

Ideological Enlightenment and Rousing the Public

【作者】 张晓溪

【导师】 宝成关;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 在近代中国,卢梭社会契约思想的东渐成为名噪一时的主题。然而,其中除梁启超、严复等思想巨擘对《民约论》的评介之外,关于马君武对卢梭社会契约思想的传播与译介,学术界要么仅仅零散谈及,要么就将其略过。本论文将把研究视域廓定在马君武传播社会契约思想的历程、评介及影响上,以拟补学术界研究的缺憾。通过论证,本文提出,马君武传播、译介社会契约思想,离不开近代中国的社会场域,近代中国没有一个充分的话语空间让学人研讨卢梭的复杂矫揉的社会政治理论。总体来说,正是“政治的翻译”抑或“翻译的政治”,构成了无形的限囿,深陷其中又无法逾越,使马君武走上了不归之路。尽管如此,马君武却以法文原著与英文译本互证译介了《民约论》,具有开创性的价值。在学术与政治之间,在学理研讨与制度建构之间,马君武试图将二者融合交汇起来,这是其传输社会契约思想的独到之处。这种传播与译介对后来的共和革命以及新文化运动的影响,是显而易见的。因此,在西学译介与传播的历史上,马君武译述活动的价值应被抹上浓重的一笔,而不应将其过滤出去。

【Abstract】 In modern China, Rousseau’s social contract has played a key role in the process of ideological enlightenments and opening the wisdom of the people, Social contract’s spreading rapidly was famed as the theme of the East.How to interpretate Rousseau’s social contract, Modern Chinese authority thinkers have finished the most difficult part of it, such as Liang Qichao and Yanfu, but modern academia less concern similarities and differences between the original and translations ,especially on Ma Junwu’s translations .We still have not seen a complete analysis of these, and the author try to explore and research it.In the history of political ideas, Ma Junwu and his thoughts is not mentioned In the following in writing,such as,“China’s political and ideological history”is edited by Lu Zhenyu ,“A Brief History of Chinese Thought”is writed by Hou Wailu,“Modern Chinese History of democratic ideas”is writed by Xiong Yuezhi,“Modern Chinese History of Political Thought”is edited by Sang Xianzhi and Lin Qiaoqiao, Guo Zhanbo’s“China’s history of ideas in nearly 50 years”and Li Zehou’s“China Modern Ideological History”.In fact, Ma Junwu is addressed earlier that is in the studies about western learning in modern China . Ma Junwu is ranked after Yan Fu by Xiong Yuezhi which introduced some translation talents. Subsequently,Ma Junwu is edited by Professor Bao Chengguan’s“Western culture and Chinese society ____ Stuff East”, in which Ma Junwu is mentioned in the modern Western political theories .In addition, Yan Deru scattered on Ma Junwu in a doctoral thesis“Liang Qichao, Yan Fu and Rousseau’s social contract thinking”by the guidance of Professor Bao-Cheng Guan.Therefore, this paper presents how Ma Junwu with the multiple identities have spreaded the social contract thinking of the East, how to raise its focus,how to display the differences in the dialogue, What is the remarkable impact on modern China? What has Ma Junwu played the role ? Also, what are the deficiencies? These will undoubtedly be answered detailedly and effectively.This paper is explanated through three chapters.In the first chapter, the author elaborates how Ma Junwu spreaded the thinking of Rousseau’s social contract.In the second chapter, the following three major aspects of the problem is analysed. Firstly, Why Ma Junwu concerned on“popular sovereignty”, the source of“popular sovereignty”and republican construction .Secondly,How Ma Junwu commented on the“the general will”,why he concerned of“the general will”, the relations“the general will”and the laws,why Ma Junwu translated into“public opinion”?Thirdly, how Ma Junwu reflected on the "freedom and equality", the author will explanated it by dimension, the logical interpretation and reality of freedom and equality.In the third chapter, the author will focus on the value and deletion Ma Junwu’s analysisFinally, the author concludes: Ma Junwu has been trying to compress the distance,in fact, Undoubtedly East-West differences in thinking exists ,there is the alienation between the interpret and the context . In modern China, there is a tendency translation of the west ----- the political tendency of the translation or the political translation ,correspondingly. Therefore, The influence of the spread has impacted on the Republican revolution and the New Culture Movement later, is obvious. What is worth mentioning is that in Western translations and the media, Ma Junwu should be stressed and identified about the activities of translation and should not be filtered out.

【关键词】 马君武卢梭社会契约论
【Key words】 Ma JunwuRousseauSocial Contract
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

