

Study of Evaluation System and Methods for Oilfield Development in High Watercut Stage

【作者】 孙伟

【导师】 陈月明;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 至2002年底,胜利油区已投入开发油田67个,平均综合含水89.9%,可采储量采出程度76.3%,其中胜坨、孤岛、孤东等19个油田综合含水大于90%,全油区常规水驱特高含水单元339个,动用地质储量15.2×10~8t,占油区动用储量的43.1%。特高含水期油田开采程度、开发状况、开发规律较前一阶段发生了变化,本文研究了常规水驱开发油藏特高含水期开发指标的变化规律,结果表明随着含水上升,液量下降,含水上升幅度减缓,产量、油井开井率及新井单井增加可采储量不断减小。本文收集整理了目前油田开发评价中常用的47个指标,在分析各指标开发意义的基础上对指标进行分类,分为开发技术指标、生产管理指标和经济效益指标等三类。其中开发技术指标又进一步分为井网完善程度评价指标、注水状况评价指标、开发状况评价指标等三小类;生产管理指标分为措施效果评价指标及管理状况评价指标两小类。通过对以上指标进行分析、归类,提出筛选原则;再利用逻辑分析法分析各个指标的逻辑关系,剔除因果关系指标、等价指标和过程指标;然后在矿场统计的基础上,利用灰色关联方法分析各指标对开发效果(采收率、采油速度)的影响程度,选择影响程度较大的指标,作为评价指标。在石油天然气行业标准的基础上,通过矿场统计、理论计算、界限评价等方法,同时考虑适用性和有效性来确定油田开发评价体系中各项指标好、中、差的评价标准。油田开发状况评价是一个庞大复杂的系统工程,对其状况和水平的描述需要采用多项指标进行衡量,并且每项指标又有重要程度和好坏程度上的差别。在确定权重系数的基础上,应用模糊综合评判方法,评价特高含水期油田开发效果。研制了特高含水期油田开发评价软件,利用该软件对水驱开发的特高含水开发单元进行开发效果评价,分析制约油田开发效果的主要因素,为下一步进行有针对性的开发调整提供依据。通过本课题的研究,建立了特高含水期油田开发评价体系,使油藏开发评价向方法科学化、程序规范化、指标定量化、计算软件化发展,正确评价油田的开发水平和开发效果,对提高胜利油区老油田,及中石化、全国特高含水油田开发水平,具有非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 By the end of 2002, the Shengli oildom has developed 67 oilfields with 89.9 percent watercut and 76.3 percent of recoverable reserve. Furthermore, watercut of 19 oilfields including Shengtuo, Gudao, and Gudong and so on has exceeded 90 percent. There are 339 reservoirs in especially high watercut stage with 1.52 billion tons of OOIP which accounts for 43.1 percent of the Shengli oildom. Development status and character of these oilfields has changed a lot. The paper has demonstrated the trend of development indexes.47 indexes, which are normally used in development effect evaluation, are classified into 3 catalogs, including technology index, production management index and economic index. Moreover, the technology index is divided into well pattern status index, injection status index and development status index. Furthermore, production management index is classified into stimulation measures representation index and management status index. Using logistic analysis method to analyze relations among these indexes and delete some casual and alternative indexes. Then using Gray Correlation Analysis Method to analyze effect on development status of such indexes, and determine the evaluation indexes on the basis of practical statistics.On the basis of oil and gas industry criterion, evaluation criterion of every index is determined by reservoir engineering calculation methods, such as practical statistics, theoretical calculation and limit forecast. Oilfield development effect evaluation is very complex, because there are more indexes and important degree of every index is different. By confirming Weighted Coefficient of all indexes, fuzzy comprehensive assessment method is used to evaluate reservoir development effect in especially high watercut stage.The evaluation software is made to execute the assignment. It is not only used to development effect evaluation, but also analyze the majority reasons which infect the result and point out proper adjustment measures.Through this project, the evaluation system is established. It can be used in objectively evaluating the development standard and effect of oilfields. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to apply the system to the other oilfields which are in especially high watercut stage.


