

【作者】 张涛

【导师】 贾生华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 为顾客创造价值的经营理念已经受到企业的广泛重视,也常常被作为组织目标的关键成分,尽管如此,很多节事产品和服务的运作并不是以顾客为中心,而是遵循生产导向,很少甚至根本不去关注消费者的欲望、需求,以及想购买什么。研究者虽然认识到顾客感知价值的核心是得到和失去的权衡,也不断强调感知价值的重要性,却很少关注感知价值的内在维度及其外在的影响和作用机制,也很少构造能够比较全面衡量顾客感知价值的测度量表。针对以上背景和问题,本研究设定三个目标:①明确节事消费如何感知,包括考察节事消费态度的内在维度,明确消费态度的测量方法,评判消费态度如何影响消费者行为意向;②明确节事消费感知什么,包括明确感知价值的内在维度,构建并验证节事消费者感知价值的形成式测度模型,形成节事消费者感知价值测度量表;③明确节事消费价值感知的结果,包括构建并验证节事消费者感知价值的内在维度对顾客满意的保健—激励双因素影响机制模型,明确感知价值的保健维度和激励维度,阐明价值维度如何影响顾客满意和顾客忠诚。三个研究目标递进式地分析了节事消费者感知价值的维度及其作用机制。实地访谈和抽样调查主要在上海、杭州、宁波、嘉兴和绍兴五个城市进行,其中抽样调查采取实地调查和委托调查两种方式。受访者是参加这五个城市各项节事活动和节事旅游项目的外地旅游者和本地游客。通过理论分析和小样本调查明确相关概念的测量工具和手段以后,针对第一个研究目标,正式调查在2007年一月到三月开展,总共发放问卷650份,回收有效问卷509份,有效回收率达到78.3%。针对第二个和第三个研究目标,正式调查在2006年九月到2007年三月进行,总共发放问卷1330份,回收有效问卷867份,有效回收率达到65.2%。数据分析采用SPSS 15.0和LISREL 8.70两个统计软件包,数据分析方法主要包括描述性统计分析、探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析、结构方程模型分析、嵌套的结构方程模型分析和单因素方差分析六种方法。本研究主要有五个结论:①节事参与动机和消费态度的研究表明,国内消费者参与节事活动既有享乐方面的原因,又有实用方面的原因;②HED/UT(享乐/实用)测度量表可以有效可靠地测量国内消费者的节事消费态度;③对于节事消费活动,消费态度的两个维度,即享乐维度和实用维度,都对消费者行为意向发挥正向的影响作用,其中享乐维度的影响作用更强;④感知价值是一个多维度概念,节事消费者的感知价值有六个维度,即便利价值、服务价值、感知价格、美感价值、享乐价值和社会价值,其中前三个是实用性价值维度,后三个是享乐性价值维度;⑤节事感知价值的各个维度对顾客满意和顾客忠诚的影响作用不同,实用性价值维度对顾客满意发挥保健型作用,是保健型价值维度,而享乐性价值维度,对顾客满意发挥激励型作用,是激励型价值维度,保健型价值维度只能间接影响顾客满意和顾客忠诚,而激励型价值维度对顾客满意同时发挥直接和间接影响,其中玩乐价值维度还对顾客忠诚有直接和间接的影响。本研究的理论价值表现为四个方面:①首次明确了国内节事消费者消费态度的两个维度,即享乐维度和实用维度,展示了节事活动固有的享乐体验属性,说明了理性视角和体验视角相结合是研究节事消费者感知价值的有效研究手段;②以往研究主要以理性经济人的角度来研究顾客价值,忽视消费者的美感享受和情感等体验视角下的顾客价值,本研究全面地打开节事消费者感知价值这一“黑箱”,发现节事消费者感知价值有六个维度,分别是便利价值、服务价值、感知价格、美感价值、享乐价值和社会价值;③以往对感知价值的测量上多采用单一的条款,这难以精确测量感知价值,本研究首次采用形成式测度方法,构建了具有三十个条款的节事消费者感知价值测度量表,它能够比较全面的评价节事消费者的感知价值及其维度;④从变量间关系角度出发,论证了价值维度、感知价值、顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间具有密切的关系,拓展了现有的感知价值作用链模型,提出价值维度对顾客满意影响的保健—激励双因素作用模型,说明节事消费者的感知价值的维度可以分为保健因素和激励因素两种类型,理清了感知价值维度对顾客满意和顾客忠诚发挥影响时扮演的不同角色。本研究的实践意义主要有四点:①随着竞争的加剧,顾客价值的重要性越来越得到重视,本研究明确了节事消费者感知价值的维度,为节事组织者创造价值、传递价值和交付价值提供明确的指引;②对消费者来说,获取价值是实现成功交易的关键,对企业来说,创造顾客价值是赢得竞争优势的关键来源,本研究构造了感知价值测度量表,为企业测量和提升感知价值、实施感知价值管理提供了定量研究工具;③对旅游地管理者来说,知晓游客满意度水平及其体验感受与反应,已经成为提升旅游产品,成功向目标市场的新老游客促销的必要手段,本研究拓展了感知价值作用链,明确了价值维度的激励和保健双因素作用机制,为企业管理顾客资源提供了政策措施指导;④节事活动在迅速发展、竞争激烈的同时,还面临着消费者对节事消费需求减少的威胁,本研究阐明消费体验及其形成的体验价值在节事消费中的重要作用,指出节事活动要生存下去并吸引到旅游者,需要以体验为指导,坚持不懈地改进产品、并持续地展开营销活动。

【Abstract】 Creating and delivering excellent value to customers is widely discussed in the practitioner literature and is often a part of organizations’ mission statements and objectives. Despite this emphasis, many festival and special event organizations are committed to a single product concept and have a product-oriented approach, try to sell their event with little or no regard for what potential visitors need, want, and pay for. Little research has addressed the value construct itself and there is no well-accepted value measure, further more, the effect and its mechanism of inner dimensions of perceived value on satisfaction is still ambiguous, especially in the field of festival and special event research.The objective of this study was to (1) examine Chinese visitors’ attitudes toward festivals and special events by utilizing a two-dimensional consumer attitude scale, the Hedonic/Utilitarian (HED/UT) Scale; (2)develop and test a formative measurement model and 30-item measure of attendees’ perceived value by analyzing the antecedents and dimensions of perceived value; and (3)develop and test a two-factor model of the effect of value dimensions on customer satisfaction by dividing value dimensions into hygiene factors and motivators.On-site visitor interviews and random sampling surveys were conducted mainly in five cities located in eastern China, which were Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing and Shaoxing. The target population was the visitors to festivals and special events, including tourists and local visitors. 650 surveys of consumer attitude to festival and 1330 surveys of consumer perceived value were disseminated, respectively, which resulted in 509 and 867 usable questionnaires for analysis, 78.3% and 65.2% effective response rate, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and analysis of variance(ANOVA) were employed for the data analysis. Data analysis software tools were SPSS 15.0 and LISREL 8.70.Four conclusions of this study were obtained. (l)Findings suggested the Hedonic/Utilitarian (HED/UT) Scale had good reliability and validity and can be used successfully to measure Chinese attendees’ attitudes toward festivals and special events, which was consitant with findings of previous studies using the HED/UT Scale to measure consumers’ attitudes toward toursim products. It was believed that this bidimensional scale was likely to help researchers and festival and special event organizers to obtain a better understanding of why Chinese people attend festivals.(2)HEDAJT Scale measurement and SEM finding indicated that people attended festivals and special events for both hedonic and utilitarian reasons. However, their hedonic attitudes have a stronger impact on attending the festival and special events than their utilitarian attitude.(3)Qualitative study, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis described the development of a 30-item measure, FESPERVAL, that could be used to assess festival and special event visitors’ perceptions of the value of consumption experience. Value dimensions emerged that were termed convenience value, service value, perceived price, esthetic value, play value, and social value. Perceived price was found to have negative effect on perceived value, while other five value dimensions affected perceived value positively. Its was hoped that this scale had a variety of potential applications and could serve as a framework for further empirical research.(4)The SEM and one-way ANOVA finding revealed that festival visitors’ satisfaction was a function of two types of value dimensions that could be termed hygiene or dissatisfier and motivator or satisfier attributes. Hygiene value attributes include convenience value and service value, while motivator value attributes include play value, esthetic value and social value. If hygiene value attributes is below a given threshold, then dissatisfaction will result, but they have little potential for creating satisfaction with an festival or special event. They are a necessary but not a sufficient condition for visitor satisfaction. Satisfaction only results from visitor perceive the motivator value attributes. Two types of implications were drawn. From a festival and special event management perspective, the importance of improving the value attributes and visitor satisfaction was confirmed. Hygiene value attributes must exist at festival events, while most investment of resources should be focused on creating and improving the distinctive motivator value attributes. From the research point of view, the systematic examination of causal relationships among the constructs facilitated a clearer understanding of the concept of perceived value. It was hoped that the results derived from the two-factor model would serve as the basis for the development of festival and special event marketing strategies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

