

The Language Transformation in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China and the Formation of Modern Literary Ideas on Refinement and Vulgarity

【作者】 王平

【导师】 李怡;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对清末民初语言变革的历史进程进行梳理和分析,来探察白话文体由“俗”趋“雅”以至最终成为社会通用书面语的内在转换环节,以期由此进一步剖析现代文学雅俗观的本质内涵以及现代文学雅俗建构的历史必然性。从晚清至“五四”,随着社会文化结构的整体性嬗变,中国文学开始了由传统向现代转化的曲折历程。值得注意的是,文学的现代转化与语言的现代转化这两个过程是并行的。在其间,文言这一既往的“高雅”文体不可避免地被边缘化了,而一向被视作“低俗”的白话文逐渐成为了一种占主导性地位的书面语形式,继而白话文体与处于嬗变之中的中国文学相结合,现代中国文学以及现代文学雅俗观从而得以生成。由此可见,若要深入理解现代文学雅俗观的复杂蕴涵,须将静态的雅俗标准还原为动态的现代雅俗格局的建构过程,这也就意味着我们应重返历史现场,对晚清至“五四”的语言变革进程作出细致的描述和阐释。于是,“清末民初的语言变革与现代文学雅俗观的生成”即成为了本文的研究对象。本文包括“引子”及本论这两个部分。“引子”通过对海外汉学家王德威提出的“被压抑的现代性”论题进行评述,借以强调“现代文学雅俗观”之于中国现代文学研究的重要意义,从而展示出了本文选题的理论背景和缘由。本论由“导论”、正文四章及“结语”组成。“导论”在对研究对象进行界定、对研究现状进行综述分析的基础上,阐明了本论题所包含的研究价值,并对本文的研究视角和研究方法予以了说明。文章提出,分别发生于晚清和“五四”的两场白话文运动在清末民初的语言变革进程中具有里程碑式的坐标地位,然而我们却不应因此将其作为两个独立的研究对象来分别加以探察,而须打破人为设定的研究疆域,把这一时段的语言变革作为一个整体来看待,以更宽广的视域来审视、思考语言的现代转型问题。换言之,在研究当中,不应仅局限于强调晚清白话文运动和“五四”白话文运动之间的差异和冲突,而须透过历史现象所呈现的表面逻辑,去体察这种差异、冲突背后所潜藏的内在关联以及流变转换的趋向。若要对清末民初的语言变革进行宏观的审视,“雅俗观”无疑是一个颇为恰当的视角,汉语书面语体系由传统向现代的演变过程,其实正是文言、白话雅俗地位相互置换的过程。在雅俗逆转的过程当中,由传统文人阶层分化出来的新知识群体具有举足轻重的地位,他们对于白话文体所持有的态度及其语言实践在一定程度上规约了语言变革的具体路向。而探察新知识群体的语言观念和语言实践,关键在于厘清他们的“语言认同”意识和“身份认同”意识问题,只有当新知识者的“语言认同”意识和“身份认同”意识均与白话及白话所象征的文化体系达成一致,白话文体才有可能取代文言文成为正式的书面语文体。本文选择从报刊研究的视角切入论题,以清末民初兴起的白话报为中心,努力发掘一些为以往研究所忽略的报刊史料,以期将历史描述同语言理论的阐释有机地结合起来。具体而言,本文试图通过清末民初的五种报刊和三个知识群体来串联起整个语言变革的历史发展脉络。这五种报刊是《杭州白话报》、《中国白话报》、《安徽俗话报》、《竞业旬报》和《新青年》,三个知识群体则分别是以裘廷梁为代表的晚清白话文运动的倡导者、以林獬为代表的革命派知识分子和陈独秀、胡适等现代知识分子。这五种报刊因编辑者的人事关系而存有某些渊源,如林獬曾先后参编或主办过《杭州白话报》和《中国白话报》,《安徽俗话报》的创办者陈独秀、《竞业旬报》的编辑胡适则都是之后《新青年》的骨干成员。这样,在这几种报刊之间就具有了可比性,将前后的报刊文本加以比较分析,我们可以更清晰地探察到这些新知识者关于白话文体的真实态度以及这种态度随着时代变迁所发生的变化。第一章“雅俗转换:晚清白话文运动兴起的内在逻辑线索”主要对裘廷梁等晚清白话文运动倡导者们的语言观念进行了探讨。通过对中日近代语言变革进行比较,旨在说明晚清的白话文运动在本质上并未把语言变革本身作为追求的目标,而是将白话文当成了一种进行民族主义革命的工具,“开启民智”才是其真正的主旨意图。加之白话文运动是在文言文与白话文这一“雅”一“俗”的两种文体之间建立价值取向,这样白话文运动的倡导者们就形成了“内俗外雅——体用分离”的语言观。在这种语言观的驱使下,他们须在自身所处的上流知识阶层与作为被启蒙者的下层平民之间、在受到质疑的文言文与日渐受到重视的白话文之间、在启蒙的政治功利性与文人的艺术审美性之间作出选择。换言之,需要在雅、俗的界限之间重新寻找到自己的价值定位。由此可以看出,雅、俗的对峙与抗衡从一开始就成为了规约白话文运动发展路向的一种隐性力量。第二章“启蒙的媒介形式与启蒙者语言雅俗观念的调整”以1901年创刊的《杭州白话报》为中心,试图考察白话报刊这一现代传播媒介对于新知识阶层语言观念的嬗变所产生的影响。白话报的编辑者们原本是要以白话文来开启民智,其自身对于这一俗文体并不认同。但是在对下层社会进行启蒙的过程中,作为新思想传播手段的白话报刊日益显示出主体性。它的价值就在于打破了社会群体之间的严格界限,实现了信息的跨阶层沟通,从而营造出了一个“不分等级的论述空间”,并进而通过这一论述空间间接地塑造了人们的文化心理结构。在这一过程中,文人的“身份认同”意识和“语言认同”意识都发生了微妙的变化。也就是说,在启蒙大众的同时,启蒙者自身又受到了“启蒙的媒介形式”的引导。就这样,在白话报刊的作用之下,以往的文人雅士逐渐超越了社会阶层的限制,与白话文所代表的俗文化有了更多的接触。与此同时,白话文这一俗文体也开始向中上层社会渗透。第三章“革命风潮:雅俗逆转的推动力量”以《中国白话报》为典型个案,论述了1903年革命话语的兴起之于白话文运动的深远意义。在1903年发生了一系列具有关键性意义的历史事件,引致了整个社会文化思潮的急遽转向。在这种时代语境中,语言变革的理论思路和实践路向也都相应地发生了深刻的变化。在启蒙之外,人们开始从另一种角度思考白话文同民众、同知识阶层之间的关系问题。创刊于1903年革命风潮中的《中国白话报》以培育“国民”意识为指归,在这一办刊宗旨的推动下,它逐渐远离了“开启民智”的目标,而把以“学生社会”为主体的“边缘知识分子”作为了刊物的“潜在读者”。主办者们试图借助于白话报刊这一平台、以白话文这一“俗”文体宣传革命思想,实现革命群体内部的交流和互动。新型的思想观念“召唤”着新型的语言体系,这一崭新社会阶层也须拥有自己独特的话语方式。如何使富于现代意味的“新名词”全面地渗透进白话文体,以此来实现由近代白话向现代白话的超越,这是新型知识分子所面临的又一个重要命题。第四章“由俗入雅:两种‘雅化’的态度和路径”通过对陈独秀、胡适这一代现代知识分子语言观念的转变过程进行梳理、分析,试图说明白话文体最终得以成为社会通用书面语形式的具体路径。由创办《安徽俗话报》到主持《新青年》,陈独秀逐渐从“政治觉悟”转向“伦理觉悟”,这一转向使其能够在社会革命的目标之外直接洞察到语言本身的种种问题,从而产生出彻底变革语言体系的理论自觉。而从编辑《竞业旬报》到在《新青年》上发出“文学革命”的先声,胡适亦完成了一个现代意义上的知识分子的人格建构和思想建构,因此他得以在一个更为宽广的视域里来审视既往语言变革的缺陷和不足,而他所提出的“文学的国语,国语的文学”则标志着作为一种“雅文体”的现代白话文的最终确立。“结语”主要对“五四”以来由现代白话文体所引起的种种文学论争进行了回顾,借以凸显现代文学雅俗观的复杂性及其潜在的制约力量。

【Abstract】 Through analyzing the historical process of the language transformation in late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China, this dissertation aims at exploring the inherent transition link for the vernacular writing to transfer from "the pop" to "the refined" and end up with Chinese written language commonly used by the society, which is available to study the essential connotation of the modern literary ideas on refinement and vulgarity and the historical necessity of modern Chinese literary construction. From late Qing to the May Fourth Movement, Chinese literature started the journey of the transition from tradition to modernization as the structure of social culture developed holistically. It deserves to be mentioned that the modern transition of literature and language went along in the paralleling process during which classical style of writing, once the representative of "the refined", was inevitably marginalized. In the meanwhile, the vernacular writing, which was regarded as "the pop", gradually took the dominant position. Afterwards the vernacular writing was combined with Chinese literature which was in the evolution, which caused to form modern Chinese literature and modern literary ideas on refinement and vulgarity. Accordingly, if we penetrate into the complicated implications we need to reduce the static criterion of refinement and vulgarity to dynamic constructing process of its modern structure. This also predicate that we must re-enter the historical locale and make a detailed characterization and explanation for the innovative process of the language from the late Qing dynasty to the May Fourth Movement. And then, "The Language Transformation of the Alternation between Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China and the Formation of Modern Literary Ideas of Refined and Pop" becomes the research object of this dissertation.The dissertation consists of the preface and the body.The preface reviews the theory of "the repressed modernity" proposed by Wang De-wei in order to accentuate the signification of "modern literary ideas on refinement and vulgarity" for the research of modern Chinese literature , and consequently bring forth the theoretical background of the theme.The body is made up of the introduction, the four chapters and the conclusion.The introduction, based on defining the research subject and synthesizing the present study, illustrates the value of the study and the research methods of the dissertation. The two vernacular writing reform movements, respectively in Late Qing and Early Republic of China and the May Fourth Movement, are the milestones of modern language transformation. However, we should not study them separately but wholly with a wider vision to check and reflect the modern transformation of language. In other words, we should not only emphasize their difference but also grasp their internal connection when seeing through the logic of history. To study it broadly, the viewpoint of refinement and vulgarity is doubtlessly a proper angle. That Chinese written system evolved from tradition to modern means that the classical writing and the vernacular writing exchanged their social positions. The modern intellects who came from traditional society played a crucial part in the process, and their attitude towards vernacular writing and their language practice paved the way for language reform to some extent. Only when their language identity and personal identity corresponded to vernacular writing and the popular cultural system, vernacular writing was likely to take the place of classical style of writing and become formal written language. The dissertation, concentrating on vernacular writing newspaper of the Late Qing and the Early Republic of China which were neglected by some scholars in this field, tries to explore new information from the precious historical materials and combine historical description with the explanation of language theory. To be specific, the dissertation connects the whole language evolution by way of five kinds of newspapers and three intellectuals groups. The five kinds of newspapers are Competition Ten-Day Publication, Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Hangzhou, Vernacular Writing Newspaper in China, Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Anhui and New Youth, and the three groups are initiators for vernacular writing reform movement represented by Qiu Ting-liang, revolutionary intellectuals represented by Lin Xie, modern intellectuals such as Chen Du-xiu and Hu Shi. Lin Xie once edited Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Hangzhou and Vernacular Writing Newspaper in China; Chen Du-xiu, creator of Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Anhui and Hu Shi, editor of Competition Ten-Day Publication were elites of New Youth. Therefore, we can understand better their attitudes towards Vernacular Writing and their historical change if we compare the newspapers.Chapter 1, "the Conversion of the Refined and the Vulgar:the Internal Clue of the Rise of Vernacular Writing Movement" mainly discusses the language perception of advocators in Late Qing. Comparing the modern language reforms in China and in Japan, this dissertation makes it clear that in Late Qing the movement of vernacular writing did not regard language change as its target. Instead, vernacular writing was viewed as a tool of nationalism, and the true purpose of the language reform was to enlighten the masses. As a result, those advocators formed a kind of special language idea on vulgarness and refinement. And then they must make a choice between the upper intellectuals and the common people, the classical writing and the vernacular writing, the political utility and the appreciation of the beauty of refined scholars. There is no doubt that the intellectuals’ idea on value would be repositioned between the refined and the vulgar so that their confrontation became a hidden power which dominated the vernacular writing movement.Chapter 2, "Media Enlightenment and the Adjustment of the Initiators’ Idea on refinement and vulgarity" centered on Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Hangzhou in 1901, with the aim of investigating its impact on new intellectuals. At first those editors had planned to enlighten the people by vernacular writing, but did not agree with the vulgar culture themselves. In the process of enlightening the lower social rank, the newspaper, as a means of spreading new ideas, had taken an increasingly important role. Its value laid in breaking the strict class division, rendering information communicate wide-rangingly, creating a free public opinion space and shaping the cultural and psychological structure of the intellectuals indirectly. The editors who were directed by the media when enlightening the public surpassed social limit and contacted more with the vulgar. Meanwhile ,vernacular writing began to penetrate into middle and upper social class.Chapter 3, " Revolutionary Storm: Motivation of the Conversion of the Refined and the Vulgar" takes Vernacular Writing Newspaper in China as a case which described the revolutionary discourse’s importance on vernacular writing in 1903. In that year, a series of key historical events caused social-cultural ideological tread to change dramatically. In the context, the trend of language reform changed accordingly. Beyond enlightenment, the intellectuals began to consider the vernacular writing from another perspective. Vernacular Writing Newspaper in China aimed at fostering national mentality which neglected the enlightening target and regarded the young students who were "marginal intellects" with new thoughts as potential readers. The editors attempted to make the revolutionists communicate and interact by means of Vernacular Writing Newerpaper in China and vernacular writing. However, the new thoughts needed new language system and the new class must have their own particular discourse. How the new modern noun merged into vernacular writing wholly and surpassed modern one was another significant topic for new intellects.Chapter 4, "From the Refined to the Vulgar: Two Kinds of Attitudes and Approaches" proves that vernacular writing can eventually turned into social common written language by analyzing the change of the language ideas of modern intellects such as Chen Du-xiu and Hu Shi. Chen du-xiu, who set up Vernacular Writing Newspaper in Anhui and chaired New Youth, underwent the process of political consciousness to ethic consciousness. At that time, he perceived many problems of language reform beyond the aim of social revolution, thus forming language reform idea theoretically at last. Hu Shi, who once edited Competition Ten-Day Publication, fulfilled personal and mental construction of a complete modern intellect when he finished his studies in America so that he could judge the shortcomings and mistakes of the language reform in Late Qing in a broader vision, and his theory of Literature Chinese and Chinese Literature symbolized a refined style of written language which came into being in the end.The Concluding is mainly about recalling different literary debates caused by modern vernacular writing since May Fourth Movement to indicate its complexity and potential restricting power.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

