

Towards a Systemic-Functional Rhetoric of Semogenesis in and Through News Discourse

【作者】 马景秀

【导师】 胡曙中;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 当人类进入21世纪,以新闻话语为代表的大众传媒体裁群以前所未有的广度和深度渗入到社会机构的各个角落,成为文化体系采集和评价信息最具影响力的话语形式、新时期社会符号语义场运转的主要促动力量。本文认为,作为一门跨学科研究,新闻话语所涉及的两个主要学科——话语分析与新闻传播学——都可以溯源到亚里士多德的古典修辞学研究。20世纪后半叶以来,美国新修辞学的主体互联性认知观使修辞处于文化体系所有活动的中心、组织和规范人类的思想和行为的各个方面。新修辞学的领军人物肯尼斯?伯克在语言方面彻底采取维特根斯坦式的态度,在“戏剧主义”理论视角下探讨话语作用于现实的象征行动,认为话语的意义不在于一系列所指而在于作为意义行为建构现实,并为文化体系提供了一种具有客观力量的模具和生存环境,亦即占主导地位的修辞范式。正是在上述学科氛围与相应的现实关怀中,本文从语言哲学、伯克新修辞学、系统功能语言学、评价理论、新闻传播学的跨学科理论视阈中,通过阐释性的质化分析探索一条新闻话语之动态、可协商意义的篇章生成、个体生成与种系生成的系统功能修辞研究路径。全文由八个章节组成。第一章首先概述了研究的背景,勾勒出以大众传媒为介质的意义生产中现实与修辞的关系,以及语言研究界对意义剖析的范式调整,然后列出本文的主要研究目的,并介绍本文的语料来源及组织结构。第二章在概述目前国内外的研究现状的基础上肯定了现今研究的主要成果并剖析了不足之处,在此基础上提出今后的研究发展方向即本文的研究任务:以伯克新修辞学、系统功能语言学及评价理论为主要理论框架,发展一个关于话语以及权力之生产性使用的肯定性论题,以利于对新闻话语意义生成的主体互联性修辞建构进行系统研究与实际应用。第三章首先将本文的研究建立在伯克的戏剧主义语言观上,即将语言视作象征性行动,并在此基础上提出了有待在随后章节中论证的研究假设:新闻话语自身通过系统功能修辞模式实现意义生成,并同时在系统功能修辞模式中构成并促进社会符号意义潜势的沿革。我们还概述了本文所汲取的主要理论的基本观点:伯克新修辞学、系统功能语言学、评价理论,并简要论述了本文所采用的主要研究方法。第四章到第七章是本文论述的具体展开部分。第四章首先明确了语境、修辞与真理之间的关系,在归纳出新闻话语语境特点之后探讨新闻话语如何与社会符号性语境构成连结体并产生密切互动。一方面,我们探讨新闻话语在协商性、顺应性及可变性的语用原则指导下顺应其以“单向性”、“准互动”为特征的语境进行意义生产;另一方面,我们指出意义生产的过程又成为互文性话语空间的有机组成部分,推进意识形态框架以及“知识—价值”复合体的形成。第五章论述新闻话语概念意义的修辞建构。我们运用戏剧主义“五位一体”方法,分析新闻话语中场景、行为、执行者、手段和目的所形成的不同前景化“关系比”如何形成“术语规范”,以不同的动机性与导向性将新闻话语的“客观性”局限于具体的现实语境。考虑到不同主导修辞下的异质话语行为动机,我们还考察了多义性与国际新闻话语中的文字冲突,研究主体互联性的意义建构如何以信息的形式组合成稳定的概念框架,在话语冲突中争夺意义生产权力与流通空间。第六章将新闻话语的人际意义修辞建构与当代语言学研究强调语言之人际的、变化的和可商议的意义的趋势相契合,研究新闻话语如何维护“客观性”的机构性修辞人格,在意义的篇章生成、个体生成、种系生成过程中促成、维护并发展意识形态“同一”与“同体”。本章着重利用评价理论介入子系统中的“摘引”概念,以探索、描写和解释新闻话语的直接引语如何被用来评价、采取立场、建构文本人格和协调人际立场和关系、建立话语联盟或分离等。第七章以信息连贯为中心概念,讨论新闻话语篇章意义的修辞性实现。我们分别从“交际—认知”和“认识—价值”维度切入,一方面以信息性、冗余性和可及性为主要参数,阐述新闻话语如何支持传播者便捷地播撒所选择的信息及其所携带的评价意义的同时,使能受众以最小的认知努力获取最大的新信息量;另一方面挑战新闻语篇的线性信息连贯,提出我们所感知的连贯无不依托于特定的文化价值体系,因而实质上是一个“认识—价值”维度的信息格式塔。“交际—认知”维度的信息连贯作为喻体,与作为本体的“认识—价值”维度的信息达成连贯性上的“同一”。第八章纵观全文,扼要总结了所提出的主要观点,指出了本研究的紧迫现实指导意义和深远理论架构意义。一方面,本研究积极应对入世后外国传媒进入中国后带来的机遇和挑战,有效实现对社会符号语义场的意识形态建构与维护;为面向21世纪的英语新闻复合型专业教学的诸核心课程提供有效和可行的理论参照。另一方面,意义生产的系统功能修辞研究有利于阐明意义生产的主体互联性修辞实现,以及传媒话语与主导修辞范式的辨证关系。本文的创新点包括以下四个方面。1)阐述新闻话语如何以信息传评价、以概念促说服。新闻话语本质上是组织并发布信息的戏剧,是无须辩论而直抵说服的终极修辞的体现,并以其概念意义与评价意义、信息给予功能与说服功能的共生同体作为“结构了的结构性结构”推进功能性社会符号意义潜势的发展,在受主导修辞范式约束的同时亦构成其基石。2)建立新闻话语互文性意义生成的“修辞—评价”语义语用模式。通过对新闻话语直接引语的“修辞—评价”机制的剖析,本文不仅将现有的评价意义研究从“词汇—语法”层面推进到篇章层面,还论证了新闻话语中对话与多声的协商往往演变为在评价意义的指挥棒下的多声部有序合奏,在使能语义认知的同时实现语用控制。3)从信息连贯角度切入,提出新闻话语以“交际—认知”维度的信息连贯作为喻体,与作为本体的“认识—价值”维度的信息达成连贯性上的“同一”,使新闻话语以线性语言隐喻性地建构非线性现实,服务于构筑意识形态同体神话的动机。4)尝试形成新闻话语意义生成的系统功能修辞理论框架。本文遵循功能主义的语言哲学观,将伯克新修辞学的戏剧主义语言观与韩礼德的社会符号性质语言观相结合,借用韩礼德的“系统—功能”思想,将伯克新修辞学的动机论、戏剧五位一体话语行动观、“同一”概念、文字学等基本思想重新整合并安置进入一个层级系统中,形成一个以象征性同一之动机为核心,并依次以戏剧五位一体诸要素、术语规范/文字学、未知等外环层面共同构成的本体论与认识论、个体认知与社会图景、话语行动与语言符号、已知与未知共生的大连结体系统,阐述意义生成如何以象征性话语行动介入社会秩序的建构及人类生存图景的演化,为跨越更多语类的话语意义修辞性生产研究提供参照。

【Abstract】 Over the threshold of the 21st century, the mass media genre colony, with news discourse as the representative, has permeated every social institution with an unprecedented breadth and depth. News discourse has become the most influential discursive type in a cultural entity, as well as the primary motivating force of the evolution of the socio-semiotic semantic field. An adequate probe into the semogenesis of news discourse, as an interdisciplinary research, necessarily spans the two major fields of discourse analysis and communication studies, both of which can be traced back to the Aristotelian rhetoric. In the 20th century, rhetoric, once disparaged as a relic of the outmoded classical curriculum, comes into its own as intertwined with a language philosophy strongly influenced by social constructionism and intersubjective epistemology, and assumes a central position in all discursive actions in a cultural entity as the basic principle that all informative and persuasive genres—with news discourse as the epitome—abide by. Language is no longer held as an autonomous sign system but as a meaning-making activity vibrantly engaging in the construction of the socio-political cultural scenario. In particular, Kenneth Burke, the standard-bearer of American new rhetoric, adopts a thorough Wittgensteinian attitude towards language, acknowledges the contingency of the language we use, and contends that meaning lies not in the signified but in versioning a reality which in turn prescribes a dominant paradigm of rhetoric in our discursive universe.Set against the above disciplinary landscapes and motivated by a keen interest in the contemporary operation of news discourse, this ongoing research synthesizes and develops language philosophy, the Burkean new rhetoric, the Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics as well as the APPRAISAL Theory as its latest development, and communication studies, so as to unravel how semogenesis in and through news discourse, on the one hand, is enabled and constrained by a systemic-functional rhetoric in the socio-semiotic semantic field, and on the other hand, promotes the construal and development of dynamic, negotiable logogenesis, ontogenesis and phylogenesis through motivated and orientated symbolic discourse act. This dissertation is organized into eight chapters. Chapter One begins by outlining the background in which this study is set against, i.e., the relationship between rhetoric and mass-mediated reality, as well as the contemporary adjustment in probes into meaning. It then proceeds to specify the research objectives and to introduce our data collection as well as the layout of this study. Chapter Two surveys literature on news discourse analysis both at home and abroad, and proposes the future research orientation after a critical analysis of present research findings. We specify this study as an attempt to fulfill the mission to develop an affirmative research agenda in the productive use of discourse and power, through a systemic-functional study of the intersubjective semogenesis of news discourse rhetoric. Chapter Three locates this study on the assumption of language as symbolic action, and proceeds to list our research hypotheses on the systemic-functional rhetoric of semogenesis in and through news discourse. We then sketch the chief theoretic sources this study draws upon as well as the methodology to be employed.The next four chapters, from Chapter Four to Seven, unfold our research scheme and testify our research hypotheses.Chapter Four starts by explicating the relationship between context, rhetoric and truth, and investigates how news discourse interacts and develops a nexus with the socio-semiotic context. On the one hand, we investigate how news discourse adapts—in terms of negotiability, adaptability and variability—to socio-cultural context characterized by“pseudo-interaction”and“monologicality”to facilitate its semogenesis. On the other hand, we explore how the process and product of semogenesis constitute an organic interdiscursive and intertextual universe so as to propel the framing of ideology and the generation of the knowledge-value complex.Chapter Five is devoted to the rhetorical realization of ideational meaning. With the Burkean dramatistic pentad, we analyze how the foregrounded ratios between scene, act, agent, agency and purpose in news discourse develop into different terministic screens, and confine with particular motive and orientation the objectiveness of news discourse to specific socio-cultural context. Taking into account the heterogeneity of discursive motives under divergent rhetorical paradigms, we proceed to probe into polysemy and logomachy in news discourse, so as to study how the intersubjectively constructed meanings develop into stable conceptual frameworks in the form of information which vie for legitimacy of semogenesis and space of circulation in the discursive universe.Chapter Six connects the rhetorical construction of interpersonal meaning in news discourse with the contemporary research trend in linguistics to emphasize the interpersonal, variable and negotiable meaning, and explores how news discourse pursues objectivity in order to defend its institutional ethos, so that it can maintain and develop ideological identification and consubstantiality through the logogenesis, ontogenesis and phylogenesis of meaning. In particular, we employ the“attribution”concept in the ENGAGEMENT subsystem of the APPRAISAL Theory, with an aim to shed light on how the myth of direct speech is exploited to appraise, take stance, construct textual persona, coordinate interpersonal stances and relations, and establish discursive alliance or division.Chapter Seven, with informational coherence as the binding concept, is contributed to the rhetorical realization of textual meaning in news discourse from respectively the dimensions of“communication-cognition”and“epistemology-axiology”. On the“communication-cognition”dimension, with informativeness, redundancy and accessibility as major parameters, this chapter studies how news discourse facilitates communicators’swift dissemination of the selected information together with the appraisal meaning attached, while enabling audiences to acquire maximum new information with minimum cognitive efforts. On the“epistemology-axiology”dimension, this chapter challenges linear coherence by contending that the perceived coherence is underpinned with cultural-specific value system, and hence is virtually an“epistemological-axiological”information gestalt. Furthermore, we contend informational coherence as metaphorical, with informational coherence on the“communication-cognition”dimension functioning as a vehicle to identify with the informational coherence on the“epistemology-axiology”dimension as a tenor, so as to establish the myth of coherence in ideological consubstantiation.Chapter Eight briefly concludes major research findings in this dissertation, and points out the pressing strategic significance for journalistic practitioners, as well as the profound importance for the design and development of future theoretical framework on meaning. Especially, for Chinese journalists and editors alike, this study helps to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities brought by foreign media’s newly-emerging presence in China, enabling them to effectively construct and maintain the ideology of socio-semiotic semantic field. Besides, this study provides feasible theoretical guidance for core curricula in the English-journalism major. Theoretically, the systemic-functional rhetoric presented in this study explicates the intersubjective and rhetorical realization of semogenesis, shedding light on the dialectics between mass-mediated discourse and dominant rhetorical paradigm.The research creativity in this dissertation is manifest in the following four aspects. To begin with, we explicate how news discourse evaluates through information, and persuades while shaping ideation and epistemology. News discourse is fundamentally a symbolic drama that structures and releases information, serving the dual function of both information-offering and persuasion. The persuasion without argumentation in news discourse constitutes the ultimate rhetoric. Therefore, news discourse, as the“structuring structured structure”, propels the maintenance and updating of the socio-semiotic meaning potential, constructing the cornerstone for dominant rhetorical paradigm while being constrained by the dominant mode of rhetoric.Furthermore, we construct a“rhetoric-appraisal”semantic-pragmatic model of the intertextual semogenesis in news discourse. Through a detailed analysis of the“rhetoric-appraisal”mechanism in direct speech in news discourse, we not only elevate the present research on appraisal meaning from lexico-grammatical level to textual level, but prove how the dialogue and heteroglossic negotiation in news discourse are relegated to an orchestrated performance in multi-voice-parts with particular appraisal meaning functioning as the conducting baton, so as to realize pragmatic control while enabling semantic cognition.Besides, we contend that the informational coherence, as the rhetorical realization of textual meaning in news discourse, is metaphorically constructed with coherence on the“communication-cognition”dimension as the vehicle and coherence on the“epistemology-axiology”dimension as the tenor, Moreover, we argue that coherence from the two dimensions are identified to enable news discourse to metaphorically construct the non-linear reality with linear strings of linguistic signs so as to serve the motive of establishing a myth of coherent ideological consubstantiality.Last but not least, we attempt to develop a systemic-functional rhetoric of semogenesis in and through news discourse. By marrying the Burkean grammar of motives, rhetoric of motives and logology into the Hallidayan systemic-functional framework, our systemic-functional rhetoric emphasizes both ontologically language-as-action and epistemologically language-as-symbolic-system, recognizing both language-in-use and language-as-system. We proceed to stratify this systemic-functional rhetoric by positioning the motive of symbolic identification at its core, which spurs action and powers the permutation and combination of the dramatistic elements in the second layer of dramatistic action, where scene, act, agent, agency and purpose are motivated to develop into ratios shaping the subsequent discursive and semantic configuration. When ratios in action and circulation develop into terministic screens to organize subsequent epistemology, we enter the third layer of the systemic-functional rhetoric, i.e., that of logology, beyond which lies the fourth layer of the unknown, which opens up to a yet-to-be-acquainted universe of possibilities, discoveries and dialogues. In this way, our systemic-functional rhetoric is a nexus of ontology and epistemology, individual cognition and social scenario, discursive acts and linguistic signs, as well as the known and the unknown. As a theoretical framework for the semogenesis across a variety of genres, our systemic-functional rhetoric serves to explicate how semogenesis is enabled through symbolic action, which in turn is actively engaged in the construction of social discursive order and the evolution of cultural scenario.

  • 【分类号】H052
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2016

