

Study on the Relationship between Land Use and Eco-Environment

【作者】 李边疆

【导师】 王万茂;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 人类所居住的地球从形成到现在已经历了大约46亿年的漫长岁月。在各种自然力的作用下,地球环境一直不断地发生着相对缓慢的变化,无论是气候变化还是造山运动,都曾强烈地改变地球面貌。然而自人类出现以来,人为因素和自然因素的交互作用和叠加影响已使地球环境以前所未有速度与规模发生着巨大的变化,人类活动也相应成为全球与区域生态环境变化最活跃的营力。其中,土地利用作为这一营力的最主要的作用方式,反映了人与自然相互影响与交叉作用最直接与最亲密的关系,日益成为事关生态环境和谐的最重要因素。在人类历史中,虽然土地利用与生态环境的和谐共生一直以来就是人类追求与自然和谐共处的重要目标,但其失败的案例却时常充斥着人类生存与发展的历史进程。特别是20世纪以来,随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,土地利用与生态环境关系问题更是引起国际社会的普遍关注。在我国,“人多地少”的严峻现实与调控手段的缺乏却使这一问题变得尤为突出。从“一要吃饭,二要建设,三要保护环境”的土地利用总体规划目标来看,“吃饭”与“建设”的目标分别由“耕地保有量”、“基本农田保护率”、“新增建设用地量”等具体指标加以落实与调控,而“保护环境”的任务虽然也有生态建设项目等措施支撑,但事关任务实施成败的调控媒介残缺与监控手段定位的模糊,却使该目标仅流于华而不实的措辞。这在很大程度上影响“土地利用”这一事关生态环境和谐的关键因素的良性作用发挥,也恶化了二者相互依赖、协同演化的宏观环境。可见,在系统把握二者关系规律的基础上,探求一套科学合理的评价体系和一种切实可行的调控手段,无疑对扭转目前严峻的环境保护形势、促进二者关系和谐都具有重要的理论与实践意义。基于上述考虑,论文在可持续发展理论、系统理论、景观生态学理论与生态经济理论的支撑下,对土地利用、生态环境、生态安全与生态用地的概念进行界定,构建了一个研究土地利用与生态环境相互关系的基本框架。同时,对二者关系的演化进程及产生的生态环境问题进行历史回顾,以求为二者关系的机理分析提供铺垫。此后,研究以探讨土地生态环境问题发生机制为主线,从正反两个方面,对不同层面上土地利用与生态环境的作用机理与反馈机制进行了深入探讨,并运用1996年与2004年我国各省(市、自治区)土地利用面板数据及典型区域土地利用问题进行实证分析。根据分析的结果,研究在对二者关系实质与土地生态环境问题发生机制进行系统归纳与总结的基础上,构建了以土地适宜性评价、土地敏感性评价与土地生态系统阈值评价为主的“三级”评价体系,作为二者关系评价的基本框架。同时,界定了“生态用地”的内涵,并将之作为二者关系调控主要媒介。最后,研究以郑州市为例在区域尺度上对土地利用与生态环境关系的评价与优化进行了实证,并据此提出了政策建议。从研究的主要内容来看,论文以土地利用与生态环境的作用机理与土地生态环境问题发生机制为主线,以二者关系的评价与调控为目的展开了深入的探讨。研究结果表明,土地利用通过静态结构与动态变化两种方式,界定了区域景观的类型比例与空间格局,决定了生态环境因子被人类活动的利用方式与区域物理化学循环模式,影响了区域生态系统服务功能的输出类型与总量变化。生态环境则通过生态环境因子、生态敏感性、景观安全格局与生态系统闽值对不同层次上土地利用方式与强度产生直接约束,通过生态环境问题的惩罚机制对土地利用产生间接约束。二者在确定的地理空间内,耦合成交互影响、动态反馈的多层次复合系统,土地生态环境问题也正是区域土地利用强度与方式突破这一复合系统的层层约束、进而导致二者关系失调的具体产物。因而,二者关系的评价与调控也必须在系统把握作用机理的基础上,以关系的和谐共生为目标,对不同尺度上二者交互作用的关键因子进行评价与调控。其中,从系统角度评价区域生态环境对土地功能的供给阈值与人类社会对该功能的消费需求的关系,就成为关系评价的核心与关键。对此,研究在综合分析的基础上将土地功能分为消费性功能与生态功能两类,选用生态足迹分析法对土地消费性功能的供需关系进行评价。在对土地生态功能供需关系评价时,研究则通过界定了“生态用地”的概念与类型,构建了基于碳氧平衡的生态用地评价方法。这不仅为定量表述土地生态功能的供需关系提供了崭新的思路,也为二者关系的调控提供了操作的基础与重要媒介,对建立环境友好型的土地利用模式具有重要的理论与实践意义。此后,论文以郑州市为例对上述理论研究进行了实证。实证结果表明,在郑州市景观总体格局中,西部嵩山山脉簇状自然斑块是全市生态保护源,具有涵养水源、调节气体、多样性保护等重要的生态功能;东部零散的森林景观斑块是相邻源间沟通的“垫脚石”,起到关键点的作用;以河流为依托、以水库为节点错综而成的廊道网络,则是郑州市物质能量输送重要的廊道与垃圾处理、废物吸收的天然工厂,对降低区域生态系统熵值、促进区域系统稳定具有重要意义。从土地消费性功能的供需分析来看,郑州市1996-2004年间生态足迹供需比例、人均生态赤字以及全市生态赤字总量都表现出迅速上升的趋势。生态足迹供需比例由1996年的1:3.123,扩大到2004年的1:5.220,人均生态赤字由1996年的0.862 hm~2,增加为2004年的1.503 hm~2,增加了0.74倍。但即使如此,郑州市土地消费性功能供给系统信息熵并未出现大幅度变化,土地利用系统仍保持相对的稳定,生态环境系统仍比较安全。从土地生态功能的供需分析来看,1996年郑州市释碳耗氧的供需差额分别为3360.22万吨与1093.12万吨,2004年郑州市释碳耗氧的供需差额分别为947.04万吨与3133.33万吨。如果按陆地生态系统承担1/3的人类活动释碳耗氧量计算,1996年郑州市生态用地盈余8.02万hm~2林地或10.60万hm~2农田,2004年郑州市生态用地欠缺20.85万hm~2或27.42 hm~2万hm~2农田。最后,研究据此提出了郑州土地利用与生态环境关系规划调控的思路与具体措施。纵观研究始末,论文中除采用定性分析与定量分析、规范分析与实证分析、静态分析与动态分析、归纳演绎、推理与反演等一般方法外,还针对不同目的采取了特殊方法。在我国区域土地利用对生态环境影响程度分析中,采用生态系统服务功能分析法;在二者关系系统分析部分,采用复杂系统论分析方法;在二者关系评价体系构建与实证部分,采取生态适宜性评价方法、生态敏感性评价方法、生态足迹分析法、碳氧平衡的方法等。根据上述研究,论文得到以下结论:(1)土地利用与生态环境之间存在复杂的、非线性的动态反馈关系,二者互为因果,协同演化;(2)土地利用与生态环境关系的评价,应依据二者关系的横向差异与纵向对应性,采取土地利用生态适宜度评价、土地利用敏感性评价与土地利用生态系统阈值评价为主的“三级”评价体系;(3)生态足迹作为量化区域人类社会对土地消费性功能需求的具体标准,其赤字在很大程度上反映了区域土地利用与生态环境关系的严峻形势,但并不必然得出“区域土地利用强度严重超出生态环境阈值”的结论;(4)碳氧平衡分析法作为评价区域大气碳氧成分变化的一种方法,对量化区域生态用地气体调节功能、评价区域生态用地供需关系具有较强的适用性。论文最后针对研究的结论提出具体的政策建议:(1)转变社会经济发展模式,避免对土地生态功能的过度需求;(2)加强生态用地保护,建立环境友好型土地利用模式;(3)建立、健全二者关系评估体系,实施动态监测机制;(4)强化单位建设用地生态足迹与释碳耗氧量监管,切实落实二者关系调控机制;(5)加强土地利用规划调控,落实土地可持续利用政策;(6)加强生态环境投入,切实实施生态环境建设。

【Abstract】 Since the Formation of the Earth till present the Earth has already undergone about 46 a hundred million years. Under the effects of many natural powers, the terrestrial environment always continuously changes relatively slow. Both the climatic change and the orogeny, have all intensely affected the appearance of the earth. However, the interactions between human factors and natural factors have caused the huge impact on terrestrial environment with the unprecedented speed and scale, since the human has appeared. The human activity correspondingly becomes the most active force to the whole global and the region’s eco-environment changes. As one of the most main type of the force, land use has reflected the most intimate relation between the intersecting functions between human being and nature and the, and it will gradually become the most important factor which influences the harmony of eco-environment.Through in the human history, the harmonious coexistence of land use and eco-environment has always been pursued by human, but there are always so many failure cases congesting the human survival and developmental history. Especially since the latter half of 20th century, universal attentions are being attracted to the environmental problem arouse by land use from international community along with the worsening of the terrestrial environment. In China, the problem is exceptionally distinct because of the fact that population is very big but land is relatively lack and that regulation means is in absence. Form the aim of land use general planning, which is that the first is food, the second is construction, the third is eco-environment protection, the first and the second have many regulation index to fulfill, such as the amount of cultivated land to protection, the amount of incremental construction land, but the third one is lack of effective regulation means even that it has many projects to support. The fact will influence unavoidably the exertion of land use’ benignant effect, and worsen the macros-environment in which eco-environment and land use evolve commonly. Therefore, the construction of a scientific evaluation system and the exploration of reasonable regulation means have become significant to turn the austere situation around and promote harmony of land use and eco-environment, after the detailed study on the mutual action mechanism between land use and eco-environment.Under the support of many theories, such as theories of sustainable development, system theory, landscape ecology and ecology economics, the paper defines the concepts of land use, eco-environment, ecological security and ecological land, and constructs a frame work which can be applied to research on relationship between land use and eco-environment. Based on this frame work, the paper makes a systematic analysis on the history evolution’s process of the relationship and ecological problems, in order to find the reasons behind the problem. According to the result, the paper regards the occurrence mechanism of ecological problem as a main thread, and discusses deeply the interaction process and feedback mechanism of land use & eco-environment at different levels from the positive and negative aspects, and makes an demonstration analysis by using land-use situation data of various provinces and cities in China from 1996 to 2004 and the typical area. Then, study constructs a "three—level" appraisal system which includes land suitability evaluation, land sensitivity evaluation and land eco-system threshold value evaluation, and selects the analytical methods of ecological footprint and carbon-oxygen balance to evaluate relationship between the supply and the demand about land function, so as to provide theoretical basis to regulating and optimizing the relations between them. Finally, taking Zhengzhou city as an example, study carried on the demonstration at regional scale to evaluate the relationship between land use and eco-environment, and give the policy proposal.As for main content of study, this paper makes the mechasim of their relation and the occurring mechanism of land eco-environment problems as the study main line, and makes the relationship appraisal and regulation as study core. Based on these foundations, the paper had carryed on detailed study. The results of study show that land use makes impact on eco-environment by static and dynamic way, and thinks that the ways of static land-use and structures of land use define the ways of the eco-environment factors used by man, directions of material energy output, ratio of landscapes and spatial pattern, which changes the physical-chemical cycle model and the extent that eco-environment influences land-use. At last, the effects decide the type of regional eco-system services output. The dynamic changes of land-use decide the value gross of regional eco-system services, by influencing the used way of ecological factors, the mode of material energy cycle, regional ecological process. The eco-environment restrain to Land-use can be divided into two immediate and mediate parts according to the differences between different modes. Mediate part is about the restrains that is carried out by eco-environment factors, ecological sensitivity, landscape security, ecosystem threshold to the ways and strength of land-use. Immediate part is about human’s consciously binding to regional land use intensity after mankind fully understands the harm of the eco-environment problem. Based on the mechanism, they couple into a complicated system, by mutual action. The eco-environment problems are just the product from that land use’ overpasses the eco-environment threshold and leads to chaos of the system. Therefore, the appraisal and regulation of their relation should aim to the key factors of their mutual action at all levels, after a detail study on the action mechanism between them. Among them, the land eco-system threshold evaluation becomes the core and key of appraisal and regulation.To attain the aim, the paper divides land function into consumptive function and ecological function based on the detail study, and select ecological footprint analysis to appraise the relation between the supply and demand about consumptive land function. As for land ecological function, the paper develops a evaluation method of ecological land based on carbon-oxygen balance analysis. The method not only quantifies the relation between the supply and demand about land ecological function, but also offers a reasonable regulation medium, which make it theoretical and practical significance to construction land use mode amicable to eco-environment.After that, the paper carries on a demonstration by using correlative statiscal data of Zhengzhou city. The result of the ecological security pattern identification as follows: The Mt. Songshan sierra bunch of shape natural mottling in western is the ecology protection source of whole city landscape; it has many ecological services, such as self-control water source, the adjustment gas, multiple protection, and so on. The east scattered forest landscape mottling is "the stepping-stone" to communicate the neighboring source, which plays key point role. The corridor network made of rivers and reservoir not only is the most transportation important corridor of matter energy in Zhengzhou city, but also is the garbage disposal of whole city, the natural factory of waste absorption. It has vital significance to reducing the region ecosystem entropy value and stabling the stability region system. The ecological footprint (EF) analysis result indicates that the EF’s proportion of supply to demand, the average ecological deficit per person display the rapidly ascendant tendency. EF’s proportion of supply to demand from1: 3.123 in 1996 expands to 1:5.220 in 2004.The average ecological deficit per person from 0.862 hm~2 in 1996 expands to 1.503 hm~2 in 2004, increasing 0.74%.Even so, Land use system entropy function has not generated a substantial change in Zhengzhou city, which made Land-use system remain relatively stable and the Eco-systems remain still relatively safe. The Analysis result of Carbon-oxygen balance shows the gaps of carbon-oxygen balance are 3.3622 million tons and 10.9312 million tons in 1996, and 9.4704 million tons and 31.3333 million tons in 2004. If terrestrial ecosystem bears one-third of carbon-releasing and oxygen-depleting coming from human activities, ecological land surplus 80.2 thousands hectares woodland or 106.0 thousands hectares woodland in 1996, but lacks 208.5 thousands hectares woodland and 274.2 thousands hectares woodland farmland in 2004. Finally, the ways of regulation and concrete measures are put forward according to the results of demonstration study.In the paper, usual methods and specific methods are applied widely, usual methods consists of standardized analysis and evidence analysis, static analysis and dynamic analysis, sum and perform, reasoning and inversion, and so on. specific methods has been used against different objectives. According to the regional land-use impacts on the eco-environment, analysis of eco-system services has been used. In the parts of system analysis on the relationship, analysis of complex systems theory has been used. During building of evaluation theories and demonstration analysis, assessment method of ecology suitableness, ecology sensitivity, with principle of ecological footprint, method of carbon-oxygen balance were used.According to the study, this paper gets following conclusions: (1) There is an complex, nonlinear and dynamic relationship between land-use and eco-environment, which are cause and effect mutually, commonly evolutes. (2) The evaluation of relationship should adopt "three-tier" system, which includes land suitability evaluation, land sensitivity evaluation and land eco-system threshold evaluation, according to their characteristics. (3) As a standard using to quantizing human demand for land consumptive functions, ecological deficit reflects severe situation of the relationship, but made a necessary conclusion that the land-use intensity has breakthrough eco-system threshold value. (4) As a method, analysis method widely applicability to quantize the gas adjustment function of ecological land, evaluate the relationship between the supply and demand of ecological land.Finally, the paper proposes specific recommendations aiming at the conclusions: (1) Change the socio-economic development model to avoid the excessive demand for land function. (2) Strengthen the protection of ecological land, and found land use model amicable to eco-environment. (3) Build and consummate evaluation system, conduct dynamic monitor mechanism. (4) intensify management at EF and the amount of carbon-releasing and oxygen-depleting per construction land. (5) Strengthen Land use planning Regulation and implement sustainable land use policy. (6) Strengthen ecological and environmental inputs and effectively implement eco-environment construction.

  • 【分类号】X171;F301
  • 【被引频次】76
  • 【下载频次】8522
  • 攻读期成果

