

Reply for Public Crisis and Rational Choices of China Government

【作者】 张红梅

【导师】 周光辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文以公共危机应对中的政府责任为研究对象,以“非典”、松花江水污染等大量现实危机为案例剖析,综合运用行政管理学、政治学、法学、社会心理学等学科知识,对政府如何实施公共危机理性应对进行了多视角研究。主要想表达如下思想:一国政府有责任、有义务对公共危机事件进行有效应对与治理,政府在公共危机应对中的责任,不能以公共危机的发生原因是否与政府有关为标准,而是要切实履行社会公共利益代表的身份,承担起公共危机应对的重任。但公共危机管理也需要社会力量(包括其他国和国际性组织)的加入,只有整合全社会的资源共同应对危机,才能迅速、全面、高质量地化解危机。在公共危机事件应对中,政府要明确自身定位,增强自身能力,在法律框架下,发挥自身指挥、连接、整合、协调各方面力量的主导作用,实现本体角色的理性回归。

【Abstract】 China is a developing country in its society transforming stage. In the last 20 years, our country is facing multiple transfers at the same time: from planned economy to market economy , from agriculture society to industrialized society; from traditional, closed and semi-closed society to modernized, open society; from controlled government to management and service government; etc. China’s social life has greatly changed. Traditional factors, modern factors, and post-modern factors all exist at the same time. Configuration transform, system shunt, and various social contradictions accumulated with the economic increase have all lead to instability. The speed up of economy globalization and integration and the co-operation of all kinds of crisis factors domestic and abroad have determined that our country is now in a period of occurrence of many crisis affairs. Carrying through public crisis reply and management is an austere task the government must face. Whether the government can effectively respond to public crisis is not only a matter concerning the safety of people but also an influence to later economic stability and social development, as well as the visualization, authority and status of the government. The reply to public crisis is a complete examination and checkup to government’s management ability and effectiveness. It is also an important factor to measure and reflect government ability. Modern government should initiatively bear the responsibility to reply public crisis. In recent years, the serious aftereffects of high-frequency occurrence of public crisis in some fields in our country have exposed deficiency and lack of reply ability toward public crisis. Looking at the actuality of public crisis management, we find out with regret that problems like consciousness weakness, acknowledgement faintness, system lag, legal system absence exist commonly in the reply of public crisis. These problems have restricted the efficiency of public crisis reply. It is an important task that we find problems in crisis events and solve them, and accumulate experiences in the process of crisis management. In the events of SARS in 2003, and the event of water pollution of Songhua River in 2005, we have drawn valuable experiences, both were very typical and influential public crisis. These experiences are beneficial to the development of our public crisis management theory and practice. The upgrade of public crisis management ability depends on the transformation and improvement of government function. Nothing can replace the function of government in prevent, cure and restore of crisis. The government takes great responsibility in the maintenance of public safety, public welfare, and social justice. Government functions must transfer toward adjustment, supervision and service. It is necessary for government to mobilize social resources against crisis management, although it should initiatively bear the responsibilities for public crisis management. Crisis management needs the join of social powers, including those of other countries and international organizations. Crisis can be settled swiftly, completely, and thoroughly only with the participation of powers of all society.This thesis takes government responsibility in public crisis reply as study object. In it many instances such as those of SARS, Pollution of Songhua River, are analyzed. It studies how the government implements public crisis reply by using the knowledge of administration management, politics, sociology, law, and social psychology. It has also brought forward some valuable viewpoints regarding guarantee of normal development of social economy, strengthening the construction of harmonious society, and the promotion of government trust. The thesis want to express the following thoughts: a government is responsible and compulsory to the reply and management for the effective reply and management to the events of public crisis. Government responsibility in the reply to public crisis shall not be measured by the reasons of occurrence concerning the government. Government is the representative for social benefit; therefore it should take the important task to reply to public crisis. Government should take all measures to advance the effects to settle public crisis, exert its function of command, connection, conformity, and corresponding of all forces, and realize the rational regression of its natural role.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

