

The Research Development of the City in the Southwest Frontier

【作者】 侯宣杰

【导师】 何一民;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 15、16世纪的海道大通所带来的全球化进程使中国传统社会在清代发生了波澜壮阔的深刻变革。作为清代中国社会发展变迁的核心载体,城市是透视清代中国社会变迁最直观的视窗,强化清代城市史研究的学术价值、现实意义均十分突出。然而,在清代区域城市史研究中,西南边疆城市史研究与沿海、沿江地区同类研究相比仍具较大的劣势。具体到地处西南边疆民族地区的广西而言,清代广西城市史研究虽已呈现较好的发展势头,但把清代广西城市发展史作为一个完整对象进行整体性的宏观研究则几处空白状态,亟需阔步开拓创新,这既是深化学术研究的需要,也是服务于当前广西在“中国——东盟自由贸易区”启动的时代背景下,大力推进以城镇化为先导的边疆地区现代化建设的时代要求。基于上述认识,本文以城市发展为切入点,基于17—20世纪全球化进程推动中国社会缓慢转型的宏大时代背景,以清代广西城市为整体,以城市现代化发展与社会变迁为轴线,借助现代化、社会交往理论等跨学科的理论方法所提供的多维学术视野,力图全面深入地反映清代广西城市经济、社会、文化发展演变过程以及由此带来的种种社会变迁,从理论上勾勒、揭示清代广西城市发展演变的轨迹、特征、规律,为当今边疆民族地区的现代化建设提供理论指导。本文认为,边疆城市发展面临者复杂的自然地理环境和人文地理环境。复杂的自然生态类型与复杂的人口民族构成、变幻莫测的矛盾冲突、落后的社会经济形态相结合,形成了清代广西城市发展的多种资源优势和复杂的地域差异,也相应地导致清代广西城市发展的滞后性、波动性与不平衡性,促使清代广西城市发展总体上呈现横向阶梯水平差异和纵向阶段波动。清朝统一广西后,清政府着手在广西推行改土归流,移民垦边,兴修水利,改革盐法,发展商业、矿冶、手工业,开辟驿路,发展文教等一系列积极的边疆开发政策。藉此契机,外省商业性经济移民大量涌入广西城乡地区,推进着广西城市的经济开发与文化进步。随着晚清龙州、梧州、南宁三大口岸的开放,外国资本主义经济、文化势力深入渗透广西主要城市,清末维新变法与新政改革在广西城市的实践更进一步推动了桂林、梧州、南宁等中心城市功能的进一步强化,区域性城市行政体系和经济网络体系持续演化,广西城市呈现出多层面的发展变迁。文中对此分别从城市经济的发展、城市社会的演进、城市文化的嬗变3个层面加以探究揭示:城市经济方面,清代广西作为发展滞后的边疆地区,它所拥有的巨大资源开发价值吸引了大批外省商业移民的涌入,带来了邻省经济的强力辐射,促动广西城市商业经济和手工业经济繁荣发展。另一方面,晚清开埠通商直接推动了广西城市对外经济交往由传统朝贡贸易向近代国际贸易转变。以资本主义工业生产力为发展驱动力的近代国际贸易,将晚清广西城市卷入了全球生产分工体系之中,资本主义工业文明的传播,把广西城市经济推上了早期现代化的发展道路。从此广西城市经济的运行也步入深受官方机构、民间组织以及外洋势力共同影响的新时代。城市社会方面,清代广西城市社会管理模式在外力的冲击下发生了深刻的变革,逐渐由传统城市管理方式向近代城市管理方式转变,城市民间社会在城市社会安全管理中的作用进一步凸现。城市社会组织则由前近代时期种类单一、自发松散向多元化方向的发展,城市社会整合程度的不断加深。在西方资本主义文明的冲击下,广西城市社会生活开启了西俗化的历史进程,但由于社会生产力嬗变的迟滞,近代化的生活理念及生活方式尚未能完全瓦解传统的生活观念与生活方式,一些传统的因素尚在影响着城市居民的日常生活。城市文化方面,在西学东渐的推动下,清代广西城市教育理念、管理体制、教育类型和教学内容诸方面均呈现了近代化革新,各种文化事业以及民族国家、维新变革、民主革命等文化意识从无到有、由弱到强渐次递嬗兴革。同时,中西文化借助西江水道、湘桂走廊等多向性的文化通道向广西城市扩张传播,使广西城市中出现中西文化多元交汇的景象。清代城市的发展对地处西南边疆民族地区的广西社会产生积极的社会效应。首先,商人以经济功能不断增强的城市为基地,向周边乡村拓展商业贸易活动,商业经营网络随之延伸至城郊乡村中的市镇圩场,来自城市的商业化动力亦传输至周边乡村圩场,乡村地区市镇化进程得以较快推进;民族地区农村经济结构亦朝着商业化、市场化的方向演进。其次,发展中的广西城市在清政府抵抗法国侵略,稳定西南边疆局势方面发挥重大作用;而中法战争后的边防建设反过来促进了清代广西城市进一步发展。特殊的自然环境和人文环境又使清代广西城市发展呈现出沿江走向、因水而兴;大城市分区鼎立,首位性中心城市缺失;外来商人对广西城市发展的推动作用远大于本土商人等独特的区域特征。对之,研究者选取同处西南边疆地区的清代云南城市发展加以比较探析。总的看来,清代广西城市作为西南边疆重要的区域城市,它的发展经历了从传统到现代的艰难转型历程。在其转型过程中,不难发现既有中国城市转型的一般特征,又显示出边疆区域城市的浓烈色彩。第一,清代广西城市发展奠基于中央政府和地方政府主导下的一系列政治、经济、文化开发活动,开发高潮伴随着城市的阶段性发展,显示清代广西城市内在发展乏力、严重依赖国家力量推动的历史原貌。第二,以人口迁移(以商人为主导)为主要实现方式的清代边疆开发活动,引发大批外省商人的进入广西城市,不但促进了清代广西城市经济开发,而且也带来了清代广西城市中区域文化的多元交汇,共同推动着清代广西城市经济社会的嬗变。广东、广西文化上的同源性、地缘上的同构性、经济上的互补性又使清代广西城市发展深受广东经济文化的辐射与带动。第三,晚清时期外国经济文化侵略势力以广西开放的商埠为基点,深入广西城乡腹地,广西城市则完全沉沦为西方资本主义经济文化级差体系中的最低层次,蜕变为西方资本国家掠夺原材料和倾销其工业产品的中转站。龙州、梧州、南宁、桂林、柳州等广西大小城市经济的发展,大多以西方国家的进口贸易为依托,或者以为适应西方资本主义国家需要的本土农副土特产品的集散、加工为动力。在这种空前繁荣、高度畸形的对外贸易中,西方某些先进的生产技术和经济管理制度随之为广西城市所移植,经济结构呈现了近代化的转型。西方国家在对广西城市进行经济掠夺的同时,也对加大了文化侵略。西方科学文化、思想观念、生活方式逐渐传入广西城市,促使城市文化、社会发生深刻的变革。然而,清代广西的边疆开发实质上是边疆动乱后的应急性、善后性措施,缺乏持续的政治热情和强力的政策保障,开发力度和开发实绩大受削弱与制约。另一方面,商人迁移的地域差异性,商业资本的外流,完全受制于世界资本主义市场需要的畸形经济贸易转移本地城市发展必须的经济资源,加上动荡的社会环境,这一切直接导致了清代广西城市发展的顿挫失衡。概而观之,清代广西城市发展,从动力模式看,走的是依附式发展道路;从过程结果看,呈现了顿挫失衡的倾向;总的特征可以高度概括为依附发展与顿挫失衡。清代广西城市的发展历程表明,边疆城市发展面临着较为特殊的自然地理和人文环境,具有边缘性、滞后性、民族性、开放性、复杂性、不平衡性等多重复合的历史特点。边疆城市发展动力主要源自区域外而非区域内的因素,即外力是首位性的驱动力,以至于使边疆城市发展对外力因素形成了浓重的依附性,而边疆城市发展对边疆地区、乃至整个国家经济社会的发展具有重大意义。众所周知,边疆城市史是一个与现实有着较大敏感度、具备较大应用价值的研究课题。当前,围绕边疆城市发展理论的探讨尚处于起步阶段,其研究理论方法更需进一步的探究。在边疆城市史的研究实践中,借鉴国外同类理论要注意认真甄别其适用的前提条件,而边疆城市历史作用和历史特点则决定对其研究须注意引入辩证唯物主义的交往理论。

【Abstract】 The globalization progress bringing by the sea way of 15th-16th century of makes the Chinese traditional society take place a surging forward with great momentum deep change in Qing dynasty. As the core the of the development change the Chinese society in the Qing dynasty , the city is the intuitionistic windows the that sees the through a the Chinese society the of the Qing dynasty to change. there is very the strong academic the worth and the realistic meaning in the city the history research of the Qing dynasty. However, the research in the southwest frontier in Qing dynasty, than that of coast and river’s region have very big bad situation. Concreting go to ground Guangxi in the southwest frontier race region, although the Guangxi city history in the Qing dynasty research has already presented the better development, but carries on the macroscopic research of whole to the city development in Guangxi history conduct and actions present a few blank appearances, want to have a right way along in advance the footprint long steps of expand innovation, it is the demand that strengthens an academic research, is also the ages background that the service starts in "free trade area in China-ASEAN" in current Guangxi under, push forward ages of the modernization construction in the side frontier that changes in to lead first by town to need strongly.According to the above-mentioned understanding, this text with city development for correspond a point, according to the globalization progress pushes a Chinese social slow-moving transformation of great ages background from the 17th to 20th century, as Guangxi city in the Qing dynasty a whole, with city modernization development and social change for the stalk line, asking for help a modernization and society association theories etc. the across an the academics the of the theories the method by the many the visual the fields the with the academic, the deep the into the a ground the of the reflection the Guangxi the city completely economy, society, the cultural the development in the Qing dynasty turn the into process and various the society change, the delineating and the announcing to the public Qing dynasty from the theories the Guangxi city development turn into of track, characteristic, regulation, providing the theories instruction nowadays for the modern construction of the race frontier.In the viewpoint of the author, city development in the frontier faces complicated natural geography environment and human geography environment. The complicated natural ecosystem , and the complicated race and dinglpopulation constitute, changeable self-contradict conflict, the fall behind the of the social economic the appearance combine together, the becoming various the resources advantages , and complicated the region difference the of settle of Guangxi the city development, the also corresponding the a ground the of composing the to settle the empress, the motion and the unbalance that the a Guangxi the city develop, causing the Guangxi city in the Qing dynasty development total present the horizontal stairs ,level difference up with lengthways the undulate stage. From the Qing Dynasty unifies Guangxi, the government begins to promote a series of aggressive frontier policies ,such as, the changing the soil to the return to flow, the immigrating and empoldering frontier, initiateing water conservancy in Guangxi, the reforming the salt method, the developping business, the mining, the handicraft industry, building the road, developping a culture and education etc. By this chance, the another province business economy emigrant flows out in great quantities into city country region in Guangxi, promoting the economic development of city in Guangxi progress with culture. In the late Qing dynasty, with the opening of longzhou, the Wuzhou, Nanning seaports, the foreign the capitalism economy, the cultural the influence deeply the main city the in Guangxi, the reforming political and the reform in the late of Qing dynasty push a the laurel Guilin, Wuzhou, Nanning the center city function enhanced further, the local area city administration system and economic network system evolved continuously, cities in Guangxi presented a development of many levels a change distinguish the evolution. In the text, the author will explore the city of the society, cultural, economy.In the city economy, Guangxi is the region lagging development in the Qing dynasty, its huge resources value drew on the large quantity another province businessman to immigrate, the strong economy radialization that the from the province, moved city business economy and handicraft industry an economic prosperity development in Guangxi. On the other hand, the city opening push directly outward economic associate of city in Guangxi from the tradition the trade changes toward the modern country international trade. With dynamical modern international trade basing on capitalism industrial productivity, Guangxi city drew in a world to produce division of labour system in the capitalism industrial civilization of dissemination, push city economy up the earlier period modernization of development road in Guangxi. From now on the movement of the city economy in Guangxi also follows to be subjected to the modern ear. The economy circulating influenced deeply was official organization, civil association and the outside ocean together.In the city society, the social management style took place a deep change under the impact of the outside impact, management gradually turn from the traditional city toward modern city, the folk society in the city the safe the management is further convex in the Qing dynasty Guangxi .The city society organizatian from ex-modem period category one, self-moving and lax to diversified direction of development, city society integration the degree deepen continuously. Under the impact of the western the capitalism civilization, the city social the activities in the Guangxi city begin the west vulgar the history progress, however, because the social the productivity the arrearage of change , the modern the age turn of the living principle and life the style haven’t the yet can the break up the traditional the living idea and life style completely, some traditional factors still be influencing the city residents’ daily life.In the city culture, under the western impact, the Guangxi city educational principle, managed a system and various aspect of the type and content modernized. various consciousness, such as nation state ,reform, democracy revolution. etc in the Qing dynasty from have no to have, from weak arrive strong gradually .At the same time, the culture ,by the West River’s waterway, the Xiang-Guil hallway. much toward to extend a dissemination in the city in Guangxi ,appear prospects West-chinese introjecting in city in Guangxi.The development of the city effected greatly to society of Guangxi city in the southwest race region , Firstly, as the economic the function strengthens the continuously of the city for base, the businessman the expand the business trade the activity toward the peripheral country, the commercial management network extended to the town in the city suburb immediately, the commercial the motive that the comes from the city also the delivers to the peripheral town in the country region’s turning progress can quicker propulsion; the predial economic structure as well marketabilited in the ethical region. Secondly, the developing Guangxi cities played an important function in resisting France to invade in the pure government, keeping the stabilization of the southwest frontier. But the frontier defense construction promoted to settle a Guangxi city to develop further after the China—France war.The special natural environment and the humanities environment maked the Guangxi city development of the Qing dynasty present to follow a river an alignment again, to flourish for water .The big city tripartited confrontation, the first center city lacking. The foreign businessmen’s funtion is far larger than native businessman in driving the city development in Guangxi. To it, the author contrast Yunnan city development in the southwest frontier.As important city of the southwest frontier, the development of Guangxi city experienced from the tradition to the modern in the Qing dynasty. In it transformation, it isn’t difficult to discovers the current characteristic in Chinese city, and then display the strong individuality of the city in the frontier. Firstly, the Guangxi city development lay foundation stone a bottom of a series of politics, economy, culture exploitation predominating by the central government and the local government in the Qing dynasty. Every development high tide accompanied with the stage development of the city, showing an inside development of the Guangxi city of the Qing dynasty, and depended the national strength push seriously. Secondly, (businessman as predominant) transplant is the primary way of the development activities in the Qing dynasty. A large quantity another province businessmen settle into Guangxi city, not only promoting the Guangxi city the economy development, but also bringing into multiplex culture in Guangxi cities. pushing the transform of economy and society of Guangxi cities in the Qing dynasty. Because of the affinal culture, isomorphic geography, reciprocal economy between Guangdong and Guangxi. Thirdly, the foreign economic and culture’s aggression the influence with the Guangxi open the port, the going the deep the into the interior the region in Guangxi, city in the Guangxi then the drowns completely to differ the system for the western the capitalism economic and cultural class in the most the low level, transmuting into a western capital nation to loot original material and dump its industrial product of in turn a station.The development of the city in the Guangxi economy, the such as, Longzhou,Wuzhou,Nanning,Guilin,Liuzhou ,relyed on mostly the import of the west nations, the adapting western the capitalism native the agriculture the vice-soil the special product gathers to spread, process for the motive. In this kind of unprecedentedly the prosperity, the high abnormal not on an equal footingly the foreign trade, the production technique and economic management system of the western some forer unnerseses is transplant by cities in Guangxi immediately,and the economic structure modemlized. Western nation at the time of carrying on economic depredation to city in Guangxi, also to enlargement the culture invade. The Western science culture, the thought, the idea, the life style the streamed into the city in the Guangxi gradually, the urging city culture, the society to the take place a deep change. However, the exploitation of the Guangxi in the Qing dynasty is turmoil measure after the emergency ,and dealing with problems arising from an accident. the policy was lack of the political enthusiasm and strong dint guarantee, develop strength and develop an actual achievement was weaken greatly with check and supervision. On the other hand, the businessmen’s movement of the region difference, the merchant capital outflowing, Under the yoke of world need of the abnormal economy trade, capitalism market completely the substance full general the native city economic resources transferred to the west nation, plus turbulence of social milieu, the all these causes to settle a Guangxi city to develop directly of meet delay to be out of balance. In a word, the development of Guangxi city in Qing dynasty, seeing from the motivity and mode, it is adhering development road; in tendency seen result and process, presenting to meet delay and unbalance; The total characteristic can generalize highly for adhering a development and meeting delay and unbalance.The development process of the Guangxi city in Qing dynasty express, development of the city in frontier faced the more special natural geography and the humanities environment. There were edge, nationality and openning, complexity, unbalance characteristics. The mainly momentum development come from the outside not inside. The outside momentum is the first . That make the development of the city in the frontier rely on outward factor heavily, but the city in the frontier development had great significance to the development of the frontier ,the whole national economy society.Know to all, the history of frontier city is the research topic that has a bigger sensitive degree and has to compare greatly applied value. At present, around the city development theories of the study is placed in a beginning stage still, research in the theories method needs a further investigation more. Using for reference from foreign same kind theories ,we should pay attention to its precondition in stuy of city history. The historical function and characteristic of city in the frontier ask us to it’s study the attent to apply the dialectical materialism Association Theory in the study.

【关键词】 西南边疆城市发展清代广西
【Key words】 the Southwest FrontiercityDevelomentthe Qing dynastyGuangxi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

