

The Research on the Consumption Demand of the Competition Market of Chinese Occupational Basketball

【作者】 何斌

【导师】 刘玉林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 满足观众和商务消费者的需求,既是中国职业篮球发展的目标,也是中国职业篮球发展的动力所在。本研究对中国职业篮球竞赛市场消费需求现状、特征、发展趋势进行了探讨,系统而深入地分析了中国职业篮球竞赛市场消费需求的影响因素,在此基础上,提出了扩大和引导中国职业篮球竞赛市场消费需求的对策和措施。以期从需求的视角为中国职业篮球竞赛市场的开发提供理论基础和现实依据。本研究的主要结论如下:1中国职业篮球的商务消费需求具有不断增长的趋势,商务赞助存在明显的短期行为,电视转播费的开发还难以全面启动,国内外体育赛事正和中国职业篮球争夺有限的赞助资源。观众欣赏性需求不太强烈,需求总量较小,局部市场的需求量差异明显、波动较大。2行业间的竞争压力是赞助商实施赞助的外在推力;雄厚的经济实力是赞助商必备自身条件;中国职业篮球联赛品牌的国际知名度不高、商务开发模式还有待完善,这些是制约商务消费需求增长的主要因素;传媒发育的逐步成熟、赛程较长、篮球人口众多是扩大商务消费需求的有利因素。3比赛质量是影响观众欣赏性消费需求最为重要的因素。比赛质量的三个主要构成要素是运动员的竞技水平、运动员的精神状态和教练员的执教水平。比赛结果的悬念性对比赛质量也有一定程度的影响,比赛结果的悬念性是由联赛的供给模式所决定的。4观众对篮球运动的偏好、对球队和球员的忠诚可有效抵制其它体育竞赛产品的替代性;篮球运动的观赏价值源于篮球竞赛给观众带来的美妙体验。对篮球运动的偏好是影响个体消费需求的深层次激励因素。对球员和球队的忠诚、篮球的观赏价值和赛场环境是激发个体消费需求的重要因素。5观众通过对与比赛相关信息的获取,可进一步加深对赛事和竞赛产品的认识,强化观众欣赏性需求;观众在关注消费的效用和质量的同时,更关注消费的便捷性和快速性,由于时间成本的加入,使得价格因素的重要程度降低。与比赛相关的信息、门票价格、闲暇时间是影响个体消费需求的比较重要因素。6建设具有中国特色的篮球文化和实施体验营销是实现中国职业篮球差异化战略的两条有效途径,二者均能提升观众的顾客价值和满意度。中国特色的篮球文化应从中国的传统文化中加以发掘。加强职业篮球产品的生产者与消费者间的信息沟通和互动是体验营销的两个具体措施。

【Abstract】 Meeting the needs of consumers of Chinese Occupational basketball is the Chinese occupational basketball development goals, as well as the Chinese occupational basketball development momentum. The dissertation explores status, characteristics, trends of the consumer demand of the competition market of Chinese occupational basketball, analyzes the factors of consumer demand, and puts forward approaches for enlarging consumer demand. The author expects that it could provide the important theories and practical basis for development of Chinese occupational basketball competitions market from the demand perspective. The main conclusions are as following.1.The business consumer demand for Chinese occupational basketball is growing trend. Business sponsorship is obvious short-term behavior. Development of television relay costs would be difficult to start. Domestic and international sports events and Chinese occupational basketball are competing for limited sponsorship resources. The audience consumer demand is not strong. The Quantity of audience consumer demand is smaller. It has marked regional differences.2. Industry-sponsored external competitive pressure is thrust. Tremendous economic strength is one of the sponsor prerequisite. Constraints of the business consumer demand for Chinese occupational basketball are premature of TV media development, lower of Brand recognition and imperfect of business development model. The favorable factors for enlarging the business consumer demand are longer of schedule and a lots of basketball population.3. The most important factors in affecting the audience consumer demand is competition quality. The three major elements of competition quality are the athletic level of athletes, the mental state of athletes and the teaching standards of coaches. The suspense of competition results affects on some extent quality of competition. Supplying model of basketball league decides the suspense of competition results.4. The basketball preferences of the audience and loyalty to players and teams effectively resist other sports competitions products. The values for basketball originated from basketball competition charm. The basketball preference is deep-seated incentive that affects the audience consumer demand. There are important factors to stimulating the audience consumer demand for loyalty to players and teams, the values for basketball and competition environment.5. Audiences could further deepen the understanding of race and race products with the acquisition of information related competitions. Audience consumers not only pay attention to the effectiveness and the quality, but also the convenient. Due to the time cost to join, the degree of importance of the price factor is reducing. There are less important factors affecting the audience consumer demand for information related competitions, ticket prices and leisure time.6. Achieving Chinese occupational basketball differences, there are two effective ways, one is building basketball culture with Chinese characteristics, anther is the implementation of marketing experience, both way could improve customer value and satisfaction. The basketball culture with Chinese characteristics should tap from China’s traditional culture. Enhancing Information communication and interaction between providers and consumers are two specific measures of marketing experience.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】817

