

A Study on the Digitization and the Information Organization of Agricultural Document of the Republic of China

【作者】 王雅戈

【导师】 曹幸穗; 侯汉清;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 民国农业文献,通常是指中华民国时期产生的与农村社会、农业经济、农业科技等内容相关的各类文献的总称,有时也泛指二十世纪上半叶的农业文献。狭义地说,民国农业文献仅指1912年至1949年期间国内的农业文献,且不包括翻印或重印的古籍文献以及国外的文献。广义而言,民国农业文献指产生于包括新、旧民主主义革命时代在内的,甚至上溯到鸦片战争前后时期的,与中国农业问题内容相关的各种类型、各个国家、各种语言文字的农业文献。本文所研究的民国农业文献,具体指近代以来中国国内产生的汉文文献。限于条件和项目任务,外文文献和少数民族文字文献均不包含在本研究范围之内。民国农业文献是中国文化典籍史上特定阶段(民国时期)、特定领域(农业历史)所产生的文献,是我国文献信息资源的重要组成部分。民国农业文献记载当时社会、历史、文化、经济、科技等方面的内容,具有重要的思想文化价值和科学技术价值,是研究民国时期农业、社会、历史、经济、文化和科学技术等问题不可或缺的重要资料。民国农业文献在使用过程中,由于自然损耗,大部分已经纸张松脆、结块,有的已经失去了使用的可能性;在翻阅或利用过程中,还经常发生人为损坏或遗失现象,有的甚至已经不复存在;加之纸质文献的查询、阅览、传播局限很大,开发利用极为不便。因此,在传统方式收藏、整理的基础上,利用现代数字化文献整理技术手段,系统地收集、整理民国农业文献,传播和利用民国农业文献,扩大信息资源的共享范围,提高相关的公共服务水平,对于弘扬我国传统文化,为现代农业的可持续发展服务具有重要意义,是一项十分迫切的工作,也是农史学界以至国家范围内信息资源保护和文献开发刻不容缓的重要研究任务。本文采用图书馆学、情报学信息组织的理论和方法,借助于计算机技术,研究民国农业文献数字化的整理。(1)民国农业文献索引史研究。索引是治学的利器,是传统方式下最有力的信息组织基础工具之一。本文对民国文献索引史进行了回顾,并以万国鼎先生的索引成就为主线,研究民国农业文献索引史。万国鼎先生的索引学成就主要有索引排检法、索引学理论、索引教育、索引编纂、主持索引机构工作等方面,本文对他的索引学成就进行了全面分析。对万国鼎先生在“索引运动”理论研究和索引排检法研究方面的贡献进行了系统总结,对他编纂的《新桥字典》和他领导编纂的《农业论文索引》进行了重点评析。研究民国农业文献索引史的启示是,图书内容索引和期刊主题索引是整理民国农业文献、研究民国农业问题的有力工具,其索引思想,索引原理、技术、方法,对民国农业文献数字化整理可以提供参考。(2)民国农业文献数字化整理研究。重点研究了民国农业文献索引自动编纂、民国农业文献电子图书编纂、民国农业文献数据库建设和民国农业文献主题网关构建等方面的内容。①民国农业文献索引的自动编纂。主要研究了机编索引的步骤与方法,对索引之星、WORD索引软件和自编语词索引软件进行了比较分析,对索引排序方法进行了深入探讨。以《中国茶叶问题》索引编纂为例,对机编索引的方法和索引软件的应用进行了实验。经过研究认为,索引是以信息资源中知识单元的标记符号——主题概念或语词等微观内容为对象,通过标引词或词串的方式,指引内容的检索,对民国农业文献数字化整理,开展农史研究具有一定作用。②民国农业文献电子图书编纂。对电子图书的存储格式进行了综合评介,分析了民国农业文献电子图书编纂的意义和技术要点。以民国农业图书《中国茶叶问题》和金陵大学学位论文《二十种柑橘类果树比较形态及杂交育种之初步研究》为例,应用Easy CHM软件,对民国农业文献电子图书编纂进行了实验。③民国农业文献数据库的建设。以中国农业遗产研究室馆藏为主要对象,建立了包括图书、期刊、报纸、学位论文、档案资料、地方文献等6种民国农业文献数据库,数据库的类型有题录型、全文型、图像型、图文对照等类型。④民国农业文献主题网关构建。系统论述了主题网关的理论和方法,得出了主题网关是优质网络资源信息服务的精选器和精确导航器的结论,对主题网关建设中网络信息资源的选择、元数据制定、主题和分类标引、可视化检索等问题进行了深入研究。以茶文献主题网关构建为例,对民国农业网络资源的信息组织进行了实验。民国农业文献主题网关的构建对提高农史网络信息资源的检索、利用效率具有明显的作用,有必要扩大构建的范围。总而言之,本文采用文献调查法、实证调研法、统计分析法、比较分析法、实验分析法等多种研究方法,并利用SQL Server数据库信息组织技术,对民国农业文献数字化进行了试验,开展了大规模的民国农业文献数字化整理。将信息组织的技术、方法应用于民国农业文献的数字化整理,对于农史学科而言,是引入一种新方法、新技术,是一种移植创新;对于情报学而言,是本学科理论和方法在某一具体学科实际应用的探索,是一种实践创新。希望本研究对民国农业文献数字化整理和农史研究有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Agricultural documents of The Republic Of China means the document that were written in the times of The Republic Of China, and their content is about the country, agricultural economy and science and technology. Some times, they include the whole agricultural documents written in the twenties century upper leaf. Narrow sense, they only mean the document written in 1912-1949, and the ancient books that reprinted in that era were not considered as the part of them, also the foreign language agricultural documents. Broad sense, they mean the agricultural documents that written in all kinds of languages during 1840-1949. In this paper, the agricultural documents of The Republic Of China means the Chinese documents about agriculture written in China from Opium War to 1949, and they were not included in the range of this paper that the document written in overseas, foreign languages and the minority languages and words.Agricultural document of The Republic Of China is the important part of the information resources of China. It recorded the country, agricultural economy and the science and technology of that era. There was important cultural and science value for researching the country, agriculture economy and the science and technology of The Republic Of China. The usage of searching, reading and spreading of these documents is very inconvenient because of many agricultural document weared and teared in usage and some of them lost and losing.Based on the collection of traditional ways, it is very valuable that systematic collecting, cataloging and servicing the documents of The Republic Of China for resources sharing, republic information services, and developing the traditional culture by the digital document technology. That is emergency task for agriculture history research and the information resources protection of our country.In this paper, library and information science and technology was applied to the information organization of agricultural documents of The Republic Of China. The technologies included auto index, e-book, databases, subject information gateways and so on. By the investigation, these documents include book, series, investigation report, research report, dissertation, archives and local document. At the present times, most of the are MARC, which the research production on the digitization of the agricultural document of The Republic Of China. Seldom of them are TXT database.Index is one of the most efficient ways for paper document information organization. The principles of paper index were very useful for document digitization of The Republic Of China. So the index history is the part research content of this paper. Wan Kwoh-ting is the famous agricultural history scientist, also the famous indexer. He packed up the agricultural document successfully in The Republic Of China times. His index achievement mainly are in the index theory, index layout, index education, index compilation and index institution work, and so on. One of his most index achievements is generalized the index theory as Index Movement. He compiled the Xinqiao Dictionary and Agricultural Index. By researched the index history of The Republic Of China and the index achievement of Wan Kwoh-ting, its revelation is that the subject index is very useful for modern agricultural history research and the document digitization of The Republic Of China.The main part of this paper was on the document digitization of The Republic Of China. Three index softs were analyzed such as The Star Of Index, WORD and the soft myself. E-book was the very useful ways for protection the document. As a example, China Tea Problems was packed up in e-book by Easy CHM soft for study the principles, technology and how to applied in the agricultural document digitization of The Republic Of China. In this paper, the database construction is the most very important part. In this part, 6 databases were constructed. They are the Periodical Paper Title Database, Book Title Database, Newspaper Full TXT database, Dissertation Database Of Nanking University, Local History Document Database. These databases could be divided into four types, such as title, full text, image and TXT-image. The data of the document of The Republic Of China are rich very much in these databases. As a example, Chinese Tea Subject Information Gateways were constructed in this paper. It was discussed about the theory, function and the progress in domestic and overseas. Subject information gateway is considered the internet information exact choice device and the navigation device. It made the metadata frame of the China Tea Information Gateway, discussed the subject way, classification and visualized search and so on, and selected 200 data for putting into the gateway.All in all, some ways were used for the research, such as the document investigation, demonstration, statistic, comparing and experimentation methods. It adopted the SQL Server database and the information organization technology and digitized the agricultural document of The Republic Of China. It investigated its actuality of the collection, housing, protection and usage of the agricultural document of The Republic Of China. The digitization technology was experimented and selected the project. These technologies and project were applied for digitizing much more on the agricultural document of The Republic Of China. For agricultural history research, it was a creation to applied the information organization into the agricultural document digitization of The Republic Of China. For library and information science, it was also a creation. That was creation to applied general technology into a embody subject.


