Research on Relationship between Entrepreneurship Environment and Entrepreneurship Performance in Development Zones of China
【作者】 刘庆中;
【导师】 葛宝山;
【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士
【摘要】 在现今全球科技和经济社会发展一体化的时期,开发区呈现出越来越重要的作用,开发区已经在我国经济发展中占有相当重要的地位和作用。随着创业研究的深入开展,开发区的创业问题也逐渐成为学者们的研究对象。而开发区的创业环境直接影响着开发区的一切创业活动,并最终作用于开发区的创业绩效。因此,本文在研究相关文献和理论成果的基础上,对开发区创业环境的构成要素及其对开发区创业绩效的影响进行了深入的研究。首先,本文对创业环境和集群创业环境等相关文献进行了综述,同时系统研究了相关理论,归纳出了本文的基本研究要素,明确了各要素之间的逻辑关系。其次,对各研究要素内涵进行界定,划分了研究要素的维度,并提出了开发区创业环境要素对开发区创业绩效的影响概念模型。第三,在理论推导的基础上,明晰了各研究要素之间的关系,提出了8条假设,运用SPSS和AMOS等相关统计软件和长春经济技术开发区118家企业的问卷调研数据进行了实证分析。结果表明,8条假设中有7条通过验证。最后,对检验结果进行了讨论,并以吉林长春经济技术开发区和广西桂林高新技术产业开发区为案例,对开发区创业环境要素进行了具体的研究,进一步说明了创业环境的重要作用及改善创业环境的对策。
【Abstract】 The developmental zones play a more and more important role in the period of integration of global technology and economic society nowadays. With the progress of reform and opening up policy in China , the developmental zones are formed gradually accompanied by the level and order of reform and opening up under the situation of successful application of special economic zones. The developmental zones has held an extremely important status and role in the economics development in China, and it is not only the window for economic opening up ,but also the booming centre for regional economic development. But in China ,the establish of developmental zones is later than the establish of special economic zones, basing on the successful experiences of special economic zones, and the relevant theoretical research has not yet mature. So ,we can say the development direction and model of developmental zones are still in the early stage.Innovation is the soul of one nation ,and entrepreneurship is the core of this soul. The entrepreneurial environment fosters the entrepreneurial activities fundamentally. Entrepreneurship is a new engine to push the economic development, and has become an essential part in the development of one nation and one region. The entrepreneurial environment has a significant influence on the success of entrepreneurship.At present ,China is in economic transformation period, and the characteristics of the transformation period is highly uncertainty, mainly high degree of market division and more various organization forms and discontinuity of policies and ect (Peng and Heath,2000),Besides, the characteristics also include more and more severe technology reforms、market of incomplete competition、complicated embedded society and so on. The GEM 2005 China report shows ,in 2005,the bankrupt rate of entrepreneurial enterprises in China is 5.18%,and is 1.9 times of the average level of GEM. The reasons for the high bankrupt rate on the one hand are the inadequate of entrepreneurial abilities、lack of entrepreneurial skills, on the other hand are highly associated with the limitation of entrepreneurial environment. Under this environmental background, since nowadays the enterprises of Chinese developmental zones commonly have the problems of lacking resources, the key is how to acquire resources the enterprises of the developmental zones need and improve performance. So, at the same time we do researches on the component factors of entrepreneurial environment in the developmental zones ,it is also extremely realistic to do research on the relationship and influence between every environmental factor and the entrepreneurial performance.Based on the above analysis ,this paper did researches on the entrepreneurial environment‘s influence to the entrepreneurial performance ,according to the relevant researches and theories of entrepreneurial environment ,and combined with the current situations of Chinese developmental zones. This paper integrates every entrepreneurial environment dimension and entrepreneurial performance of the development zones into the same framework, and establishes the relationship among these factors. And at the same time we research on the specific dimensions of entrepreneurial environment ,we also research on the influences of these factors to the entrepreneurial performance.This paper’s main contents include:First, reviewing and summarizing the relevant achievements about entrepreneurial environment of development zones home and abroad, and remarking on the current research achievement, and providing the aspects which need further research about the entrepreneurial environment of the developmental zones at present, we find the break point of researches. At present, the researches on the entrepreneurial environment of development zones cover two aspects,one aspect is researches about general entrepreneurial enviroment ,including concepts、models、dimensions and evaluations of entrepreneurial enviroment,the other aspect is researches on the cluster entrepreneurial enviroment ,mainly including formation of clusters、characteristics of cluster enviroment、and the cluster enviroment’influence to the entrepreneurship and ect.Sencond,from reviewing the basic theories of developmental zones, we systematically summarize the meaning and kinds of developmental zones、the basic characteristics of developmental zones、the development course of the developmental zones home and worldwide,and we also did researches on the relationship between developmental zones and regional economic growth .Meanwhile,this chapter also systematically reviewed the relevant theories of construction and development of developmental zones,including increasing point theories、three-dimension theories、network theories and regional innovation theories、industrial cluster theories、incubators theories and institution and non-institution theories,and set a solid theoretical base for the future chapters.Third,we focus on the meaning of every research factors and the dimension division ,and set a base for the future research.First ,we defined the meaning of entrepreneurial enviroment.This paper defines entrepreneurial enviroment to be all the influential outer factors and the integration of these factors in the whole process the entrepreneurs set up enterprizes.Meanwhile,accoding to the divion of entrepreneurial enviroment by scholars home and abroad,we did researches on the entrepreneurial enviroment from eight dimensions including financing envirment、educational enviroment、technological enviroment、infrastructure enviroment、policy enviroment、services enviroment、cultural enviroment and entrepreneurial opportunities enviroment.Besides,we also defined the meaning of entrepreneurial performance,and defined the entrepreneurial performance as the aquired effects and productivity improvement after the new combination of production factors by enterprizes.Last,based on paper review and theoretical researches,we provide the theoretical model about the relationship between the entrerpreneurial enviroment factors and entrepreneurial performance.Fourth,based on the current papers,through theoretical deduction ,we analyze the relatinship of the factors,and offer eight hypothesises.The hypothesises mainly are divided into two parts: one is about the relationship between the entrepreneurial resources factors and entrepreneurial performance;the other is about the relationship between the entrepreneurial operational enviromental factors and entrepreneurial performance.In the relationship hypothesises about the entrepreneurial resources factors and entrepreneurial performance ,through synthesis the current opinions ,we suggest seperatly the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial financing enviroment and entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial educational enviroment and entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial technology enviroment and the entrepreneurial performance.In the relationship hypothesises about the enrepreneurial operational factors and entrepreneurial performance,through synthesis the current opionions,we provide seperately the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial infrastructure enviroment and entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial policy enviroment and entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of entrepreneurial services enviroment and entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of the cultural enviroment and the entrepreneurial performance;the relationship hypothesis of the entrepreneurial opportunities enviroment and entrepreneurial performance.Fifith ,empirical studies.We adopt structural equation ,taking advantages of AMOS software,to test the hypothesises based on the theoretical model.The data resource is from the questionaires from 118 enterprizes in the Changchun economic and technological developmental zone.The result shows that 7 out of the 8 hypothesises are passed ,and 1 is not passed.Sixth,based on hypothesises and testing ,we discussed the results of the testing.For the passed hypothesises,this paper discusses the significance and suggestions of the conclusion ,and for the hypothesis which was not passed,we seek the reasons deeply based on the special characteristics of the entrepreneurial enviroment and the developmental practices of the newly set–up enterprizes.Lastly,we offer the suggestions for the enterprizes of the developmental zones and the government.Seventh,according to the above chapters’summary of the relevant researches and theories of th entrepreneurial enviroment,combined the relevant hypothesises this paper suggests and the achivements of the empirical studies,according to the significant influence that entrepreneurial enviroment factors have to the entrepreneurial performance, and taking the Changchun economic and technological developmental zone and Guangxi Guilin hi-tech developmental zone for example,at the same time we introduce the general development conditions of the two regions ,we did researches seperately on the spicific factors of the entrepreneurial enviroment of the two regions ,and through the analysis of the practical cases,we prove the importance of the entrepreneurial enviroment.The basic conclusion of this paper is :in the resourses of the developmental zone,financing enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance of the developmental zone; educational enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance of the developmental zone; technological enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance of the developmental zone.In the operational enviroment of developmental zone,the infrastructure enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance; policy enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance; services enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance; entrepreneurial opportunities enviroment is positively associated with the entrepreneurial performance.In the operational enviroment of developmental zone ,the cutural enviroment is not obviously associated with the entrepreneurial performance of the developmental zone.This paper’s innovation points mainly include :1、basing on the researches on the relevant achivements of the entrepreneurial enviroment home and abroad,combined with characteristics of the entrepreneurial enviroment of developmental zone,we offered eight dimensions about th entrepreneurial enviroment of the developmental zone.This is beyond the traditional researches on the entrepreneurial enviroment,and gives more specific and clear division to the dimensions of entrepreneurial enviroment of a specific region.2、evoking the quantitative research on the the entrepreneurial performance of developmental zone.Based on the detailed analysis of relevant measurement systems of the entrepreneurial performance,we provide the measurement standards of entrepreneurial performance of developmental zone,not only including standards of innovative capabilities ,but also including standards of innovative effects,thus give a whole picture of the innovation abilities of developmental zones.3、We constructed the comprehansive model on the influences that the specific entrepreneurial enviromental factors have on the entrepreneurial performance in the developmental zones,and applied the relevant data of Chinese developmental zones to hold an empirical study,and research on the more detailed relationship between the entrepreneurial enviroment factors and entrepreneurial performance.This research is an enriching and development to the entrepreneurial research, and application of Chinese data of developmental zones to solve the problem is another new try for empirical study.