

A Research on the New Deal in Northeast at the End of the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 郭艳波

【导师】 李书源;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 关于清末在东北推行新政的问题,二十世纪八九十年代以来,备受学者关注。但迄今为止,尚缺乏对清末东北新政各个方面具体措施的综合性的分析与论述,因而立足于清末特殊的国内外环境,对东北的各项新政措施进行深入讨论和分析,将有助于我们对东北新政做出客观的论断。本文在对二十世纪初期的国内外情况加以剖析的基础上,从新政方针的制定到全面付诸实践,以及先后任职东三省的赵尔巽、徐世昌、锡良在各方面新政措施推行时所发挥的重要作用予以辩证分析,对清末东北新政进行总体性评价。内忧外患的时代背景下,清政府力图自保、顺应历史发展趋势而推行的变革,虽然有诸多的消极局限,但其政治、经济、军事、文化等方面措施的客观历史作用是不容抹煞的,所以我们说,清末东北推行的这次新政变革,在一定程度上是一场具有资产阶级性质的改革,也是清末全国新政的一个重要组成部分,不仅推动了东北近代化的步伐,也加速了中国现代化的历程。

【Abstract】 At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the feudal rule has reached to the end of the rope. In the current situation with domestic trouble and foreign invasion, facing the impact of constitutional revolution in thought, the Qing government began to implement improvements to save their own rule. As the origin of the Qing Dynasty , The Northeast ,under the auspices of Zhao Er-xun, Xu Shi-chang, Xi Liang , was setting off a political, economic, military, cultural and educational reform.During the late 19th and early 20th century, the feudal rule was severely impacted and the original political system in Northeast was shaken by the many war. the Qing government’s surrender diplomatic "Controlling Foreigners by Foreigners" ,But it increased the exploitation of the majority of the people, which led to class contradictions, so people’s resistance struggle emerged constantly, and gave a heavy blow to Chinese and foreign reactionary forces. On the other hand, the shortage in finance was growing day by day and the crisis was added. The increasing number of immigrants made it necessary to modify the the Blocking policy conducted at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. Reform and revolution had become an irreversible trend. The ruling class, from the central government to the local authorities, recognized that they must conform to the trend of historical development and carry out improvement. Only in such way, can they save the decadent rule. The Qing government started the reform in the northeast according to the special times and historical backgrounds. For a comprehensive understanding of the transformation in the Northeast, the paper elaborates from the political, economic, military and cultural four aspects.Politically, the management system the Qing Dynasty started to implement at its early rule had been replaced by the system of levies. Bureaucracy adjustment became the key to all the changes. Zhao Er-xun tried to reform bureaucracy, which later became the comprehensive reform foundation by Xu Shi-chang. The functional institutions were established under the Governor and the viceroy, and so did the justice system from provincial to local governments. Finally the system of judicial independence would come true. While rectifying officials and organizing constitutional autonomy movement, the political change in the three northeastern provinces gained remarkable success at the end of Qing.Economic reform mainly consisted of developing industries, promoting commerce, reorganizing finance and reforming monetary system. Agricultural experiment organizations were set up and agricultural knowledge was spread. The overall development of forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries sectors laid a good foundation for the Qing Dynasty Northeast Industrial development. In the meantime, transportation and telecommunication developed rapidly. The Qing government actively raised funds, established railways, dredged shipping, and made preparations for telecommunications postal organizations. These measures facilitated the transportation of Northeast goods and raw materials, and the exchange of information, and promoted the development of modern industrial northeast. Meanwhile, the Northeast rich natural resources were exploited due to the mine’s exploitation. The Association was established to further prosperity of commerce and trade, the economy was booming in the Northeast. The Qing government also rectified finance, consummated financial institutions and reformed Currency, which made the Northeast rectify local fiscal. A series of measures carried out promoted the northeast economic gradually larger.Reform of the military system and chips built by the Qing Dynasty army are the third aspect of the new deal implemented in Northeast. The three northeast provinces of military combat strength had been greatly enhanced by the establishment of the Northeast Governor practice, whose branch were other military and political arms auxiliary organs. In the vast land in the northeast region, social stability played an important role for the political stability, economic development and the cultivation of people’s mind. To this end, the foundation of police became another important part of the Northeast New Deal. They created specialized police management, complemented by health, detection, the prison and other related facilities, and pushed from the city and to the House County and the Office of Rural Towns, so that a regional local security system had taken shape and increasingly improved. The foundation of various military schools is of great significance to reform the military system and organize the police.The development of social economy, the progress of new deal and the improvement of people’s mind made the conventional educational system become an obstacle for social progress. Against this background, educational reform promoted the development of educational enterprise in northeast as another important aspect of the New Deal. First, educational administrative authorities were established. Educational service was developed under the organization of such authorities as Quanxue association. In the meantime, private schools were modified and the clubs for cultivating educators were established to further improve academic management in northeast. Second, new schools were set up to cultivate talents for the New Deal. Third, the masses could accept new knowledge and ideas through the publication of the reform so as to lay a good foundation for the spread of education. At the same time, the education developed rapidly by setting up academic bodies, sending students abroad, establishing libraries, etc.This paper seeks to amplify the content in judicial and police system, which are weakly studied, through the above illustration. The following lessons can be drawn: the New Deal of the Qing Dynasty accelerated the pace of modernization in northeast. But the relationship between productive forces and production relations determines that productive relation must be modified in order to achieve the development of productive forces. The reform conducted by feudal rulers can not change the nature of productive relation, thus can not achieve the genuine social progress.

【关键词】 清末东北新政
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1180

