

The Theory of Democratic Harmoniousness

【作者】 刘义强

【导师】 徐勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 论文以基层民主和社会和谐的基本关联为研究对象。论文旨在同答这样一个问题,即在面临现代国家构建、市场体制扩展和社会阶层利益冲突增加等多重压力下的当代中国,怎样才能实现国家构建、民主扩展和社会和谐的相融共生,从而走出一条中国的现代民主发展道路,实现民主转型与社会和谐。论文通过对中国基层民主发展经验的理论梳理和归纳,在结合民主理论和国家理论的基础上,探求以民主构建社会和谐的理论架构。论文结合基层民主发展机制与社会和谐构建问题,建立了民主和谐论的理论命题。论文认为,社会和谐的实质是社会各主体权利的平衡和协调,治理导向的强民主是实现主体之间平等协商和沟通,实现治理优化的最优选择,发展民主则促进和谐。我们也将这一命题简称为民主和谐论。由此,我们提出以民主巩固解决既有民主机制中出现的问题、以民主创新突破僵化停滞的制度和规则、以民主治理改善国家与社会治理状况以及以民主共识形成社会和谐的凝聚力等四个中层命题,作为以民主构建和谐的基本机制。论文运用规范分析方法,在民主和谐论的理论命题之下,建构了民主巩固论、民主创新论、民主治理论和民主共识论四个中层命题,并结合基层民主发展的实际经验和案例对我国基层民主发展机制和趋势进行了深入分析。论文主张,在构建现代国家的进程中,通过国家能力建设与民主发展的结合,发展治理导向的强民主,是通过基层民主促进社会和谐的基本选择。论文认为,和谐社会的构建途径是发展民主,基层民主具体机制的研究证明了通过发展民主促进社会和谐是可能的。但是我们也必须深刻理解所要推进的是什么样的民主、以什么现实机制推进民主,这才是民主和谐论的关键。

【Abstract】 The paper deals with the study of basic correlation between democracy at the grassroots level and social harmony.This paper seeks to answer one question that how modern China, when confronted multiple pressure of the construction of the modern country, expansion of market mechanism and interest conflicts of social class, to realize harmonious society and intergrowth of construction of modern country, expansion of democracy and social harmony, thus finds a Chinese path to modern democratic development and achieves democratic transition and social harmony. Through clarifying and summarizing the historical experience of democratic development at the grassroots level, combined with theory of democracy and theory of state, the paper develops theoretical frame of constructing social harmony through democracy.The theory of democratic harmony is advanced after discussing correlation between the development mechanism of democracy at grassroots level and the construction of social harmony. The paper suggests that the essence of social harmony is the balance and coordination of rights between main bodies of the society, that governance oriented strong democracy is the optimum choice to realize governance optimization, equal consultation and communication between main bodies. We name this proposition "theory of democratic harmony" for short. We propose four medium - level theories as the basic mechanism to construct harmony through democracy, which is to solve problems arising in democracy mechanism with democratic consolidation, to breakthrough rigescent institution and principles by democratic innovation, to improve state and social governance status by good democratic governance and to form social harmony and cohesion with democratic consociation.Basing on normative analysis, in the proposition of "theory of democratic harmony", the paper develops four medium - level theories, which is the theory of democratic consolidation, the theory of democratic innovation, the theory of democratic governance, the theory of democratic consociation..A profound analysis of democracy development mechanism at grassroots level is also made with practical experience and cases.The paper claims that, in the process of constructing modern country, developing governance-oriented strong democracy by national capacity building and democracy development, is the basic choice to promote social harmony through grassroots level democracy.

  • 【分类号】D621
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1651

