

A Study of the Peasant Association in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

【作者】 李永芳

【导师】 陈廷湘;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近代中国是一个由传统社会向现代社会转型的大变革时代,其中一个重要内容就是农民从传统的血缘关系、宗族组织中解放出来,逐渐成为农村社会政治经济关系的主体,而农会作为超越宗族关系的社会组织则在这一变迁过程中有着十分重要的意义。本文对于清末民国时期农会组织的发展状况,分为以下五个方面进行了探讨。一、清朝末年旨在农业改良的农会。中国农会肇始于清朝末年。1907年7月成立的直隶农务总会,是我国近代成立最早的具有社团“法人”地位的农会。随后,其他各省相继创办。至中华民国建立之时,全国绝大部分省区都成立了农务总会、农务分会与分所。清末农会的兴起是在甲午战争后民族危机加深与农业生产衰微的社会背景下,由实业救国人士和资产阶级维新派的倡导,受上海农学会开农学研究风气之先的影响,以及“新政”的推动等诸种因素共同作用的结果。清末农会建立了比较完备的组织系统,分为设立于省城的总会;设立于府、厅、州、县的分会;以及设立于乡镇、村落、市集的农务分所等三级直属组织系统。开展了编辑农报、翻译农书、开办农业学堂:举行农产品评会、设立农产陈列所;创办农业试验场和农产制造所;开垦荒地、兴修水利、植树造林;开展调查研究以及受理调解民事纠纷等较为广泛的农事活动,尤其是在农业生产中采用资本主义经营方式和机械操作鲜有建树。同时,清末农会呈现出了成员构成的复杂性、组织制度的近代民主性、团体活动的民间性、机构权限的官督性等特点。这是一种以绅商为主体、旨在农业改良、依附于政府的咨询性的近代社会团体。二、民国早期作为政府咨询机构的农会。1912年中华民国建立后,无论是始任南京临时政府大总统的孙中山,还是其后执掌国家政权并开始北洋军阀统治时期的袁世凯,面对农村经济的残破、农业生产的衰微以及农民生活的困苦不堪,均对改良农业、发展农会组织给予了极大的关注。而民国早期思想界各种“新思潮”的竟起、兴农呼声的日益高涨,则为农会组织的发展提供了良好的社会氛围,使农会组织得以更加广泛地发展。民国早期的农会依然是组成了一个层层连接的直属组织系统,但在清末农会分为三级的基础上增加为四层,即增设了一个最高层——全国农会联合会,使农会组织从上到下更具完整性。北洋政府统属下的农会,其富有成效性的活动主要表现为编制每年该区农业状况调查表呈报上级农会与主管官署;向主管官署建议农业改良进行事宜等方面。由于该农会是在清末农会的基础上发展起来的,尽管辛亥革命后国家体制由君主走向共和的根本变化、资产阶级民主思想的日益深入人心、北洋军阀政府统治下的纷乱政局等新的社会因素,无不影响和赋予了该农会组织呈现出一些新的特点,但在其组织构成、职能与性质等方面与清末农会没有根本上的区别,依然是一种以绅商为主体的、依附于政府的咨询性的社会团体和联络机关,是一种旨在农业改良的社会经济自助组织。三、国民革命时期具有政权性质的农会。在中国近代史上,农会作为农民阶级自己的组织,作为改造社会的一种群体组织的出现,是在1921年中国共产党成立之后。这种新型农会是在农村经济凋敝、土豪劣绅把持乡村政权、土地占有日趋集中、农村阶级构成发生显著变化的社会背景下创建起来的。1921年9月成立的浙江萧山衙前农民协会是中国现代史上第一个具有鲜明阶级色彩、以解决农村社会矛盾为已任的新型农会。随后,广东海丰赤山、湖南衡山岳北等地农民协会相继建立。1924年1月国共合作实现后,国民党中央农民部和中央农民运动委员会的成立,及其所制定的一系列关于农民运动问题的决策和措施,为农民协会的普遍建立和农民运动的全面开展提供了有利条件;所颁布的全国《农民协会章程》,为各地农民协会组织的建立提供了切实可行的文本依据;历时两年多举办的六届农民运动讲习所,培养和造就了大批农民运动骨干,促进了各地农会组织的空前发展。同时,1927年4月还成立了全国农民协会临时执行委员会,形成了一个由全国、省、县、区及乡级层层连接的的直属组织系统。国民革命时期的农民协会,领导农民进行了支援北伐战争、开展反帝斗争和农村大革命等一系列活动。尤其是开展的翻天覆地的农村大革命,在政治、经济、文化等方面,均对中国社会产生了深远的影响。但是,该时期农会活动的历史局限性也是比较明显的,存在着一些“左”的偏差和错误,且在组织发展过程中亦存在着不同地区之间的较大差异。国民革命时期的农民协会,已根本区别于清末民初的农会,尽管它也进行了一些农业改良的活动,但不再是为政府服务的农业咨询机构,而是由中共创立和直接领导、并在国共合作旗帜下发展起来的社会组织,是一种以广大贫苦农民为主体、以推翻封建地主政权为宗旨的具有浓厚政治斗争色彩和政权性质的农民自治性组织。四、国民党控制下作为基层政权补充形式的农会。国民党所领导的农会,是在大革命失败后国民党反动派对农民运动进行残酷镇压、对共产党直接领导的农协组织加以摧残的基础上,在农村经济日趋衰落、乡村建设运动广泛兴起的情势下,以及南京国民政府推行乡村自治和保甲制度的过程中予以重建、整顿和发展起来的。国统区的农会组织大体经历了两个阶段,即以1928年《农民协会组织条例》以及1930年《农会法》颁布为标志的重建阶段;以1938年《各级农会调整办法》制定为标志的整顿阶段。国民党控制下的农会,其法定任务可谓面广繁多,但大多未曾付诸实施,各地农会所开展的带有普遍性意义的活动主要表现为进行该区域农村概况调查并填写报表呈送主管官署等。同时,该农会呈现出了法规条例的完备性及其多变性、组织制度的民主性、政府控制的严密性、主要活动及其影响的有限性等时代特点。国民党领导建立的农会,名义上是一种旨在发展农民经济,增进农民智识,改善农民生活,以图农业之发达的具有法人地位的社会团体,实际上则是一种以农村有产阶级为主体的社会组织,是整治社会秩序的保甲附属,农村基层政权的补充形式。五、革命根据地作为政权执行机关的农会。在1927年7月国民革命失败至1949年10月新中国成立之前这一时期,与国民党在其统治区建立农会组织以整治社会秩序的同时,共产党在其领导的革命根据地内也相继建立了不同形式的农会组织,即苏维埃区域的“贫农团”、抗日根据地的“农救会”、解放区的“农民协会”等,并在政治、经济、文化等领域开展了较为广泛的活动。革命根据地的农会组织呈现出组织名称的多元性、组建方式的策略性、组织系统的不完整性以及气势影响的有限性等时代特点。从其性质和功能来说,这是中国共产党领导的以广大贫苦农民为主体的、作为革命政权合法执行机关的社会组织,它为新中国成立初期土改运动中农民协会的兴起与乡村政权的组织建设打下了坚实的基础。总结清末民国时期农会组织的发展历程,可以得出的基本结论为:1、农会组织呈现出了不同性质和功能的多种类型;2、农会组织成为国家政权与乡村社会建构中一支不可或缺的参与力量,在中国近代历史舞台上演出了一幕幕传统基层社会权力结构的“维护者”、“破坏者”与“整治者”等不同角色的活剧;3、农会组织在发展农业生产、缓解农民生活贫困、改变农村文化教育落后状况、推动中国传统农业向现代农业转化等方面,起到了不可忽视的影响与作用;4、近代中国农会组织最终没有发展成为现代意义上的社会组织,而是一种政府或政党的政治工具。真正现代意义上的农会组织须应坚持“自愿性”、“自主性”、“民间性”和“法制性”;5、总结近代中国农会组织的历史经验,对于我们如何思考目前理论界在研究“三农”问题中存在的是否重新建立农会组织的讨论,提供了富有价值的参照。

【Abstract】 The modern times of China is a revolutionary era that has witnessed the transformation from the traditional society to the modern society, in which one of the important things is to emancipate the farmer from the traditional kinship and the patriarchal clan organizations, gradually becoming the main body of the social, political and economic relationship in the countryside. The peasant association, as the social organization surmounting relations of the patriarchal clan, has played a significant role in the process of this vicissitude. This thesis will investigate the development of the peasant association in the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China from the following five aspects.Firstly, the peasant association in the late Qing Dynasty was set up for the purpose of the agricultural reform. The Chinese peasant association was initiated in the late Qing Dynasty. The Zhili general association of agricultural affairs established in July 1907 was the earliest peasant corporation. Afterwards, other organizations of this kind began to appear one after another in other provinces. To the date when the Republic of China was founded, most of the provinces in the nationwide had all established the general association of agricultural affairs or sub-branches of the general association. The emergence of the peasant association in the late Qing Dynasty and the republic of China was under the social background in which the national crisis deepened and the agricultural production were on the decline after the Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1995. It was advocated by the people who want to save the nation initiatively by the industry and to reform the party of the bourgeoisie under the influence of the agronomy research atmosphere of Shanghai, as well as the influence of the "New Policy" . The peasant association of the late Qing set the model of t three-level organization system with the general association at the provincial level, the branch of the association at the level of the Fu, the Ting, the state and the county and the sub-branch at the level of towns, villages and the agricultural fairs. These peasant organizations set to edit agriculture newspapers, to translate agricultural books, and to establish agriculture schools. Apart from this, they held meetings to appraise the agricultural products, put on agricultural product exhibitions, set up experimental farms and agricultural production mills, conducted land reclamations, constructed the irrigation system and undertook the a forestation. They made noticeable achievements in carrying out the investigation of agricultural situation as well as in settling the civil disputes, especially in introducing the modes of capitalist management and the mechanical operation in the agricultural production. At the same time, the peasant association of the late Qing dynasty had such characteristics as compositional complexity of organization, the modern democracy of the organizational system, the fullness of activities, the governmental supervision of organizational jurisdiction. All of these show that this organization is a modern institution with merchants as its principal members, aiming at the agricultural reform and consultation, though it attached itself to the local government.Secondly, the peasant association is taken as consulting organization of the government in the initial period of the Republic of China. After the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912, either Sun Yat-Sen who begins to be the first president in the Nanjing Provisional Government, or afterward Yuan Shikai who seized the state power and starts to be the ruler of the Beiyang warlords, who both facing the situation of the broken rural economy, the declining agricultural production as well as the farmers’ miserable lives. They all paid great attention to the improvement of the agriculture, and the development of peasant association organizes. However, in the initial period the Republic of China, the co-appearance of various kinds of new ideologies in the circle of thinkers, the increasingly growing call of the promotion of agriculture, provide a good social atmosphere for the development of the peasant association, which enables the peasant association organization widely developed. The peasant association in the initial period of the Republic of China has still composed the subordinate organization system which layer upon layer connects, which, however in the late Qing dynasty has been divided into four levels on the foundations of three levels in the end of the Qingdynasty, i.e., additionally built a topmost storey-the federation of the nationalpeasant association, making the organization of peasant association become more concrete and more complete from top to bottom. The Peasant Association, under the control of the Beiyang government, its effective functions were to investigate the area agriculture conditions and work out the examination table which would be submitted to the superior peasant association and authorities concerned annually; they could also make authorities some suggestions about agricultural improvements and so on. Based on the peasant association of Qing Dynasty, after the 1911 Revolution, although the peasant association presented some new characteristics in the light of the state system changing from feudalism to republicanism, the bourgeois democracy thought entering in the hearts of the people, the chaotic political situation under the government of Beiyang warlords, and the other progressive social factors and so on, they had no essentially distinction with the one of the late Qing Dynasty in respects of the organizational structure, function, characteristics and so on. That is to say, they were still the consultation social group and the contacting institution attaching to the government with the majority of bureaucracy and merchants, and the social economy self-service organization with the purpose of the agricultural improvement.Thirdly, the peasant association with a characteristic of regime in the period of democratic revolution. In the Chinese modern history, the peasant association, which as its’ own organization, came into being in 1921 after the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party as an organization aiming for reforming the social system. Under the condition of the depressed rural economy, landlords and gents held the power, most of the land being accompanied by a minority, the social class constituents of countryside under a remarkable changing, this kind of new peasant association were founded. In the Chinese modern history, the Peasant Association of Zhejiang Xiaoshanya was the first new style peasant association which had a distinctive marks of class and took solving the countryside society contradictory as its own duty. Following that, the peasant associations were founded one after another in the Haifeng of Guangzhou and in the northern of Hengshan Mountains of Hunan. In January 1924 following the realization of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, the foundations of the peasant department of KMT Central Committee and the Committee of Central Peasant Movement and a series of policies and measures on the peasant movement were benefit for its widely establishment and carrying on the peasant movement; the publish of the statute of peasant’s association had provided the practical and feasible text basis for the foundations of the peasant association in every part of China; During more than two years of the six times of training peasant cadres for the peasant movement, the training had cultivated a great number of cadres for the peasant movement and accelerate the peasant associations’ development in all places. In April 1927 a provisional executive committee of the Whole National Peasants Association also be established and was a national, provincial, county, district and township levels interlinked direct Organization system. The peasant associations, in the First Revolutionary Civil War period, led peasants to support the Northern Expedition War, and launched a series of activities in the Rural Great Revolution and the anti-imperialist struggle. Especially the Rural Great Revolution in the rural areas had a far-reaching influence on the Chinese society in sides of politics, economy, culture and other fields. However, the Peasant Association Movements of this period had some obvious limitations: there are some "left" errors and mistakes and the greater differences among the different regions in the process of organization development. Although the Peasants Associations in the First Revolutionary Civil War period also carried out some agriculture improvements, they had a fundamental difference with the peasant association of the late Qing Dynasty, and were no longer a consultant institution serving for the government, but a social organization set up and led directly by the Central Government under the banner of the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. As peasants’ autonomous organizations, they mainly consisted of the poor peasants and had the aim of overthrowing the feudal landlord regime and had a strong color of political and struggling.Fourthly, Farmers’ organization as the complementary form of basal regime controlled by Chinese Kuomintang. The reactionaries in Kuomintang imposed a crucial crackdown on the farmers’ movement as well as the farmers’ association directly led by Chinese Communism Party after the failure of the Great defeat. Meanwhile, the economic in the countryside tended to decline while the movement of construction was propelled widely and actively. The farmers’ community led by Chinese Kuomintang has gone through a process of being rebuilt, improved and developed when the self-management in countryside was carried out by Nanjing Kuomintang Government. The development of fanners’ organization in the area governed by Kuomintang can be mainly featured by two phases: the phase of being rebuilt, which was characterized by the publication of《the Organizational Principles of Farmers’ association》in the year 1928, as well as the《Law of Farmers’ Association》in the year 1930; and the phase of being improved, by《the Principles for the Adjustment of all Classes of Farmers’ Association》in the year 1938. The fanners’ organizations, which were led by Kuomintang, were provided quite a lot of tasks by law. Nevertheless, a large of them has not been put into effect. The usual activities they have done were to investigate the conditions in the countryside and present them to the officials in the form of tables. At the same time, the following features at that specific age were also displayed: the maturity and variety of disciplines and principles, the democracy of organizational system, the strict control imposed by government, and the limited effect of their activities and effect. Nominally, the farmers’ organization built and led by Kuomintang, had the purpose of developing the farmers’ economy situation, improving their intelligence level, pushing their living forward, in order to retain their status as the juridical person in advanced agriculture. However, actually, they were used to help keeping social orders as the complementary form of basal regime in the form of social organizations, which mainly included the bourgeois in the countryside.Fifth, the peasant association as the enforcement institution of the revolutionary base. During the period from the failure of Great Revolution in July of 1927 to the establishment of New China in October of 1949,While the Kuomintang set up peasant associations to harness social order in its governance area, the Chinese Communist Party also established kinds of peasant associations one by one in the revolutionary base, these were " Poor Peasant Group " in soviet region, " Peasant Saving Meeting " in anti-Japan base and " Peasant Association " in liberation area etc. These peasant associations acted more extensively in the fields of politics, economy and culture. The organizations of peasant association showed time characters of variety in organizations’ names, having strategies in forming ways, uncompleteness in organization system and having limited effect etc. As to its nature and functions, they are the society originations that were led by the CCP and that acted as the enforcement institutions of revolutionary regime. They were formed mainly by poor peasants. They constructed a hard base for the rise of the peasant associations in the land reform movement and the construction of originations of rural regime in the initial stage of new China.When we view the organizations of peasant associations as a whole in the late Qing Dynasty and Kuomintang Era, we can have the conclusions: 1, organizations of peasant associations showed different kinds of nature and functions;2, the organizations of peasant associations became a participation power that couldn’t be lacked in the construction of state regime and rural society, and they played the roles of "protector", "destroyer" and "reorganizer" of the power structure in traditional grassroots society;3, the organizations of peasant association developed effect that couldn’t be ignored in developing agriculture product, easing up the peasants’ poverty, changing backward rural culture and education and pushing China’ s traditional agriculture to modem agriculture;4 The modern China peasant association organizations didn’t finally develop to be the social organizations in modern sense and it was only a political instrument of the party and government. The peasant association organizations in modern sense should keep "folk", "autonomy", "unconstraint" and "monocracy" as their features.5,To conclude the experiences of peasant association organizations in modern China can offer valuable reference for the dispute on reestablishing peasant association organizations in the theory field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期

