

【作者】 王雨林

【导师】 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国农村反贫困工作成果显著,但绝对贫困还没有被完全攻克,因此有必要全面分析中国农村绝对贫困问题,以期探索出可行的反贫困对策。本文共分五个部分,第一章是导论,第二章是贫困研究的理论综述,第三章对中国农村贫困情况作全景式介绍,第四章分析了转型期,尤其是进入新世纪以后中国农村贫困的成因,第五章提出具体的农村反贫困举措。具体内容如下:本文首先阐述了研究的背景和意义,研究的方法、思路和内容,研究的创新和不足,并用列举了当前的一些农村贫困现象。在贫困研究的理论综述部分,回顾了贫困的定义理论、贫困线及其测定方法、贫困程度的计算方法,并对贫困成因理论和反贫困理论做了详细的分析。对于贫困的定义,本文分别介绍了贫困的狭义定义、广义定义和世界银行及其他国际组织的定义,并初步认识到,贫困是个人和家庭难以获得基本的物质生存条件,也难以依靠个人力量改变现状的生存与发展状态,需要引起社会广泛重视并予以帮扶摆脱困境,否则容易引发一系列社会经济问题。对于贫困线和贫困程度的计算,本文在介绍了什么是贫困线,如何确定贫困线以后,介绍了4种测定贫困程度的方法,并在此基础上对如何计算FGT指数做了详细的数学推论。对于贫困成因理论,主要介绍了要素缺乏论、制度不利论、贫困的人口学理论和贫困的社会学理论,反贫困理论则主要介绍了促进经济增长的反贫困理论,促进结构转换的反贫困理论和促进部门及地区经济增长的反贫困理论。其次,本文对转型期中国农村贫困情况做了全景式分析。对本文如何计算FGT指数做了详细的数学推论,直接利用国定贫困线,即相当于1985年不变价格指数的农村居民人均纯收入205元,和全国及各省统计年鉴上的收入分组数据,计算出FGT指数等农村贫困指标,并将FGT指数的变动分解为受经济增长和收入分配两方面的影响。为了更全面地掌握我国农村贫困的情况,本文除了分析全国农村贫困情况在各个时期内的变化,还将各省的数据按照经济区划进行比较分析,从而得出结论:我国农村反贫困工作在整个转型期内成果显著,但受经济发展情况和经济政策的影响十分明显,反贫困的地区差距也很大。再次,对于转型期,尤其是进入新世纪后农村贫困的成因,本文主要从影响农民收入的角度,区域不平衡发展的角度,影响农民获益能力的角度来看。认为我国过于注重GDP的发展思路,国际经济秩序导致我国“探底竞争”,不利的自然条件对农业生产的影响,农民分工不足等会使农村居民整体所得的收入不够多;而我国的发展政策以城市为中心,且具有地区偏向,使农村居民整体收入存在地区分布的不平等;城乡二元社会经济体制限制了农民获益,农村经济体制和我国政治体制存在缺陷使农民获益能力不足,再加上一些农民具有不利的个人和家庭因素,使贫困者在农村收入分配上获益能力不足。最后,对中国农村反贫困提出了总体性对策和地区性重点。认为要构建有利于反贫困的环境条件,构建有利于反贫困的制度体系,增强贫困者的反贫困能力,重视农村扶贫开发工作等。对于地区反贫困重点,根据本文计算出的农村贫困情况做进一步分析,对各省应该更为注重增加收入还是改善收入分配提出意见和建议。本文认为,保持经济持续稳定快速增长是保证反贫困工作长期取得良好成绩的先决条件,在关注增长的同时要关注公平,要注意培养人的素质,促进城乡交流。总之,农村反贫困要走以工促农,以城带乡,协调发展的道路。

【Abstract】 Anti-poverty in rural China has achieved great progress since the implementation of the reform and opening up policy. However, we must notice that absolute poverty in rural China hasn’t been completely annihilated, which entails an over-all comprehension of the absolute poverty problem so as to find viable countermeasures in rural China. The dissertation, aiming to analyze the problem of poverty in rural China in an all-round way, falls into five parts. The first chaprter serves as the introduction. The second provides a theoretical review of the studies on poverty. And then in the third chapter, the author narrows down to the presentation of the current situation of poverty in China. Chapter four focus on the causal factors of poverty in rural China during the transformation period, especially in the recent ten years, with some concrete countermeasures proposed in the last chapter. The specific contents are as follows:Firstly, the dissertation discusses the background and significance of the research, its approaching methods, train of thought, the innovation, deficiency, as well as the current situation of poverty in rural China. In the theoretical review, the paper retrospects the definition of poverty theory, poverty line and its measuring method, with some elaboration on the poverty genetic theory and the anti-poverty theory. As for the definition of poverty, the author introduces its narrow sense definition, broad sense definition, the definition of World Bank and other international organizations, as well as the domestic definition of poverty. Afer sorting out and concentrating the above definitions, the dissertation realizes: poverty is a kind of living and developing state, in which individuals and families struggle for basic means of subsistences, and as is often the case, their dilemmas can by no means be changed individually. The society should offer a helping hand, or else a series of social and economic problems may occur. Of the poverty line and the calculation of the degree of poverty, the paper introduces four measuring methods, on the basis of which, a detailed mathematic reasoning concerning FGT is put forward. The poverty genetic theory contains the theory of element deficiency, the theory of systematic disadvantages, poverty demography and poverty sociology. The anti-poverty theory is mainly the one that serves to promotes economy and stuctural transition.Secondly, the dissertation presents a panoramic analysis of the poverty in rural China during the transitional period. It is followed by a detailed mathematic reasoning of FGT index. The dissertation introduces four methods of measuring the degree of poverty and then deduces how to calculate FGT poverty index with method formulae. By using grouping income data in statistical yearbooks of China and every province, the dissertation calculates rural poverty index, such as FGT index, then decomposes the change into the influence of economic increase and income distribution. To better grasp the over-all poverty situation in rural China, the dissertation not only analyzes the change of rural poverty in different periods, but also compares rural poverty in different economic areas. Thus a natural conclusion is drawn: though Chinese rural anti-poverty has made great progress, it has been affected by economic development and economic policy, and the regional differences were great, the accomplishments of anti-poverty were uneven. So we must analyze the reasons of poverty currently and work out proper countermeasures.Thirdly, the dissertation approaches the causal factors of poverty in rural China during the transformation period, especially in the recent ten years from the aspects of peasants’ income, unbalanced territorial development, peasants’ money-making ability, ect.. The author attributes the main reason of rural poverty to such aspects as China’s over-emphasis on GDP; China’s "race-to-the-bottom" competition; unfavorable natural environment; unbalanced distribution of rural migrant workers. Besides, the development policy of our nation centers urban areas, and this territory bias renders an inequality in rural residents’ income. The city and countryside dual structure in economical system restricts peasants from gaining benefits, and the deficiencies in the rural economical and political system, together with some unfavorable personal and family elements, predetermine the disability of those peasants.Finally, the dissertation proposes some general countermeasures and some regional focal points to ameliorate rural poverty in China. The author holds that favorable anti-poverty environmental and systematic conditions are constructed so as to strengthen the poor’s ability to prosper. As for the major districts, the author suggests that a further analysis be conducted, on the basis on which, each province determines to focus on either income-increasing or income-redistributing. It is believed that the sustained economical development is the precondition of the proper solution of the anti-poverty task. While economical increase is considered as the priority, impartiality, human being’s quality and the interaction between the city and the countryside should also be paid due attention to. In short, the success of the task of anti-poverty in rural China requests a harmonious environment in which industry promotes agriculture, the city provides impetus to the countryside.

【关键词】 贫困贫困理论贫困成因反贫困
【Key words】 povertypoverty theorythe reason of povertyanti-poverty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

