

Journalism and Consumption

【作者】 谢梅

【导师】 曹顺庆;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 今天中国的传媒出现了一系列新的情况,不仅是新闻的娱乐化,更有包括党报在内的传媒生存危机、有偿新闻、虚假新闻以及传媒内容的低俗化等等。显而易见的是,中国的传媒正面临着这样的复杂语境:一方面是中国加快融入世界体系;网络使知识实现超越时空的极速和无界传播;以高端技术为核心的新媒介成为大众的日用品;信息传播的手段和形式向着以“电视为中心”的图像化转向。这一切都显示今天的传媒行为已经不单纯是一种媒介自身的言语行为,而是在全球跨文化、跨文明传播中携带着数字技术的各种权力资本激烈冲突的社会信息交流复合系统。另一方面中国自1992年以后发生了巨大变化,从社会运行体制到媒体管理机制;从精英文化到大众话语;从国家政府到市民社会。新闻从话语霸权的神坛上一步步走向百姓言说;新闻形态从严肃、端庄日益坠入娱乐、庸俗等等。笔者认为这一切都是市场经济确立以来社会消费日渐繁荣影响的结果。新闻的属性和本质受到了当下社会复杂的消费语境的深刻影响:一方面是新闻的传统价值观念受到冲击,新闻由受众关注的事件报道转为新闻是社会日常生活的全面反映,新闻是娱乐,新闻需要策划;另一方面是新闻的形态由传统的文字中心变成图像为中心;新闻结构也由“倒金字塔结构”转化成“故事性写作”,毫无疑问,新的新闻传播时代到来了。纵观中国新闻研究的发展历史,新闻研究与中国社会整体历史的进程紧密相联;同样其范式的应用也与中国历史的研究一脉相承。受其影响,中国的新闻理论研究自新中国成立以来共经历了三种主导性的范式,一是“革命”范式,二是“现代性”范式,三是“民族-国家”范式。这些范式都在不同的社会语境中对中国新闻的研究和理论的建构、发展做出了巨大的贡献。利用这些范式进行研究的成果体现为:一是较多地运用历史分析的方法对新闻学理论的传统命题进行回顾和解读,重构传统命题得以产生的历史环境;二是借用现代西方的相关理论资源,对传统新闻学的基本概念进行梳理和重构。这些成果准确地归总了中国新闻发展的历史路径,呈现了中国新闻的历史特殊性和研究价值。但笔者认为新闻与消费的关系研究不仅仅只属于新闻理论的研究范围;新闻作为一种最直观的社会文本,是社会历史变迁的反映,只有将新闻放在社会时空发展的变迁语境,利用多学科的理论资源进行审视和研究,才能揭示其变化中的内在本质以及存在的合理性。因而,本文主要借鉴布尔迪厄的“新闻场”的研究范式,将新闻与消费中涉及的各种权力因素、权力因素的相互作用以及这种作用所带来的结果,通过文献梳理式和综合评述式结合的方式进行研究。从当今传媒的新的历史语境形成以及对新闻传播带来的影响分析入手,通过梳理新闻传播所呈现出的消费性表征,来探究新闻与消费的密切关系;利用各种理论资源来进一步推进对新闻与消费的关系以及理论合法性的认识,并在此基础上探询中国当代社会主流话语建构中的党性与商品性,精英话语与平民话语,中心话语和边缘话语等关系的建构问题。“引言”部分陈述了笔者在研究过程中形成的问题意识以及研究的思路,交代了新闻与消费研究的来源和研究的价值。“绪论”部分首先对此问题的前期研究成果进行了简单的梳理,进入历史上对新闻的商品性的论争,引出今天应该对新闻与消费进行重新认识的问题;通过对现存的传媒批评范式的不足的反思,提出了新的传媒研究范式。第一章通过对中国传媒消费语境的鸟瞰式梳理,揭示新闻受到的全球化、数字化以及新媒体的影响;中国社会变革建构的新闻新体制;西方消费主义文化的影响以及中国文化体制改革等传媒新环境对新闻走向消费的历史必然性的影响。第二章对当下几个典型的呈现消费性特征的新闻形态作简略介绍,以此为中国新闻活动从某种意义上已经开始呈现商品化趋势的实证。第三章和第四章则是将消费对新闻的影响进行正反两个方面的合理性的认识,指出消费在积极推进了新闻业的发展的同时,也给新闻业带来了严重的危害。这些危害不仅影响到了新闻业自身的生存,更成为社会进步的障碍。理性地看待消费对新闻的积极和消极影响,能帮助人们正确对待新闻消费中出现的问题。第五章则利用多种理论资源对新闻与消费作进一步的审视,以获得新闻具有消费性的理论基础和合法依据,为后面的中国现实语境中的主流新闻话语建构搭建坚实的理论平台。第六章从新闻的商品性、党性和公共性的关系入手,指出当下中国新闻发展的核心问题就是这三性的对立和冲突;通过对这“三性”在历史语境中的变迁以及相互关系的探究,提出了建构今天消费语境中的新闻话语的重要策略就是因势利导,将新闻与消费、商品性与党性、主流话语与消费话语结合起来;用喜闻乐见的新闻,实现三性的结合,塑造消费时代以公共性为核心的新闻话语,以顺应社会的发展

【Abstract】 Nowadays, a list of new changes have taken place in Chinese media, such as the recreation of news, the existence crisis of media, the guerdon news, false news, as well as the homogeneity and vulgarization of news, etc. Obviously, Chinese media are facing such a complex context: China’s speedy entry into the global system, the internet helping spread knowledge beyond borders with great speed, the hi-tech media becoming the popular commodities, the means and forms of information promulgation turning to the picturization typified by TV. All above shows that today’s media conducts are not simply of media themselves. They have become a complex system of social information communications that occur in the warm work of different cross-cultural power capital. On the other hand, China’s changed greatly since 1992: from the system of social course to the media regulation mechanism, from elite culture to the mass discourse, from the government to the civil society. News steps from discourse hegemony to the mass discourse, from the seriousness to the entertainment and vulgarization. The author holds that all this attributes to the increasing prosperity of social consumption since the establishment of the market economy. The nature of journalism is severely affected by the complex consumption context: on one hand, the traditional values of journalism are shattered, news turning from the news report to the overall reflection of the daily life. News is entertainment and needs scheming. On the other hand, the major form of news turns from words to pictures, and the structure turns from the headstand pyramid to the story writing. Obviously, comes a new news promulgation era.Viewing the history of China’s journalism studies, one can see that the journalism studies and the application of their paradigm are closely connected with the Chinese overall historical course. Thus, Chinese journalism studies have undergone three dominating paradigms since the founding of PRC: revolution, modernity and nation-country. All these paradigms have contributed to the journalism studies and to the construction and development of the journalism theory. The paradigms have produced two achievements: One is to retrospect and interpret the traditional propositions of journalism theory with the method of historical analysis, and to reconstruct the historical context that gives birth to the traditional propositions. The other is to hackle and reconstruct the basic concepts of traditional journalism with the relevant theoretical resources of contemporary west. These achievements accurately sums up the historical route of Chinese journalism, and represents the peculiarity and research value of Chinese journalism. But the author holds that the study of the relationship between journalism and consumption does not simply belong to journalism theory. News, as a most intuitionistic social text, is a reflection of social changes. Only when news is put in the context of social changes, and is studied by means of interdisciplinary theoretical resources, can one disclose its nature and the justification of its existence. Therefore, this dissertation uses Boulder’s paradigm of "news field" for reference, and studies the various power factors and their interactions, as well as the results of the interactions by means of document hackling and comprehensive analysis. Beginning with the analysis of the media’s new historical context and its impact on the news promulgation, and hackling the embodied characteristics of consumption, the author explores the close relationship between journalism and consumption. And then the author further studies the relationship and the theoretical justification. On the basis above, the author explores the party property and commerciality in China’s mainstream discourse construction, and the construction of the relationship between elite discourse and civilian discourse, central discourse and marginal discourse, etc. Preface tells the author’s problem consciousness and research method, and explains the resource and value of the research.Introduction hackles the prophase achievements and the arguments about the commerciality of news, and then the author reconsiders the topic. Reflecting the deficiencies of the current media criticism paradigm, the author raises a new media research paradigm.Chapter one surveys the consumption context of Chinese media, explores how journalism got impact from globalism, digitization and new media. The contents also cover the new system of journalism constructed by Chinese social changes, and the impact imposed by western consumption culture and Chinese new media environment. The impact made journalism inevitably move forward to consumption.Chapter two introduces some typical news examples of commerciality, trying to prove that Chinese journalism has begun to be characterized by commerciality.Chapter three and four try to interpret the consumption’s positive and negative influence on journalism. The negative impacts hurt the existence of journalism, and impede the social advancement. Treating the positive and negative impacts rationally can help solve the problems arising in news consumptions.Chapter five furthers the relationships between journalism and consumption with different theories, trying to gain the theoretical basis and legitimacy, and laying a solid foundation for the construction of the mainstream journalism discourse in Chinese contexts.Chapter six begins with the relationship between the news’ commerciality, party property and publicity, pointing out that the key problem of Chinese journalism development is the opposition and clashes of the three characteristics. Having probed the historical changes and the interrelationships of the three, the author puts forward an important tactics in constructing journalism discourses in the consumption context. The tactics is to improve the occasion to combine journalism and consumption, commerciality and party property, and mainstream discourse and consumption discourse. The use of news that people love to see and hear, and the combination of the three characteristics will help shape the journalism discourse centering round publicity in consumption era, and comply with the social development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期

