

【作者】 刘力

【导师】 陈廷湘;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文在传统“重义轻利”文化背景下,同时在近代“赌博之禁”发生微变这一历史语境中,探讨晚清彩票从舶来品到本土化移植,以及本土化商办彩票、官办彩票的兴起,直至形形色色彩票泛滥成弊,最终被禁止的过程。中国近代彩票的出现始于晚清吕宋票这一舶来品的传入。吕宋票是菲律宾为筹集公益善举资金而由政府发行的彩票,约在19世纪70年代初传入中国。吕宋票作为“迹近赌博”之物遭遇晚清官方的禁止,但其“为诸善举”的功用与中国“乐善好施”传统道义文化深相契合,故其在销行中国后一定程度上又得到社会民众、舆论的认可。吕宋票用以资助公益之途则给了晚清义赈人士发行“义赈彩票”,从而超越传统募捐手段的启迪。伴随吕宋票而兴的形形色色的小票,因其旨在牟利,为道义、法令所不容,故从产生之日起就遭遇中外官员的严禁。与严禁小票形成鲜明对比的是,义赈同人为筹集赈灾款项而仿行吕宋票发行的“变资助赈彩票”则不仅未受到地方政府的干预,反而引得民众踊跃购买,并得到媒体舆论的支持。随着各色“助赈彩票”的不断涌现,其在发行策略、开彩方式、兑红规定等方面都逐渐与吕宋票趋于一致,从而使晚清彩票在“助赈”的名义下完成了从舶来品到本土化的移植。这一移植过程始于19世纪70年代末,至90年代初方得以完成。1898年,受美西战争影响,吕宋票退出中国市场。籍赈徐淮海洪灾之名,两江总督刘坤一奏请设“江南义赈彩票”,由职商缴饷承办,从而开了晚清本土化商办彩票之先例。有见于中国官方的允准开办,众多洋商彩票公司亦在上海租界纷纷奏请开设。而北洋顺直义赈彩票为挤进上海彩票市场,更是引发了一场南(洋)北(洋)之争。这一阶段彩票呈现出两个特点:其一,奏请开设彩票的主题是赈灾善后,缺乏这一名目支撑专为商业牟利的洋商彩票公司很快被取缔;其二,在传统“官本位”影响之下,商办彩票受到地方政治权势的极大左右与影响。庚子之役后,为偿付巨额赔款,湖广总督张之洞请设湖北“签捐票”,获硃批允准,从而开中国近代官办彩票之先河。签捐当局所尝试建构的由官方行政管理、商业化行销运作的这一发行制度为签捐票的发行带来巨大成功。而随着内陆之地四川彩票总公司的设立,其较完善的彩票章程以及完备的机构设置,标示着晚清彩票业在发行制度、发行机构等方面的日趋成熟。晚清彩票在这一阶段所呈现出的特点在于:其一,奏请开设彩票的籍口已由“助赈”变而为“赔款”“新政”,从而与晚清社会的发展进程相呼应;其二,彩票开办的主体由“职商”转而以“官厅”为主,显现出晚清官方对彩票由“拒斥”“禁止”到“接纳”“争利”的态度、立场地变化,这一变化揭示了“财政战胜道德”的深层规律。之后,从南到北,从沿海到内陆,从地方到中央,实业彩票、破产彩票,各色名目的彩票纷纷籍口开办,晚清彩票日趋泛滥,弊漏丛生,民众舆论纷纷呼吁严禁彩票。为推进新政而倡导的风俗改良将禁止彩票提上了议事日程。而广东禁赌运动中将彩票定为禁止对象,从而率先拉开了晚清禁止彩票的序幕。1909年11月,江苏省谘议局提出“永远禁止彩票议案”,获得两江总督的支持,从而在其权辖范围内展开严禁彩票的行动。其后,浙江、湖南、河南、顺直等谘议局纷纷请禁彩票。民情所向,舆论所指,朝廷部臣亦纷纷请禁。宣统三年(1911)《大清暂行新刑律》刊印,其“关于赌博彩票之罪”一章中,首次以晚清法令的形式明确规定禁止彩票。自此,晚清彩票在形式上结束它的第一个发展周期。

【Abstract】 Based on the cultural background of traditional principal of ’JustPrior to Profit’, and the historical context of profound changes ofprohibition from gamble in modern history, this dissertation studies thelottery in late Qing dynasty in the course from importation toimplantation, to localized commercial lottery and governmentallottery, till the running wild of lottery, and eventually being banned.Modern Chinese lottery began with the importation of the Luzonlottery, a lottery issued by the Philippine government to raise money forgood, and imported to China about at the beginning of the 1870s.TheLuzon lottery was first forbidden by the Qing government as something’near to gambling’, but after a period of having sold in China, itgained the approval of the society and public opinion,as its usage of ’ofgood purposes ’was deemed as in harmony with traditional Chineseculture of benevolence.The Luzon lottery enlightened the charitablepeople in the late Qing dynasty with the way of subsidizing public good,and gave them an example of issuing charitable lottery, a methodexceeding traditional money raising.The other lottery of every descriptions, rising along with the Luzonlottery, aiming at profit, were not approved by the moral and the law, andwere prohibited by the government home and abroad. In sharp contrastto banning the lottery bending on profit, the charitable lottery issued bythe charitable organizations by the example of the Luzon lottery was notintervened by the government, but enthusiastically bought by the people,and supported by the public opinion.With the ever emergence of different charitable lottery, the issuing strategy, the way of open the lottery, and therule of cashing bonus and other aspects were gradually become the sameas the Luzon lottery, and thus the lottery in the late Qing dynastycompleted the process of localization in the name of ’helping relievingthe people in stricken areas’. This process began in the end of the 1870s,ended in the beginning of the 1890s.In 1898, influenced by the US-Spanish war, the Luzon lottery exitedfrom Chinese market. In the name of relieving the people suffering aflood in Xuhuai areas, Liu Kunyi, the Liangjiang governor, memorializedan emperor please of issuing ’South Yangtze River charitable lottery’,undertaken by businessmen, and thus set the first example of localcommercial lottery.Seeing that the lottery had been officially approved,many foreign lottery corporations demanded the Chinese governmentallow them to establish branches in the Shanghai concession.At the sametime, in order to enter the Shanghai lottery market, the North ChinaShunzhi charitable lottery initiated a competition between North andSouth. The lottery in this period has two features: first, as the reason forthe establishing of lottery was for charity, the foreign commerciallottery corporations, lacking of this pretense, were soon banned; second,under the influence of traditional notion of ’official rank considered to bethe sole criterion of worth’, commercial lottery was at the mercy of thelocal government.After the Gengzi War, in order to pay the colossal cash indemnity,the emperor please by the Huguang governor Zhang Zhidong forestablishing Hubei Lottery was approved by the court, thus advocated thebeginning of modern Chinese official lottery. The issue mechanism ofadministrated by the government and promoted by the corporationbrought great success to the Hubei Lottery.With the establishment ofSichuan Lottery General Corporation, located in the inner China’s mainland,and its comparatively perfect regulations and institutions, the late Qingdynasty lottery had become mature in issue mechanism and institutions.The features of lottery in this period are, first, the pretensefor establishing lottery changed from charity to cash indemnity andinnovation, thus in the procession with the social development in the lateQing dynasty; second, the subject of lottery change from corporationswith special permission to civil government, indicating the change ofthe attitude of the government from forbidding and banning to acceptingand competing for profit, which revealing the deep rule of ’financewinning over morality’.Afterwards, from all over China, industry lottery, bankruptcy lottery,and lottery of every descriptions were established and this lead to manyabuses. Lottery was demanded to be banned by the public opinions. Theinnovation of custom under the name of New Policy brought the lotterybanning to agenda. And in the movement of forbidding gamble in Gantong,lottery was banned, and thus open the prelude of lottery banning in thelate Qing dynasty.In November, 1909, the Jiangxi provincial parliament offer a Bill ofBanning Lottery Once for All, which was supported by the LingjiangGovernor and was carried out within his power.Latter, the provincial parliament of Zhejiang, Hunan, Henan proposedto ban the lottery. To response the opinion, ministers in the court alsomemorialized emperor pleases to ban the lottery. In 1911,<the ProvisionalGreat Qing Corporal Law> was promulgated, in which the chapter ofCrimes About Gamble And Lottery first regulated that lottery wasforbidden by law in the form of law. By this time, the lottery in the lateQing dynasty formerly ended its first developing period in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

