

Two Dimensional Embed Photoelectric Autocollimator Based on CMOS Imager

【作者】 谷林

【导师】 陈良益; 胡晓东;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前工程化的二维光电自准直仪均以CCD作为光电转换器件,其驱动设计复杂、数据读取效率低、帧频低、集成度低、功耗大、所构成的系统复杂,因此有必要开发一种基于新型光电转换器件的嵌入式二维光电自准直仪。本论文对基于CMOS图像传感器的嵌入式二维光电自准直仪的工程实现方法进行了研究,成功研制出一种新型二维光电自准直仪。本论文的主要研究内容有以下几个方面:1.本论文首次以CMOS图像传感器为研究对象,在对其工作原理及特性参数进行充分分析的基础上,详细论述了基于CMOS图像传感器的嵌入式二维光电自准直仪的总体设计方案。2.设计实现了以DSP和FPGA为核心的嵌入式系统硬件平台。系统采用并行流水线技术,使数据采集、图像预处理、目标捕获、像点精确定位等处理同时进行,无需使用帧缓存,系统工作速度为60帧/秒。3.嵌入式、高集成是本论文所设计的光电自准直仪的一大特色,本论文利用一片FPGA实现了整个硬件系统几乎所有的数字功能模块,其主要功能模块如下:√并行数字滤波及目标捕获模块。√FPGA与DSP共享数据存储区,并将其映射到DSP的数据空间。√字符、图像信号发生器及数字视频合成模块。√总线切换逻辑。4.本论文首次在光电自准直仪上设计实现了电子目镜,从而取代传统的光学目镜,该电子目镜同时还具有电子分划板功能。5.对传统的质心算法进行了改进,结合目标捕获单元,在DSP中实现了基于目标窗口且具有自适应阈值的质心算法。该算法具有数据运算量小,阈值随目标区背景自动变化的特点。6.设计并实现了一种基于高精度多齿分度转台的光电自准直仪的自标定方法,不仅简化了系统标定及维护,还解决了系统软件通用性的问题。7.在分析软件功能需求的基础上,编制了基于DSP的系统应用软件,通过软硬件相结合的信号处理技术,实现了测量数据的自动采集和处理。8.对新型光电自准直仪的测量精度进行了理论分析和试验验证。试验结果表明:所设计的光电自准直仪的各项技术指标符合设计要求。

【Abstract】 Based on CCD imager, the present batch products of two dimensional photoelectricautocollimator have some disadvantages such as complicated driving circuit, low data andframe rate, low integrity, sophisticated system structure and high power consumption etc.Therefore, it is of great necessity to research and develop an advanced autocollimator basedon new photoelectronic converter and embedded processor.In this thesis, the author focuses on the engineer implement method of embed twodimensional photoelectric autocollimator based on CMOS imager and a new type of twodimensinal photoelectric autocollimator has been developed successfully.The focuses of the thesis are as follows:1. With CMOS imager as research subject and bases on the thorough analysis of the workprinciple and characteristic parameters of it, the total design scheme of embed twodimensional photoelectric autocollimator on CMOS imager is elaborated.2. Focusing on DSP and FPGA, Embed system hardware frame is designed and realized.The designed system utilizes parallel pipeline technology, so that the data acquisition,image pre-processed, object capture and image located can be fulfilled simultaneously.No frame buffer memory is required. The system work rate is 60 frames per second.3. One of characteristic of the photoelectric autocollimator in this thesis is embed frame andhigh integration. All digital signal process modules are fulfilled with a piece of FPGA.The main functions of this module are as follows:√Digital filtering and target capture can be done within one frame time.√FPGA and DSP share the same data memory which is mapped in data space of DSR√Char, image signal generator and digital vide comp modules are designed.√Bus switching logic is designed.4. One of the design originality in this thesis is that electrical ocular substitutes opticalocular. In addition, the electrical ocular can be used as electrical reticules.5. Traditional centroid arithmetic is improved. With the help of target capture module, thenew arithmetic is realized in DSP, which has self-adapting threshold. The calculatedquantity is small. 6. Based on precise rotating platform, a demarcating method is designed, simplifying thedemarcation and maintenance of the system and offering a solution for the universality ofsystem software.7. Based on analysis on the software function requirements, applied system software of DSPis. programmed. Through the combination of software and hardware, data auto-collectingand auto-dispose is realized.8. The theoretical analysis and experimental test of the new-style photoelectricalautocollimator’s measuring precision are fulfilled, which proved that all technicalindicators of new autocollimator meet the design requirements.

【关键词】 自准直仪CMOS图像传感器FPGADSPVHDL亚像元
【Key words】 AutocollimatorCMOS imager sensorFPGADSPVHDLSub-pixel

