

Liang Qi-chao and Eastward Permeation of Western Learning in the Final Phase of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 郭刚

【导师】 徐水生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国哲学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 19世纪末至20世纪初,中国近代哲学思想产生了重要的变化和飞速的发展。这种变化与发展固然有着思想自身的逻辑依据和深刻复杂的社会原因,但是,也与此时传入的大量西学(西方思想文化)有着密不可分的关系。这些西学主要是通过何种渠道、由何人传入?又有哪些具体内容?它在中国近代哲学思想发展史上有何意义?本文试图以梁启超为中心,同时兼及清末其它赴日学人传播西学的工作,对这些问题进行认真的、实证性的研究。全文共分六章。第一章对梁启超传播西学的历史背景作了考察。本章从清末的西学与赴日热潮、明治日本的西学氛围和梁启超接受西学的渠道与传播西学的园地三个方面,对梁启超传播西学的时代条件进行了分析。第二章对梁启超所传播的从古希腊到近代西方哲学思想作了梳理。梁启超极为推崇被他称为世界两大文明之一的“泰西文明”,并追溯了它的源头——古希腊哲学,对其学术嬗变作了回顾。处于国家危亡之际,梁启超更为关注西方国家的近代文明。由于近代两大初祖培根和笛卡儿的“思想自由”具有划时代的意义,即有着实证精神和敢于怀疑的批判精神,有利于国民主体性的提升和国民性的改造,所以,梁启超译介了二人的“四假相说”、“新工具”的实验方法和“我思故我在”的思想。康德的批判精神,尤其他所倡扬的“良知之自由”,对于形成独立人格有所裨益,于是,康德的批判哲学被梁启超引进给了国人。针对边沁以“最大多数之最大幸福”为基础的功利主义观,梁启超对此进行了批判性的介绍。对于达尔文、颉德的进化思想,梁启超推崇倍加;他不仅将进化论广泛地传播开来,而且把进化论作为评判一切的思想武器。第三章论及了“梁启超介绍的西方政治思想”。面对中国封建社会的专制落后和西方发达国家的强权,梁启超依然主张在中国实行一系列的政体改革,建立一个强大的、有凝聚力的民族国家。于是,他介绍了亚里士多德、霍布斯、斯宾诺莎、卢梭、孟德斯鸠、伯伦知理等学说。梁启超介绍和比较了霍布斯、斯宾诺莎和卢梭的社会契约理论,并认为霍布斯和斯宾诺莎的理论有本质性的差异。在国家建设方面,梁启超介绍了与国民程度相适宜的不同类型的政体,其中对共和政体作了具体的探讨。孟德斯鸠的“三权分立”与卢梭的“民约论”对于国家的政体改革和人民生命财产的保护给梁启超以极大的启迪。在民族国家的建立上,梁启超曾赞赏伯伦知理的国家有机体说。这期间,梁启超还对马克思和社会主义学说作了大量的介绍。需要说明的是,近代早期古典自然法论者,无论是霍布斯、斯宾诺莎,还是卢梭,他们大都在批判中世纪的专制制度基础上作出了各自的政治理念,这种政治理念对梁启超注重人的自由和权利影响颇深。第四章论述了梁启超“新民说”中的西方近代精神和意识。作者认为,“新民说”的内容涉及到近代文明国家国民所具有的竞争、自由、平等、独立、公德、权利等精神和意识,旨在为思想启蒙和国民改造服务。“新民说”是梁启超对西学较为全面认识和分析后,并结合本国传统思想而形成的具有时代特征的精神产物,它在传播西学内容的深度上和对时代的影响上不亚于《清议报》和《新民丛报》上的“学案”和“学说”。第五章对与梁启超同期其它赴日学人传播西学工作进行了探讨。一方面展现了清末传播西学的概况,另一方面则凸显了梁启超的突出贡献。章太炎主要传播了古希腊哲学、德国哲学和近代其它国家哲学。马君武翻译了达尔文的“进化论”、卢梭的“民约论”、穆勒的自由主义和斯宾塞的女权学说等,他在国内最早系统介绍了法国百科全书派、黑格尔哲学、穆勒学说和空想社会主义。同盟会学人通过《民报》在传播西学上也做出了不小的贡献,其中朱执信第一个介绍马克思小传,宋教仁、廖仲恺介绍了社会主义学说。第六章对梁启超传播西学的特点、贡献和影响诸方面作了评价。本文认为,第一,梁启超在介绍日译西学时,既有接纳一切思想的包容性,又有为我诠释的灵活性。他虽然广泛地摄取了日译西学,但不是拾人牙慧的被动者。第二,梁启超开创了中国近代西学东渐史上的多项“第一”。例如,他最早系统地介绍了古希腊哲学、孟德斯鸠的《论法的精神》、卢梭的“民约论”以及霍布斯学说,他是康德哲学在中国最早的传播者,还是最早提及尼采的中国人。第三,作者还对梁启超和严复在传播西学上的贡献作了比较,认为居日期间的梁启超无论在介绍数量上、内容深度上,还是在社会影响上,都略胜于同时期的严复。第四,梁启超传播的西学对当时的中国思想界造成了巨大的影响,影响了同时代和以后几代致力于挽救国家危亡的青年,包括毛泽东、胡适、陈独秀、鲁迅、郭沫若等著名人物。梁启超与同期赴日学人传播的西学,在一定程度上促进了中国近代哲学的转型。总之,梁启超通过“将世界学说为无制限的尽量输入”,广泛地传播西学,宣传西方近代的自由、平等思想,反对“奴性”,提倡独立的人格和国格,从而启蒙和改造了国民,对当时的中国思想界产生了巨大的影响。所以说,他是一位中国近代史上重要的启蒙思想家。

【Abstract】 From the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century,Chinese modern philosophy thoughts had been occurred with the important change and rapid development.This kind of change and development surely had got the logic basis of thoughts themselves and the deeply complex social reasons,but it had close relation to a large number of western learning—the western thoughts and culture permeated at this time.By what way and whom was the western learning permeated? What concrete contents?What meaning did it have in the developing Chinese modern history of philosophy thoughts?This thesis tries to discuss carefully these problems and study them with reality and enough proof,according to the western learning spreaded by Liang Qi-chao and other scholars of leaving for Japan at the same time.The thesis includes six chapters.Chapter One investigated the history background that Liang Qi-chao introduced the western learning.This chapter has the wide review from three aspects:the western learning in the final phase of Qing Dynasty and eastward eagerly to Japan,the western learning circumstance in Ming Zhi of Japan,the way of accepting the western learning and propagation battlefield.Chapter Two focuses on the western philosophy thoughts from ancient Greece philosophy to the modern western philosophy that Liang Qi-chao spreaded.He worshiped extremely "taixi civilization" which was called of the one of two greatest civilizations by him,and he traced back to its origin and scholarship progression of ancient Greece philosophy .Because of the internal revolt and foreign invasions,Liang Qi-chao extremely concerned of the western civiliza- tion.As Bacon and Descartes brought about the two big western modern scholar- ships,and the spirits of "freedom of thoughts" about returning fantasy to the actual judgment thoughts and having the spirit of presuming doubts was the epoch-making meaning.It is beneficial to promoting the citizen’s self- respect and reforming citizen,So Liang Qi-chao spreaded their scholarship thought, which including "the four false appearance saying" and "the new tools" of Bacon’s pragramtism,"I think so I exist" of Descartes’s rationalism. Because Comte had the critical spirit and the spirits of "the freedom of the conscience",which were beneficial to promoting the citizen independent quality,so Comte’s critical philosophy was spreaded into China by Liang.Liang Qi-chao introduced critically Bentham’s utilitarianism which was based on the principle of "the greatest happiness of the greatest majority".Liang Qi-chao appreciated extremely Darwin’s and Kidd’s theories of evolution,and he spreaded them widely .He thought it of the thought weapon that could adjudicate everything.Chapter Three discusses the theories of the western political thoughts that Liang Qi-chao introduced.Compared the falling behind of Chinese feudalistic society with the prosperity and forces of western nation,Liang Qi-chao put for- ward a series of the reforming government system,claimed to establish a mighty and coagulating nation.Hence,he spreaded the thoughts of Aristotle,Hobbes, Spinoza,Rousseau, Montesquieu and Bluntchli.Liang Qi-chao understood to compare the social contract thearies of Hobbes,Spinoza and Rousseau.He thought there was an essential difference between Spinoza’s civil contract theory and that of Hobbes.In the form of government aspect,Liang Qi-chao introduced the different types of government forms according to citizen’s degree,and he studied validly the republican form of government.Montesquieu’s main political idea of "the separation of three powers" and Rousseau’s "people and social compact" were beneficial to the reforming government system and protecting the citizen’s life and property.Liang Qi-chao introduced and absorb Bluntchli’s state organic body theory,and he alse introduced Bomhak’s related state theories.Moreover,Liang Qi-chao disseminated the earlier classic nature law of modern period,wether is Hobbes, Spinoza or Rousseau,they criticized mostly the surviving feudal ideology of middle century to make political principle which influencing deeply Liang Qi-chao’s rights and freedom thoughts.Chapter Four focuses on the extensive introduction of the spirit and consciousness of the western thoughts in Liang Qi-chao’s "Theory of New People". The author considers that it included the spirit and consciousness of competition, freedom,equal,the independence,self-help,social ethics,rights etc,which were the citizen qualification articles that the people had in the modern civilized nation.Its aim was to enlighten and reform people/Theory of New People" is a spirit outcome combinating our country tradition thoughts and the western thoughts after Liang Qi-chao completely studied and analysed the western thoughts. it bears more influencing degree comparison with that of the western learning spreaded directly by "xizheng" and "xiyi".Chapter Five discusses the working that other scholars of their leaving for Japan disseminated the western learning into China in the different degree at Liang Qi-chao’s same times.On one hand it can reflect the proceeding circumstance of this period,on the other hand it can put great emphasis on Liang Qi-chao and highlight the position and valuation of Liang’s disseminating the western learning.Zhang Tai-yan primarily spreaded the western philosophy thoughts, including the ancient Greece philosophy,German philosophy and other national philosophy.Ma Jun-wu translated Darwinian "Theory of Evolution", Rousseau’s "people and social compact",Mill’s liberalism and Spencer’s rights of woman’s.This chapter chooses and discuss the France encyclopedia, Hegelian philosophy,theory of Mill’s and the fantasy socialism which were introduced earlily and systematically by Ma at home.At this period,the scholars of allies meeting disseminated the western thoughts on which they made a lot contribution passing through the magazine of "Min Bao".Zhu Zhi-xin was the first to introduce a short biography of Karl Marks. Song Jiao-ren and Liao Zhong-kai introduced socialism.Chapter Six focuses the evaluation on some aspects of characteristics,con-tribution and affection of Liang Qi-chao’s introduction of the western thoughts.This thesis puts forward some points:First,When Liang Qi-chao was spreading the western thoughts,he had the opening mood of accepting the whole thoughts in the world and the flexibility of explaining everything for me.So it can be concluded that he didn’t copy them entirely and passively,but he spreaded positively and actively. Secondly, Liang Qi-chao founded "the first" in many items in the modern history of eastward permeation of western learning.For example, he was the earliest scholar who systematically introduced the ancient greece philosophy,Montesquieu’s "Spirit of laws",Rousseau’s "people and social compact" and the theary of Hobbes.He was also the first to spread Kantism and mention Nietzsche at home.Thirdly,the author compares the contribution made by Liang Qi-chao on the spreaded western thoughts with that of Yan Fu.From this we can see that Liang Qi-chao was slightly higher than Yan Fu on the quantity and influence of the introduction of the western thoughts which was mainly done during his stay in Japan.Fourthly,Through Liang Qi-chao’s introduction of the western thoughts,he influenced the whole thought circles, particularly affected to save the youths of his and several generation hereafters,such as Mao Ze-dong,Hu Shi,Chen Du-xiu,Lu Xun and Guo Mo-ruo at that times.The western thoughts that the scholars of their leaving for Japan disseminated accelerated basically the change from classic philosophy to modern philosophy.In short,with the aim of disseminating the world theories as far as possible, Liang Qi-chao broadly spread the western learning,and he gave publicity to Chinese people about the freedom and equality of the western modern thoughts, which could be used to object to the "slavery" and to promote the personality of citizen quality and the independence of country quality.It resulted in enlightening and reforming citizen,and it influenced boundlessly the whole thought circles,therefore he is an important enlightenning thinker in Chinese modern history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期

