

Research on the Relation among Entrepreneurial Environment, Strategy and Performance

【作者】 柳燕

【导师】 葛宝山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 经济全球化的到来和世界市场一体化的发展,已经促使所有国外公司以及本土公司在全球范围内扩张业务。为了从全球扩张中受益,这些公司需要在他们业务运作的过程中促进创业。在技术变革、主要市场的交替转移和日益增长的全球市场等强大动力的驱动下,公司已使用了多种方法来扩张他们的全球业务,进行国际创业活动。尤其是汽车行业,汽车行业的国际创业活动正在如火如荼的进行中,全球产量再创新高。在企业国际创业过程中,环境扮演着重要角色,在一定程度上决定着企业国际化的成败。产业环境、企业内部环境以及制度环境对于企业的发展至关重要,环境的宽松性和不确定性使企业不断地调整创业战略以带来较高的产出。本文以环境-战略-绩效为主线,研究三者间的关系以及对中国汽车企业国际创业的启示。本文在回顾了基本理论的基础上,详尽地对创业环境理论、创业战略理论和创业绩效理论进行了综述及评述,在此基础上归纳本文的研究要素,明确要素之间的逻辑关系;其次,对研究要素进行界定,提出要素的研究维度;第三,在理论推导的基础上,构建创业环境、创业战略及企业绩效之间的关系模型,并提出了14条假设;对国内17家汽车企业的问卷调研数据进行实证分析,检验结果表明14条假设中有11条通过;最后,对检验结果进行讨论,进一步明确本文研究在理论上和实践上的意义。

【Abstract】 The economic globalization and the market integration have facilitated the entrepreneurship of auto industry like a raging fire. Although more and more auto companies come into the hot market, American companies, Japanese companies French companies and German companies has showed great overwhelming superiority. As we all know, our auto industry will hover to the sky in 21st century, so we are facing a new era with fierce competition and many opportunities. In order to improve the competition in the fierce market when facing new environment, Chinese auto enterprises must change their strategies from intra-entrepreneurship to international entrepreneurship.Compared with internationalization, entrepreneurship is a new concept. They both are a behavior of choosing the market. So the companies should exert internationalized strategies to realize the internationalization, which is not only a economic problem but also an important political problem. Thus it is necessary and profound to study the entrepreneurial mode of auto industry, which is helpful for Chinese auto companies to go to international market, carve out in other countries and improve the competition.The conditions of entrepreneurship in Chinese auto industry are not so optimistic. So it is crucial to study the entrepreneurial pathway, which provides experiences for our auto industry. The topic is a new task. The current study is based on the view of internationalization and is not systematic, which calls for new research.The context of this dissertation includes the following five parts: Firstly, this paper deeply analyzes the relevant theories of this dissertation, of which it analyzes the dependence of firms on entrepreneurial environment, RBT emphasizes the influential factors of corporate performance, TCA analyzes the necessity and rationality of the establishment of the entrepreneurial strategy from the point of view of resource acquisition,and SNA analyzes the cost predominance brought by entrepreneurial strategy to firm in the eye of economics. Basing on the analysis of basic theories, this dissertation summarizes the existing literatures related to firm performance from home and aboard, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial strategy, for instance the research on firm performance based on resource view, evaluation of firm performance, the investigation of the constitution system of entrepreneurial environment element and the constitution of environmental actor, the research on the relationship between entrepreneurial strategy and firm. Predecessors have obtained some achievement, but there is still large research space left, which is the basis of this dissertation. Finally this dissertation summarizes its primary research elements, which include the characteristic of entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial strategy, resource acquisition, the capacity of resource combination and the firm performance.Secondly, this dissertation builds the theory model of the affecting mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on firm performance based on strategy view, divides the entrepreneurial environment into three dimensions of hostile, dynamic and complexity on the basis of current theory research, divides the entrepreneurial strategy into two dimensions of individual strategy and organizing strategy, and puts forward the theory model of the relationship among each element.Thirdly, this dissertation puts forward the hypothesis of relationship among each element in this theory model basing on the theory deduction, which includes in detail the hypothesis of relationship between characteristic of entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial strategy, hypothesis of relationship between entrepreneurial strategy and resource acquisition, hypothesis of relationship between resource acquisition and firm performance, hypothesis of moderation of the capacity of resource combination to the relationship between resource acquisition and firm performance, hypothesis of the effect degree of two kinds of entrepreneurial strategy in different development stage on resource acquisition and 12 hypothesis in all.The Fourth part is concerned with empirical research, which validates the theory model and relevant hypothesis with SEM and AMOS basing on the measurement of each variable. The data are obtained from the questionnaires to 112 firms in Changchun city, and the results show that 9 of 12 hypotheses are supported and 3 ones don’t gain supports.Fifthly, this dissertation discusses the results which are checked out by hypothesis, which shows definitely the significance of theory and practice. The verifiably hypothesis could reveal the operational relationship among each elements, and the practical enlightenment of supported hypothesis; as for these hypothesis proved to be wrong, reveal the reasons combining with entrepreneurial environment and development practice of firm.The practical enlightenments were put forward from the point of view of the self of firm and the policy includes in detail firm should adapt the external environments; should pay attention to the establishments of variable entrepreneurial strategy in its different development stage; should pay attention to the construction of internal capacity; strengthen the construction of the actor of organization of external environment.The basic conclusions of this research include that characteristic of entrepreneurial environment is related positively with individual strategy; the hostile of characteristic of entrepreneurial environment is related positively with organizing strategy; the relationship between dynamic, complexity and organizing strategy isn’t significant; entrepreneurial strategy related positively with resource acquisition; the capacity of resource combination has the effect of regulating the relationship between resource acquisition and firm performance, the influence of individual strategy on resource acquisition is more significant in the early stage and grow-up stage.This dissertation has the following innovations, firstly, builds the synthesis model of the affecting mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on firm performance based on strategy view; secondly, research on the effects of characteristic of environment on different entrepreneurial strategy (individual strategy and organizing strategy); thirdly, research on the effect of entrepreneurial strategy on firm performance with the resource acquisition as intermediary variable and analyzes the affecting mechanism of different entrepreneurial strategy on resource acquisition; fourthly, research on the relationship between resource acquisition and the capacity of resource combination and bring these two elements to the model of influence of entrepreneurial environment on firm performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

