

Investigation of Technology Ideology and Its Practice of the Chinese Communist Party

【作者】 薛建明

【导师】 惠富平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 人类文明的每一次重大进步,都体现着科学技术的作用和意义。科学技术的巨大发展,促进了人类生活方式、生产方式以及思维方式的根本性变化,是近代以来人类社会发展的主旋律。中国是世界上文明发达最早的国家之一。在16世纪前中国的科学技术一直处于世界先进地位。由于种种主客观原因,曾在科技上有过光辉成就的中华民族,在近代却远远落后于西方发达国家。中国共产党成立以后,以马克思主义科技思想为指导,紧密结合中国的实际,大力发展科学技术事业。经过80多年的艰苦奋斗,形成了一整套有中国特色的科技思想,领导全国人民建立了学科齐全、独立完整的科学技术体系,缩短了我国与发达国家之间科技水平的差距;而且在某些科技领域的年研究成果已经达到或超过国际先进水平,对中国现代化建设起到了巨大的促进作用。但就目前而言,我国科技发展的整体水平依然落后于发达国家,在科技发展的指导思想、科技政策、科研体制和科技创新等方面还有很多不足之处;在某些方面、某些领域甚至严重制约着科技的进步与发展。为了实现我国在二十一世纪中叶达到世界中等发达国家水平这一宏伟目标,我们必须在科技进步方面作出更大努力,并为下一阶段科技水平全面提升和进入世界先进国家行列奠定良好的基础。而要尽快赶上世界发达国家,依靠科技发展促进中国的现代化进程,就必须有正确的科技思想来指导科技实践。系统研究建党以来党的科技思想及其实践的历史过程,并比较党的主要领导人的科技思想的异同,评价其成败得失;以历史为明鉴,以现实为考量,对新世纪中国科学技术事业的发展的指导思想、发展战略、主要政策措施等提出参考性建议。因此本选题有着一定的历史和现实意义。关于当代中国科学技术发展问题,学术界多侧重于对科技发展史的研究,而对科技思想尤其是对党的科技思想研究很不够。而且,对党的科技思想研究一般仅限于对党的领导人在某个历史时段的个体研究,鲜有人对建党以来党的领导集体科技思想及实践效果进行系统分析和总结。因此本选题具有一定理论价值和学术意义。本文以中国共产党成立以来八十多年的发展历程为研究时段,以马克思科技思想为指导,以党的科技思想演进发展为主线,以党带领全国人民发展科学技术事业的实践为依托;重点探讨某些重大决策出台的历史背景、现实原因、指导思想、主要政策措施和实施效果,对其得失成败、经验教训进行总结和反思。最后,结合新世纪科技发展面临的新形势、新机遇和我国的现实国情,对未来我国科技发展的指导思想和方针政策提出对策建议。本文除绪论外共分为六章。第一章研究建国前中国共产党科技思想形成及其与实践的初步结合。首先,通过对中国传统文化的反思和分析西方文明的传入对中国当时社会的冲击,来探寻党的科技思想产生的背景渊源;其次,对建党前后党的创始人的科学思想进行梳理,探讨其对党的科技思想形成产生的理论影响;第三,对土地革命、抗日战争和解放战争不同的历史阶段党的科技思想初创、形成和科技实践进行研究,分析了不同时期党采取的发展科学技术为革命战争服务的指导思想和政策措施,并研究其对建国初期的影响。第二章研究了从建国到改革开放前党的科技思想曲折发展及其对实践的影响。建国后,以毛泽东为核心的党的领导集体确立了“科学为人民大众”的新中国科技事业的根本指导思想;发出了“向科学进军”号召,制定了国家科技远景规划;带领全国人民迅速改变了中国科学技术“一穷二白”的落后面貌,并在国防等领域取得了一系列科技成果。在本章的三、四节着重研究了党的“技术革命”思想,客观分析了从反右运动到“文化大革命”期间中国共产党科技思想的曲折发展的历程,评述了科学政治化思潮对中国科技事业发展的消极影响和危害。第三章研究改革开放后到20世纪80年代末党的科技思想发展深化及其对实践的指导。这一时期党的科技思想是新中国成立以来科技发展成功与失误正反两方面经验教训的总结。它以邓小平科技思想为核心,在完成拨乱反正的基础上,重申了马克思关于“科学技术是生产力”的观点;阐明科学技术现代化对国家现代化的关键作用;倡导形成尊重知识,尊重人才的良好社会氛围;强调科技体制改革和发展高科技的重要意义;创造性的提出了“科学技术是第一生产力”的论断,并以此为基点构建了新时期党的科技思想体系,指导着以经济建设为中心的科技实践活动。第四章研究跨世纪党的科技思想深化创新及其对实践的引领。这一时期以江泽民为核心党的领导集体继承了邓小平科技思想的精髓,深刻把握20世纪90年代以来世界科技革命的新特点,将科学技术放在优先发展地位;组织实施了“科教兴国”战略;提出了科学技术是先进生产力的体现和标志,并将科技创新提升到民族兴衰的高度;形成了跨世纪党的科技思想及其实践体系,有力的推动了我国科学技术事业的飞速发展。第五章对党的主要领导人科技思想进行比较研究。在按照历史的轨迹对建党以来党的科技思想及其实践进行了全面梳理的基础上。为了使研究更加深入,在本章将党的主要领导人毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民科技思想产生的历史境遇、对科技本质功能的认识、科技发展战略目标和科技发展的动力认识等方面进行横向、客观地比较,探寻党的科技思想演进规律。第六章是历史启事与现实考量。联系中国科技发展的需要,回顾历史并从中寻求有益的借鉴和启示,是本文研究的立足点和价值所在。历史研究表明,党的科技思想的演进历程是一个曲折发展的历史进程,新中国科学技术事业的曲折经历给我们提供了宝贵的经验和教训。因此,本章结合当前我国科技发展面临着许多新的问题和挑战,从科技发展取向、科技发展理念、科技发展路径与科技价值指归四个方面,来反思前人所走过的弯路、探讨新世纪我国科技事业发展的指导思想,为我党明晰制定未来科技发展战略及其政策和措施提出对策建议。通过研究表明:1、在科学和民主精神感召下诞生的中国共产党与科学技术有着不解之缘。在新民主主义革命时期,党对科学技术的重要性有了初步的认识,产生了一系列科学论断,并在极其艰苦的战争状态下开展一系列科技实践活动。2、建国以来,中国共产党十分重视发展科学技术事业。虽然党的科技思想经历了曲折,但党的科技思想始终在正确轨道上不断发展、深化和创新,并在不同的历史阶段指导着科技实践活动,出现了新中国科技史上的三个“黄金期”,使我国的科技事业得到了迅速发展,取得了巨大成就。3、尽管党的主要领导人由于历史背景不同,但他们的科技思想的出发点和归宿点都是追求国家的强盛、人民的富裕;其价值取向都是将马克思主义的基本原理同中国的现实国情相结合,努力探索我国科技事业发展的自身规律和时代特征。因此,他们的科技思想是承前启后,一脉相传的有机整体,是立足于马克思的科技观并与时俱进的产物。4、以史为鉴,实现21世纪中国的科学技术健康和持续的发展。首先,要保持科学技术稳定发展的政治环境,重视“科学”与“技术”的本质区别,以利于科学技术按其自身规律发展;其次,应将科学技术的进步服务于人与自然和谐关系的重建,以促进科学技术的可持续发展;第三,坚持技术引进与自主创新并举,以推动中国科技事业跨越式发展;第四,突出“以人为本”的思想,在科技进步的历史进程中实现人的全面解放,以实现科技价值的最终指归。5、中国共产党科技思想的产生、演进和发展,离不开近百年来中国现代化发展的历史背景。因此,不论是新民主主义革命时期,还是建国以来的不同历史阶段,党的科技思想具有内在的有机联系,中国共产党科技思想的发展是一个自然的历史过程,它支配和影响了中国科技现代化乃至整个现代化的实际进程。

【Abstract】 Every major progress of human civilization reflects the role and significance of science and technology. The tremendous development of science and technology is the theme of the development of human society in modern times which has promoted social lifestyle, production mode, and the fundamental changes in our way of thinking.China is one of the earliest civilizations countries in the world. Before the 16th century, science and technology in China has remained at a advanced status in the world. Due to various objective and subjective reasons, the Chinese nation which had obtained great achievements in science and technology ago has lagged far behind the developed countries in the West in modern times. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, China has taken Marx technology thought as instructions and has focused on the development of Chinese science and technology undertakings. After hard working for more than 80 years, China not only created a suit of technology thoughts with Chinese characteristics, but also established an independent and integrated Scientific and technological system including complete disciplines by which shorten the gap with the developed technology. Moreover, the research results have met or exceeded the international advanced level in some areas of science area and the Science and technology undertakings have made remarkable achievements which have played a tremendous role in promoting the modernization building in China.But regarding currently, the overall level of scientific and technological development in our country still lags far behind the developed countries. In some areas in scientific and technological development such as the guiding ideology, technology policy, research system and technological innovation of still have much room for improvement and in certain areas, or certain fields they even restrict scientific and technological progress and development. To ensure China to realize the grand goals that achieving the level of moderately developed countries in the world by the mid-21st century we must make greater efforts in scientific and lay a good foundation for the next stage when the scientific and technological level in China has been overall enhanced and ranks among the most advanced in the world. In order to catch up with the technology level in developed countries in the world and to promote China’s modernization process relying on scientific and technological development, it is necessary to have a correct technological idea to guide the development of science and technology practice. Therefore, we should research the history process of the party’s technological ideology and practice systemically since the founding and make a comparison in landscape orientation of the technological ideas between the main leaders of the party. Then put forward policy recommendations for the progress of science and technology undertakings in China in the new century that it has a certain historical and realistic significance to follow the progress of science and technology road with Chinese characteristics by evaluating its success or failure according to the history and considering the reality. Therefore the subject has a certain historical and realistic significance.On the problems of contemporary China’s scientific and technological development, academic circles emphasis on investigating the history of the development of science and technology but do inadequate research on technological thinking particularly on the technological thinking of the party. Moreover, the research of the party’s technological thought are generally limited to the individual study of a certain party leader in some period in history, however, a bit of people have done systemic analysis and summaries to the collective thought and practice effects in science and technology of the party’s leadership since the founding. Therefore the subject has a certain theoretical value and academic significance.This paper focuses on the ideological background introducing some major decisi ons, practical reasons, the implementation process and the implementation results, ofwhich success or failure, experiences and lessons are summed up and reflected taki ng the 80 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China as the study period, taking the scientific and technological thought of Marxism as a guide, takingthe evolution of the party’s thought as the main line and taking the great practice of the development of science and technology by Chinese people who are guided b y the Party as the foundation. Finally, combining the new position faced by the dev elopment of science and technology in the new century and the new situation and China’s actualconditions, putting forward countermeasures and recommendations for t he guiding ideology and policy of China’s science and technology development in th e future.This paper is divided into six chapters except introduction.Chapter 1 researches the Science and Technology thought of the Communist Party of China and the practices before the founding of China. First, uses reflections on China’s traditional culture and analysis of the real impact on realistic society by introducing the Western civilization to explore the origin of the technological thought of the Communist of China. Second, sort out the scientific thought of the founder of the party before and after the founding to study the theoretic effect on the initially formed of the scientific thinking of the party. Third, researches the initial creation, the formation and development of the Science and Technology thought of the Communist Party of China during the different phases such as the land revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation and explores the policies and measures of developing science and technology to serve the war which is adopted by the party in different periods.Chapter 2 researches the flexural development of the party’s technological thought and its practice from the founding to the opening up innovation. After the founding of the PRC, the party’s first-generation leadership collective with the core Mao Zedong has established the direction of "Science for the masses of the people" service guideline, brought forward the call of "entering into the Science", instituted a technology perspective layout, and achieved a series of scientific and technological achievements. The third and forth sections in this chapter focuses on the "technological revolution" thought of the party and analyzed objectively the tortuous development course of the scientific and technological thought of the Communist Party of China from the Anti-Rightist campaign to the "Cultural Revolution", as well as the negative impact and harm brought from the political science thought to China’s science and technology development.Chapter 3 is to study the development and deepening of the party’s technological thinking after opening up innovation. During this period the party’s technological ideology which summarized the experiences and lessons both from success and misplay of the science and technology development since PRC founding, is a rich and profound knowledge with affluent contents. The ideology takes Deng Xiaoping’s technology thinking as its core. It reiterated that Marxism science and technology is productivity based on the completion of the restoration of order; it clarified the key role of modern science and technology; it advocated shaping a good social atmosphere to respect for knowledge and talent; it stressed the importance of reforming the system of science and technology and the significance of developing high technology; it put forward creatively the thesis "science and technology are the primary productive forces", and took this as a anchor to built the party’s technology thinking system in a new period, and improved the party’s scientific understanding to a new level.Chapter 4 researches the development and innovation of the party’s scientific and technological thinking and its practice. The third generation of the party, with the core Jiang Zemin, inherited collectively the quintessence of Deng Xiaoping’s thinking of technology, and grasped profoundly the new features of the scientific and technological revolution in the world since the 1990s. Moreover they did a careful review and summation to the practice experiences of the reform and development of China’s technology; gave a priority to the development of science and technology; organized and implemented a "rejuvenating the country through science and education" tactic; put forward a series ideas taking scientific and technological innovation as the core; formed a cross-century party’s technology thinking and its practice system which did a powerful impetus to the rapid development of China’s science and technology undertakings.Chapter 5 is to compare and study the core technology thinking of the main leaders. This chapter does a comprehensive sorted out to the party’s technology ideology and practice in accordance with the historical path since the founding. And based on that in order to enable more in-depth research, this chapter does a horizontal and objective comparing from these aspects: the historic background of the technology ideologies of all the party’s three core generation leadership including Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the cognition of the function of the science and technology, the understanding of the strategic objectives and impetus of technology development, by this way to identify the inheritance and development skeleton during the evolution process of the party’s technology thought.Chapter 6 is about historical inspiration and practical significance. Reviewing the history and seeking useful lessons and inspiration are the starting point and value of this paper. History investigation shows that the evolution process of the Party’s technology ideology is a tortuous history course. The tortuous experiences of new China’s scientific and technological undertaking offered us valuable experiences and the lessons. Therefore, this chapter which combines many new problems facing our country’s technological practice does a reflection about the a detour taken by predecessors and a discuss about the direction of the development of science in China in the new century from four levels, the orientation of technological development, technology development concept, technology development path and the value of technology. At last, this paper proposes countermeasures and recommendations for our party to set down the future technology guidelines and policies.This study shows:1,The Communist Party of China born impelled by the scientific and democratic spirit has a close bond with science and technology. In the new-democratic revolution period, the party has an initial understanding about the importance of science and technology as well as how to promote the development of science and technology and produced a series of scientific thesis. Even more valuable is that in the hard period, the party adopted a series of effective measures for the revitalization and development of science and technology .2,After the founding of PRC, The Communist Party of China paid full attention to the development of science and technology undertakings. Although the science and technology thought of the party experienced the turns and twists, the science and technology thought of the party develops continuously and turns the different from innovation, and at different history stage guides science and technology fulfillment activity deeply on the right orbit, so three "golden era"in PRC technology history appeard,the Chinese science and technology undertakings developed in a rapid speed and made remarkable achievements.3,A comparative study shows that in spite of the different historical backgrounds of the party’s three generations of leaders, But their starting point and destination are all seeking national prosperity, well-being of the people; their values which combined the basic principles of Marxism with the actual conditions in China all do efforts to explore the self-rules and era characteristics of the technology development in China; Therefore, the thinking of the party’s three generations of leaders, the technology is an organic whole with the religion spreads which inherited the predecessors and inspirited the posterity. They based on the Marx’s technology concept and are a outcome advancing with the times which developed a guide thinking system for the development of China’s scientific and technological undertakings and promote it to progress and develop ceaseless.4,Inspecting the history, in order to ensure the healthy and sustained development of Chinese science and technology in the 21st century: First, to maintain the stable development of science and technology in the political environment regarding the essential difference of "science" and "technology" according to benefit for technology itself to develop by its own laws; Second, accelerate the sustainable technology development by applying the scientific and technological progress to the reconstruction of the harmony relationship between nature and human and building green technology concept so as to promote the continuous development of the science and technology; Third, stick to introducing technology and self-innovating simultaneously, in order to promote China’s science and technology development by leaps and bounds; Fourth, emphasize "people-oriented", thinking that man is the first to achieve the full liberation of human during the scientific and technological development progress in the historical process which actualized the ultimate destination that the value of science and technology.5, The creation of Communist Party of China science and technology thinking, evolve and develop, can not get away from Chinese modernization history background develop in the last a hundred years.Therefore, no matter in the new-democratic revolution period or in different history stage, science and technology thought of the party has inside of organic contact, the development that Communist Party of China science and technology thought is a nature of history process, it controls and affects Chinese science and technology modernization is to the whole actual progress for modernize.


