

Research on Geographical Brand Characteristics and Influential Factors of Geographical Brand Image

【作者】 牛永革

【导师】 李蔚;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 国内外学术界侧重于地理标志、原产地名称的司法保护和司法实践,以及同一类别产品地理区位聚集所产生的产业簇群和区域竞争优势的研究,对地理品牌共享情形下企业品牌趋同的影响因素很少有人涉足。在本课题研究中,笔者立足国际学术成果和国际管理实践,集中分析中国的共享地理品牌状况,通过规范的实证研究、理论研究和典型成功企业个案研究试图达到这样一个核心目的,即探讨共享地理品牌的情形下地理品牌形象与企业品牌认知趋同的影响因素,最终研究在共享地理品牌情形下无法产生市场份额超过5%的企业品牌的真正原因。通过网络在加工型食品、陶瓷、茶饮和民间品四个类别领域检索中国各地的地理品牌,结果发现,除台湾、香港、澳门三地的地理品牌分布较少外,其余中国大陆地理品牌分布十分广泛,数量极其众多,许多地理品牌都有深厚的历史沉淀,在一定的区域内享有崇高声誉。通过对四大类地理品牌各自领域三个最知名的地理品牌及其下属最大企业经营状况的检索,发现在共享地理品牌情形下,普遍的规律是没有一家企业成就强势品牌。其实这个规律在全球都有普遍意义。通过文献检索发现,原产地名称保护实施已超过上百年历史的欧洲和美国,法律保护只是保护了地理品牌的声望,提高了地理品牌的溢价能力,但是在共享地理品牌的情形下,上百年来也没有产生一个强势企业品牌。在本课题研究中笔者使用了LISREL 8.54版软件,在对各类数据通过验证性因子分析的基础上做结构方程模型分析。笔者不断地调整自由参数,改变模型,寻找研究对象的最佳模型,最终产生了西湖龙井茶、郫县豆瓣、景德镇瓷器和潍坊风筝四个地理品牌的结构方程模型。各类地理品牌样本完全支持、基本支持或部分支持概念模型中的主要假设。同时笔者对概念模型进行各类顾客样本的普适性检验,结果发现,各类顾客样本的数据分析结果完全支持、基本支持或部分支持概念模型中提出的假设,这说明我们提出的地理品牌形象和企业品牌认知趋同的概念模型,不仅对各类不同的地理品牌有普遍的适用性,而且对各类不同的顾客群体也有普遍的适用性。各类地理品牌结构方程分析的结果如下:①对于各类地理品牌均存在以下两种变量关系:历史传承对地理品牌形象存在直接正向影响;环境依赖对企业品牌认知趋同存在直接正向影响。②对于各类地理品牌,除存在上述两种影响关系之外,均表现出各有特色的变量关系。郫县豆瓣和西湖龙井茶存在着环境依赖对地理品牌形象的直接正向影响;景德镇瓷器和潍坊风筝均存在着历史传承对企业品牌认知趋同的直接正向影响;西湖龙井茶还存在着企业品牌认知趋同对地理品牌形象的直接正向影响。③从总样本角度看,环境依赖和历史传承对地理品牌形象存在直接正向影响,环境依赖和历史传承对企业品牌认知趋同存在直接正向影响。结合共享地理品牌没有一家企业成就强势品牌的现实,笔者对比了王老吉和地理品牌广东凉茶,结果发现,王老吉最近几年快速成长为强势品牌的真实本质,主要是王老吉突破了共享地理品牌的结构性障碍。通过规范的实证研究、理论研究和典型品牌成功个案研究,有充足的理由最终得到以下结论:1.由于产地地理环境的制约或生产者在一定地理范围内的集中,很多产品品牌的命名中带有原产地行政区域或当地名胜景观的名称。长久以来人们已经习惯于用“地名+产品名”的方式称谓这类产品,我们将这种产品名称及其区别于其他同类产品的各种标识通称为“地理品牌”。这种命名更能有效地对“地名+产品名”产品进行归类,识别它们的市场特性,建立关联的基础理论体系。2.我国各行政区域拥有丰富的地理品牌,广泛存在于天然产品、农业及农特产品、加工型食品、陶瓷、民间品五大领域。3.企业品牌在获得地理品牌保护的同时却受制于地理品牌所限定的边界。4.我国各类顾客群体对于居住地以外的地理品牌都有非常高的评价,各类地理品牌在各类顾客人群中享有崇高的声望。5.地理品牌的声望和较低的产业进入壁垒,必然会导致大量的规模不大的企业共同享有地理品牌。6.对于各类地理品牌均存在以下两种变量关系:历史传承对地理品牌形象存在直接正向影响;环境依赖对企业品牌认知趋同存在直接正向影响。而且各类地理品牌环境依赖对企业品牌认知趋同的直接效应比较接近。7.对不同的地理品牌,地理品牌形象关联的因素影响模型是有差异的。在加工型食品领域,环境依赖和历史传承都会对地理品牌形象产生直接正向影响,但历史传承的直接效应比环境依赖要高得多;只有环境依赖是企业品牌认知趋同的重要影响因素。在陶瓷和民间品两个领域,只有历史传承是地理品牌形象的重要影响因素,环境依赖和历史传承都是企业品牌认知趋同的重要影响因素。在农业及农特产品领域,环境依赖和历史传承都是地理品牌形象的重要影响因素,但环境依赖的直接效应比历史传承要高得多;环境依赖是企业品牌认知趋同的重要影响因素,企业品牌认知趋同会对地理品牌形象产生直接正向影响,环境依赖通过企业品牌认知趋同对地理品牌形象产生显著的间接影响。8.在共享地理品牌情形下,原产地域以外的消费者对企业品牌认知呈趋同化特征。企业品牌认知趋同存在3个内在因素,即信息传播内容的无差异性、产品品牌的趋同化识别特征和产品品牌对企业品牌广度和深度发展的制约。企业品牌认知趋同存在3个内在因素是环境依赖对其的决定性和根本性的直接正向影响的结果。9.原产地名称法律保护制度只适合于品质本质上归因于地理环境的农产品及农副土特产品,以及最终品质完全取决于当地农产品及农副土特产品品质和因为工艺技术创新使得地理品牌品质下降或发生显著变化的少数加工型食品。10.根据地理品牌的环境依赖特性可以将地理品牌划分为非环境依赖型和环境依赖型两类,非环境依赖型地理品牌和不能适合原产地名称法律保护制度的归属环境依赖型地理品牌的绝大多数加工型食品适合品质证明商标或集体商标法律保护体系。11.共享地理品牌情形下,企业品牌市场份额最终不能超过5%的重要原因是环境依赖和历史传承对企业品牌认知趋同的直接正向影响。12.共享地理品牌情形下企业品牌必然存在以下六大困窘:①托权品牌虚无模糊,受托品牌为产品类别,企业品牌成为地理品牌层次树中最低层级的品牌;②历史堆里找故事,最终陷入难以摆脱的囚徒困境;③坐享其成和投机取巧的机会主义行为成为产业内部“好”的决策,最终导致产业规模很难做大;④趋同的产品多样化,降低了企业品牌间的差异,增加了价格需求弹性,使得利润空间微弱;⑤普遍存在的创新惰性。⑥共享地理品牌情形下企业规模普遍做不大,企业品牌市场份额难以超过5%。这些困窘形成机制是多种因素交互作用的结果,有些情况下只是某个因素作用更大,这些影响因素有:①法律体制不健全不完备,理论界和司法界对原产地名称保护的依据、程序、实施细则和管理组织等方面存在争议,维护市场有序竞争的法律对原产地名称保护比较模糊,法律条文含糊简单,没有专门的原产地名称保护的详细说明,没有严格的监管执行机构和非常严厉的惩罚打击力度;②理论界和企业界对地理品牌的市场特性认识不足;③企业把自有品牌的保护寄托于现存有缺陷的地理品牌相关法律保护体系,和对传统工艺的遵从和革新之间的摇摆不定,一定程度上阻碍了企业的创新和发展;④地理品牌明确的产地指向性和产品指向性阻碍了企业品牌创建的深度和广度;⑤地理品牌崇高的声望和企业品牌认知趋同,使得更多的企业可以在其中觊觎各种机会主义;⑥除农业及农特产品以外,历史传承对地理品牌形象存在较高的贡献效应。13.共享地理品牌情形下,企业品牌成就强势品牌的梦想需要克服共享地理品牌的结构性障碍。在自有品牌创建过程中隔绝地理品牌的核心要素,通过心理因素和行为因素细分在地理因素差异巨大的更广的环境中抓寻利益追求相同的更多目标群体。

【Abstract】 Domestic and foreign academic communities focus their study on judicatory protection and practice of geographical indications and appellations of origin, industrial clusters engendered by the geographical zone of products of the same kind, and regional competitive advantage. However, under the situation of sharing geographical brand, little research has been done on the influential factors of the assimilation of different enterprise brands.Based on international research and management practice, this paper tries to analyze the situation of shared geographical brands in china by means of standard empiricism, theory and case study. The core purpose is to carry out a profound investigation on the influential factors of the image of geographical brand and assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand under the situation of sharing geographical brand, and finally find the true reasons why no more than 5% market share is produced for enterprise brand under that situation.I searched different Chinese geographical brands of farm produce, processed food, china and folk product on the Internet, and found most geographical brands were distributed in continent China and far more less were distributed in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. In continent China, many geographical brands have long history and good reputation in certain area. Through investigation of 3 most renowned enterprise brands and their biggest branch of the 4 kind geographical brands, we found a rule that there were no strong enterprise brands when sharing geographical brands. In fact, this rule holds true all over the world. By searching literature, I found that Europe and the U. S. A. have enacted laws to protect the reputation of geographical brands and to enhance brands’ profitability, nevertheless, I also found that there were no strong enterprise brands among enterprises sharing geographical brands.By software LISREL 8. 54, Structure Equation Model is made founded on Confirmatory Factor Analysis of different data. After adjusting the free parameters and tuning the model again and again, I finally come to the best model of the four geographical brands: Xihulongjing tea, Pixian thick broad-bean sauce, Jingdezhen ceramics and Weifang kites. The samples of 4 geographical brands completely, basically or partly support the main hypotheses of concept model. At the same time, I carried out tests of universal application of various customer samples on concept model and finally found the data analyses on various customer sample completely, basically and partly support the hypothesis which was put forward from concept model. All these demonstrate that geographical brand image and assimilating recognition of different enterprise brands the author put forward not only can be universally applied to different geographical brands, but also to various customer groups. The results of Structure Equation Model analysis are: (1) every sort of geographical brand has two kinds of variable relationship: historical inheritance influences geographical brand directly and positively; while environment dependence influences assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand directly and positively . (2) Besides those two relationship mentioned above, all geographical brands also demonstrate the variable relationship of their own characteristics. The variable relationship that environmental dependence influences geographical brand directly and positively can be found in the cases of Pixian thick broad-bean sauce and Xihulongjing tea; while the another relationship that historical inheritance influences assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand directly and positively is displayed in the cases of Jingdezhen ceramics and Weifang kites. Moreover, according to the case of Xihulongjing tea, this paper finds that assimilation of cognition of enterprise brands also has direct and positive influence on geographical brands. (3) from the general sample, environment dependence and historical inheritance affect geographical brand directly and positively, and the same relationship is with the assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand.According to the fact that there are no strong enterprise brands sharing geographical brands, we made a comparison between enterprise brand Wanglaoji and geographical brand Guangdong cooling tea and found that having not used geographical brand is the causation of fast growth of Wanglaoji. To be specific: (1) not naming product by geographical brand; (2) enterprise brand connotation exceeds geographical brand connotation; (3) commercial advertisement propagandizes enterprise brand Wanglaoji, not geographical brand Guangdong cooling tea, which make it hard for other enterprises to share its commercial advertisement impact; (4) distinguished brand spirit and character deterred other enterprises sharing geographical brand to copy Wanglaoji’ s brand spirit and character.Through standard empiricism, theory and case study, the paper finally come to conclusions below:(1)As a result of the restriction from geographical environment of the product or the convergence of producers in a certain geographical extent, a great number of product names are from the names of their administrative areas or local landscapes. For quite a long period, people have been used to applying the way of "producing area name + product name" to denominate such products. We generally apply the name of "geographical brand" to these products and all their identifiers which are different from the other products of the same sort. This way of naming can effectively classify those products of "producing area name + product name" , identify their market characteristics, and finally set up relative system of basic theory.(2)In every district of our country there are a great deal of geographical brands which are widely existed in industries of primary products, farm product, processed foods, ceramics and handicrafts.(3)Enterprise brands are not only protected but also limited by the scope of geographical brand.(4) Various customer groups in China have a good evaluation on the geographical brands outside their local areas, sorts of geographical brands are valued so high among sorts of customer groups.(5) The prestige of geographical brand and the entrance of low industries into rampart will definitely lead to the situation that a great number of enterprises in small scale share geographical brand.(6) Every sort of geographical brand has two kinds of variable relationship: historical inheritance influences geographical brand directly and positively; while environment dependence influences assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand directly and positively. At same time, environment dependence of various geographical brands has closer direct effect on assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand.(7) According to different geographical brands, it differs in the models of relative image influential factors of geographical brand. In the field of processed food, both the environment dependence and historical inheritance have direct and positive influence on geographical brand, while the direct effect of historical inheritance is far more higher than that of environment dependence; only the environment dependence is the important influential factor of assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand. In the two fields of ceramics and folk products, only the historical inheritance is the key influential factor of the image of geographical brand, we can see that both the environment dependence and historical inheritance are the important influential factors for assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand. In the field of agriculture and farm produce, both the environment dependence and historical inheritance are the key influential factors for the image of geographical brand, however, the direct effect of environment dependence is much higher than that of historical inheritance; the environment dependence is the important influential factor of assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand, which can at the same time influence the image of geographical brand directly and positively, and environment dependence greatly affects the image of geographical brand indirectly through assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand.(8) Under the situation of sharing geographical brand, the cognition of the consumers outside the area of origin toward enterprise brand tends to be assimilated. There are three interior factors in assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand: non-otherness in the content of informational promulgation, discriminating characteristics of the assimilation of product brand and the restriction on the scope and depth of enterprise brand. Those three factors are the result of direct and positive, decisive and essential effect from environment dependence. (9) The protective law system of appellations of origin just adapts to those farm produce and relative auxiliary farm products due to the geographical environment in quality and essence. This system also applies to some processed food whose quality is completely decided by that of its local farm produce and relative auxiliary farm products, while will reduce the quality of geographical brand and produce obvious changes because of the innovation of technology.(10) According to the characteristic of environment dependence, geographical brand can be divided into two kinds: non-environment dependence and environment dependence. Those geographical bands of non-environment dependence and most processed food which belongs to the geographical brand of environment dependence that doesn’ t fit the protective law system of appellations of origin are suitable for that quality justifying trademark and the protective law system of collective trademark.(11) Under the situation of sharing geographical brand, the important reason why the market share of enterprise brand can’ t exceed 5% at last is the direct and positive effect on assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand from environment dependence and historical inheritance.(12) The enterprise brand under the situation of mutual geographical brand will definitely cause five points of bewilderment which are the result of interaction of various factors. Those factors are demonstrated in the following:①the law system is not wholesome enough and incomplete, the circles of theory and judicature have dispute on many aspects such as the gist, procedure, detailed implement, ways of management and organization to protect appellations of origin. The laws to maintain healthy market competition are vague in the procedure to protect appellations of origin, with simple and confusing words, no particular explanation to the protection of appellations of origin, and strict watching executive organizations and severe beating strength in punishment being ignored.②the circles of theory and enterprises are lacking in the cognition toward the market characteristics of geographical brand.③enterprises repose their hope on present defective law system of protection related to geographical brand to realize the protection of their brands and they just blow hot and cold between the obedience to the traditional craft and innovation. Therefore, to a certain degree, the innovation and development of the enterprises are hindered.④geographical brand is in the characteristics of clear orientation of producing area and product, which blocks the establishing depth and scope of enterprise brand.⑤the high prestige of geographical brand and the assimilation of cognition of enterprise brand cause the more appearance of opportunism among enterprises.⑥except agriculture and farm produce, historical inheritance has great contributing effect on the image of geographical brand.(13) Under the situation of sharing geographical brand, the structural barrier of mutual geographical brand needs to be overcome to realize the achievement of strong brand. In the process of establishing personal brand, the core factors of geographical brand should be isolated, and more target markets with the same pursuit in benefit need to be found in wider environment where there exists huge difference among geographical factors through the segmentation from the factors of psychology and behavior.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

