

The Evaluation and Development Stratey about the Competitive Ability of Vietnamese Junior Swimmer Age from 12 to 14

【作者】 阮德顺

【导师】 田麦久;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代体育科技的不断进步,国际游泳各项竞技比赛的争夺日益加剧,在游泳比赛中对运动员的体能、技能、心理、智能的要求也越来越高,为了能够更好的适应现代游泳比赛激烈竞争的要求,需不断强化游泳运动员的科学训练。越南游泳运动员在体能、技能等方面尚处在较低水平,如何提高运动员竞技能力水平、如何保障实现越南国家体委水下运动联合会提出的“在2010年赶超东南亚各国的竞技游泳水平”的奋斗目标,一直是越南游泳工作者非常关心的问题,同时,也要求每个越南游泳工作者要为此付出更大的努力。为了能更准确地探索越南儿童少年游泳运动员的竞技能力水平,同时从发展和提高越南游泳运动员竞技能力水平有关因素的现状、根据科学理论分析来提出发展策略。本研究以越南12~14岁少年游泳运动员为研究对象,采用多种研究方法探索越南12~14岁少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平。通过对93名12~14岁游泳运动员进行27项指标测试,并计算各项指标特征值的平均值。以此与东南亚和、中国同年龄组游泳运动员进行对比,找出越南游泳运动员发展水平较低的各项指标。测试和评价结果表明,越南12~14岁少年游泳运动员在形态、机能、身体素质及专项能力等方面与同年龄组的东南亚各国游泳运动员、中国游泳运动员都有一定的差距,需努力提高和改进。本研究对影响越南游泳运动员竞技能力水平的各种因素进行了考查,如游泳训练的物质基础、科学选材工作、训练大纲、教练员素质水平、训练管理工作、运动员出生地点等方面,并结合基本理论进行科学分析,提出了10项发展策略,经58名越南体育学者、管理干部、游泳教练员、游泳教师评价,90%的专家认为这些策略非常重要。总之,本研究在采用多种方法来评价越南少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平及考查、探索影响越南少年运动员竞技能力水平提高的各种因素的基础上,依据运动训练学基本理论及各有关学科的科学理论进行科学分析论述,设立了相应的发展策略,为越南游泳管理干部、游泳教练员、游泳教师和运动员更好地提高游泳运动员竞技能力水平提供了有益的理论参考。本文的研究结论:1.越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平不高是影响越南游泳运动水平快速提高的重要原因之一。2.准确评价运动员的竞技能力水平是科学地制定训练计划的重要前提。本文建立的越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平的评价体系及评价标准,可望有力地推动越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平的提高。3.与中国同龄游泳运动员相比,越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员技术训练及身体竞技能力水平均有较大差距,身高指标总体明显偏低。同样地也明显低于东南亚同年龄、性别的运动员,男女12~14岁运动员四种姿势50米成绩和东南亚运动员相差不太明显,而800米和1500米自由泳成绩有明显差距,表明其有氧耐力水平急待提高。4.导致越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员竞技能力水平低下的主要原因是选材面比较狭窄,选材标准制定不够科学和准确,训练的科学化程度低等。5.为迅速提高越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员的竞技能力水平,应根据培养国际水平游泳选手的以及越南游泳运动发展的实际状况,分别确立远期和近期发展目标,进而制定相应的发展策略。6.越南12-14岁少年游泳运动员的近期发展目标为:“在全国各个游泳中心改善物质条件,推进科学训练,改进运动员的体能水平和技术水平,在东南亚各年龄组游泳比赛中,逐步争取比较多的奖牌数量或高的名次,2010年总数列第二或第三名”。相应的发展策略为:1)从选材角度分析,笔者对越南科学选材工作提出发展策略:要进一步地研制科学选材标准,提高12~14岁年龄选材效益与成材率。2)应加强和尽快对教练员的培训,在最短的时间用各种方式和方法(提高教练员素质的途径可以通过国内组织集训班或派到国外去学习培养等方式)提高教练员的素质,特别是完善和合理化教练员的知识结构、提高训练操作能力。3)在缺少高“师德”水平教练员的情况下,可以采用聘请外国专家的办法来补缺,但是要请比较高水平的专家,同时要注意提高使用专家效益,在还有足够条件的地方也可以组织好选材工作,然后派一些有大潜能的运动员到国外训练。4)水下运动协会及各地体委以最大努力结合各游泳中心创造良好的物质条件。特别是在北方的各重点游泳中心应设有25米长的室内游泳馆及其必须的辅助器材、技术教学的直观器材、保健与恢复的主要器材。7.越南游泳运动的远期发展目标为:“到2020年建立一个比较科学、现代的运动员训练系统。在南亚各年龄组游泳比赛中获总分第一或第二名,在亚洲和世界比赛中越南游泳队有比较多的运动员进入决赛”。相应的发展策略为:1)努力发展群众性游泳运动,尤其是在儿童少年的各中小学学校的游泳运动,为科学选材提供更广泛的选材基础。2)根据越南的地理环境和各地游泳转统在竞技游泳的重点发展地区的布局应该是在越南北部各省市:河内、海防、广宁、太平、南定,越南中部各省市:清华、广平、蚬港、评定,越南南部各省市:胡志明、龙安、永龙、槟蜘上面的各省市设为全国的重点游泳中心3)越南游泳各层组织要重视和有计划地结合全国游泳学者、各项体育学者、有经验教练员开展应用科学研究,使得在选材工作和科学训练工作等获得更高的成效。4)越南应集中全国的游泳专家、科学家成立国家训练委员会,负责研究和制定出各年龄组的科学训练大纲,同时指导全国各游泳中心统一使用。5)为了能促进教练员更快的提高本身素质,国家体委和水平运动协会尽快制定“教练员等级”制度。6)增强、提高运动员队的管理工作质量、目前要立即制定统一的科学管里目标和对教练员明确管理任务既提高教练员的管理能力。

【Abstract】 With the development and advancement of modern sports science, the competition in international swimming events is harder than ever before. As a result, swimmer need higher physical fitness, skills, mental and psychological ability. It is necessary for swimmers to make swimming training more scientific for the demanding competition.Currently, the fitness ability and skills ability of Vietnamese swimmer are still at every low level. Therefore, it is the main concern of Vietnam swimming area that how to improve the competitive ability of Vietnamese swimmer to ensure the realization of the goa‘lsurpass the competition swimming level of southeast Asia in 2010.’,which needs the hard working of Vietnam swimming area. In order to explore the competition ability of Vietnamese junior swimmer more accurately and to propose the development strategy through the analysis of factors that may improve the competition ability of Vietnamese swimmer, this research regards the Vietnamese junior swimmer aging from 12 to 14 as research object, adopting several researching methods to explore the competitive ability level of Vietnamese junior swimmer aging from 12 to 14.Having measured 27 index of 93 junior swimmer aging from 12-14 and calculated the mean of those index, we compared those index with the corresponding index of junior swimmer in southeast Asia and china, as a result, we have found the index of Vietnam junior swimmer which are lower than those of southeast Asia and china. The results show that there are still a great difference in physical index between Vietnamese swimmer and their counterparts in china and other southeast country, so there is still a long way to go.In this research, we explored several factors that may influence the competition ability of Vietnamese swimmer, including the material base of swimming training, the scientific talent selection, the establishment of training program, the quality of coach, the training management, the birth place of swimmer etc, and present 10 development strategy, which were considered to be very important by 90% of 58 Vietnamese coach, management cadre, scholar and teacher.In general, we adopted several methods to evaluate the competitive ability level of Vietnamese junior swimmers and explored the factors influencing their competition ability. According to the fundamental theory of sports training, we established the corresponding development strategy, which would be a constructive reference to Vietnamese administration staff, swimming coaches, teachesr and swimmers.Conclusions:1. The low level of fundamental competition ability is the main factor that hinders the advancement of Vietnam swimming level.2. Accurate evaluation of competition ability level is the precondition of scientific training program. This paper established an index system and criterion for the Vietnamese junior swimmer aging from 12 to 14. This system expects to promote the Vietnam swimming level.4. Compared with the Chinese and Southeast Asian Swimmers of same age and gender, Vietnamese junior swimmers’technique and physical fitness levels are poor in many aspects, especially in height.There are not difference in the 50-meter time of four swimming and lies large difference in the time of 800-meter and 1500-meter free-styles between Southeast Asian Swimmers and Vietnamese.These show the aerobic endurance ability of Vietnamese swimmers should be increased urgenly.4. The principal reasons for the low level of competitive ability of Vietnam swimmer aging from 12-14 are the narrow talent selection scope, the inaccurate and unscientific selection criterion and low level of scientific training.5. In order to improve the competitive ability of Vietnamese junior swimmer aging from 12 to 14, it is necessary to establish short-term and long-term development goal and development strategy based on the current conditions of Vietnamese swimming.6. The short-term development goal of Vietnamese swimmer aging from 12 to 14 is‘ameliorate the material conditions of swimming centers, promote scientific training, improve physical fitness and technique, obtain excellent achievement at every age stage swimming events in southeast Asia, rank 2nd or 3rd in 2010’. The details are following:1) From the view of talents selection, the author proposes to research the criterion further, thus raise the benefit and ratio of talents selection.2) It is necessary to enforce coach training, , adopt several methods in short term to improve the quality of coach, especially to perfect and rationalize the knowledge structure and training operation ability (To improve the quality of coach, we can organize intensive course or go abroad for studying).3) In lack of‘high level’coach, it is suggested to employ high level foreign specialist, meanwhile, to make more benefit of specialist. If permitted, it is advised to select talent swimmer and send them to foreign country for training.4) Under-water sports association and sports bureau should try to create excellent material conditions. Especially in northern swimming center, it should be equipped with 25meters indoor swimming pool and other necessary equipment.7. The long-term development goal of Vietnamese swimming is‘in 2020, establish a scientific, modern swimmer training system. Rank 1st or 2nd in every age stage swimming events in southeast Asia, more Vietnamese swimmer qualify to the finals of Asia and international swimming events. The details d are following:1) Try to development social swimming sport, especially primary school and middle school swimming sport, so as to present wide base for talent selection.2) According to the geographical environments and swimming traditional of Vietnam, the key development area of competitive swimming is the following city , northern part of Vietnam:Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh; mid-part of Vietnam:Thanh Hoa, Quang Binh, Da Nang, Binh Dinh; southern part of Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh, Long An, Vinh Long, Ben Tre. So it should establish national key swimming center in the above-mentioned city.3) Vietnamese organization concerning swimming sports should attach more attention to and organize specialist, experience coach to develop applied science research, so as to obtain more greater achievement in talent selection and scientific training.4) It is important for Vietnam to concentrate all of swimming specialist to organize national training committee, which is in charge of researching and establishing training program for every age stage, meanwhile it should direct swimming centers to implement this program.5) In order to promote the quality of swimming coach, national sports bureau and under-water sports association must establish‘coach hierarchy system’.6) It is essential to improve the quality of sport team management. Currently, we must set up uniform scientific management goal and task, i.e. to improve the management ability of swimming coach.

  • 【分类号】G861.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】675

