing line was mainly studied in this paper. From the view of design and construct using shallow tunnel construction method, the dynamic response of the existing subway, the optimal distance between the new subway and existing subway, settlement control of the existing line and the recover of the existing line after new line construction were also studied in detail.According to the research above, a series of useful achievement both for theories and practice are shown below.(1) Based on former study, the key problem: interaction and control target: engineering safety for new subway passing from the bottom of the existing line is studied. According to different aims in different construction stages, 5 main technical points are summarized and technical system for such passing project is formed. In this thesis studies are carried out respectively for each different technical points.(2) The relationship between strata deformation, existing structure and rail track as well as probable failure types for them are studied to build failure modes for such passing project. In this passing project control standards can be made by the different construction step of the new line as well as the settlement control standard for the existing line. During new line construction it is necessary to adopt whole process inspects to make sure the safety of the project. The safety of the existing structure can be ensured by new line build.(3) Track vibration mechanics and vehicles-track coupling dynamic mechanics are used to study the influence of the existing line vehicle to the new line and the influence of the new line to the existing line in the way of existing line speed and safety. Optimal distance between the existing line and the new line are studied also. These can be of great meanings to such passing projects.(4) The magnitude of displacement in each construction step is analyzed using energy method. Settlement control standards of each construction step for the existing line is made. According to the characters of the new line and operation requirements for the existing line, monitoring measures are formed. These analyses and feed back measures are made to ensure the safety of existing structure.(5) Grouting used in subway for existing line life up is studied. The research of grouting parameter and grouting method can offer guidance to this kind of project.(6) The conclusion put forward in this thesis is proved right in the project of subwayline 5 Chong Wenmen station passing from the bottom of the existing line.


