

A Literature Study of the Imperial Clan of Song Dynasty

【作者】 骆晓倩

【导师】 周裕锴;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 宋代的宗室作为皇权衍生的特殊群体,在文学上取得了较高的成就。两宋三百余年间,宋代宗室中涌现出以赵令畤、赵师秀、赵孟頫为代表的一大批文学之士。然而,目前学界对于宋代宗室文人的成就缺乏关注,尚无关于宋代宗室文学的专门性、系统性的研究。故本文试图通过搜集和细读散见于各种典籍中的宋宗室文人的作品,一方面对宗室文人的生平、作品进行考证和阐释,另一方面探究各个时期的具体情况和宗室文学创作的总体特征,由此揭示出这个特殊的宗族文学群体在两宋文学史上的独特价值。本文十五余万字,分为绪论、正文、结语三个部分。绪论首先考察宋代以前宗室的概念、范围、历史演变等,并进一步对宋代宗室的概念、范围进行界定;其次是对宋以前的宗室文学发展状况的回顾,并从宗族文学的角度界定了本论文的研究对象。最后,简要说明本论文的研究现状及选题意义。第一章考察两宋宗室文学发生、发展的制度背景。中国古代的宗室制度是中国皇帝制度的组成部分。所谓宗室制度,即是指封建王朝管理宗室的一系列社会关系和行为规范的总和。宋代宗室制度主要可分为管理制度、教育制度、考试和任宫制度三方面的内容。两宋的宗室制度在不同时期呈现出不同的时代特色,并潜移默化地影响宗室成员的生活模式、思维方式和心理状态,从而间接地影响两宋宗室文学的发展。第二章探讨两宋宗室的宗族传统的基本内涵和文化意蕴。宋代皇帝对勤学的提倡使得宗室内部出现了好学上进的风潮,而宋神宗对宗室远属的部分特权的剥夺更从现实层面上促使宗室饱读诗书;宋代宗室对藏书的爱好又为学习提供了良好的文化资源。这些都有助于在宋代宗室内部培养浓厚的文化气氛。另外,宋代宗室中“诗书成业”的宗族传统使得宗室的文化活动必然以文学艺术为核心,从而取得较大的成就。作为宋代的特权阶层,宗室总体上说做到了“慎静而保富贵”:孝悌忠信、持家俭朴,形成了良好的家风。此外,两宋宗室成员中热爱书画者代不乏人,书画人才层出不穷,从而形成了一个特殊的宗族传统:书画传统。第三章考察两宋宗室文人的生平和著述情况。两宋宗室文人数量颇多,据粗略的统计,有诗文传世的宗室文人就有256人。首先,就是对《全宋诗》、《全宋词补辑》中有关宗室文人生平的讹误进行考证,同时列出了《宋史·宗室世系表》中重名者名单。其次是对两宋宗室文人著作的考察。宋代宗室文人中有诗文集的有45人。他们共有诗文集61种,现存29种。第四章论述了两宋宗室文学的发展概况和基本特征。北宋早期的宗室文学在文学样式上以诗赋为主,是宫廷文化的一个重要组成部分,具有浓厚的贵族文学特色。北宋后期的宗室文学出现了由贵族文学向士大夫文学转变的趋势,宗室文学创作中的个性化特色也逐渐凸现。赵令畤是这个时期文学成就最高的宗室文人,也是宋代宗室文学的奠基人。南宋时期是宗室文学大发展的时期。两宋之交时,宗室文人的创作主要以家国兴亡为主题。其后,宗室文人创作的题材逐渐丰富。南宋后期的宗室诗人与江湖诗派的渊源颇深。在江湖诗派中有12位宗室诗人。赵孟頫是宋亡前后最优秀的宗室文人,他以过人的才华为宋代宗室文学划上了一个圆满的句号。第五章论述赵令畤的文学创作及其与元祐文坛的关系。赵令畤吏事通敏,文采风流,堪称一代翩翩佳公子。他交游颇广,而且多为元祐胜流。赵令畤的诗词创作都很丰富,但散佚严重,故而传世作品并不多。他在文学史上,主要是以词家的面目出现的,词风婉约。作为第一位以文学才能“见推于诸公间”的宗室文人,他在两宋宗室文学中处于奠基人的地位,对后代的宗室文人产生了较大的影响。第六章论述南宋宗室诗人与江湖诗派的关系。赵师秀既是四灵之首,又是江湖诗派的诗宗之一。他是宗室文人平民化趋势中的典型代表:虽然出身皇族,但诗歌却体现了平民的精神向度。赵师秀的诗清而不冷,幽而不孤。江湖诗派中的宗室诗人对于恢复北方有着强烈的参与和行动意识:愿马革裹尸,恢复河山。另外,皇族血统的高贵使得这些宗室诗人不像一般的的江湖诗人热衷干谒,他们均能清高自守,悠游卒岁。宗室诗人出现在江湖诗派之中,一方面表明了江湖诗派在南宋中后期诗坛上影响深远,一方面也反映出当时的疏属宗室虽然仍具有一些特殊性,但在生活、交游的很多方面都与一般士大夫相差无几了。第七章考察宋元之际的宗室文人与遗民文学的关系。南宋末年的宗室成员在家国危亡之际,多能杀生成仁、尽忠报国。南宋灭亡以后,一些恪守道德操守的宗室入元以后就选择了隐居求志之路。他们在隐居的生活中,用诗歌抒发自己亡国灭家的沉痛之情。赵必(王象)便是其中的代表。赵必(王象)在抗元战争中的出色表现以及他入元后对气节的坚守使他赢得了很高的声望,故而,在他的隐居地——广东东莞温塘村形成了一个以他为首的遗民文学群体。赵必(王象)的诗词的价值并不在于他的诗词的艺术成就有多高,而是在于他对故国始终如一的坚贞与怀恋,并且将这种家国之痛用较和谐的艺术形式表达出来。第八章专论赵孟頫。赵孟頫南宋灭亡后出仕元朝,因为宋宗室的特殊身份,他在政治上受到蒙族大臣的猜疑和打击,同时也无法得到南宋遗民的原谅,并常常受到自己良心的谴责。现实的困境促使他将艺术创作作为自己心灵的寄托,成为诗、书、画兼善的一代大家。赵孟頫总结出了一些颇具特色的文学理论,对当时以及后世的文学创作有一定的影响。赵孟頫的诗歌诸体兼备,其中他比较擅长的是以五言古诗和七律。他的五古颇得晋、宋间古诗的神韵,意态自然,善于寄兴咏怀,风格古淡清雅;他的七律的特点是法度和情韵并重。在词的创作方面,他善于写咏物词。除了诗词,赵孟頫的文也写得比较好,堪称元代文章之一家。结语辨析南宋宗室文学比北宋宗室文学繁荣的原因。

【Abstract】 As a socially privileged group, the imperial clan of Song Dynasty has achieved rather high in the literature world; however, there hasn’t been any systematical and comprehensive study of their literature achievements. Exploring the history of different Song periods and the major literature characteristics of the Song imperial clan, this dissertation aims to reveal the unique value of the Song imperial clan as a literature group and their contributions to the Song literature, based on extensive research of their works and personal lives.This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part is mainly about the literature review of the conceptions, range and the history of imperial clans in China before Song Dynasty and their literature achievements. The objective, the current study and the significance of this research are also discussed in this part.The second part consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the political background of the literature development of the Song imperial clan. Due to the different imperial clan management systems during Song dynasty, the life styles, mentalities and personal feelings of the Song imperial clan vary at the different periods through the whole Song dynasty, which unavoidably have affected their literature creation. Chapter 2 discusses the traditional family values of the Song imperial clan and their unique culture. As a privileged group, the Song imperial clan has a strong sense of family values and there is never a shortage of talented men in the field of calligraphy and painting, which contributes to the formation of the artistic tradition among the Song imperial clan.Chapter 3 summarizes the personal lives of the Song imperial clan and their works. There are 256 people in the Song imperial clan whose works are still known and 45 among them have published their own poetry books which vary in 61 different categories and 29 categories have passed on to today.Chapter 4 elaborates on the trend and characteristics of the literature of the Song imperial clan, which features in the transition from the aristocratic literature to intellectual literature and Zhao lingzhi is the leading role. The South Song period is the peak time of the literature development of the Song imperial clan when the theme of their literature works is mainly about the political vicissitudes of Song dynasty. Among the famous Poetic School of Rivers and Lakes, there are 12 members who belong to the Song imperial clan and Zhao mengfu is the most outstanding one.Chapter 5 talks about Zhao lingzhi’s works and his relations with the literature circle during the Yuan You period. Zhao lingzhi is known for his smooth and light writing style and his friendships with the celebrities then. Zhao is quite a prolific writer but unfortunately , most of his works are lost; however, Zhao is still regarded as the founder of the literature of the Song imperial clan.Chapter 6 analysizes the relations between the Song imperial clan and the Poetic School of Rivers and Lakes. Although a born noble, Zhao shixiu’s works embodies the feelings of the commoners, thus he is seen as the typical writer of the trend among the Song imperial clan that the imperial clan’s life is becoming more and more like that of the commoners. The majority of the 12 clan members in the Poetic School of the Rivers and Lakes are dreaming of returing to the north after the emperor is forced to move to the south and they put great emphasis on moral integrity.Chapter 7 analysizes the relations between the lettermen in the Song imperial clan and the literature of the adherents of the Song Dynasty during the transitional period from Song to Yuan. Most of the Song imperial clan serve their government wholeheartedly even when it goes down abruptly. After the South Song is replaced by Yuan Dynasty, they choose to live in obscurity as a way to protest the new power and express their sorrow by poetry. Among these people, Zhao bixiang is the leading figure.Chapter 8 is devoted to Zhao mengfu. As a talented artist, Zhao mengfu is famous for his achievements in the field of poetry, calligraphy and painting. His literature theories are alse received high esteem for their own distinctiveness.The final part of this dissertation analysizes the reasons why the Song imperial clan acheives more in literature during the South Song than they do in the North Song.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

